For those who don't know: before the Monsoon fight, when he talks to you and you are able to pan the camera - look to the soldier on your right![]()
I cant get past this damn boss!!
died so many times.. driving me crazy!!
For those who don't know: before the Monsoon fight, when he talks to you and you are able to pan the camera - look to the soldier on your right![]()
Yeah, this surprised me, ha! Really cute Easter egg... You have to watch the soldier at length.For those who don't know: before the Monsoon fight, when he talks to you and you are able to pan the camera - look to the soldier on your right![]()
Ninja running through the whole thing usually just gets me killed (I've never once cut through the barricade, either, and don't bother cutting cars). The only way I usually manage this is to start jumping forward after passing cars, and even then I don't have it down perfectly.I can imagine why some people are baffled with it, with the possible glitch and all, but what worked for me is just don't try to cut or jump anything and just ninja run the whole time. Thats it.
Ninja running through the whole thing usually just gets me killed (I've never once cut through the barricade, either, and don't bother cutting cars). The only way I usually manage this is to start jumping forward after passing cars, and even then I don't have it down perfectly.
Who was it that said the pincer blade works on the heavies in VR 18? I'm never taking advice from you again.
Pincer blades work on pretty much everything. You know the part before you fight Sundowner, where you fightWho was it that said the pincer blade works on the heavies in VR 18? I'm never taking advice from you again.
PS3 as well in my case. The only thing I can do at this point is to experiment more with paths taken to reach the end, it seems (sticking to the left didn't seem to work, and going down the middle is bound to lead to a car to hop, so I could try going right next time).ninja running always worked for me from start to finish. i don't have to do anything else. maybe it's a platform issue? i'm on ps3.
Who was it that said the pincer blade works on the heavies in VR 18? I'm never taking advice from you again.
"I'm so worried Raiden"
Blade Wolf is, quite possibly, my favorite new gaming character of this generation.
When Blade Wolf gives Raidenand the ending section of "I'm My Own Master Now" kicks in...I get chills. Every. Single. Time.Sam's Sword/Murasama
She sucks. Deal with it, Seks.
I don't need SUPER DERP GENIUS LOLI in my vidya games. Got enough of that shit in my anime and manga.
Pincer blades work on pretty much everything. You know the part before you fight Sundowner, where you fight? Piece of cake with the pincer blades.the Mistral AI and Monsoon AI
Don't like the VR missions in this game
like at all
not even a frustration thing. I loved the VR missions in 2
I just don't think the majority of them are fun ways to play the game
Glad the DLC is free initially because I sure as hell wouldn't pay money for more of these
Don't like the VR missions in this game
like at all
not even a frustration thing. I loved the VR missions in 2
I just don't think the majority of them are fun ways to play the game
Glad the DLC is free initially because I sure as hell wouldn't pay money for more of these
I'm not a fan of the earlier ones that are more about completing the levels with near perfect timing, but I started having plenty of fun with the later ones. Namely 18 and 19.I
Don't like the VR missions in this game
like at all
not even a frustration thing. I loved the VR missions in 2
I just don't think the majority of them are fun ways to play the game
Glad the DLC is free initially because I sure as hell wouldn't pay money for more of these
I think most of them are pretty fun. I even like 18. But I do think the subweapon ones suck (especially the last one).
I kinda agree. I don't hate them, but I don't like how plain they are. I liked how quirky the VR missions in the past games were. I'm glad they're bringing that back in the DLC.
So, guys, I've got some good news and some bad news (for me at least). First, the good news. I finished the VR trophies and only have one trophy left to attain!
Now the bad news. In my elation of getting the VR trophies, I accidentally started a new game and wiped out all my scores and customizations. Also, the last trophy I need is the customization one. So now I need to beat the game for the 6th time, and on Very Hard, to unlock all the wigs and the suit. The record of my Revengeance S rank run is gone too. All I have is the trophy to prove it (put that on a t-shirt).
Vanquish's tactical challenges were awesome. Tactical Challenge 6 is the highlight of the game probably.
