AKA you don't know how to play games.Gamer @ Heart said:After two matches i had enough. No one had mikes, and i was already spawn killed.
AKA you don't know how to play games.Gamer @ Heart said:After two matches i had enough. No one had mikes, and i was already spawn killed.
Shrinnan said:Solidus was totally against the Patriots, though. If he could have, I don't think he would have allowed the US to come under the SOP's control. I think, by the time he was "elected" President, the Patriots already had the US and the world itself under their control and it was only growing stronger.
Dax01 said:Still doesn't explain how the US became under the SOP's control, as well as other countries. Hm.
Dax01 said:Still doesn't explain how the US became under the SOP's control, as well as other countries. Hm.
Dax01 said:What I don't understand is how the US and other countries could possibly allow themselves to come under the control of the SOP system.
Shrinnan said:If I were to guess, I'd say once the US (and the world) came under the Patriots control, the SOP system was just a matter of time. The question should be how the world came under the Patriots control in the first place. I don't know, maybe I will once I beat the game (at the beginning of Act 5 - before mission briefing - or when I read the database).
And everyone was so ready to take him seriously!CrushDance said:Surprise, surprise.
Maggot9 said:i thought the mandatory injections of the nanomachines made them be under the control of SOP.
Dax01 said:You're right. I forgot that once the Patriots were in power, they set up the system. Hm. The Patriots control the AIs that control the system, right? I'm at the beginning of Act 4, about to watch the beginning cutscene now.
Dax01 said:Still doesn't explain how the US became under the SOP's control, as well as other countries. Hm.
Shrinnan said:Yea, I think that's how it goes. I think the AIs kind of took on a life of their own after the original members became too old to control the organization. Zero didn't want to leave his organization in the hands of the next generation (after Big Boss "betrayed" him, he lost faith in everything essentially) so he created the AIs (which, I guess, do exactly what Zero wanted as he himself became corrupt).
"And it fired turd missiles that turned everything to shit!"U K Narayan said:Heh.
Dax01 said:Wait, so Zero is still in control? Because if he isn't, I don't understand how the Patriots are in control of the system.
I have never played any of the previous MGS games, so the MGS4 storyline is quite confusing for, but still really good.Crazymoogle said:The patriots have had 40+ years and trillions of dollars - essentially a blank check - with which to manipulate the world's economy. As you can gather from MGS1, they also essentially run weapons builders like Armstech. Their shadow control goes far enough to manipulate agents in all of the major US intelligence agencies, to the point where they literally choose and vet who gets to be the president next.
SOP is a side-effect of nanomachines sold both in and out of the military through the subsidiaries they control. First it's marketed to soldiers, then it becomes mandatory injections, and things steamroll from there until not having nanomachines either locks you out or leaves you at a fatal disadvantage on the field.
The patriots are essentially a US-centric group - a side effect of the Philosopher's split, no doubt - but the AI's know that commerce does a better job of running the world than a government. With a worldwide market, it's impossible for the effects not to spread.
Shrinnan said:In Act 3, it's stated that Zero didn't want to leave his organization in the hands of the next generation. This is why he created the AIs. Essentially, the AIs carry out his "mission" but he, himself, is probably not in direct control (haven't beaten the game yet so I don't know exactly).
Dax01 said:I have never played any of the previous MGS games, so the MGS4 storyline is quite confusing for, but still really good.
Dax01 said:Yeah, I remember that much. But seeing the mission briefing between ACts 3 and 4 has made me a little confused on whether or not the Patriots still control the AIs.
Dax01 said:Yeah, I remember that much. But seeing the mission briefing between ACts 3 and 4 has made me a little confused on whether or not the Patriots still control the AIs.
Ok thanks for the info!1stStrike said:Yea, forward jump over them or just walk around them. If you see a team mate get stuck on em, dive roll into him to free him.
Me, being a sniper, I'm always looking for other snipers..so I always fall for the dumb traps D:
I am not sure about the Essentials collection in my area. Will have to look into it.Shrinnan said:Do yourself a favor as a gamer and play the previous ones. They probably won't seem as good as MGS4, because technology advances, but they were just as innovative in their respective times. Especially MGS1. There's so much you can do that is still unbelievable in that time (looking at Playstation 1 technology).
The story, experiencing it first-hand anyway, is also a must.
I guess you could also end up reading the database to get the story, but I feel that experiencing it first-hand is the way to go. If the Essentials collection is released in your area, that's a great place to start.
