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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]


Membero Americo
How long do I need to last during the
fist fight
for the QTE to trigger by itself?

After a while,
charges at me pretty freaking fast and does a kick that triggers the QTE, but if it hits, it does damage.
I really thing the grading system in this game must be broken somehow.

I S-ranked a fight, realized I didn't get the left arm from it I needed to, so I hit restart. No matter how many times I beat it and take no damage (I even stopped using zandatsus so I can be sure my health isn't going down), No Damage will never pop up again.


I really thing the grading system in this game must be broken somehow.

I S-ranked a fight, realized I didn't get the left arm from it I needed to, so I hit restart. No matter how many times I beat it and take no damage (I even stopped using zandatsus so I can be sure my health isn't going down), No Damage will never pop up again.
Did you take damage on the run that you got the left arm?


I really thing the grading system in this game must be broken somehow.

I S-ranked a fight, realized I didn't get the left arm from it I needed to, so I hit restart. No matter how many times I beat it and take no damage (I even stopped using zandatsus so I can be sure my health isn't going down), No Damage will never pop up again.

The game probably saved during one of your attempts of that section. Either by going to the customization menu, by you dying or by talking to Courtney. If you save during an encounter after you've taken damage you can't get the no damage bonus anymore.


Just finished the fight with
- - - Samuel - - -
. My favorite boss fight up until now. No bullshit, adds, reinforcements etc, just two same-sized fighters duking it out.
- - - Sundowner - - -
was also very fun, once I realized that
you can cut the shield...

My only complaint at this point is that occasionally I am fighting the camera more than the enemies...

Some questions:
1. Any tips for fighting the "gorilla" type enemy that tries to grab Raiden?
2. Any advice regarding the timing for perfect parries?
3. Are any of the secondary weapons recommended?


Some questions:
1. Any tips for fighting the "gorilla" type enemy that tries to grab Raiden?
2. Any advice regarding the timing for perfect parries?
3. Are any of the secondary weapons recommended?

1. Best way to deal with them in my opinion is Ripper mode. Pincer Blade can also help.
2. Nothing other than practicing your timing. Try to find the last possible moment to parry.
3. Pincer blade is one of the most op weapons in the game, especially when combined with blade mode cancel. Sais are also good for combos and stunning. Staff is useful for crowd control.


I was having a blast until this bridge/chase/helicopter/QTE.

Just wat. This is the worst thing that's ever been put into a videogame.

Try not falling behind a bit, that might work.

So I'm trying to S-rank the last boss but I'm at the armed part where you do shit all damage. Do I have to pass it without getting hurt and at what % do I "escape"?


Try not falling behind a bit, that might work.

So I'm trying to S-rank the last boss but I'm at the armed part where you do shit all damage. Do I have to pass it without getting hurt and at what % do I "escape"?

The melee part?

I've read that you can simply run/avoid his attacks and eventually he'll automatically "initiate" the next phase.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

Monsoon No-damage on Very Hard, complete.

I did have to go back and upgrade the Sai, P. Blades, and Murasama to level 5 in damage. Which made the fight SIGNIFICANTLY easier than it was at level 3. Like within 10 attempts I nailed it after 1,000+ at Level 3. So if anyone is having issues with that fight and doesn't mind BP grinding to no-damage it (and has completed the game, obviously) go that route.
Well I'm kinda upset that I haven't received my trophy on S Ranking Monsoon! (no damage and on Revengance!) Am I doing something wrong here? Is this a glitch perhaps?



Just ninja run forward for a minute and be done with it.

Sometimes, for whatever reason, it varies in being able to complete it. It's not a very well designed section of the level at all. There's no foresight or indication for when you should jump. The explosion on the last half of it comes almost immediately, long before the camera pans out enough for the player to be aware to *jump* and also be close enough to the edge to make the jump.

I have failed that part 50+ times total across my multiple playthroughs just because the camera doesn't zoom out enough and/or some other indicator I need to jump.

Raiden also can seemingly lose some speed if you jump on the cars, putting you further behind from the edge of the bridge at the end and leading to certain death. It's a very weirdly designed segment and I'm surprised it wasn't caught during QA that there needs to be a better way to convey to the player that they need to jump at THIS moment, rather than just the moment appearing out of nowhere for them. (And no I'm not asking for it to be a QTE all on its own or anything).

