....At once? At Revengeance difficulty? LOLWAT
Awww shit.
....At once? At Revengeance difficulty? LOLWAT
3 Fenrir and 2 GRAD. You`re armed with the standard HF blade. Arena is slightly larger than the regular VR battle room.
....At once? At Revengeance difficulty? LOLWAT
lol, you know it's optional, right?Platinum Games can eat a dick.
That'd probably be easier. One parry = kill everything at once.
Is the DLC up on 360 in NA? How much is it?
Joystiq said:March may be stuffed with new releases, but that won't stop Dead Space 3 or Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance from chucking new content at your eyeballs today. The first to impact your irises is the story-continuing 'Awakened' DLC for Dead Space 3, and it's available now on XBLA for 800 MSP. It hits PSN and PC later today, priced $9.99.
Also due on PSN later today are the 30 additional VR missions for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and they're completely free until April 3. In an odd twist, the DLC is exclusive to PS3 in the US and Canada for the time being, but outside those regions it's available now on XBLA for 240 MSP - a slice of curious console exclusivity to get the morning started.
The Mastiffs in the final VR mission weren`t dying to the perfect parry.
The Mastiffs in the final VR mission weren`t dying to the perfect parry.
....At once? At Revengeance difficulty? LOLWAT
Can the Mastiffs and Fenrirs one shot you? Or can you at least take a few hits before you die?
This may not be the case. I recall landing a perfect parry on a Mastiff on hard mode (with a maxed HF Long Sword no less), didn't kill him.Hmm, that pretty much confirms Very Hard mode? I think Mastiffs die to a perfect parry even on Hard.
Hah, I dunno if I'll be completing them all this time around as the sub-weapon ones and the like are tedious more than anything, but there are definitely some gems in the bunch. I've enjoyed all the gekko ones so far.After playing all of the DLC missions I declare them to be as shitty as the regular ones, and just as fun. Meaning, not. Free is the right price for this thing.
Managed to no-damage Mistral finally. She was a lot more aggressive on hard :lol I don't remember how many times I restarted but it was a good opportunity practice evasion and parries for sure. I'm not above cheating so I used the fox blade to do it. I tried changing to Murasama in the middle but with the constant restarts, it was too much of a hassle to bother.
Jesus, thissenator is kicking my ass. I'm stuck at the part where you use fists only. I can't even get his health down to 99%(Very Hard difficulty).
So whats the trick to getting no damage onArmstrong? I can't get to his 3rd form without taking damage to transition from the fist only fight.
Aah I seeFox Blade doesn't do any more damage against bosses. Murasama is pretty much the go to boss damage weapon.
Hah, I dunno if I'll be completing them all this time around as the sub-weapon ones and the like are tedious more than anything, but there are definitely some gems in the bunch. I've enjoyed all the gekko ones so far.
You have to wait it out for three minutes. It's the only way.
You can fight him and bring his health down to a certain point to trigger the no damage attack I believe
but it's not really worth the effort
DLC mission 30 wasn't a big deal honestly, just got gold on it, the enemies definitely aren't Revengeance difficulty.
You can take ALOT of hits which makes it pretty simple to finish for anyone who mastered the other VR missions.
Was fun though!
After playing all of the DLC missions I declare them to be as shitty as the regular ones, and just as fun. Meaning, not. Free is the right price for this thing.
Even if that's possible, and I don't think it is, waiting it out is a heck of a lot easier.
You're already done?
So whats the trick to getting no damage onArmstrong? I can't get to his 3rd form without taking damage to transition from the fist only fight.
You have to wait it out for three minutes. It's the only way.
For that part you just have to do the QTE's. Then run back for your weapon.
Unless you're talking the DLC.
DLC mission 30 wasn't a big deal honestly, just got gold on it, the enemies definitely aren't Revengeance difficulty.
You can take ALOT of hits which makes it pretty simple to finish for anyone who mastered the other VR missions.
Was fun though!
Even if that's possible, and I don't think it is, waiting it out is a heck of a lot easier.
Note that the easiest way to wait it out is to wait in the opposite corner and jump over him when he charges you (two kinds of charges, but nothing really changes). Just be careful to not let him out of sight. It really can't go wrong that easy.
Also, the blade mode sequence during the final boss is acting all weird on me on very hard and upwards occasionally. I'm 100% sure I'm hitting 3 squares, but the debris hits me anyway.
Yeah, happens on very hard too. I guess maybe because you cut the debris too slow?Sometimes he trolls you on Revengeance, and emerges too close for you to hit him after the final debris is cut.
You have to wait it out for three minutes. It's the only way.
There is a game update for the ps3?
so is there any more humor or personality in the DLC missions than in the base set?
My biggest problem with them isn't that they're hard so much that they're so damn vanilla and uninteresting ways to play the game
Can't beat the grad at the beginning of R-04. It's impossible to no damage this...
Didn't realize you can't buy the Gray Fox DLC. Boourns.