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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]

Endo Punk

Fuuuuuuck me! Going for a no damage on Armstrong and got kicked into a checkpoint in the fist fight. To make matters worse I beat the actual fight with no damage taken -_-


Beat it again... I'm taking a break for now, gonna play dark souls. And damn I love the credits song! I've said it before but it's fantastic!


Is it just me or are the codec discussions really boring compared to old Metal Gears? I might have a lil rose tinted glasses when it comes to them tho.

I just feel like not using codec... but I have to ya know? ;-;

It's not just you, the game doesn't really have a compelling story or interesting characters, so it's par for the course really.
Gonna start my revengeance S run. Any tips? I will finish and upgrade stuff first, etc.

The game lets you decide how difficult you want it to be, so I believe the all-S revengeance trophy is achievable by pretty much anybody, but you have to decide which options you're leaving on the table. I did no wigs and used fully upgraded murasama for almost all encounters, which is about the middle of the range as far as I know.

That said, just be conscious of the revengeance god parry, since that and slide zandatsus are what's going to do most of the work. Don't sit around and wait for things to attack you, but you should focus on drawing out specific attacks instead of straight offense. For example, don't focus too much on attacking mastiffs head on, but instead run around just outside of its arm cannon range if you can to coax it into either a wall attack or a dropkick, or just do ripper mode and end the fight as quickly as possible. You absolutely don't want to parry sword cyborgs, though, since you'd have to play parry patty-cake for 4-5 reps and you'd rarely get to do that without someone else joining in the fray. Against sword cyborgs you'd probably want to do the slide trick where you slide and zandatsu their swords as they block, which stuns them for a bit (not enough to QTE, however), or just cheese them with pincers or the sai.


R-02 S-Rank in the bag. The one part that gave me trouble was in the sewers against 4 of those spider robots that slide on the water. Not THAT hard, but having to kill those 3 monkeys first made it a pain in the ass.

Use the infinite sub-weapon wig and it won't be too bad. Using red phosphorous grenades is good against rocket launcher guys. Against the GRAD, throw 1 EM grenade and then fire at him twice using the rocket launcher, throw another grenade, and fire twice more. Rinse and repeat.

I've got no idea how you're supposed to beat him without the sub-weapon wig though, it takes 30 rockets to put him down. It's the only part of the game where I had to use a wig.
Thanks for the tips. We'll see how it goes. A 12 minutes fight seems so stressful.


The game lets you decide how difficult you want it to be, so I believe the all-S revengeance trophy is achievable by pretty much anybody, but you have to decide which options you're leaving on the table. I did no wigs and used fully upgraded murasama for almost all encounters, which is about the middle of the range as far as I know.

That said, just be conscious of the revengeance god parry, since that and slide zandatsus are what's going to do most of the work. Don't sit around and wait for things to attack you, but you should focus on drawing out specific attacks instead of straight offense. For example, don't focus too much on attacking mastiffs head on, but instead run around just outside of its arm cannon range if you can to coax it into either a wall attack or a dropkick, or just do ripper mode and end the fight as quickly as possible. You absolutely don't want to parry sword cyborgs, though, since you'd have to play parry patty-cake for 4-5 reps and you'd rarely get to do that without someone else joining in the fray. Against sword cyborgs you'd probably want to do the slide trick where you slide and zandatsu their swords as they block, which stuns them for a bit (not enough to QTE, however), or just cheese them with pincers or the sai.

Thanks for the tips. Using the wigs dont make it too much easy? Like I need a certain amount of hits or zandatsu to get the S right? Also for the bosses I need to do no damage run on them or just be fast/hit the amount of combo hits asked to get the S rank?

I want to use the wigs and whatever to get the platinum and then do another run without it.
I want to see someone S rank the lobby on Revengeance without wig A. It's the only section that feels like bullshit. I worked out a strategy through trial and error for every section up to that point without any wigs and with only the HF blade. That part though? psh.
Thanks for the tips. Using the wigs dont make it too much easy? Like I need a certain amount of hits or zandatsu to get the S right? Also for the bosses I need to do no damage run on them or just be fast/hit the amount of combo hits asked to get the S rank?

