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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


About 8 hours in. Just fought
so that was awesome. Back down in Sector 1 so I guess I'm nearing endgame.

Game's good. Definitely has its flaws, but it's not boring.

Thumb hurts though.


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Labombadog said:
So for those who beat it, how long is this game?

For me it's the perfect length. I've been playing it pretty much non stop since yesterday around midnight, so I would say around 10 -15 hours on your first play thru depending on how you play. There's some replayability also.

thecouncil said:
at first i thought you were defending the game against those who complain about the different camera styles:

"I'm only going to play on the swing [side-scrolling]. Forget the slide[first-person], forget the monkey bars[over-the-shoulder], etc. etc. because the first time I ever played on the playground[Super Metroid], I rode on the swing[side-scrolling]."

but i think you were trying to say that Sakamoto is an idiot for designing a modern NES game, right?
No actually I think the camera in this game is brilliant and can't be praised enough. What I was referring to is sticking to the Wii remote only as a control scheme. Let me set the record straight because I'm probably coming across as someone who doesn't like the game. That couldn't be further from the truth. There are parts I love about the game. The third person gameplay is everything I wanted a console Metroid game to be. My problem is the controls. I'm seriously thinking about modding a Wii remote and putting a classic controller d-pad on it. That will help some, but there's no way I can think of to get around the "pointing" issue I have unless I could put some type of sliding door over the sensor on the Wii remote. I wish Sakamoto would have looked past this issue, but all I can do is try and enjoy the game for what it is. I think playing thru it a second time will be better, but the first play thru had some extremely frustrating parts in it. You have to ask what exactly the developers were thinking. I don't know how some of these sections passed a focus test.

sfried said:
Who says Sakimoto doesn't acknoledge Prime? One of the Sections has music lifted straight out of
Frigate Orpheon
It's quite obvious the first person sections were heavily inspired by the Prime games. That was a misconception by a lot of people going into the game, myself included.


a remix of Nightmare's music play during his fight? I can't really tell since the soundtrack to the game is so soft sounding, but I can't imagine that they'd skimp on that detail since they did such a great job with his build-up.

I'm at the post-game, and although I think the game sits below all of the other games besides Hunters, it gets a lot better once you obtain the Screw Attack/Space Jump. It makes 95% of the combat completely irrelevant, which allows you to focus more on the puzzles.


Okay, I'm at Pyrosphere. Adam is a fucking idiot for not authorizing a certain suit ability from the get go in this area. Enough said.
LOL at this comment on one of my Metroid Other M youtube vids:

LoL nintendo killed Metroid. G4 gave this game a 2 out of 5 stars.

Game Informer gave this out of 10 - 6.25.

Sad to see you playing this when you can possibly make a better game in LBP 2.

Fucking rookies. :lol


MechaX said:
Okay, I'm at Pyrosphere. Adam is a fucking idiot for not authorizing a certain suit ability from the get go in this area. Enough said.
The guy had to take a piss. Give him a break.


Oh man, Metroid just pulled a little bit of Mario Galaxy:lol

I think I'm almost at the end now. I love the screw attack. That's the thing I really missed the most because the Prime series' screw attack is just...well...terrible. Don't get me wrong, I love the Prime games, But it's nice to see the screw attack back in its overpowered glory:lol

And about the story, talk about nostalgia. I can't help but feel that this game should be called New Super Metroid Wii:lol


I felt this way before I started playing the game. I realize that it isn't the voice acting that's bad, but the script. It's horribly written.

Yeah. Even Mark Hamill, who is a fantastic voice actor, can sound like shit (like in Yakuza) when given a shitty script and shitty direction (and yet he was still the best thing about Yakuza).
Yeah, the whole "authorization" thing really takes the logical goofiness of the Metroid series and drops it into the surreal. Specifically, the first time you go to Sector 2 --
you loop around the entire area before Adam authorizes your Speed Booster. My only thought on that after coming back to the first big room was "What the hell was I doing for the past half hour?"


I absolutely, positively have to call bullshit on one obvious budget cutback: the Gravity "Suit" is the shittiest effect I've ever seen.


