Just a question. You do realise Eli is Liquid Snake, right?
The thread is slowly becoming a declassified CIA document.
I do now, thanks dickwad!
Just a question. You do realise Eli is Liquid Snake, right?
The thread is slowly becoming a declassified CIA document.
Oh god Missioncan fuck off.45
Every time I get up to (what I suppose!) is the last tank and helicopter, the tank either snipes me from way up on its hill, the chopper refuses to lock-on with the CGM, or some goon finds his way up to me and gets me (my fault for not having any sort of rifle or handgun with me - all explosives, just in case!).
Every time.
Oh god Missioncan fuck off.45
Every time I get up to (what I suppose!) is the last tank and helicopter, the tank either snipes me from way up on its hill, the chopper refuses to lock-on with the CGM, or some goon finds his way up to me and gets me (my fault for not having any sort of rifle or handgun with me - all explosives, just in case!).
Every time.
The second-tier Cluster Guided Missile was killing tanks and helicopters with just one shot for me 90% of the time. I would just stand in the courtyard where the mission starts and after dieing a few times knew where they were coming from and could predict where I needed to be aiming.
I don't think I could have beat that mission if it was taking 3 hits to kill one vehicle...certainly not by fultoning them
Quick question:
Will the game allow me to finish the Side-Ops after completing the main missions?
Is this the same for everyone? I am on the helicopter/ACC choose my mission and arrive at the LZ. Every one of my weapons has one bullet missing from the clip, 30 instead of 31. A minor annoyance I know but it bugs me.
Supposed to be the little details. It's not missing from the clip he's adding it to the chamber.
Save your GMP for more worthwhile things is my adviceThe silver and gold outfits of Quiet are worth anything or they are just for show?
Highest I have ever seen in my game so awesome!
Who got higher then this?
Oh god I am getting so sick of these deployment missions. Have tried secure the bridgeheads one for so many times and it still fails. Seriously two trophies locked behind this RNG is bullshit.
I'm " this close to getting the game but I need to know...are the cutscenes skippable? I couldn't care less about the story..
I'm " this close to getting the game but I need to know...are the cutscenes skippable? I couldn't care less about the story..
Has the patch fixed the bug in Lingua Franca affecting the interrogations objective?
So I just did a FOB infiltration without PS+?
I just backed out when it asked me to get ps+ and it let me do it. It wasn't the event fob mission either..
I finished missionand mission42is not unlocked? I finished all yellow side ops and visited motherbase and still mission43is not showing in the mission list. I need help.43
Highest I have ever seen in my game so awesome!
Who got higher then this?
So I just finished episode45
Do I have to playthrough that whole prologue again, or have I actually finished the game now...without even realising?
Play Mission 46.
You said it. The Peacekeepers took at least 5 tries for me. That's so many damn hours and you can't even speed it up through in game methods. The last try I just sent the lowest score team and somehow they won. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
So i just done mission43
I don't get the whole of BB distress at the end of this mission, fair enough his having to kill his own men (or though his basically forced them to join his army anyway) but its not like his killing them for sport or in cold blood and alot of them are asking to be killed, his doing it for the greater good, 'kill the few to save the many' which im sure BB would understand and kind of be 'ok' with.....Christ the amount of people in the field his killed already!. I just think its an over reaction for him to be so traumatised by the whole situation and if this is what causes BB to change and become the character that he is in MG then i think its poor writing on Kojima's part. If they want to really push BB over the edge i would have added the kid soldiers into the quarantine area and having to kill them would of been what pushed him over the edge, that i can get behind....but this not so much.
That's the prologue again.
Good God, this game is really starting to piss me off.
Okay you know what? FUCK YOU LINGUA FRANCA MISSION! Stupid bullshit "Listen to the 4 Interrogations" side objective. Check point? Haha fuck you, won't count when the game reloads. Alert phase starts because you accidentally bumped into a bucket? Haha fuck you too.
Plus waiting for the time for the two guards to make their rounds takes forever. Just fuck that mission, viscount you piece of shit.
You may get some of the basics down if you've played 75% of 3. But what this game draws on the most is still Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes. Try to play at least Ground Zeroes' main mission. Gameplay is basically the same and I'd say you will be lost if you don't experience that story first.
TPP is pretty much the sequel to Peace Walker, which is pretty much the sequel to MGS3. TPP actually has about as much story as any Metal Gear game, it's just spread out over the course of a 50+-hour game (100+ if you do side missions) instead of a six-hour game.
It feels like a sequel to PW in terms of both story and gameplay. All the major characters are people originally introduced in MGS3 and PW. The series overall from a gameplay standpoint has gone through some really fundamental shifts since MGS2. MGS3 alone is actually a pretty big adjustment gameplay-wise compared to 2, and PW is another big adjustment from that. A lot of the negativity surrounding TPP is honestly just people who haven't played a Metal Gear since MGS4, or even 3, and got a huge shock from being introduced to the PSP framework for the first time.
Okay you know what? FUCK YOU LINGUA FRANCA MISSION! Stupid bullshit "Listen to the 4 Interrogations" side objective. Check point? Haha fuck you, won't count when the game reloads. Alert phase starts because you accidentally bumped into a bucket? Haha fuck you too.
Plus waiting for the time for the two guards to make their rounds takes forever. Just fuck that mission, viscount you piece of shit.
I fucked up my save files and lost my back up withQuiet
Can someone explain how to get a specific task done on the mission "Pitch Dark"? The first oneI don't know what I'm doing wrong :/ Maybe blow it up first and then go for the button, I dunno.when you get to Africa. I'm supposed to "exfiltrate the hot zone before Mfinda Oilfield was sealed off". But even with speed run and all tasks videos, I can't seem to get it? I've tried entering the area and turning off the switch, and then blowing up the oil tank, either from outside the entrance with C4 or with a rocket launcher from a cliff. I even tried running outside the hot zone once the soldiers come but you can't blow up C4 from that distance it seems. I also tried to run to that new hot zone's border before it activated but same thing with the C4.
Cool, I'll try that, smartThe easiest way is toExfiltrate via materials crate. Get on top of one of the materials crates, blow the C4, then after the cutscene get back on top of a materials crate, fulton it from the top, then an icon will appear that lets you leave with the fulton (hold Triangle on PS).
you need that blueprint and you need to finish all the dispatch missions.
You can increase the stats of any soldier by using them instead of Snake when on a mission and getting 3 S ranks with them.
This is very easy by doing the C2W mission:
- Make sure you destroy the AA Radar in Free Roam or a previous mission.
- Do the C2W mission and choose the LZ inside the camp.
- Choose the soldier you want to level and man the chopper's gun.
- Shoot the 3 dishes on your approach, before you get near the camp.
- After they're destroyed, don't fire so guards won't trigger a combat alert and just wait for Pequod to fly out of there.
Each run takes less than two minutes. Any rescued puppet soldiers already have one medal, so the 3 S medal stacks with that. You can turn a D/E rank guy into A++.
I've leveled many of my guys from S to S+, but haven't been able to get from S+ to S++. The only S++ guys I have are the 6 you get from completing mission 31 or whatever.