Well, I finished the game at mission
and I am disappointed. i can write more, about the voice acting (and why a certain character does a good job at one point in the game but then basically disappears and does mediocre job the entire rest of the game), or how it does't make sense cannon-wise, or whatever.
This was, without a doubt, the best Metal Gear game to play, but the story, voice acting, writing, and whatever narrative things you wish to add, are worse than any other Metal Gear Solid game, bar none. I loved sneaking into bases, adapting my play, calling in support helicopters, relying on my buddy, which was always...
and having fun. Rarely did the game break its mechanics and ruin the experience. Sure, there are some absolutely terrible and unforgiving missions, especially those that result in the game preventing a certain play-style, but for the most part, things hold up remarkably well mechanically.