Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]


I wish I saw the MANvsGAME stream live, the archive is too damn long. If it was at least cut into parts.

The little I saw was great though, Platinum is just godly at making you feel like an invincible badass motherfucker (AKA a Platinum employee)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I wish I saw the MANvsGAME stream live, the archive is too damn long. If it was at least cut into parts.

The little I saw was great though, Platinum is just godly at making you feel like an invincible badass motherfucker (AKA a Platinum employee)

I loved his reaction to the prologue boss. I stopped watching after that though...looks like he beat it all in that archive? It's 14 hours long, wonder what his game time said.


Use EMP grenades when he's in that untouchable body parts state. It'll stun him, leaving him open for a blade mode attack on his head, and then he's back to normal

I really haven't used too many items on Hard, and the Pole-Arm was the only sub-weapon I really liked. Love hitting multiple enemies with it, works great for all those little armed bastards. Sai has like 3 moves, use on air enemies only, and even then you can just jump up with a sword or do the homing kick. Pincer is too damn slow for my liking, and I really needed power, there are some overpowered blades you can buy/unlock if you need.

Gonna do an Easy runthrough today, get all the left arms and data storages.

edit: Oh, and here's a video of a very easy BP farming spot

Thanks. I always forget about using sub weapons (grenades, etc).

Pole-Arm is the tits!


Just beat the game on Hard. So damn good. I think I like it more than Bayonetta mainly because of how great the boss battles are. I really wish Platinum would have added a Boss Rush mode after you beat the game. These games need Boss Rush modes.


If a gecko does a leg sweep at you, what direction is the correct party? Is it towards the gecko or towards the kick? I wish there was a VR tutorial mission where I could just fight one of those over and over. The first non-tutorial one has you fight one and like 5 guys, but I want to be able concentrate on working this out.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
If a gecko does a leg sweep at you, what direction is the correct party? Is it towards the gecko or towards the kick? I wish there was a VR tutorial mission where I could just fight one of those over and over. The first non-tutorial one has you fight one and like 5 guys, but I want to be able concentrate on working this out.

Toward the gecko.


GAME sent me a despatch email for the game (no reference to the book) about 2 hours ago. They have just sent me another one for the exact same order (again, just the game, no book).

Why? GAME should have stayed bust last year. Never again.


Toward the gecko.

This might be my problem then. I keep trying to parry in the direction the attack is coming from and keep missing. I figured if a gecko can attack in multiple ways like sweeps front kicks, etc. that I would have to match the direction the attack came from. So, not the case and you just push towards the gecko regardless. Makes combat less complicated, I suppose.


Oh got one of the hidden trophies yesterday. For
beating Mistral without getting hit
. I guess the rest of the trophies are in the same vein.


Oh got one of the hidden trophies yesterday. For
beating Mistral without getting hit
. I guess the rest of the trophies are in the same vein.

Actually does the checkpoint system work for you or against you when going for those achievements. Like if you get past a checkpoint and get hit and then restart then does that count in that you have to do it right all the way through?
Just finished chapter 4.
One of my favourite hack and slashes ever.
Wonder where it fits into the genre in terms of combat quality:

DMC3>Bayonetta>DMC4>Ninja Gaiden 2>MG:R??DmC>GoW3
Why exactly does the PS3 seem to suffer, in comparison to Xbox, with frame rate? MGR's frame rate is good, but there are other games that are on both systems where it's WAY worse than Xbox's. It's too common.


Actually does the checkpoint system work for you or against you when going for those achievements. Like if you get past a checkpoint and get hit and then restart then does that count in that you have to do it right all the way through?

No, it works for you. If you restart obviously the times you got hit since the last checkpoint don't count.
Playing on 360. A few things so far.

What's up with the long pauses in codec conversations? The lips aren't even close to being synced, so why such long pauses in dialogue? It's really awkward. Is everyone experiencing that? I have the game installed.

Not a big fan of the camera so far. It jerks itself around too much. I don't remember having any problems like that in other P games. Maybe it's just noticeable because I'm still getting accustomed to the controls.

I beat M
and while that was a cool fight, I felt sorta lost during it. I couldn't seem to get in counters when we were on the pipes and was really just exchanging blows at that point. It wasn't a hard fight but I definitely played poorly. What's a good way to approach it?

The opening of chapter 2 was hilarious. I hope they keep that up the rest of the game. Also, I hope that's unlockable.

The shadows from trees pixelate like crazy and from a very short distance. That's too bad.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Why exactly does the PS3 seem to suffer, in comparison to Xbox, with frame rate? MGR's frame rate is good, but there are other games that are on both systems where it's WAY worse than Xbox's. It's too common.

Developing across platform, you're gonna pick the easy way out and not the funky one on hardware use. So in laymans terms the 360 has bigger blocks stacked up to deal with this shit while the PS3 has smaller ones that ultimately equate to a larger mass.

So Platinum could have put all the chopping physics stuff onto a PS3 SPU, but then that development tactic doesnt translate across to the 360. So instead you play it safe and just do things the "normal" way so youre not devloping stuff that just wont apply to the other system.

Good news is we're all going multi-core next-gen, so these sorts of hurdles and drawbacks aren't gonna be a problem no more.


