C'mon Grace Chen I got nothin' else goin' for me today.
Shoot a rocket at the ground so the first behind the car comes looking, hide under the cardboard. Ninja Kill him. Next Ninja kill the heavy armored behind the car. Then the one up there.Useful glitches yeah. Speaking of last mission - any tips for stealth trophy? I managed to pass the first two gates without being noticed, but don't know what to do with last 3 soldiers just beforeToo lazy to watch youtube guides.Armstrong
Useful glitches yeah. Speaking of last mission - any tips for stealth trophy? I managed to pass the first two gates without being noticed, but don't know what to do with last 3 soldiers just beforeToo lazy to watch youtube guides.Armstrong
Useful glitches yeah. Speaking of last mission - any tips for stealth trophy? I managed to pass the first two gates without being noticed, but don't know what to do with last 3 soldiers just beforeToo lazy to watch youtube guides.Armstrong
The official guide says to use RP grenades and just walk behind the two guards on the ground, I find that strategy completely full of crap.
The dude on the walkway was glitched too when I did this. I cautioned him, and when he walked back he just got stuck in the railing. Same thing happend with the guy on the walkway in the facility.Useful glitches yeah. Speaking of last mission - any tips for stealth trophy? I managed to pass the first two gates without being noticed, but don't know what to do with last 3 soldiers just beforeToo lazy to watch youtube guides.Armstrong
The thing is... it is a spinoff. It's not really a continuation of the events of Metal Gear Solid 4. It's a story that takes place in a post-Patriots world. It doesn't negate or lessen any of Snake's legacy in MGS4 or anything like that. MGS4 still was the closure of the main storyline, Rising changed none of that.
This is no spin off boy. No spin off. A side story would be a far more appropriate title, you can be sure if MGS5 comes out ever and is set in 2020 or post desperado incursion that MGR's events will be referenced.
This is a spin off in terms of game play, but it is completely canon to the series.
Also question about Doktor - is he doctor Madnar? (mentioned in mgs4)
Useful glitches yeah. Speaking of last mission - any tips for stealth trophy? I managed to pass the first two gates without being noticed, but don't know what to do with last 3 soldiers just beforeToo lazy to watch youtube guides.Armstrong
Thanks for hints. Gonna try them in next walkthrough.
Also question about Doktor - is he doctor Madnar? (mentioned in mgs4)
Thanks for hints. Gonna try them in next walkthrough.
Also question about Doktor - is he doctor Madnar? (mentioned in mgs4)
So after a combined 5 or so hours on Mission 18 & 19, I finally became a Virtual God.
Whichever asshole designed these two missions can go fuck himself. This shit was not QA'd. The amount of times the fucking camera screwed me over, or I got one shotted by a heavy right after a zandatsu animation, or being grabbed a dwarf gekko midair. trgfh tmr67ykju576.,kujy6,.nbj4 rhfnjyukimt
Is the Solid Snake Stick included?
I just tried to buy the DLC and it says it's not valid for my region. I'm in the US. WTF?
Just by looking at some of the Gold times, I have a feeling that these missions are going to be a bitch.
Sorry if this has been answered already, but will the new DLC affect the "Virtually a God" trophy if I haven't gotten it already?
Sorry if this has been answered already, but will the new DLC affect the "Virtually a God" trophy if I haven't gotten it already?
It shouldnt. The trophies for the DLC VR missions are their own trophies.
Patch updated the game to Ver.2. Anyone notice any changes?
When does the UK store update? Tomorrow?
how did I miss the release date for this thing?
the work day just got slower.
Can't wait to Bare Knuckle
Anyone in the U.S. have any luck downloading and playing the U.K. VR missions on the 360?
I normally download on Thursday but it normally 6-8pm on wednesdays whenever it feels like it
Useful glitches yeah. Speaking of last mission - any tips for stealth trophy? I managed to pass the first two gates without being noticed, but don't know what to do with last 3 soldiers just beforeToo lazy to watch youtube guides.Armstrong
What I assume is the final phase of VR mission 50 is monstrous.
lol i was trying to figure out which mission this one was.
Oh God...please elaborate.
3 Fenrir and 2 GRAD. You`re armed with the standard HF blade. Arena is slightly larger than the regular VR battle room.