Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]


Ace. Thanks, man. It's a ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day.

Wish I got that shit. I'm having to deal with best buy support to get my damn code.

I haven't had any really pleasant pre order experiences in a while. It's a hassle just to get the shit I preordered. This may be my last time doing so. I'd rather wait a month, have the game drop to 40 and get it that way. A skin isn't worth this hassle.
All we need is God of War and Bayonetta 2 to have hamfisted political statements to really seal the deal this year

Edit: Left arms are tricky as hell


Unconfirmed Member
Maybe I should've asked this in this thread: When does the gamestop code for the cyborg Fox costume go live? Called GameStop and they haven't a usual.


Ok on last boss and WTF I keep dying this guy is INVINCIBLE -___-

I got Sam's sword now but I have no more paste to heal myself ugh anyone have tips? I can't perfect party any of his attacks :(
Played up to the point where the demo ended. Really enjoying it. The story/voice acting is ridiculous but fortunately isn't as terrible as other Platinum games. The game is really quirky with some strange design decisions (both reminiscent of previous Kojima and Platinum games) but that's part of the charm.

The combat is a lot of fun and makes you feel pretty awesome. I'm hoping that as with every other Platinum-made game, the combat reveals its depth after some more playtime.

It always amuses me that Platinum spends so much time making really unique combat mechanics but never put any effort into helping the player understand what makes it great. Basically you just pick the hardest difficulty and keep playing until you figure it out yourself. As I'm still early, I've yet to see the nuances that are sure to be there, but I look forward to the point where the game clicks for me.

I think you mean unfortunately, haha. That's part of why I love their games.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Even though I knew the story in this game was gonna be 100% cheese, I still couldn't force myself through the cutscenes and just started skipping everything after Sundowner. Codecs too


Codec calls and cutscenes are making the game for me. Platinum turned Raiden into a mix of Ryu Hayabusa and Dante (not Donte), it's charming.


Not really if anything this is the first time I have ever seen someone not praise them as usual. Breath of fresh air tbh. Camera is shit

People complained about Bayonetta's over the topness.

Not sure why...thats the main draw of Platinum's games. They took over where Capcom stopped after DMC 4.

Edit: And those wondering about how to parry, just press forward and attack when you see an enemy's eye or whatever light flash red.


MGR Raiden is hardly charming. He does have some nice quips here and there but he's more presented as a bad ass killing machine.
Really enjoying the game, can't wait to finish it up on hard tomorrow and then move on to very hard or Revengeance.

Mission 2
Sewers and Go ninja go ninja go

I don't know whether to laugh or facepalm so hard.

I remember seeing that and just going "what? did this just happen?".


Beat the prologue at around 30 minutes total. Didn't die, was fairly easy. You can Parry a bunch of the first bosses attacks.

One thing I have to ask...

Has someone actually tried to beat Sam on the first encounter. Like what happens if you don't get hit at all? I tried to hold out as long as I could but eventually the cutscene started playing and then I lost my arm in a cutscene.

He doesn't even have a lifebar. It's not possible.


Broken lamp...crap. Fission Mailed. Sending back to Amazon for a replacement, which means I don't get to Zan-Datsu.

Sorry to hear that. :(

Is it broken BROKEN like mine [glass = shattered], or does it just refuse to work?

At the very least, you have a replacement option. I don't, considering EBGames is "Sold Out". -_-
I still don't understand this left hand thing, what am I supposed to look out for? Do they show up if I press up on the D-pad? And I just have to carefully sever the arm off of said enemy?

Also, are there actual "stages" in the game, or does it just keep continuing? So far I've just
seen Mistral for the first time,
then jumped down and now am continuing on with the stage. Does it just continue on like this or are there definitive stage endings?



Codec calls and cutscenes are making the game for me. Platinum turned Raiden into a mix of Ryu Hayabusa and Dante (not Donte), it's charming.


Raiden couldn't be more charmless in this game.