Just finished chapter 4.
One of my favourite hack and slashes ever.
Wonder where it fits into the genre in terms of combat quality:

DMC3>Bayonetta>DMC4>Ninja Gaiden 2>MG:R??DmC>GoW3

Please don't use the term hack and slash for this, it makes my soul bleed.



Welp, fuck everything else, I guess I'll open this bad boy up now.
Other than the batshit insane endgame, the game actually turned out to be a good "Metal Gear" too (and of course a great game in its own right).

I thought the game wouldn't have a single reference to previous Metal Gear games, but (I guess I'll spoiler this)
there were nods to Snake, discussions about Sunny and Otacon, mentions of Rose and their son, tons of Patriot and SOP talk, and much more.

I seriously recommend using the Codec, as it had almost as much variety as the other mainline MGS games.



That last boss is quite a dick, racked up continues with him.


On Very Hard, damn first encounter! Annihilated me within a minute! With no offensive defense move, getting comboed to hell and back
by the gekko
. :/
Please don't use the term hack and slash for this, it makes my soul bleed.

What would you prefer? "Stylish action?", that sounds juvenile. Third Person Action? That sounds too vague. Hack and slash - sounds about right.

hack and slash, hack and slash, hack and slash


I really hope this makes its way to PC.
Why? So someone can mod the gray fox skin to have gray foxs voice. Nothing would be cooler than hearing "hurt me more" when you're at almost no health and what not.


Rolling Girl
Beat it for the first time! Played on Hard and I think people were exaggerating on the difficulty of the last boss, but I LOVE THIS GAME. Time for a nap then I'm going to go for a Very Hard run later.

Naked Lunch

I cannot believe how much is covered over codec communication in this game. I wasn't expecting this much of the past stories to be discussed. Im not even past the first real mission act and already they revisit everything from The Patriots, to the Sons of the Patriots, to Raiden's whacked out conversation with the malfunctioning AI at the end of MGS2. The entire purpose of the Patriots in the first place is discussed at length. Most of the time they ask more questions than answer them - as if we the players weren't confused enough themselves - even the in-game characters don't have definitive answers about certain things in this game world.

People who didn't play literally the entire series would be completely lost with acronyms like SOP, GW, PMC, etc. being tossed around almost every codec call without a single care. All that said, I love it and appreciate they went to such lengths to flesh out the post MGS4 world at this extent. There is a TON of story content there if you have the patience to sit thru the codec calls - which can be tough to do in such a fast paced action game.


i started playing on hard. definitely glad i did. so far it's really not all that hard
died a few times, but for the most part it's pretty easy. getting mostly B's it seems like.
i got almost all B's in chapter 2, and 1 A and maybe 2 C's, but my total result for the chapter was a C
do the chapter grades get calculated differently? it's obviously not just an average of the battle scores, otherwise i'd have gotten a B
I really hope this makes its way to PC.
Why? So someone can mod the gray fox skin to have gray foxs voice. Nothing would be cooler than hearing "hurt me more" when you're at almost no health and what not.

Yeah, I was pretty disappointed that it just uses Raiden's standard voice.

Also the what I played, what I expected, what I got image floating around is all too true.
What the hell am I supposed to do about
Sundowner I cant zandatsu precise enough to not get hit by his shield when I slice it.

get behind him and wail on him for free. Block his back panel attack when they glow orange, dodge his big red swing. He's really the easiest of the Winds of Destruction


What would you prefer? "Stylish action?", that sounds juvenile. Third Person Action? That sounds too vague. Hack and slash - sounds about right.

hack and slash, hack and slash, hack and slash

Yes stylish crazy over the top action is the correct term!

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
What would you prefer? "Stylish action?", that sounds juvenile. Third Person Action? That sounds too vague. Hack and slash - sounds about right.

hack and slash, hack and slash, hack and slash

Isn't the standard term "character action" now? Hack and slash is what Ninety Nine Nights 2 is.


Eh, it's semantics either way.
Bought it on the PS3, first console game I have bought in a long while. It just reminds me so much of the Afro Samurai game I HAD to buy it. I really hope it makes its way to PC I would love to play it at 1000000fps with all the bells and whistles.


Reading this thread makes it all the more painful waiting til Friday for my copy to arrive. Sounds excellent.


Playing this game, I realized just how much I like the MGS aesthetic. The Codec ring, the look, the goofy yet trying to be serious story - it's really good even outside of a stealth action game.


Just defeated, this fucking game.

What an insane boss battle...and that finish! My jaw was open the whole time

Shit like this is why I play games


Opened up my limited edition, and in regards to the lamp, its fucking awesome and the sword looks great. For some reason though, on the logo it doesn't display the whole title in blue, for example when it gets to the "ing" in Rising, the color appears white which is annoying.

Also the glass casing looks awful, with one noticeable circle appearing right in the center of the whole thing which really bugs the hell out of me. Aside from that though it was definitely worth the extra cash. Can't wait to play the game tonight!


Is the FOX Blade more powerful than the others? Keeping in mind I've finished the game about three times right now.

Wondering if it's worth laying down all those BP.
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