Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
By the way I am clocking myself for Hard mode.

I'm sure you'll get ahead of me quickly but so far (R-00, R-01 up to past the first "boss"/demo boss area) Hard mode hasn't been too hard. It's only taken me three hours because I'm trying to stealth kill people for the stealth kill trophy. If you don't really care, Raiden's pretty well equipped if you master the parry (which I'm still not completely "up" on) and use the BP you gain from mad slashing (I dunno why it gives more than +100 BP in blade mode at times, left hands?) to gain the 3000 upgrades you can do good. Even if you don't upgrade Raiden's pretty capable. Maybe in R-02 or something it gets "hard" but so far it hasn't been anything but a damage increase.
Oh man. If you're not on board by time you're
jumping off missiles and running down clocktowers
you clearly have terrible taste. This is badass.


I think im just gonna do normal as Raiden, harder difficulty as Grey Fox. Do the weapons etc. carry over after beating the game, or is it too early to know?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
How do you lock on? I think that would solve a bunch of camera issues.

R2? The game manual and in-game help option pretty much states this?

And besides: Lock-on doesn't really help since you're going to be fighting 3+ enemies at a time, so you're going to parry parry parry and then counter-attack the last person you parry while waiting for them to parry, parry, parry again. Lock-on just hinders in that case.
IN the skyscraper level, after cops crash your car. Cut open a box and found a cop crying/hiding. "Wonder where he learned to do that?"

Also, the description for 3D hologram. Raiden, you cheeky bastard.

I am now playing METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE developed by PLATINUM GAMES on the PLAYSTATION 3 on HARD mode.

It's happening folks.

I am now playing METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE developed by PLATINUM GAMES on the PLAYSTATION 3 on HARD mode as well. There should honestly be descriptors on the difficulties that say "have you played action games before? play on the hard difficulty".
I don't see this on my copy..mind posting a pic?


I'm gonna ask my friend if he wants it since he's supposed to buy the game, otherwise you are more than welcome to have it if you want. If he doesn't want it I'll PM it to you by tomorrow.

Ace. Thanks, man. It's a ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day.


Ah what the fuck, I didn't get the trophy for finding all the MiB's. :/ Or the wooden sword.

edit: nevermind, I got em at the end of the chapter heh. :p


Damn played about the first 30 minutes, talk about starting a game off right. I had a giant grin on my face the whole time.
Question. Is the MGS4 Suite DLC the same as the one that you unlock in the game? Or is it something you can only get by buying it? Because i really want it lol.
is there a way to "reset" stuff you've cut up? I think I over cut some boxes and now can't get up to a balcony that might have a secret on it...
Buy it today because the day 1 price was accessible. I really love the intentional b movie tone of the game. And that they acknowledged some of the most ridiculous plot points in the franchise in the codec conversations.



Press up to enter AR mode, everything that is blue you can cut.

That's not what I mean. I'm finding normal grates and chain link fences I can't cut, even though I can cut pretty much everything else.

I understand that they're there for level design purposes, but it's still weird to find normal indestructible structures.


Beat the prologue at around 30 minutes total. Didn't die, was fairly easy. You can Parry a bunch of the first bosses attacks.

One thing I have to ask...

Has someone actually tried to beat Sam on the first encounter. Like what happens if you don't get hit at all? I tried to hold out as long as I could but eventually the cutscene started playing and then I lost my arm in a cutscene.


That's not what I mean. I'm finding normal grates and chain link fences I can't cut, even though I can cut pretty much everything else.

I understand that they're there for level design purposes, but it's still to find normal indestructible structures.

its almost as if they were aiming to make a video game and not a perfect simulation of real life


its almost as if they were aiming to make a video game and not a perfect simulation of real life


Beat the prologue at around 30 minutes total. Didn't die, was fairly easy. You can Parry a bunch of the first bosses attacks.

One thing I have to ask...

Has someone actually tried to beat Sam on the first encounter. Like what happens if you don't get hit at all? I tried to hold out as long as I could but eventually the cutscene started playing and then I lost my arm in a cutscene.

not possible.
Beat the prologue at around 30 minutes total. Didn't die, was fairly easy. You can Parry a bunch of the first bosses attacks.

One thing I have to ask...

Has someone actually tried to beat Sam on the first encounter. Like what happens if you don't get hit at all? I tried to hold out as long as I could but eventually the cutscene started playing and then I lost my arm in a cutscene.

He has unparryable attacks and you don't have an evade, right?

going back into the room where you just went through with the dwarf gekko, and just zandatsu coup-de-grace on all the downed guards. It's really hilarious in a morbid way


Beat the prologue at around 30 minutes total. Didn't die, was fairly easy. You can Parry a bunch of the first bosses attacks.

One thing I have to ask...

Has someone actually tried to beat Sam on the first encounter. Like what happens if you don't get hit at all? I tried to hold out as long as I could but eventually the cutscene started playing and then I lost my arm in a cutscene.

Nope. It's one of those fights you just lose.


Played up to the point where the demo ended. Really enjoying it. The story/voice acting is ridiculous but fortunately isn't as terrible as other Platinum games. The game is really quirky with some strange design decisions (both reminiscent of previous Kojima and Platinum games) but that's part of the charm.

The combat is a lot of fun and makes you feel pretty awesome. I'm hoping that as with every other Platinum-made game, the combat reveals its depth after some more playtime.

It always amuses me that Platinum spends so much time making really unique combat mechanics but never put any effort into helping the player understand what makes it great. Basically you just pick the hardest difficulty and keep playing until you figure it out yourself. As I'm still early, I've yet to see the nuances that are sure to be there, but I look forward to the point where the game clicks for me.

Robot Pants

Even though I knew the story in this game was gonna be 100% cheese, I still couldn't force myself through the cutscenes and just started skipping everything after Sundowner. Codecs too


I'm having a tough time against Gekkos because just parry is useless unless they're against a wall. Tips?

Wait until they charge and perfect parry that, it'll lead to a button mashing QTE into the execution thing. I think if you dodge the stomp or one of his other attacks, you can get the execution option too.


Even though I knew the story in this game was gonna be 100% cheese, I still couldn't force myself through the cutscenes and just started skipping everything after Sundowner. Codecs too

I'd say enjoy it, there arent many games of this style today...and probably wont in the future.


Very Hard is no joke. Got my ass kicked a few times trying to learn the system. (They are throwing in enemies I think would normally be introduced later lol)

What is the best way to do the left stick QTE from enemies? This shit is fucking me up.

EDIT: I parry'd Sam. It gave me a short cutscene. Couldn't do it again though.
Apparently, only during "cinematic" moments if I read correctly, does the FR drop on PS3.

I've noticed it once or twice, but oddly only during codec coversations mid-level. But then, I've only just finished the first level so far. Everything has been silky smooth during the actual QTE segments mid boss-fight and whatnot.

As for the game itself, I really like it a lot. The parry system takes a bit of getting used to, but it's easy enough to pick up. My only real trouble with it is during boss fights when I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to try and parry certain attacks like an idiot, or do the smart thing and dodge.
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