It's also especially weird because the first half of the bridge the game takes control away from the player to make Raiden jump across the bridge into the Ninja Wall run QTE; setting the precedent to the player that "oh, I guess I won't need to worry about jumping across the bridge on my own". Until you die and have to try again, anyway.

I've read tons of other people have failed that part a lot as well either their first playthrough or on subsequent playthroughs. It's not abnormal; the section is really awkwardly designed. It's probably the only part of a level's design that I absolutely loathe and wish they had axed it.
Regarding dealing with the hammer guys, I actually use the pole-arm just to wipe out whatever Dwarf Gekko's are left so they don't annoy me. Then I switch to the Pincers for the hammer guys and utilize dodge offset when they get too close, whilst constantly wailing on them with the Pincers. I wouldn't use the Sai's for them.
done! gold rank! Good advice glad that's over with
Sometimes, for whatever reason, it varies in being able to complete it. It's not a very well designed section of the level at all. There's no foresight or indication for when you should jump. The explosion on the last half of it comes almost immediately, long before the camera pans out enough for the player to be aware to *jump* and also be close enough to the edge to make the jump.

I have failed that part 50+ times total across my multiple playthroughs just because the camera doesn't zoom out enough and/or some other indicator I need to jump.

Raiden also can seemingly lose some speed if you jump on the cars, putting you further behind from the edge of the bridge at the end and leading to certain death. It's a very weirdly designed segment and I'm surprised it wasn't caught during QA that there needs to be a better way to convey to the player that they need to jump at THIS moment, rather than just the moment appearing out of nowhere for them. (And no I'm not asking for it to be a QTE all on its own or anything).

It's also especially weird because the first half of the bridge the game takes control away from the player to make Raiden jump across the bridge into the Ninja Wall run QTE; setting the precedent to the player that "oh, I guess I won't need to worry about jumping across the bridge on my own". Until you die and have to try again, anyway.

I've read tons of other people have failed that part a lot as well either their first playthrough or on subsequent playthroughs. It's not abnormal; the section is really awkwardly designed. It's probably the only part of a level's design that I absolutely loathe and wish they had axed it.
I died the first time when I tried jumping as well. But then I realized you don't have to jump at all. You can either run out of the way of the cars or Raiden will free-run over them.


It's actually just some odd glitch. If you destroy the barbwire barricade at the beginning of the bridge, then you'll die when you get to the end. Jump over it and you'll live. I tested it out a little while ago by randomly alternating between destroying the barricade and jumping over it.


It's actually just some odd glitch. If you destroy the barbwire barricade at the beginning of the bridge, then you'll die when you get to the end. Jump over it and you'll live. I tested it out a little while ago by randomly alternating between destroying the barricade and jumping over it.

Wait, what?... That can't be true.
The credits are rolling in as I'm writing this.


After 10-15 deaths, I said to myself - "Oh fuck, I may have hit a wall here. No way I'm going to kill this mofo"

But then, I told myself:

"Would Jack the Ripper be such a pussy? AW HELL NAW"


For people.

For peace.


11/11 - would revegeance again

so you're saying it's a good game? :)

i love posts like this lol, gets me hyped to play the game tomorrow finally.


so you're saying it's a good game? :)

i love posts like this lol, gets me hyped to play the game tomorrow finally.

This game has such an amazing gameplay, that I'm afraid to start playing Tomb Raider, as I may go to sleep because of all that handholding.

It's fucking fantastic.


It's actually just some odd glitch. If you destroy the barbwire barricade at the beginning of the bridge, then you'll die when you get to the end. Jump over it and you'll live. I tested it out a little while ago by randomly alternating between destroying the barricade and jumping over it.

So that's why I kept dying on that thing sometimes. Good to know, thanks.

Platinum, fix this shit.


Damn codec achievement.
I made a run on easy especially for it (and humanoid gekkos) and still it didnt unlock.
I literally spammed the codec (new enemies, after checkpoints, after entering a different area, scenes, bosses)... Nothing :/ I think im gonna skip this one.

