3rd fucking failure on this key dispatch mission. This could potentially be more than 12 hours of trying
What's the significance of Master Certificates? I think I just unlocked a hidden upgrade to the fulton? What does this upgrade do?
abso-fucking-lutely not
So (around mission 38 question),I rescued the 5 missing child soldiers that escaped from MB a while ago. Ocelot said that Eli wanted to talk to Big Boss but it hasn't happened yet. Do I have to do something or just keep playing story missions? I'm currently on 38.
Reposting for materials engineer on mission 14
Cmon GAF.
Does anyone know?
Do more sideops.
Oh, will do. Thanks.
Do you unlock more main story content like that the more side ops you do?
What does it take to make materials containers respawn ? When they do it seems to happen randomly.
I need some fuel braaaaahs
Ok so how do Iat the end? Something to do with "Demon Points" or something?get all this blood off me
A couple of questions now that I've finished mission 46:
There were still a few scenes from trailers I never saw in the game, most notably the scene of Snake in Africa with all the burned/dead bodies around him from the E3 2014 trailer and the scene on Mother Base of the soldiers in a knife fight. I guess those were cut, or did I somehow miss them?
Also I had trouble understanding what was going on in the post-credit stinger between Miller and Ocelot. Was Miller mad at Big Boss because he wouldn't be able to be a part of his true Outer Heaven or something? you've never seen Paz and you've already beaten the game, lol
Check the upper deck of the Med platform for a door with a blue light and be sure to do those wandering motherbase soldiers side ops
Finished mission 29. Holy shit, first time I really see why there is D-Walker.
Also, a cutscene question in this mission
is it affected by who is your buddy? I remember seeing it in the trailers, and Snake was carrying Quiet. I didn't use her because I'm not so sure if the bug is really fixed, and went with D-Walker instead since there would be skulls and I don't want D-Dog to be hurt by them.
So if I'm with Quiet I will get Snake carrying her out of the chopper, or D-Dog in his case?
So does equippable by security staff mean you can't use it yourself? I recently researched the Renov tranq sniper rifle and can't supply drop it/choose it in loadouts, just has a red slash box over it![]()
I don't get the yellow mission marker on my base. (Some development spoilers)
After Huey starts building the Metal Gear. There's a yellow mission marker on my map that says "train" but anytime I go in there there's nothing to do.
So, how do I (Chapter 2 gameplay spoilers)deploy battle gear in dispatch missions?
What's the Butterfly Emblem do? I heard a lot of chatter about it.
Keeps Quiet from leaving. If you take it off when you're roughly in the 40s she will leave wherein you do a Side Op that leads to Mission 45. Otherwise if you keep it on she stays and that side op/mission never show up.
I just signed into the servers and finally set up an FOB. What resources of mine are now exposed to the outside world?
I belive just the raw resources on the FOB (have the globe icon in the raw resources tab)