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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT2| A Franchise Robbed Of Its Future


makes me want to quit the whole damn game because
1 tank manages to kill me no matter what I do because apparently it's the world's first sniper tank that ALWAYS hits me regardless of whether or not I'm hiding behind things or not...

Seriously been here over an hour...Guess I just suck at the game and/or life

I'm the same, worst mission in the whole game.
It feels like if you try to extract something with a 50% chance, it's more like a 10% chance

"Sorry Boss, he didn't survive the fall". Yeah no shit, neither did the last 5 guys
makes me want to quit the whole damn game because
1 tank manages to kill me no matter what I do because apparently it's the world's first sniper tank that ALWAYS hits me regardless of whether or not I'm hiding behind things or not...

Seriously been here over an hour...Guess I just suck at the game and/or life

i feel the same. my game also has a sandstorm coming at the end that doesn't seem to affect the tanks. took me about an hour but i wanted to skip it since i had mission
unlocked. i'll do that one tomorrow
Lol , how about no ?

This is a huge game, there are a lot of questions that one is bound to ask himself, we have two dedicated threads, and spoiler tags, why would I stop using a thread dedicated to gameplay on a safe forum, because you can't have the decency of not spoiling the game for those who haven't reached the part you are at ?

Game has been out for a week, I can't play it much, I'm glad nobody else cares about that particular spoiler, I'm pretty sure you do that with the last few bosses and you'd see more uproar. One week doesn't make it OK to spoil it still. We can't all spend every day playing this.

Be more considerate and I'll learn "to chill". Thanks.

The person who comes in and tells me to "fuck off" straight away asks me to be more considerate? Please.

Gotta say if something that small pisses you off this much, you must be raving mad at Kojima.

I can guarantee that Kojima fucking spoils more shit in his damn opening TV credits than I did. ;p
Now THAT is fucked up!


What the fuck with how frustrating navigating is (Snake is a top of the line stealth killer yet he can't scale rocks?) and quality of life features are essentially non-existent (can't save mid mission- hello, I have work and life commitments that prevent me from playing several hours consecutively).

I'm a perfectionist when it comes to stealth and preventing enemies from seeing me or calling for support, so I retry missions often. It's so irritating that I can't reliably start a mission unless I know I have the time to finish it, short of putting my PC to sleep while the game is running, which I have been doing more frequently lately. Not even just that, but also the stupidity with scavenging my base for diamonds and improving morale, only to exit the game and all that progress is lost because it didn't automatically save. Is this 1999 konamijima?
I recall there being gameplay video of snake scaling cliffs. So far I have not seen it. It in this game. Was it cut or was that a gameplay slice further into the game? Mucking around Africa at the moment.


I recall there being gameplay video of snake scaling cliffs. So far I have not seen it. It in this game. Was it cut or was that a gameplay slice further into the game? Mucking around Africa at the moment.
It is in the game, you can climb on cracks which are extremely rare. I think that they even have a map icon (a broken wall). I did all but the last 2 yellow story missions and 50-60 side ops and HAD to climb once.
I recall there being gameplay video of snake scaling cliffs. So far I have not seen it. It in this game. Was it cut or was that a gameplay slice further into the game? Mucking around Africa at the moment.

It's in. I've seen about 8-10. They're quite sparse and hard to see. Using night-vision helps to see the wall cracks though.


So for those who HATE the story...

Did you like the intro? Because I though it was overindulgent trash. It felt like it was trying too hard to be flashy and obtuse for the sake of being so. The game got infinitely better for me when it got rid of Kojima's excesses in storytelling in favor for concise cutscenes and more gameplay.

..and I do love MGS2/3/1 not so much 4.


To be fair, he has always done this. He takes a topic, reads everything he can about it, then explains it to you in such depth (through his characters) that you are left with no doubt that yes, Hideo Kojima can read, and read about symbolic topics, and he read all the way to the very end because he's super-smart.