You can get the Naked and Unloved title now!
What a shame
Her development feels......artificial?
I can definitely understand where people are coming from, with her going from an introvert with low self esteem in MGS4 to.....a Paz level anime cliche between games.
but I don't really mind it myself.
four years is a lot of time and if you do something that you like and at the same time you're good at, your self esteem will grow a lot.
but I understand the hate, too much animu bullshit in that soolis base.
So, guys, I've got some good news and some bad news (for me at least). First, the good news. I finished the VR trophies and only have one trophy left to attain!
Now the bad news. In my elation of getting the VR trophies, I accidentally started a new game and wiped out all my scores and customizations. Also, the last trophy I need is the customization one. So now I need to beat the game for the 6th time, and on Very Hard, to unlock all the wigs and the suit. The record of my Revengeance S rank run is gone too. All I have is the trophy to prove it (put that on a t-shirt).
four years is a lot of time and if you do something that you like and at the same time you're good at, your self esteem will grow a lot.
but I understand the hate, too much animu bullshit in that soolis base.
Yeah, and not to mention that kids change... like, a lot in a few years time.
Not like that.
I mean I know she's supposed to be a child prodigy and even more than that it's a video game and even more than that it's fucking metal gear
but even when considering all those things it doesn't feel like a natural development for the character from MGS4, so much as a forced cameo appearance because people love that shit in these games.
I don't know about that. They definitely tried to give her character a huge departure because she was terrible in MGS4 and it wouldn't fit the tone of this game, but I don't see how it's that unrealistic.
Sunny went from age 6 to 10. That's a huge jump. Even adults change a lot in four years. A kid is hardly even the same person in the span of that time. Not to mention, wasn't she pretty recently rescued in MGS4? It would make a lot of sense for her to be reclusive and without friends.
There's a difference between developing self esteem and becoming a charismatic and effective project leader for NASA
She was rescued 3 years prior to the start of MGS4 I believe
and whatever I don't want to talk about it further. Don't even want to look at the game right now with this last subweapon mission lol
nanomachines, son. Ask the patriots for info
It's metal geat nonsense, like in 4, when she wrote that program that destroyed the patriots AI. That was totally insanely bullshit, she was 7 in 4.
Worst one was the grenade VR mission. The other, with the Raptors, was frustrating but didn't take me as many tries.
How long of a combo do you need in order to S rank Sam?
At least we agree on that
Nah. that one was fine
this one has rocket launcher dudes
and I'm pretty sure at this point I'm passionately racist towards rocket launcher dudes
I jump up to take them off the high ground, but when I do a quickthrow grenade it like, auto locks on another enemy and throws it in a completely different direction. Allowing rocket launcher dude to blast me off the platform
Just not in the mood. I'll get the trophy in the morning
I am pro-Sunny. Fight me.
I found it effective to use the quick Homing Missiles, just as I land on their perch. Usually throws them down, then I get them again when I drop down.
That's kind of the point, though. In Rising, they allude to the fact the Patriots' work on Sunny made her a genius at a young age. Hence she could write things such as the Patriot-destroying code -- an irony Raiden notes in one of the codec calls, actually.It's metal geat nonsense, like in 4, when she wrote that program that destroyed the patriots AI. That was totally insanely bullshit, she was 7 in 4.
You know what
Fuck this war
I just want you dead
Yeah I just wanted to lob them out since I had them equipped
Gonna try that method and just save the nades for the gekko initially
That's kind of the point, though. In Rising, they allude to the fact the Patriots' work on Sunny made her a genius at a young age. Hence she could write things such as the Patriot-destroying code -- an irony Raiden notes in one of the codec calls, actually.
Also, seeing the guy who lost progress by accidentally selecting New Game -- we should all make backup copies of our files to the second save slot.
Probably a good habit, given how easy they made it to accidentally erase your progress. :-\
Sunny sucks.
That's just like... your (wrong) opinion, man.
Get ready to brawl. George and Sunny should hook upI am pro-Sunny. Fight me.