So, when I am running around the world about every 20 minutes I hear a "bing bing". Kind of like a sonar. What is it? Am I close to a diamond or something? I've stopped and looked around every time I hear it but I never find anything.
EDIT: not seconds, minutes.
Fuck Konami and their servers, I just paid for an FoB base & now I can't connect to the servers, so it's pretty much useless.
I'd just ask you one question: What do you think this game gains from being open-world rather than a bunch of open levels (like say a base from this game and 200m around it on all sides).
Reposting for new page:
I'm watching some gameplay of mission 20 and apparently it's possible to not even get theSniper boss fight with the 4 female skulls. huh. That was one of my favorite moments too.
I've yet to create FOB. Question: When you get invaded, do your friends get an alert to defend the FOB if you're not present, or do you have to manually invite people?
Encountered Quiet a little while later. Not super happy about it spoilers below:
The battle at first seems to be setup like a sniper battle ie. MGS3's The End, but a big difference here was that it felt like I didn't have as many options against Quiet. I tried sneaking up on her a few times, but it seemed completely impossible to the point where I'm pretty sure it is impossible. If true it'd be a big change from The End where sneaking up on him was one of the better strategies. I'm pretty disappointed by this because it feels like Quiet is "breaking the rules" of the game. There's definitely a few situations in MGS where you're in permanent alert and sneaking doesn't work, but normally, you can always sneak, and you can always use whatever strategy against whatever enemy.
As well at this point in the game I don't have a tranquilizer sniper rifle because the requirements for unlocking it are a high med bay staff and at this point in the game I pretty much just got a med bay. As a result I left and am going to come back later as the game encouraged me to do. Due to the fact that Quiet always knows where you are, and I can't surprise her, it's not going to be a very interesting sniper battle, more of a twitch battle.
I don't know am I totally wrong here or did anyone else find this weird?
They got the core gameplay right to such an umpth degree that for me, I am over 25 hours in and I have no fatigue whatsoever. In fact I just want to get home and play it more! It's so amazingly polished.I think the open world is good. I'm glad the focus is on missions and side missions, I don't to be climing towers or whatever random stuff most open worlds games have.
I'm watching some gameplay of mission 20 and apparently it's possible to not even get theSniper boss fight with the 4 female skulls. huh. That was one of my favorite moments too.
I can't say that I deny missing the indoor infiltrations though. If they got to make a sequel to this, I bet they would have put more of those in. Indoor infiltration is classic Metal Gear game design, after all.
I think the open world is good. I'm glad the focus is on missions and side missions, I don't to be climing towers or whatever random stuff most open worlds games have.
I'm watching some gameplay of mission 20 and apparently it's possible to not even get theSniper boss fight with the 4 female skulls. huh. That was one of my favorite moments too.
They already were going to do something like that with MGS4, but obviously it's well documented that Kojima had to throw out the idea of an open battlefield where players could decide which side to choose and make an entirely linear game again. Back to MGSV, I honestly think some of the missions level design is really tight, some even with a linear pathway. I do like the old school Metal Gear design too, but this fresh and new for MG fans. I much prefer this style over Peace Walkers design or MGS4's hap dash collection, out of the more recent Metal Gear games. I like having creative freedom to do what I want and can approach a situation in so many different ways. Not saying all of the missions are well designed, since they're not, but there's been some that have been amazingly designed. I won't hold anyone's opinion about this game against them, since I can see where people are coming from, certainly, but I still love it and am really, really addicted. It's the perfect sandbox stealth/action experience.
I confese I didnt play yesterday, does this makes me a monster?
Anyone else annoyed by Miller's tone, when he goes:
About mission 18 :I can't be the only one who thought for a moment BB really killed the kids.
Indeed. The structure of this is pretty unique and requires quite a few design elements to be reconfigured to make it work. Making the base-building aspect so central is the really big obvious difference maker; I suspect most designers would have broken it off into a sub-mode completely separate from main story/mission construction, but Kojima has kind of gone the opposite route in breaking up the story into individual episodic chunks.
The credits before and after each mission suggest to me that long-term he may have planned to hand it off to other people to expand on it piecemeal. It may still happen if the underlying mission scripting system is robust and easily extensible.
People have kind of fixated on the number of times Kojima's name crops up in the credits, but his role(s) isn't the only one credited repeatedly.
I'm watching some gameplay of mission 20 and apparently it's possible to not even get theSniper boss fight with the 4 female skulls. huh. That was one of my favorite moments too.
Wait what? I played Mission 20 earlier and nothing like that happened. Dafuck.
