The last boss is not that hard.
When he does his "fire attacks", the ground illuminates where the fire is going to strike. Just move, man.When he goes into heal mode, blade mode will interrupt him. Hit the pink square on the back of his head. Also, use dodge more often than parry.
Just chapter 3 on Hard so far! I really really like the parry system. They made timing really generous and you can even parry out of the normal grunt's combo strings. It's so simple, but it maintains the momentum of the fight in a way that I find really unique and interesting.
So far, the game's a rollercoaster ride. I'm hoping that it maintains that strength of pacing.
the problem isn't the fire. It's the first major sequence when he throws the giant debris at you and you have to cut my FC runs out before the second cause I can't line up the BM for shit. It's me -____- I suck at BM
the problem isn't the fire. It's the first major sequence when he throws the giant debris at you and you have to cut my FC runs out before the second cause I can't line up the BM for shit. It's me -____- I suck at BM
Glad to hear it. But when you hit the final boss you let me know how that goes on Hard ;__; cause on normal ... I can't
Hamfisted political statements? I haven't gotten the game yet so do you mind if you expand on that?
I wish the blade mode UI showed the central axis that your right stick is rotating around, because there's a ton of guesswork and I'm wasting way too much blade mode meter trying to get those arms.
So I unlocked a blue and red body by doing VR missions. Does anyone know the exact stat bonuses on these? It says red increases electrolyte gain at the cost of defense which sounds useless, whereas blue has higher defense and lower fuel consumption. Which sounds like it'd be nice except I already feel like I don't do enough damage.
I am not a regular poster in NeoGAF, but I think this matter need to be said.
Why do people (and review site) said that DmC (yes, the new so-called Devil May Cry) is better than Rising? Rising have more depth in the combat area than DmC can ever hope to dream. Yes, the learning curve is very steep and the game doesn't hold our hands along the way like the usual other game, but that's how Platinum, along with Capcom and Clover before them, does it. In the original DMC, I throw my controller after numerous attempt at the shadow cat (Nightmare?) fight. It took me a couple of days to past that one boss. In DMC3 (I know this game wasn't made by all of the original team), I've lost count to how many times the bosses handed me my beaten-up butt in a glorious and shinning silver plate. In Bayonetta, fight with the Jeanne made me literally scream at my TV. Those game also did not hold your hands in any way. I love them.
Now comes Revengeance. Some said it does a terrible job at explaining thing, but in my defense, everything is explained to those that willing to make a freaking effort to press a button or two. The game have a HELP menu, for the love of God.
As for the depth of combat, I am thinking some people just don't understand how to play the game. Yes, with certain patience, you may be able to mash button your way to finish the game, but that's the same with a fighting game like Tekken of Virtua Fighter. Pressing punch all the way can still kill your opponent, but if you can string a couple of combos, it would definitely make the experience a lot better.
Just another two cent of mine. Happy to contribute.
Alright, the gorilla guy who pops up in the first battle of the first real chapter on Very Hard is kicking my ass. He has so much health and he can kill really quick. When he uppercuts me it launches me into the air and then it slow-mos as he hits me over and over. It is basically a one hit kill. What am I missing?
Also what should do the for the left stick QTEs?
I KNEW Sam was going to have a spanish accent.
Btw there is a difference between perfect parry and the normal one? Like timing it a split second before the attack lands?
After I got the hang of the last boss, I realized that it is actually pretty great. Does what a last boss should do - tests to make sure you can do everything the game has taught you for the last 6 hours.
Is there any reason not to Customize in the middle of a mission? Is there any penalty or something?
Anyone know this? Or should I just jump into Customize whenever I have points for something
KNEW Sam was going to have a spanish accent
most players just like bitching. When ninja gaiden came out in 2004 o god...The bitching and that game was a masterpiece.
Repost: Is your character progressive? Like If I go back to chapter 1 on a different difficulty will I retain my weapons and upgrades?