I want to use the wigs and whatever to get the platinum and then do another run without it.
If you can get No Damage, 99% of the time you'll get the S unless you're facing certain bosses like Sundowner, Sam, Excelsus, or Armstrong. I think the game is a pretty repetitive mash-fest if you decide to use wig B or blade mode wig or any of the particularly OP swords, so I'd say try a chapter or two without them to see how you fare. If it counts for anything, nothing during the S run I did felt particularly unattainable, and I'm definitely no hotshot at action games.

I want to see someone S rank the lobby on Revengeance without wig A. It's the only section that feels like bullshit. I worked out a strategy through trial and error for every section up to that point without any wigs and with only the HF blade. That part though? psh.

You can S-rank it as long as you have one RF grenade and 5 nanopastes. I think the turret is actually faster than the EM grenade -> 2 rockets trick, but you need to tank the missiles and not bother shooting them. Requires a bit of luck since the GRAD actually moves faster than your turret can turn while firing, so as long as he obliges you by nudging himself into a corner and shooting a bunch of missiles against a pillar, you'll get the S. It's still dumb, but it's not dumb unless you need the no damage on top of the S.

I think an interesting challenge would be a non-no damage S-rank run, since you need to make up the points with BP/zandatsu/combos, which I think is a better demonstration of competence with the game mechanics instead of just ninja running back and forth making sure you deflect every bullet. I don't think I'm up for it right now since I'm starting to burn out on this game, but I might give it a shot in a couple of months, I know the guide has point breakdowns for every encounter, is this a feasible thing?


I want to see someone S rank the lobby on Revengeance without wig A. It's the only section that feels like bullshit. I worked out a strategy through trial and error for every section up to that point without any wigs and with only the HF blade. That part though? psh.

I did it without wigs, but I had to use rations, wich I never use.
It's definetly possible, if you have full health and 5 nanopastes.


What's a fast way of getting that trophy that requires you to kill 100 armored soldiers? It's the only one I need for the platinum.


I want to see someone S rank the lobby on Revengeance without wig A. It's the only section that feels like bullshit. I worked out a strategy through trial and error for every section up to that point without any wigs and with only the HF blade. That part though? psh.

I did my whole Revengeance S rank run without one. It's just not possible to get No Damage, but that's not required.

I did it without wigs, but I had to use rations, wich I never use.
It's definetly possible, if you have full health and 5 nanopastes.

Yup, I had to use them too. I had to get more off of the GRAD's missiles.


Unconfirmed Member
I want to see someone S rank the lobby on Revengeance without wig A. It's the only section that feels like bullshit. I worked out a strategy through trial and error for every section up to that point without any wigs and with only the HF blade. That part though? psh.

You need grenades.

Like 2-3 Red Phosphorous for the rocket launcher guys that spawn on the ground and 1-2 for the grad.

also depending on your health 2-3 medkits to survive the grad

If you're using the grenades effectively in those spots you should be keeping your turrets alive and killing everything with that. (Except the mastiffs of course)


Platinum Get! Now the only thing I have left is to beat DL-VR mission 27. But man, I really don't feel like spending another couple of hours on that.

What's a fast way of getting that trophy that requires you to kill 100 armored soldiers? It's the only one I need for the platinum.

That was the last one I got. I feel like someone was off by a decimal place when they created that trophy. After 5 playthroughs, I still had to farm the last 25 or so kills.

I'm not sure if the way I did it was the "fastest", but R-07 has 5 heavy armored soldiers, and only takes a couple of minutes to run through. I put on infinite wig B, went through R-07 as fast as possible, killing all of the heavies, and then repeated. I'm not sure if it saves your kill count unless you get a check point, but I assumed not in order to not waste my own time, so I always got all the way to the checkpoint right at the boss fight before I started over.

Took me about 20 minutes to get 25 kills, so it's not super efficient, but I couldn't think of another place with a bunch of heavies close to the start of the stage.


Unconfirmed Member
What's a fast way of getting that trophy that requires you to kill 100 armored soldiers? It's the only one I need for the platinum.