Yeah my bad, I was remembering the mission wrong when I saw the "Mist in the valley". It is similar to the other mission at that point.
Agreed! I'm not far enough through the game to know if this happens but the whole hiding in lockers and waiting for enemies to walk past to allow sneaking past seems to be a thing very much of the past which sucks.
Would love a proper remake pack of the series to play through
You need to figure out what every sick person has in common.
If you don't want to do that, here is a spoiler:Put everyone that speaks Kikongo into quarantine.
Did you listen to the tape you unlock after thescene?Infection/Quarantine
I completely ignored it. Just work through the next couple of missions and you'll be fine. I don't think there's a way to make it past this point without losing people.
There is no doubt that the level design here surpasses anything in any other Metal Gear game, and does so by leaps and bounds. And the areas in which you do missions are just so fucking good. In particular, Mission 2was one of the best level designs I've ever encountered in a game full of them. So we're on the same page there absolutely.8
My question is just... why did all of these amazing levels have to be in the same location, connected with 50km of road? The early mission where you have to ride around blowing up tanks is a good example of using all of that space, so I'll give them that. But most of the time it's completely unused and unnecessary, and then those times when you find yourself 2km away from your goal and without DHorse it's absolutely frustrating.
About mission 18 :I can't be the only one who thought for a moment BB really killed the kids.
For me it wasn't just '50km of road'. For me it was a journey across the savanna, ordering Quiet to scout out bases as I go. It was that moment two guys were in the road ahead of me and I swerved out the way and dived out of the car. It was coming across an 'Eliminate the armoued vehicle unit' right in the way of the mission, which I did after a couple of tries and lots of planning.
Then it was rock-climbing up a cliff face to find the mission deployment box, starting the mission and restocking my gear, then crawling through the misty cliff face area, dodging.Skulls to reach the Mansion.
It was a proper MGS3-level adventure. It wasn't just dropping into a hotzone or driving through dull terrain.
I make sure I deploy with a car every time I deploy, and the open map is never an issue for me. I get to my objective within a minute or two no matter where I am.
WTF, how the fuck do you figure that out!? I mean maybe the initial 5 hint at that, but WTF.
For me it wasn't just '50km of road'. For me it was a journey across the savanna, ordering Quiet to scout out bases as I go. It was that moment two guys were in the road ahead of me and I swerved out the way and dived out of the car. It was coming across an 'Eliminate the armoued vehicle unit' right in the way of the mission, which I did after a couple of tries and lots of planning.
Then it was rock-climbing up a cliff face to find the mission deployment box, starting the mission and restocking my gear, then crawling through the misty cliff face area, dodging.Skulls to reach the Mansion.
It was a proper MGS3-level adventure. It wasn't just dropping into a hotzone or driving through dull terrain.
I make sure I deploy with a car every time I deploy, and the open map is never an issue for me. I get to my objective within a minute or two no matter where I am.
There is no doubt that the level design here surpasses anything in any other Metal Gear game, and does so by leaps and bounds. And the areas in which you do missions are just so fucking good. In particular, Mission 2was one of the best level designs I've ever encountered in a game full of them. So we're on the same page there absolutely.8
My question is just... why did all of these amazing levels have to be in the same location, connected with 50km of road? The early mission where you have to ride around blowing up tanks is a good example of using all of that space, so I'll give them that. But most of the time it's completely unused and unnecessary, and then those times when you find yourself 2km away from your goal and without DHorse it's absolutely frustrating.
Climbing towers in Far Cry 3 and 4 are actually a cool moment between combat sections, at least for me.
I looked forward to doing them, perhaps not much but certainly more than 75% of The Phantom Pain's Side Ops.
Are you just getting failed login repeatedly? This happened a couple of times last night, but closing the game fully and starting jt again worked.
You go to relationships, then it shows you who you're supporting, who's supporting you and finally a random list of players who you can pick to support. There's no friend searching.
Any specific requirements to get D Dog to grow up? Seems like I have had him a while and he hasn't yet.
one of the casette tapes pretty much gives it away. something about the quiet-soldier incident and why she was targeting specifically that soldier's mouth. the word mouth gets mentioned so often that it becomes obvious tbh.
Can the AI invade your MB?
I've done the 'emergency mission' which is scripted. I think it use to happen in Peace Walker, or was this replaced by FOBs and online only.
Yep I can't add words to my emblem because it drops my frame rate to nothing.
Everyone I've invaded had no materials, I don't know where to find them. There was one instance where I fell through a wall and died, so that was cool. I was invaded last in night when I was offline, asleep. No way I could possibly defend myself. Cool.