It leaves certain sections of his game feel like wikipedia articles about certain topics, and it's really, really strange. He doesn't understand subtlety at all. That's fine in a game that's over the top camp nonsense like MGS4, hell, it even adds to it. (Disclaimer: I love MGS4.) Here it comes off as cack-handed.

He's unable to use one piece of imagery from another piece of media without throwing every other piece of imagery he can from that same source in as well, to make SURE you get it. It's kind of like the way he refuses to have characters not have at least 5 connections to every other character, so that Snake can't stumble across a random guy on the street without it being his clone, former comrade, former CO, former family member etc. Everyone must be related, if not by blood then by war! (But better by blood!)

MGSV is going to make me re-examine just how intentional the brilliant bits of the first games in the series were, it really is.

I agree with all of this, but I've always suspected that the frankly odd ways in which Kojima presents all these ideas in his games must be at least partly the result of cultural differences and his lack of understanding regarding translation and localisation. The way in which he treated the translator of the first Metal Gear Solid, Jeremy Blaustein, would seem to support this.

For those that don't know, Blaustein put in a ton work localising the game's script during translation in an attempt to make it more relatable for western audiences (which is something a good tanslator is expected to do), but Kojima didn't appreciate his efforts since he thought that a 1:1 translation would have been better. As a result subsequent MGS games were translated by other translators, who opted for a more literal translation as per Kojima's wishes. In my opinion this has ended up making the entire MGS series much more obtuse than it would have been had Kojima let translators do their job and localise the games properly.

I'm biased though, being a professional translator myself, but it's something to think about.


Are you fucking kidding me with these little idiots in the diamond mine? I get them to the chopper and wait for them to catch up because they are slow as shit even after I clear the way they're still hiding and shit so I wait for them and the goddamn gunship comes and kills my chopper before they can even be bothered to get there. So then I do it again from the fucking beginning and get into the chopper to kill the gunship with the minigun and my chopper pilot fucking leaves. What the actual fuck.
I agree with all of this, but I've always suspected that the frankly odd ways in which Kojima presents all these ideas in his games must be at least partly the result of cultural differences and his lack of understanding regarding translation and localisation. The way in which he treated the translator of the first Metal Gear Solid, Jeremy Blaustein, would seem to support this.

For those that don't know, Blaustein put in a ton work localising the game's script during translation in an attempt to make it more relatable for western audiences (which is something a good tanslator is expected to do), but Kojima didn't appreciate his efforts since he thought that a 1:1 translation would have been better. As a result subsequent MGS games were translated by other translators, who opted for a more literal translation as per Kojima's wishes. In my opinion this has ended up making the entire MGS series much more obtuse than it would have been had Kojima let translators do their job and localise the games properly.

I'm biased though, being a professional translator myself, but it's something to think about.

Jeremy is a great guy and probably one of the best translators in the industry IMO.
I have talked with him a few times about his time at Konami, and it really is unfortunate how it all turned out.

I still think that MGS1 the English script has the best dialogue and writing in the series as a result of Jeremy's work.


Say what now?
The worst auto correct of all time.
I was trying to say helicopters will land closer to your immediate area when you destroy those things, chances are if you see one there is a place to get picked up not far from where you made it go boom.


I'm at 79% completion. Only have S Rank'ing, missing mission objectives, and extreme missions to do. As well as finish the last weapons/gear to develop and still have 3 sections of MB to upgrade. Just lost motivation to do it now outside trophies. This game needs DLC.


Why hang onto it if for no reason if you can sell it?

The last 2 rocket launchers cost 4000 precious metal each. But it'll be a while before you get there as they require something like 60+ R&D, so I would sell it for now. A bunch of other gear requires precious metal but the only other item close to the 4k rocket launchers is the 2k final Battle Dress.