Anyways, 4rt run done... and straitght to my 5th one. This game...

Btw. is someone else disappointed, that the p* intro wasn't the same as in the other games? I like the intro a lot, so smooth and colorful.

Yep, it was strange they used a simpler one.


Damn codec achievement.
I made a run on easy especially for it (and humanoid gekkos) and still it didnt unlock.
I literally spammed the codec (new enemies, after checkpoints, after entering a different area, scenes, bosses)... Nothing :/ I think im gonna skip this one.
I agree.

While I did manage to obtain it [on the Second Phase of the Final Boss, so it was extremely close] the game expects way too much for it to unlock [despite only 400/550 conversations being needed, some of them are way too obscure].

It wouldn't be so bad if the game alerted you to new conversations [either through the HUD or the Codec menu]. Maybe have a symbol ["!", for instance] next to the name if there's a new conversation? Otherwise you repeatedly spam them all which results in numerous duplicate conversations.

You get a conversation when you see a civilian, when you save them, and when you fail to save them. Also, apparently slicing their clothes off results in even more. Similiarly, if you choose to save with Courtney and then choose not to, that counts as two conversations.

There's just a lot of little things like that which most people will [likely] miss.


if you choose to save with Courtney and then choose not to, that counts as two conversations.


This is the only thing (and the naked civilians, didnt know you could do that lol) that I think I missed.

I think I did everything else right. Hell, I spammed codecs every 2 footsteps to see if there were something new, and always spammed each of the guys till it started to repeat themselves.



This is the only thing (and the naked civilians, didnt know you could do that lol) that I think I missed.

I think I did everything else right. Hell, I spammed codecs every 2 footsteps to see if there were something new, and always spammed each of the guys till it started to repeat themselves.
Yeah, you wouldn't think it would matter [if you chose "Yes" or "No" in regards to saving], but considering it's a different reply each way, I guess that's enough for the game to credit it.

Also, you did listen to the Codec conversations during each "phase" of the boss fights, right? Those tend to offer you new conversations too.

Also, from what I've read, if you slash the clothes off of one of the many "pin-up" Idol posters/stands scattered throughout the game and then open up you Codec menu, they will even comment on that. I've yet to try that for myself, but will definitely attempt it in my next play-though.
It's actually just some odd glitch. If you destroy the barbwire barricade at the beginning of the bridge, then you'll die when you get to the end. Jump over it and you'll live. I tested it out a little while ago by randomly alternating between destroying the barricade and jumping over it.

Really? I ended up passing it with a random jump. Not sure if I cut the barricade that time, but I was doing that a lot. I did think it was really weird that the first half of the bridge allowed you to take your time and enjoy the explosions, while the part after the QTE was practically impossible.

Otherwise, this is an amazing game.


Just beat it.

Damn that final fight.

I wanted to give up after failling around 10 times, and watch the end on youtube, but I simply could not bring myself to do it.

Luckily everything went very well in the next try and I won...

Amazing game. I might actually replay (parts of) it, which is the highest praise I can give a game as I usually do not replay games at all.


Also, you did listen to the Codec conversations during each "phase" of the boss fights, right? Those tend to offer you new conversations too.

Also, from what I've read, if you slash the clothes off of one of the many "pin-up" Idol posters/stands scattered throughout the game and then open up you Codec menu, they will even comment on that. I've yet to try that for myself, but will definitely attempt it in my next play-though.

yep, i did it for the bosses.

Also, I think I did the idol poster thing in my first playthough but I dont remember a new codec.

I guess I have to bother Courtney some more... Thanks for the tip.


Membero Americo
All no-damage trophies GET!

3 things left to do.

1. All Codecs + missing collectibles run.
2. VR Missions.
3. Revengeance S run.


I can imagine why some people are baffled with it, with the possible glitch and all, but what worked for me is just don't try to cut or jump anything and just ninja run the whole time. Thats it.

That's what you're supposed to do, but because of the glitch it can end on a constant stream of deaths.
I think you should stay on the right side of the camera, that'll work. You run straight, you die randomly. You run to the left, you die randomly. You right over or through a car, you...might die? Who knows!

Dumb scene is dumb
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