Replay the unranked section of chapter 7 over and over.(Reset check point by going into Shop or VR missions right before blade wolf)

I believe there are 5 armor dudes in that stage on every difficulty. If not there are 5 on revengeance at least.

So you have to replay the stage 20 times if you had never ever killed a hammer bro before. Will probably take you a fraction of that if you've already cleared the game multiple times doing the other trophies.

I used Fox Blade+ and just ran through it before completing my S- Rank Revengeance. took like a two minutes tops a reset that way
I hadn't even thought of using the Red Phosphorus grenades for the lobby, though I didn't have any and only had three nanopastes, including the one upstairs, at that point. I just remember tossing EM grenades at the rocket guys then shooting them, followed by using the turrets on the GRAD and just getting blown to smithereens.

I still want to see how someone survives the GRAD with no wig. The homing rockets always arced over the railing at me and even when I shot them, the smaller missiles kept hitting me. If anyone has a vid, feel free to post it.

Platinum Get! Now the only thing I have left is to beat DL-VR mission 27. But man, I really don't feel like spending another couple of hours on that.

during the mastiffs + gekko section, just stand in a corner with the pincers and continually strike, dodge and repeat until you whittle them down enough to zandatsu. Running around will only complicate things and draw things out.

For the bladewolves, I just used the sai in order to keep close. The biggest risk is killing one before you can zandatsu it, and the sai will sometimes produce the blade mode QTE prompt.
Wait, not required? Why is it hard then? They one-hit kill you?

Each rocket can take away about a third or half your health, with max health. You can get hit while on the turrets. Even reading the above posts, I'm not sure how people survive the GRAD on Revengeance using those turrets. The Macross-style missile spam is a considerable threat while sitting still.


Each rocket can take away about a third or half your health, with max health. You can get hit while on the turrets. Even reading the above posts, I'm not sure how people survive the GRAD on Revengeance using those turrets. The Macross-style missile spam is a considerable threat while sitting still.

They actually miss more than you think, it's just all about having nanopastes equipped and refilling them as needed.

The Macross-style missile spam is a considerable threat while sitting still.

If only...

Well shamefully i tapped out. I can't beat that fucker Armstrong on Normal until I work on my parry skills. So I did a 1hr55 min speedrun on easy just to beat it. lol

Haven't touched an action game since DMC4. Didn't play Bayonetta, DmC or the Gaiden games this gen so I'm a little rusty. I wouldn't even say the game is hard. If you master parry I'm pretty sure you can breeze right threw the whole game easily.

So anyways!
- Great addicting combat. Slicing up the bosses/enemies is so brutal and satisfying.
- Graphics are great. Not the best, but pretty solid.
- Music. Not my cup of tea but fit the game well. Surprised they didn't use any MGS tunes.
- The ninja speed is a little stiff. The jumping mechanics are horrible.
- A little too short. The quality was there, but an 5 hour game with no multiplayer FULL price?

VERY disappointed in the story. Who cares if it's cannon. There's no cameo besides Sunny (unless I missed something) who really doesn't say or do anything. A handful of MGS references. No Rose, Little John, Otacon, Snake's tombstone, or anyone else who survived MGS4. I wasn't expecting Kojima's usual bat shit insane stuff, but at least SOMETHING. All the political jabs were cringe worthy. Plus it ruined his character from MGS4 which was one of the very few good things done right. They should have at least made it personal with his family. Hold them hostage or whatever. All the villains were just pushing his buttons to bring out Jack the Ripper.....So he can kill them all one by one. lol

All in all, I enjoyed it for the most part. Great work from Kojima pro and Platinum games. They could have easily just squashed the project so they should feel proud. Hoping for a more fleshed out sequel in the future.


The couple times I tried a no-wig run of that part, I got torn to pieces. It started firing those homing missiles and each one would hit me. How are they just flying right past the guy in the vid?