AniHawk said:
The guy had to take a piss. Give him a break.

Longest piss break ever.

I love his timing when he finally does get off his ass to authorize it.
Hey, I know you just came from inside a VOLCANO, but you might wanna activate your Varia suit, Samus!
Good God, this is such a DERP HERP DERP moment.


The whole (isnt really a spoiler)
"any complaints Adam ?" -translation = Fuck you Adam.
after she gets the Screwattack makes up for the whole unlocking system :lol


Well, having played about 2 hours of this game, i have to say i really enjoyed it so far. Although as many of you mentioned, the switching to first person is akward and they should really have gone the nunchuck route. Or they could have built in a 2 second slow motion when you change perspectives, that would have really helped to make this game feel smoother. Anyway, am i the only one that thinks this plays a bit like Ninja Gaiden? Especially the shooting, i think it's almost like throwing shurikens in Ninja Gaiden with the whole automation stuff. But i really enjoyed Ninja Gaiden except for the camera issues and the shitty level design, which is WAY better in Metroid. Nintendo should work with Team Ninja more often ^^


pulga said:
Ignore everything else I said, just answer my question. Is it the games fault you chose to dodge towards the enemy, not away, or is it your fault? Likewise, as someone else commented on, why didn't you just jump and shoot? You not being able to kill the thing sounds to me as more of a problem with your judgement/problem solving than the game itself.

I'm not asking a paper on the subject, just a simple explanation without all your dodging (hurrrrr) around it.

You want to be a dumbass then.
From answering someone else dumbfounded by the problem.

The game doesn't recognize enemies above your head often, so the game wants me to run out and turn back towards the enemy. I do what the game asks(like you suggest), but then the enemy shoots a projectile. As I press up to move away from the enemy, my back turns to the enemy. I must face the enemy for auto-aim to register it. When I press down to face the enemy, the game guesses what I mean to do and guesses that I mean to sense dodge, so I barrel roll towards the enemy, unleash a charge shot which now flies past the enemy because the game now no longer senses the enemy above my ahead again as in my auto-aim range.

I was not trying to dodge.

That's the whole point. How you and others can miss that is amazing. I would expect a 6th grader to understand this.


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Ridley327 said:
I'm at the post-game, and although I think the game sits below all of the other games besides Hunters, it gets a lot better once you obtain the Screw Attack/Space Jump. It makes 95% of the combat completely irrelevant, which allows you to focus more on the puzzles.
I agree. The game gets a lot better once you unlock these abilities.

donkey show said:
LOL at this comment on one of my Metroid Other M youtube vids:

Fucking rookies. :lol
They probably haven't even played it. There are some really great parts of the game but there's a lot holding it back from getting those high review scores also. At the end of the day I would still recommend people to play it, especially if you're a fan of the series. I really hope they make another and makes some improvements because they have a good foundation to go off of. Hopefully Nintendo can understand this is just constructive criticism.

Actually looking at your YouTube videos has inspired me to embrace the controls a little bit more. You seem to have mastered them pretty well. Could you PM a link to them please?

klausbert said:
Well, having played about 2 hours of this game, i have to say i really enjoyed it so far. Although as many of you mentioned, the switching to first person is akward and they should really have gone the nunchuck route. Or they could have built in a 2 second slow motion when you change perspectives, that would have really helped to make this game feel smoother. Anyway, am i the only one that thinks this plays a bit like Ninja Gaiden? Especially the shooting, i think it's almost like throwing shurikens in Ninja Gaiden with the whole automation stuff. But i really enjoyed Ninja Gaiden except for the camera issues and the shitty level design, which is WAY better in Metroid. Nintendo should work with Team Ninja more often ^^
IAWTP. I hope the reviews do detract Nintendo from working with them again. They need loosen the reigns just a bit though. There's a reason they went to them for help. It's a shame they weren't more receptive of their advice.


Ridley327 said:
I absolutely, positively have to call bullshit on one obvious budget cutback: the Gravity "Suit" is the shittiest effect I've ever seen.