Are you fucking kidding me with these
little idiots in the diamond mine? I get them to the chopper and wait for them to catch up because they are slow as shit even after I clear the way they're still hiding and shit so I wait for them and the goddamn gunship comes and kills my chopper before they can even be bothered to get there. So then I do it again from the fucking beginning and get into the chopper to kill the gunship with the minigun and my chopper pilot fucking leaves.
What the actual fuck.
Why are you doing it that way? Have you not been playing the game and learning all its subtle shortcuts?


I have a question about mission 9 or 10 where you have to destroy
enemy vehicles, 11 in total
in 15 minutes. I managed to destroy 4/11, will there be an easier way (later on) to destroy them all? Some kind of item or whatever.
Can someone give me some tips on how to make Quiet
a better follower?

I'm at bond level 30 or so and I thought at this point she'd follow me around more, but it seems once she finds a position after being dropped in to a location, she will either stay there indefinitely or change her position about 30% of the time.

I've infiltrated a fair amount of bases and command posts with her as a buddy now and it's like she'll decide to come and help or not at random. Also while she's not near me, all her commands are greyed out and she does not hum over the radio, including the 'Quiet' command which doesn't seem to do anything but make Snake say "Quiet"

Just want to know if it's worth keeping on trying with her or switching back to D-Dog, her behavior is so inconsistent that I don't know whether it's intentional to make her seem like some kind of stubborn renegade, or a bug


end game spoilers
You lose Quiet for good? If I knew that I would have not played that final mission. aaargh....


So for those who already finished the story/most of the missions:

Is this game good or not? I've been seen so much negativity right after launch that I'm a little scared It will suck.
Can someone give me some tips on how to make Quiet
a better follower?

I'm at bond level 30 or so and I thought at this point she'd follow me around more, but it seems once she finds a position after being dropped in to a location, she will either stay there indefinitely or change her position about 30% of the time.

I've infiltrated a fair amount of bases and command posts with her as a buddy now and it's like she'll decide to come and help or not at random. Also while she's not near me, all her commands are greyed out and she does not hum over the radio, including the 'Quiet' command which doesn't seem to do anything but make Snake say "Quiet"

Just want to know if it's worth keeping on trying with her or switching back to D-Dog, her behavior is so inconsistent that I don't know whether it's intentional to make her seem like some kind of stubborn renegade, or a bug
Go into the iDroid and tell her to scout somewhere on the map screen using the Quiet (Scout) option. She's incredibly useful for checking out bases and command posts before you get there.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I agree with all of this, but I've always suspected that the frankly odd ways in which Kojima presents all these ideas in his games must be at least partly the result of cultural differences and his lack of understanding regarding translation and localisation. The way in which he treated the translator of the first Metal Gear Solid, Jeremy Blaustein, would seem to support this.

For those that don't know, Blaustein put in a ton work localising the game's script during translation in an attempt to make it more relatable for western audiences (which is something a good tanslator is expected to do), but Kojima didn't appreciate his efforts since he thought that a 1:1 translation would have been better. As a result subsequent MGS games were translated by other translators, who opted for a more literal translation as per Kojima's wishes. In my opinion this has ended up making the entire MGS series much more obtuse than it would have been had Kojima let translators do their job and localise the games properly.

I'm biased though, being a professional translator myself, but it's something to think about.

I think it's 1 part translation, and 1 part his style.

Even in Japanese, for non-English speakers, Metal Gear is still a series of knowingly Flamboyant Nouns.

No way do I think Kojima calls something "Diamond Dogs" without a hint of understanding that it's an odd flourish. I've heard a lot of talk, from Blaustein; from Mark McDonald, about how "silly" it is to leave those kinds of things in without localizing them for a local audience.

I'm not so sure in some cases... I think localizers might be just as blind to this, as it's their job to systematically reinterpret all odd-sounding dialogue into natural English. But sometimes fiction has odd uses of language that are fully intended as part of the reality of the world. Imagine if Mission Impossible were a foreign product and you came across the name "Impossible Mission Force". Would a localizer not try to sand off that edge into something more natural and plausible?

As always, localization is an art, not a science...


