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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him

Wow. Whoever let that fly as a final boss needs to have their spinal column ripped out and placed directly above my fireplace mantle.
Boney said:
Sakamoto: Ha estado un tiempo fuera y ahora vuelve a los principios. En Japón sale a la venta mañana; creo que muchos seguidores de la saga Metroid están esperándola y se sentirán muy satisfechos con su vuelta a Japón. Sobre ‘las Samus', es una pregunta complicada. Casi todo el mundo me pregunta por la serie Prime, que la meten dentro de la misma línea, pero son distintas. No tienen nada que ver, pero puede ser una forma de representar las facetas distintas de la personalidad de Samus. No quiero hacer divisiones entre la Samus occidental o la Samus oriental; para mí, la verdadera Samus para todo el mundo es la que vais a conocer con Metroid Other M.

Translation: She's been away for a while and now she's back to her roots. It comes out tomorow in Japan; I think many followers of the Metroid franchise are waiting for it and will be very satisfied with her return to Japan. About 'both Samus' [asked about her difference in [asaked about their difference in character], it's a complicated question. Everybody asks me about the Prime saga, where they fit them in the same line, but they're different. They got nothing in common, but it could be a way of representing the diferent aspects [facets] of Samus' personality. I don't want to make divisions between western Samus and eastern Samus; for me, the real Samus for the whole world is the one you'll meet in Metroid Other M.
That gives me high hopes for the next game next game's official thread.
There is a discrepancy in how the Space Pirates are portrayed in Metroid Prime and Other M. Of course this is probably due to Sakamoto not caring about Prime.

In Other M Samus says that the Zebeans without a Mother Brain are basically normal feral creatures. It's Mother Brain that organizes them and turns them into a military like operation and gives them intelligence. In Prime the Space Pirates work fine without Mother Brain, in fact they are the ones that start to rebuild it and resurrect Ridley. They also find out about Talon IV and begin to mine there cause of the weapon potential. Clearly the space pirates are smart beings that can exist without a Mother Brain. I guess you can explain the difference by saying that the space pirates left after MB dies are already trained and intelligent and these new ones in Other M are starting from scratch. Still interesting to see the difference between the two.


MadOdorMachine said:
Thanks. There's one more I can't get to. There's one in the same hanger as my ship but I can't get to it. Can you help me out again?
Go to the sixth room from the landing site. The area with the broken glass on the second floor. There should be a vent close by.

brandonh83 said:
Wow. Whoever let that fly as a final boss needs to have their spinal column ripped out and placed directly above my fireplace mantle.


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dwebo said:
Got to the credits last night, fooled around for a bit in the endgame. After having no clue how to get a few of the powerups just in the main sector, I don't think I'll 100% this anytime soon...

Overall, I think I had an easier time in the big bosses with health bars fights, than against some of the mini-bosses, since their weaknesses were usually much more obvious. That seems a bit backward, or at least made the big encounters feel less epic. Though, by the end of the game, I was just mashing the dpad before enemy attacks, which seemed to work 95% of the time, and saved me from having to learn any semblance of good timing. Yay for cheese! :lol
Some of the items are a bit harder. It would help if the map were a little more detailed. I get that they were trying to give you incentive to explore, but it's kind of like looking for a needle in a haystack for some of them. A good of example for me in how to get a power up is the one in Sector 1 where you have to shoot the ceiling while going down a slide. It's not too subtle to see where it is and once you do, they let you know how to get to it, but the challenge is pulling off the technique needed to do it. That's fun. Looking around aimlessly isn't.

--- On that note, I could use some help getting to the missile upgrade in the hanger where my ships parked. Can someone give me some pointers please?

Also, I made some modifications to my Wii remote. I quite playing the game for a bit do to the d-pad causing thumb soreness, but that's been remedied. It ain't the prettiest thing, but damn is it nice having a proper sized d-pad. It makes playing the game a hell of a lot less painful for me. My thumbs haven't been this sore since Street Fighter 2 on SNES. I'm kind of surprised no third parties have done something like this.




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AniHawk said:
Wow. Same score I gave it.
Pretty much how I feel too. There's a lot of good things about it, but some of the stuff never gets better. A second play thru will be a lot more fun, but there's no reason the first time could have been done with out a lot of the frustration.


I'm about 2 hours in and my complaints are the same as most others:

Story is lame, Samus flashbacks are mainly "dear diary" teen angst that ruin the character for this game and will hopefully be purged out of my memory when i go to play Metroid Prime 3.

I wish it were all in 3rd person, i hate the awkwardness that takes over when switching to 1st person.

I'm still having fun though, i got lost once but figured where to go on my own ( backtracking for the sake of backtracking) and one time i had to use a guide Xo.


Prime Blue said:
That gives me high hopes for the next game next game's official thread.
I just think of it like comic books when other people make them. It's different, but still a valid take on the character.
(fixed the typo btw)

And cool d-pad bro. I have tiny hands, so I had no problems with it's size, never sore or anything.
PounchEnvy said:

I know about the post game stuff and Phantoon, doesn't change the fact that the boss you fight before the end credits is one of the lamest bosses of all time, but yes-- it's a VERY GOOD THING the game didn't close shop right then and there


brandonh83 said:
I know about the post game stuff and Phantoon, doesn't change the fact that the boss you fight before the end credits is one of the lamest bosses of all time, but yes-- it's a VERY GOOD THING the game didn't close shop right then and there

The queen metroid was one of my favorite boss fights in the game. It was awesome to see it reinvented in 3D.


brandonh83 said:
I know about the post game stuff and Phantoon, doesn't change the fact that the boss you fight before the end credits is one of the lamest bosses of all time, but yes-- it's a VERY GOOD THING the game didn't close shop right then and there
Oh okay. I agree that the
main game's end boss was lame. But Phantoon definitely makes up for it. My favorite boss in the game.