Can you refresh my memory? I can't remember all of what happened in that mission briefing.
Shrinnan said:I have a question about MGO - you know how some games can have guests when you have a friend over - can you do that with MGO?
That way both my friend and I could play?
jaaz said::lolScreen suddenly goes black and "Video2" appears in the upper-right hand corner. I was about to scream at my kids for hitting the video input on the remote control when I suddenly realized it didn't say "Video2" in the upper-right hand corner, but "Hideo2" and then the game screen comes back.
jaaz said:Oh man, found a hilarious easter egg while running around during thefight. Highlight below at your own risk!Screaming Mantis
:lolScreen suddenly goes black and "Video2" appears in the upper-right hand corner. I was about to scream at my kids for hitting the video input on the remote control when I suddenly realized it didn't say "Video2" in the upper-right hand corner, but "Hideo2" and then the game screen comes back.
alr1ghtstart said:OMG it's 1998!!
jaaz said:Oh man, found a hilarious easter egg while running around during thefight. Highlight below at your own risk!Screaming Mantis
:lolScreen suddenly goes black and "Video2" appears in the upper-right hand corner. I was about to scream at my kids for hitting the video input on the remote control when I suddenly realized it didn't say "Video2" in the upper-right hand corner, but "Hideo2" and then the game screen comes back.
jaaz said:Apologies for having a life and not finishing the game the first night.
Man you guys are tough. Just saying I found something funny, not saying I was the first to find it.
Solo said:You could have just said "GAF, I never played MGS1!"
he is saying that this is in mgs1, its really 10 years oldjaaz said:Apologies for having a life and not finishing the game the first night.
Man you guys are tough. Just saying I found something funny, not saying I was the first to find it.
dralla said:how can you not remember that :[
have you tried switching controller ports for the Screaming Mantis fight?
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :loljaaz said:Oh man, found a hilarious easter egg while running around during thefight. Highlight below at your own risk!Screaming Mantis
:lolScreen suddenly goes black and "Video2" appears in the upper-right hand corner. I was about to scream at my kids for hitting the video input on the remote control when I suddenly realized it didn't say "Video2" in the upper-right hand corner, but "Hideo2" and then the game screen comes back.
Dax01 said:I am not sure about the Essentials collection in my area. Will have to look into it.
Otacon said that once GW assumes control after JD has been destroyed, not even the Patriots will be able to stop him. This leaves me with the impression that the Patriots are still in control of the AIs in some way. Or, at least, JD.
Mario. It's Mario.jaaz said:Bonus points to anyone who can figure out the game where my avatar is from).
Dax01 said:What I don't understand is how the US and other countries could possibly allow themselves to come under the control of the SOP system.
Free Paper said:Free paper gives MGS4 6/10
"Solid Snake is back, older, wiser, but unfortunately, if gameplay is anything to go by, more arthritic and boring. In truth, the MGS series has always been rather unfathomable - a fanboy favourite that mystifies and inspires in equal measure. The plot is so utterly overblown that it's pointless delving too deep - imagine an art house remake of a Jean Claude Van Damme movie (there's a twin brother, global conspiracy, genetic engineering and, erm, a laughing octopus).
"The core of gameplay is stealthy third-person action but there are so many twists in the standard formula, it's breathtaking. It's a whirlwind of unevenness that somehow manages to be both rubbish and exceptional at the same time."
a free paper?Tom Penny said:Who are these clowns?
my horrid lag prevents me from having an enjoyable experience. Maybe if I use a direct ethernet cable instead of using wlan, it'll help...Teknoman said:Everyone needs to start playing Metal Gear Online. That is all.
HeMetalmurphy said:Lol just finished thein Act 5 :lolPsycho Manthis part
what happens if you play that partI had a SixAxis so he got upset :lol?with the DualShock3
MScoutsDCI said:This question was raised about 100 pages back or so and after searching each page since, I've determined it's still unanswered so I'm going to re-ask it.
In MGS3, Naked Snake is given the password "Who are the Patriots?" to which ADAM is supposed to reply La-li-lu-le-lo.
How can this happen whenthe Patriots aren't created until after MGS3 by Zero and Big Boss himself? And for that matter, how come the Patriots are referenced in other parts of MGS3?
jvalioli said:Working on something for people that love to print stuff:
MGO is alright but IMO there are so many games out already that are better for multiplayer.Teknoman said:Everyone needs to start playing Metal Gear Online. That is all.
Dax01 said::lol :lol @Otacon and the blu-ray disc change and not needing to change discs.