Ok on last boss and WTF I keep dying this guy is INVINCIBLE -___-

I got Sam's sword now but I have no more paste to heal myself ugh anyone have tips? I can't perfect party any of his attacks :(

This may well be a long shot... but I have a code for the Amazon pre-order armor if anyone would rather have that instead of their Gamestop pre-order armor. Not really interested in the inferno armor or whatever. PM me if you would like to swap.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Are the Frat Fox DLC codes active yet?

They are for me.

@Jett: Raiden's quips > Donte's quips. That's all that matters to me, Raiden is less "offensive" to my sensibilities (trying to be edgy for the sake of edgy) than Donte.


MGR Raiden is hardly charming. He does have some nice quips here and there but he's more presented as a bad ass killing machine.

Pretty much what they were going for, in fact he seems to think of himself precisely as a tool of war. I never expected him to have much charm but I do wish he sounded more calm/cool like he was in the MGS4 codec calls. His voice is more gruff than necessary.
Pretty much what they were going for, in fact he seems to think of himself precisely as a tool of war. I never expected him to have much charm but I do wish he sounded more calm/cool like he was in the MGS4 codec calls. His voice is more gruff than necessary.

This is the part that's killing me. It is so forced and the voice actor can't even keep it up or keep it consistent. It takes me out of the game whenever Raiden talks. Not that the game isn't outstanding otherwise so far...

bar mitzvah

Neo Member
Just finished on hard. Total Play time = 6:15:32. Does the final screen playtime still only include successful runs? The game felt a LOT longer than that (in a good way).
First level was a lot of fun. Now I'm fighting something called a UG and I want to snap my disc in half and send Platinum Games a personal FUCK YOU letter.

What am I doing wrong?


The PSN DLC codes have been active since midnight last night I'm not sure why everyone keeps asking about it lol. I redeemed my code right after I picked my game up at midnight launch.


Santa May Claus
So, I'm guessing there's no chapter select until after you beat the game? I'm trying to go back and replay a mission, but I can't select anything but "Guard Duty".


They are for me.

@Jett: Raiden's quips > Donte's quips. That's all that matters to me, Raiden is less "offensive" to my sensibilities (trying to be edgy for the sake of edgy) than Donte.

Raiden has quips? NuRaiden isn't trying to be edgy, but Donte is?

So, I'm guessing there's no chapter select until after you beat the game? I'm trying to go back and replay a mission, but I can't select anything but "Guard Duty".

Change the difficulty to whatever you were playing on while in the chapter select menu.

First level was a lot of fun. Now I'm fighting something called a UG and I want to snap my disc in half and send Platinum Games a personal FUCK YOU letter.

What am I doing wrong?

Parry, always parry (and dodge when you get dodge later).


I'm going to break my control rn. This is so frustrating

"Bullseye!" It makes me smile every time.

I would take that over every single line that DmC Dante says.

We all know you have an AGENDA towards that game. It's hard to take this seriously with your bias ;)

Seethe @ The Real Dante getting praise :p

How do I beat the last boss. Holy shit. Dumb.

OMFG you dying too? I'm still dying I'm going to cry and its on NORMAL.


Santa May Claus
We all know you have an AGENDA towards that game. It's hard to take this seriously with your bias ;)

Seethe @ The Real Dante getting praise :p

Hey, I'm not trying to hide it. I abhor DmC Dante, but I did listen to every one of his shitty lines...
except maybe "this really is hell"


The last boss is not that hard.

When he does his "fire attacks", the ground illuminates where the fire is going to strike. Just move, man. :p When he goes into heal mode, blade mode will interrupt him. Hit the pink square on the back of his head. Also, use dodge more often than parry.


Santa May Claus

So um how far are you on this?

Just chapter 3 on Hard so far! I really really like the parry system. They made timing really generous and you can even parry out of the normal grunt's combo strings. It's so simple, but it maintains the momentum of the fight in a way that I find really unique and interesting.

So far, the game's a rollercoaster ride. I'm hoping that it maintains that strength of pacing.
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