And I still stand by my assertion that that's the only section of the main game that's truly garbage on Revengeance. VR mission 17 and the DL-VR one that forces you to use homing rockets is just un-fun, no matter how manageable they may be. Mission 27 was a cake walk after those.
Well shamefully i tapped out. I can't beat that fucker Armstrong on Normal until I work on my parry skills. So I did a 1hr55 min speedrun on easy just to beat it. lol

Haven't touched an action game since DMC4. Didn't play Bayonetta, DmC or the Gaiden games this gen so I'm a little rusty. I wouldn't even say the game is hard. If you master parry I'm pretty sure you can breeze right threw the whole game easily.

So anyways!
- Great addicting combat. Slicing up the bosses/enemies is so brutal and satisfying.
- Graphics are great. Not the best, but pretty solid.
- Music. Not my cup of tea but fit the game well. Surprised they didn't use any MGS tunes.
- The ninja speed is a little stiff. The jumping mechanics are horrible.
- A little too short. The quality was there, but an 5 hour game with no multiplayer FULL price?

VERY disappointed in the story. Who cares if it's cannon. There's no cameo besides Sunny (unless I missed something) who really doesn't say or do anything. A handful of MGS references. No Rose, Little John, Otacon, Snake's tombstone, or anyone else who survived MGS4. I wasn't expecting Kojima's usual bat shit insane stuff, but at least SOMETHING. All the political jabs were cringe worthy. Plus it ruined his character from MGS4 which was one of the very few good things done right. They should have at least made it personal with his family. Hold them hostage or whatever. All the villains were just pushing his buttons to bring out Jack the Ripper.....So he can kill them all one by one. lol

All in all, I enjoyed it for the most part. Great work from Kojima pro and Platinum games. They could have easily just squashed the project so they should feel proud. Hoping for a more fleshed out sequel in the future.

it's all in the codecs.

Allows newbs to jump in and not get slowed down by the history, but allows veterans of the series to play at their own pace

everyone and everything gets mentioned in the codecs.

You should have asked us for help on Armstrong.
The dodge offset works better sometimes instead of trying to parry


R-03 S-Rank done. Not much trouble here either and I really enjoyed the Monsoon fight (It took me like 15 tries). Funny thing I had random VG music in the background and in the final battle the Willy stage 1 from MM2 pops up giving me the strength to finish him off.

Anyways, I'm done for tonight. I will rage tomorrow with R-04.
it's all in the codecs.

Allows newbs to jump in and not get slowed down by the history, but allows veterans of the series to play at their own pace

everyone and everything gets mentioned in the codecs.

You should have asked us for help on Armstrong.
The dodge offset works better sometimes instead of trying to parry

Damn, I figured I would miss something. Most of the codecs were a bore so I gave up.

The problem with Armstrong is I had no health refills. They all got wiped out from the Metal Gear fight and the 2 fist fights. I noticed in a video if you destroy the rocks they drop a bunch of health. But I just can't fucking do it. I think you have 10 secs at most to destroy those rocks. So either master parry to go hitless or learn the damn manual blade to destroy the rocks. I have a lot of training to do if I want to get this damn Platinum.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Er-Just dodge. Don't bother parrying his shit, dodge it. EVERYTHING. For the rocks, go forward.

So long as you dodge everything correctly you'll BARELY be hit.


Is it just me or are the codec discussions really boring compared to old Metal Gears? I might have a lil rose tinted glasses when it comes to them tho.

I just feel like not using codec... but I have to ya know? ;-;
I think they're great. Lots of interesting topics (carbon nanotube muscle fiber, ethics, violence in media, etc.), character building, backstory stuff, and a surprising degree of humor. The codecs really enriched the game for me. I've listened to about half of them and I can't wait to get to all the rest.


I'm still working my way through old metal gears, but Rising was the kinda game I actually wanted to listen to every codec in every possible combination of factors.

BTW, I heard on Max's LP there was a rumour'd Sunny codec where she makes a reference to ZOE. Is that actually true or just some dumb rumour?


- A little too short. The quality was there, but an 5 hour game with no multiplayer FULL price?.
Multiplayer, wat? It's an action title by Platinum. You're meant to replay it over and over again, finding the subtleties in the combat system and polishing your records for each chapter. Campaign length means next to nothing in this kind of game.

By the way, play Bayonetta. It shouldn't be missed by anyone who has the slightest interest in the action genre.


