Finally done
My only regret is not looking up the titles sooner and doing Naked and unloved before I started S ranking. I'll continue playing on a 76/77 save file because I like seeing my ranks and there's no way i'm ever playing the terrible lobby fight in R-05 again.
Finally done
My only regret is not looking up the titles sooner and doing Naked and unloved before I started S ranking. I'll continue playing on a 76/77 save file because I like seeing my ranks and there's no way i'm ever playing the terrible lobby fight in R-05 again.
i hate how much gimmicks you have to use to S rank on revengeance. picking up health items, artificially build combos etc. really brought my experience down. they didn't put too much work into this apparently.
Ninja Run > slide > Zandatsu horizontal slice was helpful for me, but it didn't work 100% of the time unfortunately.I played this game for like 3 hours already
and aw maaaan why is cutting off arms the hardest thing to do?!?!?!
seriously... it's more difficult than fighting >_<
Sunny is baller.
Blade Wolf is baller, so is his song
I played this game for like 3 hours already
and aw maaaan why is cutting off arms the hardest thing to do?!?!?!
seriously... it's more difficult than fighting >_<
I have a question regarding the taking no damage on bosses trophies. If I'm fighting Mistral and get to the first checkpoint without getting hit but then get hit soon after can I just restart from that checkpoint and still get the trophy or do I have to do it in one go?
How do you make Sundowner call back-up? I'm in the second stage of the fight and he always die before making a call for back-up >.> I need those zandatsus!
Just wait until he jumps off to grab a pipe. Then two grunts should hop onto the platform.
The final form of the final boss was so simple to no-damage. I did it on my 4th try (during my first 3 tries I got hit at the really beginning). Parrying his charge attacks does so much damage it's not even funny (I was wearing the red armour so he would lose 70/80% health with just one of these). I reckon he's even easier on revengeance than on hard mode. Getting the required zandatsus on thefight was a bitch though (excelsus).although, did you know you could take it down to 13% health when its head is down? Ripper mode + lvl 2 and 3 charged pincer attacks... That made the last part of the fight a walk in the part, since I just had to hit its foot once to finish the fight
Overall, I really really enjoyed the game. I played through it 5 times (hard, very hard, revengeance, hard, revengeance with S ranks) and even though I got bloody frustrated at times (the body doubles were HORRIBLE), I really liked the experience.
Here's my final score board:
For now though, I'll take a break from videogames for at least a month.
Thanks to everyone that helped along the line!
How do you make Sundowner call back-up? I'm in the second stage of the fight and he always die before making a call for back-up >.> I need those zandatsus!
For now though, I'll take a break from videogames for at least a month.
Thanks to everyone that helped along the line!
Some of you guys are clearly not humans. How the fuck did u get platinium on this game lol?
Some of you guys are clearly not human. How the fuck did u get platinium on this game lol?
BTW guys what's your favorite mission? I'm leaning towards File R-03
Some of you guys are clearly not human. How the fuck did u get platinium on this game lol?
Sheer will and hard work.
Also, luck in some parts.![]()
The platinum trophy is probably hard, but how frustrating is it to get ? That's what I want to know.
Parry everything!How on earth do you guys even do a no damage on revengeance? I truly salute you.
Parry everything!
I just finished Lightning God, and barring the VR trophies (which are likely another level entirely) I don't think much was frustrating? No damagingand getting all the codec calls are the only ones that began to annoy me.Monsoon
...Is it me, or was the second to last boss a far bigger pain to S-Rank than the last?
Defensive Offense!
Last boss is easy with full upgrades. Monsoon is much harder to no damage.
fight was a bitch though (excelsus).although, did you know you could take it down to 13% health when its head is down? Ripper mode + lvl 2 and 3 charged pincer attacks... That made the last part of the fight a walk in the part, since I just had to hit its foot once to finish the fight
I meant. Trying to get the Zandatsu and stuff was a pain as someone mentioned above, while as long as you no damage the last boss S-rank seems almost guaranteed.Excelsus
That being said, no boss is anywhere near as difficult as those bloody gorillas. Fuck Mastiffs.
omfg I'm Virtually a God apparently.
Now I just need to upgrade all teh swords and then do some other stuff.
There, Platinum'd Vanquish in the meantime and now my body is ready for Revengeance DLC.
So, what boss theme do you guys like the most? I think all of them are good, but I think I do prefer Blade Wolf's.