Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]

So I haven't touched my PS3 for a least 6 months, it's been collecting dust, but I just watched a video review, and I think I'm gonna buy the fuck out of this game. Can't say I've been gaming on anything other than an iOS device, (no time/interest) I think this will be a nice treat. Loving the over the top battles, etc and haven't played a metal gear in ages.

KIRK - "I need help with Metal Gear Rising. I can't even get past the first actual fight where you have to defeat the two two-legged walker guys."

I can answer Kirk's question, Kotaku. Perhaps he should stop playing Rising and first visit MGS4, or any of the amazing games in the Metal Gear Solid franchise and then return to Rising. It won't help him with his ability to play the game, but he'll at least be able to talk about it coherently.

Evan said:
: This game isn't as good as DmC when it comes to combat switching, whether it's targeting or weapons. But it's kind of more timing-based, especially with the parry. So, keep all of that in mind.

10 dollars says he didn't know there was lock on in this game -__-
I preordered at Gamestop JUST for the the Cyborg Ninja skin and the fucking code doesn't work. I'm pissed. I called and they gave me another code and it didn't work either. At this point I thought it might have been my 360 but I finally opened my copy of XCOM just to see if the code worked and it did just fine. Fuck Gamestop.
Ugh... :(

Also, what card? Unless I'm blind, there's no card. :

Maybe it's a friggin' Xbox 360 version or something, but there's a slip of paper taped to the back of the game case with splash art of White Raiden with the MGR logo underneath it and a code on the back that unlocks the skin. Considering the Xbox 360 logo is plastered all over it, I'm very doubtful it'll work on the PS Store.

I can post pictures of it if you wish.


I preordered at Gamestop JUST for the the Cyborg Ninja skin and the fucking code doesn't work. I'm pissed. I called and they gave me another code and it didn't work either. At this point I thought it might have been my 360 but I finally opened my copy of XCOM just to see if the code worked and it did just fine. Fuck Gamestop.

It's a problem on Konami's end. Just wait.


Maybe it's a friggin' Xbox 360 version or something, but there's a slip of paper taped to the back of the game case with splash art of White Raiden with the MGR logo underneath it and a code on the back that unlocks the skin. Considering the Xbox 360 logo is plastered all over it, I'm very doubtful it'll work on the PS Store.

I can post pictures of it if you wish.

What a bummer. Yeah, I guess it must be a 360 thing.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Hey, don't forget about the codec! Pleasantly surprised with the variety of conversations you can have.

Yeah, even having conversations with the rest of the team in the middle of boss fights has them have something to say.


Just finished the prologue, when the vocals kick in during the boss fight, action gasms happened.

This game man, one of the most stylish and focused action games in ages.
Maybe it's a friggin' Xbox 360 version or something, but there's a slip of paper taped to the back of the game case with splash art of White Raiden with the MGR logo underneath it and a code on the back that unlocks the skin. Considering the Xbox 360 logo is plastered all over it, I'm very doubtful it'll work on the PS Store.

I can post pictures of it if you wish.

I don't see this on my copy..mind posting a pic?
Mitch Dyer ‏@MitchyD
For those complaining about Metal Gear Rising being too short: there's a guy in the office trying to unlock everything, logged 41 hours
Retweeted by Greg Miller


I'm sorry to hear of your situation, ScraftyDevil. That's pretty damn inexcusable. -_-

I've still yet to hear back from either EBGames or Konami [in regards to my broken Plasma Lamp], and I have the game sitting here that I'm unable to play [since I'll likely have to return it]. This has been a nightmare, so I can definitely sympathize with you.

Both you and I will likely be without our Limited Editions, despite pre-ordering early on. I'm doubtful that they'll be able to find a replacement for either of us, honestly. Not only that, but we'll be unable to experience the launch day craze because of these issues. *sigh*
I'm sorry to hear of your situation, ScraftyDevil. That's pretty damn inexcusable. -_-

I've still yet to hear back from either EBGames or Konami [in regards to my broken Plasma Lamp], and I have the game sitting here that I'm unable to play [since I'll likely have to return it]. This has been a nightmare, so I can definitely sympathize with you.

Both you and I will likely be without out Limited Editions, despite pre-ordering early on. Not only that, but we'll be unable to experience the launch day craze because of these issues. *sigh*

Cheers, mate.

*downs ye flask of whiskey*


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009



Mitch Dyer ‏@MitchyD
For those complaining about Metal Gear Rising being too short: there's a guy in the office trying to unlock everything, logged 41 hours
Retweeted by Greg Miller

Yeah I guess it boils down to how you play. It took me 8 or so hours to do 80% of the collectables, another 3 to get everything.

Now I'm only missing like 2 VR missions (and still complete all of them); the boss only and S-rank achievement.
Wait, is there an actual dodge? How do you do it?