It wasn't a budget cutback. It isn't translated yet but the explain in a recent Iwata asks why they changed it. I believe it had something to do with the look of the typical suit not looking right for this game. I've seen how it looks in gameplay and think it's fine.


klausbert said:
Well, having played about 2 hours of this game, i have to say i really enjoyed it so far. Although as many of you mentioned, the switching to first person is akward and they should really have gone the nunchuck route. Or they could have built in a 2 second slow motion when you change perspectives, that would have really helped to make this game feel smoother. Anyway, am i the only one that thinks this plays a bit like Ninja Gaiden? Especially the shooting, i think it's almost like throwing shurikens in Ninja Gaiden with the whole automation stuff. But i really enjoyed Ninja Gaiden except for the camera issues and the shitty level design, which is WAY better in Metroid. Nintendo should work with Team Ninja more often ^^
It does have slowmotion when you switch to 1st person. Enough to be considered overpowered to me at least.


Kard8p3 said:
It wasn't a budget cutback. It isn't translated yet but the explain in a recent Iwata asks why they changed it. I believe it had something to do with the look of the typical suit not looking right for this game. I've seen how it looks in gameplay and think it's fine.
That's going to have to be one hell of an excuse for it to make any sense. It looked just fine in Prime 1 and I'd wager it'd look a hell of a lot better than the crappy low-res purple glow they went with.


etiolate said:
You want to be a dumbass then.
From answering someone else dumbfounded by the problem.

I was not trying to dodge.

That's the whole point. How you and others can miss that is amazing. I would expect a 6th grader to understand this.

First, :lol . So butthurt, it's only a question.

Secondly, stop button mashing, the game isn't called Mario Party: Other M


Ridley327 said:
I absolutely, positively have to call bullshit on one obvious budget cutback: the Gravity "Suit" is the shittiest effect I've ever seen.
I've heard it had more to do with continuity issues and the fact that the SA-X still likes like its wearing the Varia suit.
MadOdorMachine said:
They probably haven't even played it. There are some really great parts of the game but there's a lot holding it back from getting those high review scores also. At the end of the day I would still recommend people to play it, especially if you're a fan of the series. I really hope they make another and makes some improvements because they have a good foundation to go off of. Hopefully Nintendo can understand this is just constructive criticism.
I know for sure that dude hasn't played the game. :lol But even with those two particular scores, the game is still getting 9s and 8s all over the place. People genuinely love this game, believe it or not. =P

Actually looking at your YouTube videos has inspired me to embrace the controls a little bit more. You seem to have mastered them pretty well. Could you PM a link to them please?

No prob! Always glad to help. :D

I'll send you the direct links, but anyone else can check them out here on my youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/gevurah22

Spoilers ahoy!

IAWTP. I hope the reviews do detract Nintendo from working with them again. They need loosen the reigns just a bit though. There's a reason they went to them for help. It's a shame they weren't more receptive of their advice.
Even though Team Ninja brought the controls to life, it was ultimately Sakamoto's decision to give the green light. If you want to blame anyone, blame him. I think they did their job well for the limitations they were given and would like to see them be given a bit more freedom with another Nintendo game in the future.


Crunched said:
This and the water raising room seem to be repeat difficulties.

Go to the super missile door room (should be a terminal in the middle, elevated?). Make sure the walls are visible (shut off the terminal if it is active). On the ground level, there will be a crack on the wall on the far end of the room you need to bomb.

Are you talking about the
glass wall with the crack in it with all the monsters inside? Or is there another one I haven't seen yet? It's the first super missile room after the ramp skiing thing where you go down the slope.
sfried said:
I've heard it had more to do with continuity issues and the fact that the SA-X still likes like its wearing the Varia suit.

But at the end of Super Metroid she had the gravity suit. And they got rid of the shoulder things on the varia suit. It created more continuity issues if anything.


I think the bigger issue is why now do they give a shit about what you end up with at the end of each game. The Gravity Suit in Other M just reeks of laziness regardless of whatever canon they're trying to foist upon us.