Indeed, I miss them like a Phantom Pain.

Same. I don't even carry any lethal weapons other than C4 and Grenades just to blow up stuff like comms and what not.

I've always played the same with pretty much all metal gears, so much funner in my opinion. So many games let you shoot and kill and get noticed, playing it low key is so refreshing.

I do the same mostly, I've gotten Octopus ranking for most of my missions even when I've tried not to. Apparently it is given for using mostly (minor spoiler)
non-lethal weapons specifically, not including hold-ups or CQC.

Not always though, for one thing in BB games I'm more inclined to "go loud" when the going gets tough, back when I first played the game on 360 in the HD Collection I played MGS3 somewhat more pacifistly, but more recent playthroughs of it and Peace Walker have allowed lethal situations if the mission called for it like the main climax of both games. Did the same in TPP's mission #
30 & 31
, though
ironically it didn't feel right despite the circumstances. Felt like I was doing it mostly because the game expected it of me, or that I expected the game to expect that of me.

Still, even in such situations, I've tried to just use the lethal weapons in most cases by necessity, to disable enemy combatants quickly, not to kill indiscriminately. Except in TPP with
XOF, even if again, it ironically felt hollow. Is that on purpose perhaps, revenge will never satisfy? Nah.

mission 31 and assuming the game is over since the credits were rolling.
This game was fucking awesome and everything I wanted it to be after I played GZ. SO GOOD.

Not at all. Only needed regular weapons for boss fights, and you can still tranq the skulls if you want. Played every mission super stealthy and the tranq pistol/sniper were my two best weapons.

I'm glad you liked it, personally my thoughts reflect the thoughts of the people below. But I'm glad it satisfied fans, and I hope my brother who is playing the game will feel the same.

Those weapons were basically my mains too. Most of the time anyways, once I developed them.

I think mission 30/31 has drilled into me that the story is really pretty damn underwhelming.

Without spoiling anything, I'm actually not that fussed with the overall tonal shift (it's a lot more serious as a whole) and most of the ideas they play around with (even the stupider stuff). It's all just kinda pulpy military scifi set in the 80s, and I personally think it works conceptually for most part. I quite like most of the performances, and I think the cinematography in the long shots is great. It's not MGS1/2/3/4, but I'm happy with something a bit different too.

That being said (spoiler tagging for the innocent):
- Silent Venom is so, so fucking weird. He doesn't need to be rattling off like the past games. When he does have the odd line or two it's fine. But so often he's just unreasonably silent. Contextually it's just odd.
- Massive gaps of undercooked, undeveloped narrative.
- Skullface is a surprisingly dull villain for the series, also underdeveloped and just not believable or interesting.
- "Revenge" as a core theme is barely explored.
- I feel there's some fun stuff interconnected in the mission objectives that just isn't presented well enough to have impact.

It's an odd position to be in. MGS4 and PW I disliked narratively not for their production (which was otherwise fine), but for the actual content, writing, and performances. For all the complaints I can throw at MGS4, the narrative being "finished" is not one. PW is similar; stupid ass story and dumb ideas, but full and conclusive.

I know I'm not finished MGSV, but this is obviously a point of climax in the story and it's been so under developed so far that it loses a lot of weight in emotional or thematic impact. I just don't care, to be honest, despite enjoying watching the cutscenes enough. Like I'm watching stuff unfold and it looks cool, but I'm not emotionally invested and no character so far has a developed journey.

It's actually probably the first Metal Gear Solid game to be like this.

Summarizes the story complaints I've had very well. A large dissapointment for me. It sucks too because I've been so spoiled accidentally about what happens in
Chapter 2
. I'm mostly just finishing the game because it's fun, which is a good reason, but even Peace Walker had a more
worthwhile reason
reaching the true end IMO.

I actually really like Peace Walker and MGS4 both, they've both got stupid elements but they are excellent in my eyes, at least in comparison to V, but your story complaints of V ring true for me that it just feels like an under baked story, like its there but serves little purpose and has no real drive. Completely unexpected.