Also, when they say to match the enemy's direction with a parry, does that mean AGAINST them or WITH them? Like if someone is coming straight at me, to I hold the analog stick towards them or away?

Lastly, can someone quickly explain what this left hand thing is? I'm supposed to collect them? How do I do it?


I preordered at Gamestop JUST for the the Cyborg Ninja skin and the fucking code doesn't work. I'm pissed. I called and they gave me another code and it didn't work either. At this point I thought it might have been my 360 but I finally opened my copy of XCOM just to see if the code worked and it did just fine. Fuck Gamestop.

It says it doesnt work yet on the receipt. At least the early receipts did.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Hard's kicking my ass. Took me like three hours to reach the first boss due to trying to stealth kill all the humanoids (you can stealth kill Gekko's as well but pretty hard on hard mode) and fucking up parries constantly. A bunch of D ranks so far. :(
Wait, is there an actual dodge? How do you do it?

Also, when they say to match the enemy's direction with a parry, does that mean AGAINST them or WITH them? Like if someone is coming straight at me, to I hold the analog stick towards them or away?

Lastly, can someone quickly explain what this left hand thing is? I'm supposed to collect them? How do I do it?

No dodge as far as I know. Though a certain button combination (might be light + heavy attack) will produce a dodge like attack.

I believe you hold the stick toward them.

Cut off their hand in blade mode?

Sorry if I'm not much help.


Wait, is there an actual dodge? How do you do it?

Also, when they say to match the enemy's direction with a parry, does that mean AGAINST them or WITH them? Like if someone is coming straight at me, to I hold the analog stick towards them or away?

Lastly, can someone quickly explain what this left hand thing is? I'm supposed to collect them? How do I do it?

1) Weak Attack + Jump [include a direction on the control stick if you want to dodge in that direction].

2) You do it towards the attack, so if the attack is coming from the right you press right + Weak Attack.

3) To collect the hands, simply slice them off [carefully] in Blade Mode. They'll appear as items on the ground that you can collect.
Just beat Mistral.

This game is really awesome.

Small nitpick is that the game really doesn't tell you much about the cast unless you codec in constantly...I do but still.



I am now playing METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE developed by PLATINUM GAMES on the PLAYSTATION 3 on HARD mode.

It's happening folks.



I am now playing METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE developed by PLATINUM GAMES on the PLAYSTATION 3 on HARD mode.

It's happening folks.

How hard is hard mode, and are trophies retroactive (right word?) ?

I had no idea it said that. I mean come on, who reads?

Thanks a lot though. Now I have 2 codes I guess.

Still, fuck Gamestop (I used to work for them)

lol nah I share the same sentiment. Same reaction too when I didnt get my Halo 4 codes.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Small nitpick is that the game really doesn't tell you much about the cast unless you codec in constantly...I do but still.

The way action games (and fighting games, respectively) are supposed to be. This isn't Movie Gear Solid, this is Metal Grey Fox tiem.

Dahbomb said:

I am now playing METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE developed by PLATINUM GAMES on the PLAYSTATION 3 on HARD mode.

It's happening folks.

Time to leave FUCK YOU behind?


I preordered at Gamestop JUST for the the Cyborg Ninja skin and the fucking code doesn't work. I'm pissed. I called and they gave me another code and it didn't work either. At this point I thought it might have been my 360 but I finally opened my copy of XCOM just to see if the code worked and it did just fine. Fuck Gamestop.

I am. My receipt says the code isn't active at this time. Wtf is this nonsense?

It says it doesnt work yet on the receipt. At least the early receipts did.

calm down everyone, the gamestop guys should have told you that it isn't ready yet.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Do you have to do anything to get the "beam" to come out of the plasma lamp? Mine's just blue.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Hmm I might have to pick this up just to fuck shit up in style. That and theres nothing else better to play right now for SP mayhem.

Game does have quality to it thats for sure, so no qualms about shelling out for the opening price, unlike some other titles.


How easy would it have been for Platinum to artificially extend this game's length? Take away the Ninja Run, for starters, so you can't move at a ridiculously awesome speed whenever you want. Count the time you watch cutscenes and codecs and replay a difficult fight, all on your overall time. Don't allow codecs to be skipped, and force more of them on you. I could go on.

God bless Platinum Games for caring about gameplay first, and making things that are fun and wild and stylish and a freaking blast, and not giving two shits about stupid bullet points that marketing teams and publishers force every other developer to focus on, because it appeals to dumb people who only value games for "price-divided-by-time-played." Had this been anyone else, all of the above (and more) would have happened, and we'd have heard for the last six months how this is a twelve hour gameplay experience, only for people to play it and say "eh, more like 7 or 8." Oh, and the game wouldn't be as fun.

Robot Pants

This last boss is ruining the game for me. I does three times my first time going through this game on hard, and now at the final boss I've probably died 80.
This cutting section is god awful
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