So where is the depth in Rising that DmC can never hope to achieve?Why do people (and review site) said that DmC (yes, the new so-called Devil May Cry) is better than Rising? Rising have more depth in the combat area than DmC can ever hope to dream.
Final boss bitching. Hard mode. Answers appreciated.
Sometimes he glows green and heals, I go into Blade Mode and hit the red square but he grabs my sword and deals damage to me. Is there any way to stop the healing process without taking damage myself?
Also are there any checkpoints in the battle? I've beaten this cunt once already but for some reason I'm having shitloads of trouble my second time around :/
I think you can just ninja run under the debris. This will cause the senator to jump down and fight you. The downside would be that you wouldn't get the health kits that fall from the sky after you complete the sequence. I had 0 health kits to start the fight, so I had to get through the whole first sequence without dying. That was fun.
Oh lol.You aren't forgetting to move the the right stick AND the left stick, are you?That part really threw me off because I just used the face buttons through the entire game. And suddenly DIAGONAL CUTTING OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE. But yeah, use the left stick to better position yourself when cutting the rocks.
you have to go behind him I guess.
I'm loving the game but keep sucking at actually parrying. I just block stuff.
There's just the regular "defend" parry and the counter parry, where after parrying you automatically attack. You get the counter by parrying at the last possible moment yeah. In normal and hard the window is pretty generous for doing this. It tightens up considerably in very hard.
My final boss strategy on Hard: (by no means a Pro player, just offering my advice)Ok on last boss and WTF I keep dying this guy is INVINCIBLE -___-
I got Sam's sword now but I have no more paste to heal myself ugh anyone have tips? I can't perfect party any of his attacks
So where is the depth in Rising that DmC can never hope to achieve?
My final boss strategy: (by no means a Pro player, just offering my advice)
I was in a similar situation to yours, left with no repair nanopaste after the giant robot spider fight. I had to quit back to the menu and chapter select the final level, replay it twice to stock up on repair nanopastes (only 3 med packs in the level). Don't try to fight the final boss head on, I saw you said earlier that you can deal with the fire, the next thing you need to do is don't go for a long combo, just slash him a few times then get ready to use Defensive Offensive to sidestep his red attack, or get ready to run away when he's glowing orange. If the debris is your main problem, just keep practicing and you'll get it eventually (or apparently you can just run under the debris and avoid the cutting section entirely? Somebody said this on the previous page, I haven't tested it myself). There's one or two variation of QTEs where he slapped off your sword, don't mess up the QTE cos you can do quite a bit of damage to him. Don't panic when you're running low on nanopaste because halfway into the battle, there will be more nanopaste dropped on the ground. Take it slow, observe his moves and you'll be fine.
Final boss bitching. Hard mode. Answers appreciated.
Sometimes he glows green and heals, I go into Blade Mode and hit the red square but he grabs my sword and deals damage to me. Is there any way to stop the healing process without taking damage myself?
Also are there any checkpoints in the battle? I've beaten this cunt once already but for some reason I'm having shitloads of trouble my second time around :/
There isn't lol. You have like 3 real combos for every weapon and the special attacks :/ I wish there was DLC with more combos
Kyon said:That was PRECISELY what my problem was. But somehow after the 20th time I did two sequences and now I beat him! Thanks!
Hmm I might just end up doing defend, though I think I was pretty good at actual parrying in the demo. Counter attacked all the time. Playing through on Hard for the first run, we'll see how it goes.
You can parry the follow-up attack in the air. Just be mindful of his attacks, parry and dodge.Also, don't forget you have ripper mode if it's too much trouble.
As for the other thing: quickly move the left stick from left to right.
Did you miss the move list or something? bye
Are you supposed to kill the guyshiding in boxes?[/spoilers]
what's the rub thenParrying is essential in this game. Just defending leaves you open to attacks from other enemies, and you just don't look as cool!
There isn't lol. You have like 3 real combos for every weapon and the special attacks :/ I wish there was DLC with more combos