Ridley327 said:
I absolutely, positively have to call bullshit on one obvious budget cutback: the Gravity "Suit" is the shittiest effect I've ever seen.
really? I think it's better than what was in super TBH. And it wasn't a budget cutback, it was intentional. They wanted to keep the original suit so they changed the glow instead. I prefer it being "activated" in certain areas rather than just changing my suit to an ugly purple.


I've been playing the game for about 5 hours. Here are my thoughts on the game:

My tastes in metroid games are this; super metroid>metroid zero mission>Prime 1>rest


The story. It's very nice and really the only thing anybody watching me has been able to bring down has been, awkwardly to say, "baby" and the "bottle ship".

Atmosphere is amazing and the puzzles are back!

The controls grow on you quickly if you're used to a type of "draw!" style


More ninja less bounty hunter. The game feels like ninja gaiden solely dependent on throwing star (that obviously do more damage and chargable).

Some puzzles have brainless solutions, which is really disheartening. For example...
Sometimes the best solution is to give up and leave the room, then suddenly they will give you the item after you leave. Example: I needed to get at this switch that was on the other side of glass... I looked around, went back a little ways thinking there may have been multiple routes, certainly not... Discouraged, I decided to head back, got attacked, acquired the wave beam which shoots through transparent areas... Like glass.

Enemy encounters. These can be tiresome since they're basically the same enemies you've been fighting for the last hour, but you need to kill them again because the doors are locked.

The areas where it shows Samus awkwardly walking around and super slow.... For every hour and a half of gameplay... This occurs.


Whether or not things improve, the story for me is just really too good to put down at this point... I will stay with it to the end, but to those who are on the fence about this, i say get it to support a good cause and I'd love to see another of these gems, just because you never know the next time you might get to see samus in 3d and also her character. The concept is neat and great. Too much Ninja Gaiden for my taste, but the story is clearly going to be epic.
Threi said:
really? I think it's better than what was in super TBH. And it wasn't a budget cutback, it was intentional. They wanted to keep the original suit so they changed the glow instead. I prefer it being "activated" in certain areas rather than just changing my suit to an ugly purple.
I don't agree at all. One of my favorite aspects of Metroid has always been the visual progression of Samus to go along with her abilities, regardless of which look I prefer. Being stuck with the orange you got way the heck back is just bleh.

And I just want to say that my absolute least favorite part (scene wise) so far is
Samus's reaction to seeing Ridley for the first time. Maybe had this been Zero Mission her "revert to child" reaction would have been alright, but this is post-Super Samus. She's killed him like six times already. Come the fuck on.


Ridley327 said:
I think I was more surprised that
a baby Ridley is a Furby with chicken legs :lol

Yeah I couldn't believe this either. They foreshadowed it with the noises it makes (and thus ruined the twist for any fan) but I can't help but feel they did it so that it was harder to guess, instead of actually choosing something that makes sense in an evolutionary way.

The "second" form of it makes more sense to me. But still, it kind of just looks like a retarded version of him.
Siyou said:
Whether or not things improve, the story for me is just really too good to put down at this point... I will stay with it to the end, but to those who are on the fence about this, i say get it to support a good cause and I'd love to see another of these gems, just because you never know the next time you might get to see samus in 3d and also her character. The concept is neat and great. Too much Ninja Gaiden for my taste, but the story is clearly going to be epic.
Is this the first time we've seen someone really praise Other M's story? :O


donkey show said:
Is this the first time we've seen someone really praise Other M's story? :O

I think the story is good but not as bad as everyone is making it out to be. This doesn't have to be a ridiculous MGS style story that intertwines the past of every single character to every other character in some way shape or form.

It's simple, it's got a bit of twists and suspense, and it's good.

It's not as awful as people say


erotic butter maelstrom
The story isn't that bad so far. It's not bad or good, it's just there. It would benefit from Samus's voice overs being removed entirely. But whatever, it's not bad or obtrusive enough to detract from the actual game for me.

I'm not really big on videogame stories anyways. I probably shouldn't be but I keep reading the spoilers in here, oh well.
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