Skullface is
such an interesting seeming villain in all the previous media including GZ, in fact I think GZ does a much better job to explain his motivations, characterization and grudges, which is pitiful to be honest. GZ builds a better picture of the guy than the damn main game...

speech was completely flat, like WTF?! The whole time I was like "I get what he's saying, kind of, maybe.. But why is he doing this, how is this plan supposed to work? Why is he not justbbeing clear and saying he wants to prevent a system of information control, what's all this "codes" nonsense?

Then he
gets duped hard, and dies out of the blue, thanks Skullface. Whatever man, Coldman had better characterization and motivation in the end. His character in TPP is like a Phantom compared to his characterization in GZ. For one thing the implied grudge against the Allied powers for destroying his village is very hidden in GZ, but explains his drive for revenge a lot better than whatever the fuck he is on about with Zero. I honestly don't have a clue what his problem with Zero was, it just seemed like he opportunistically took control of the situation to hijack the parasites for his own plan.

As someone who just finished mission 31-

MGS1-4 were ~10 hours of cutscenes and ~5 hours of gameplay (or at least they felt like they were,) MGS5 is shaping up to be more like ~10 hours of cutscenes and ~50 hours of gameplay. The cutscenes are still there and as Metal Gear-ey as always (for better or for worse,) there's just a shitload more gameplay in between them.

I disagree, the game has more like 4 and a half hours of cut scenes tops and that's not even the problem with the game's story. It's just bad. I really, really wanted it to be good, but it went against all expectations and really lost its footing in the payoff.

Well I just beat the game. Hm. I'm listening to the tapes
talking about BB, The Patriots, Zero, etc
and I just don't really know what to think about all this.

The gameplay is easily the best in the series, and some of the most fun I've had with a game in a long time, but the story is extremely underwhelming.
The twist is.... I just keep thinking about it but the question that keeps popping up is Why? What does it ad to the series? Why try to explain and link things in such a ludicrous way? Just....why?
And I found out Eli's story isn't even resolved and an entire episode was cut from the game. Just wow.

For being heralded as "THE MISSING LINK THAT COMPLETES THE SAGA" it really....doesn't do that. Throughout the game I kept waiting for the point where the story would pick up, but it only kept on letting me down. Especially
in Chapter 2. Like the theme RACE. What? I understand Chapter 1's theme and it did do it well I guess, but they dropped the ball in Chapter 2.

Kojima went out with a bang in everything but the story department. And since MGS' story is one of the biggest draws to the series, that's very disappointing.

Same. I've already said most of everything, but what the hell is the point of (MEGA HUGE SPOILERS)
BB really being Ishmael? Like, what? Bear in mind this is something I haven't yet had revealed in the story, it's something that I accidentally spoiled myself on, but the signs were pretty clear to me before that with the obvious hinting early dialogue "Don't take too long to get used to your new self", previous suspicions about the medic, the picture that the doctor shows you and that sits in the helicopter is blocking someone out, Venom's trouble with speaking or not having his own will "Kaz, what should I do?" etc.

But I wasn't sure, I actually thought the game was being intentionally obvious about it as a double twist. Like BB would start to believe he wasn't the real deal and would start going crazy pursuing revenge on those that changed him only to realize he was the one and only all along, soon after going too far for revenge.

Wow, Mission 28's bullshit is nothing compared to 29's. Though it did teach me to try some different weapons and strategies from what I'd been doing in the game up until then. I just wish I didn't have to quit the mission and go back and develop a couple new weapons first

Mission 29 did suck a bit, but I don't really see it as horrible. And I don't get how anyone could have complaints about Mission 28, smooth infiltration for me, in and out with no alarm, just kept out of
the skulls' vision
and extracted without much fuss, felt good to have a (minor spoiler)
nice big indoors area
for infiltration.


Mission 14 done!