I recently started playing this game, 3 hours in, and I still have no idea how to parry. Or at least not consistently. I understand what you have to press but shit's not working. Doesn't help that the camera goes all crazy too. If anyone's got any tips, I'd appreciate it.
I got positioned directly between two swordsmen and initiated that back-and-forth parrying between the both of them on Revengeance, so that must have been about 12 times between the both of them. It only ended because the riposte of the last parry hit the one cyborg.

There's probably nothing that feels better in this game except maybe parrying the mastiff wall-jump and then doing the blade mode QTE, fuck me. Just thinking about this gets me hype

I recently started playing this game, 3 hours in, and I still have no idea how to parry. Or at least not consistently. I understand what you have to press but shit's not working. Doesn't help that the camera goes all crazy too. If anyone's got any tips, I'd appreciate it.

It just has to be right when the attack would connect. Any earlier will perform a block. Don't do it right when the red flash appears since it only indicates when the attack is initiated.

Who IN the flying fuck designed this boss fight??! Freakin masochist!

Ive spent about 200 attempts on this bullshit. About half are just manual retries after the fuckin BADASS Senator does some bullshit that pisses me off too much I have to pause and restart.

The most annoying part for me, is when I get fired walled on either side by hot fuckin magma of death, and the fuckin senator does 1 of 2 things: A. he does the charge and detonation move, and there NO FUCKING ROOM TO RUN BACK, AND YOU'LL RUN INTO THE WALL. B. or he decides to do hes football lunge BS, and there not enough room to maneuver without hitting the fire wall.

oh, and hitting the hot magma wall of death, does 57.5% of DAMAGE, more than a 1/3rd of my health!!

Playing this game on hard was one of this worst mistakes I've made. Its been fine up until this fight. I have absolutely no nanopaste repair things, so in 4 hits i'm dead no matter what. You do so little damage, and therefor the fight goes on for so damn long that its REALLY easy to slip up 4 times. On attempt 100 I started using the SQUARE+X dash dodge a lot more, and it does indeed help. Ive gotten him under 99% health a few times, even twice where I still had 112% health(only got hit once), but that can go south VERY QUICKLY.

Obviously the fucking Senator is clearly superior and I just can't compare with this beast!

I can't believe people can complain about the Trail of Archimedes, compared to this, that was a cake walk!!! That took me 8 tires. Reviewers have no idea what challenging actually is. Pansies.

poarrg pouasrgs[0u!!POu ewgf!!!!!



It's a commentary on the state of the American political process, clearly

For serious though utilise offensive dodge more especially on his unblockable grab, ninja run away from walls of death, don't forget to zandatsu his back and adjust the camera before slicing and dicing.

It's a commentary on the state of the American political process, clearly

For serious though utilise offensive dodge more especially on his unblockable grab, ninja run away from walls of death, don't forget to zandatsu his back and .adjust the camera before slicing and dicing

Are you talking about when he throws the huge chunks of metal? This is really difficult, and if you mess up, its INSTANT death. I did this successfully once and it appeared I only caused about 10% of damage. Seems like your better off just running away, right?
The things drop nanopaste though so if you're running low...

they do?! Hmm didnt notice that before, like I said Ive only done it successfully once. This is good to know. Might try to do it more now. Is it nanopaste that you have to use immediately, like you get from the little tripods? or can you store it?


Are you talking about when he throws the huge chunks of metal? This is really difficult, and if you mess up, its INSTANT death. I did this successfully once and it appeared I only caused about 10% of damage. Seems like your better off just running away, right?

I had the same problem at first, but then people told me to aim with BOTH sticks and everything went well. In fact, you have a lot of time to do it.


they do?! Hmm didnt notice that before, like I said Ive only done it successfully once. This is good to know. Might try to do it more now. Is it nanopaste that you have to use immediately, like you get from the little tripods? or can you store it?

Stored. My brother beat the game tonight after about 15 tries. It's doable! Another tip I can say is that if you can't parry, at least block...and RUN LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER whenever fire appears. Pick him off any other time.


People actually got hit by the magma wall?

Just figure out really quick which side is the better one to be on with more room.
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