Very much enjoying the game so far. Just unlocked Quiet too. Did a side op to see... She seems kinda OP. But hey, I'm not complaining :p


I still haven't made much progress into this game. I just finished the
Honeybee and Red Brass
story missions.

My question: does a sleep gas mine put people in a car to sleep when they drive over it?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
So for those who already finished the story/most of the missions:

Is this game good or not? I've been seen so much negativity right after launch that I'm a little scared It will suck.

The game is fantastic, and it's amazing that you'd get the wrong impression there. Best Metal Gear game, easily. This is one of the best games ever made.

Story is hit or miss, and barely there. Which, despite me being a huge MGS fan since 1998, I am fine with. Previous games were such a pompous story dump that I take this gameplay-focus to be refreshing.

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
So for those who already finished the story/most of the missions:

Is this game good or not? I've been seen so much negativity right after launch that I'm a little scared It will suck.

The gameplay is amazing but the story has been a big disappointment for me so far. It's a great game but not a very good Metal Gear game


I think it's 1 part translation, and 1 part his style.

Even in Japanese, for non-English speakers, Metal Gear is still a series of knowingly Flamboyant Nouns.

No way do I think Kojima calls something "Diamond Dogs" without a hint of understanding that it's an odd flourish. I've heard a lot of talk, from Blaustein; from Mark McDonald, about how "silly" it is to leave those kinds of things in without localizing them for a local audience.

I'm not so sure in some cases... I think localizers might be just as blind to this, as it's their job to systematically reinterpret all odd-sounding dialogue into natural English. But sometimes fiction has odd uses of language that are fully intended as part of the reality of the world. Imagine if Mission Impossible were a foreign product and you came across the name "Impossible Mission Force". Would a localizer not try to sand off that edge into something more natural and plausible?

As always, localization is an art, not a science...
100% agreed.


The last 2 rocket launchers cost 4000 precious metal each. But it'll be a while before you get there as they require something like 60+ R&D, so I would sell it for now. A bunch of other gear requires precious metal but the only other item close to the 4k rocket launchers is the 2k final Battle Dress.

Lvl50 isn't the max staff level? Ffffffffffff.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
The gameplay is amazing but the story has been a big disappointment for me so far. It's a great game but not a very good Metal Gear game

I personally wouldn't put it that way without explanation, because it's one of the best stealth games ever made, and a next level interpretation of the stealth gameplay that Metal Gear has been refining since the beginning.

So in one sense, it's the ultimate Metal Gear.

But sure, if Metal Gear Solid needs an involved story, this is not the ultimate realization of that.


I have a question about mission 9 or 10 where you have to destroy
enemy vehicles, 11 in total
in 15 minutes. I managed to destroy 4/11, will there be an easier way (later on) to destroy them all? Some kind of item or whatever.

There's an area where every single vehicle passes bar one which is sitting idle in the
Yakho supply outpost.

Just chopper in just above it. That's the road which they all pass through. Just keep planting 4 x C4 on the road, destroy a passing vehicle then request a support drop for more C4. Rince and repeat.
I managed all 11 vehicles that way
The gameplay is amazing but the story has been a big disappointment for me so far. It's a great game but not a very good Metal Gear game

Agreed, as if it wasn't obvious by my probably too big post above (sorry).

I personally wouldn't put it that way without explanation, because it's one of the best stealth games ever made, and a next level interpretation of the stealth gameplay that Metal Gear has been refining since the beginning.

So in one sense, it's the ultimate Metal Gear.

But sure, if Metal Gear Solid needs an involved story, this is not the ultimate realization of that.

While this is a neat way to put it, it doesn't work perfectly, because MG2 had a better story in my opinion than this game. And Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake still exists as a pure Metal Gear game with no "Solid" moniker, and no cinematic cutscenes or hugely detailed story monologues like later games. Things just fall flat on their face in the latter parts of V for me...

I agree the gameplay is very, very good, but it isn't perfect either. It's darn close, but not quite.
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