Kard8p3 said:
The queen metroid was one of my favorite boss fights in the game. It was awesome to see it reinvented in 3D.
It was great fan service but it's nothing to write home about.


brandonh83 said:
I know about the post game stuff and Phantoon, doesn't change the fact that the boss you fight before the end credits is one of the lamest bosses of all time, but yes-- it's a VERY GOOD THING the game didn't close shop right then and there
My memory is a little fuzzy, but isn't the last boss
before the extra parts, is the Metroid Queen?


I'm at the beginning of the game, in Sector 1, and i'm stuck, i can't believe this.

I tell you guys - believe me - that i've been visiting the same rooms for like an HOUR trying to reach a certain place and i still can't find where to go.

It's after you make an elevator crash on an enemy and also after killing those two giant purple worms (mini-boss) that pop out of holes.

Not getting the hate for this game. Damn haters. Loving it so far.
You'll have a hard time if you try to find "haters" of the actual game(play), it feels good to play.
But there are plenty of haters for Sakamoto and how she ruined Samus in this game.


PounchEnvy said:
Oh okay. I agree that the
main game's end boss was lame. But Phantoon definitely makes up for it. My favorite boss in the game.

It was great fan service but it's nothing to write home about.

I still liked it.


Boney said:
My memory is a little fuzzy, but isn't the last boss
before the extra parts, is the Metroid Queen?
Unless he meant Melissa, which really wasn't a boss fight, just a dumb moment. I liked Metroid Queen though.
It was just
there was no lead up to it; you don't go through any perilous or interesting final areas, you just run to yet another empty square metallic room and the last boss comes out of nowhere, and was really easy and pedestrian compared to the pretty good Nightmare and Ridley fights before hand, and on top of that it lacked a classic escape sequence. no build up, no interesting setting, nothing. run down a few halls, take an elevator, boom, shitty final boss out of nowhere and terribly simplistic and anti-climactic

truly, astonishingly terrible stuff. I really like the game overall, but that was just horse shit.


brandonh83 said:
It was just
there was no lead up to it; you don't go through any perilous or interesting final areas, you just run to yet another empty square metallic room and the last boss comes out of nowhere, and was really easy and pedestrian compared to the pretty good Nightmare and Ridley fights before hand, and on top of that it lacked a classic escape sequence. no build up, no interesting setting, nothing. run down a few halls, take an elevator, boom, shitty final boss out of nowhere and terribly simplistic and anti-climactic

truly, astonishingly terrible stuff. I really like the game overall, but that was just horse shit.
And again let me say ;)

Or whatever. Does one actually "say" an emoticon?

Boney said:
So what's the problem?

Anyway, got trouble on the missile that's behind a glass in the bioweapon research center. It's driving me crazy.
It was
simplistic is all.
This item pissed me off too. Go to the area where there's a circular screen/booth thing. I think you may have to bomb the back of it and then jump through it. You might not have to bomb but I'm not sure because by then I was just spamming Power Bombs out of frustration.


brandonh83 said:
It was just
there was no lead up to it; you don't go through any perilous or interesting final areas, you just run to yet another empty square metallic room and the last boss comes out of nowhere, and was really easy and pedestrian compared to the pretty good Nightmare and Ridley fights before hand, and on top of that it lacked a classic escape sequence. no build up, no interesting setting, nothing. run down a few halls, take an elevator, boom, shitty final boss out of nowhere and terribly simplistic and anti-climactic

truly, astonishingly terrible stuff. I really like the game overall, but that was just horse shit.

the cutscene where the queen killed ridley was meant to be the lead up and I thought it worked great.
Kard8p3 said:
the cutscene where the queen killed ridley was meant to be the lead up and I thought it worked great.

I just meant
in the essence of final stage --- > final boss. There was nothing like that, no really nice final level. And the problem is, they were all set with one: sector zero. But no. Adam comes along and stops you from getting to explore that place, and then Metroid Queen takes care of Ridley for you. Right there, a potentially great boss fight and great final level right down the shitter.


brandonh83 said:
It was just
there was no lead up to it; you don't go through any perilous or interesting final areas, you just run to yet another empty square metallic room and the last boss comes out of nowhere, and was really easy and pedestrian compared to the pretty good Nightmare and Ridley fights before hand, and on top of that it lacked a classic escape sequence. no build up, no interesting setting, nothing. run down a few halls, take an elevator, boom, shitty final boss out of nowhere and terribly simplistic and anti-climactic

truly, astonishingly terrible stuff. I really like the game overall, but that was just horse shit.
Yeah, I totally agree that the final moments didn't really scream "final boss". It really came out of nowhere, which was a bit disappointing until I fought Phantoon and really finished the game. Just go do it ASAP dude. :)


brandonh83 said:
I just meant
in the essence of final stage --- > final boss. There was nothing like that, no really nice final level. And the problem is, they were all set with one: sector zero. But no. Adam comes along and stops you from getting to explore that place, and then Metroid Queen takes care of Ridley for you. Right there, a potentially great boss fight and great final level right down the shitter.

I wasn't happy with having sector zero or a second ridley battle taken from me either but I was still happy with the queen metroid.
heringer said:
Yeah, I totally agree that the final moments didn't really scream "final boss". It really came out of nowhere, which was a bit disappointing until I fought Phantoon and really finished the game. Just go do it ASAP dude. :)

I'm hoping that stuff wins me over. It already sort of is, I was just glad that it wasn't the absolute end of the game because it would have been a catastrophic flaw despite the rest of the game kicking ass. Like what would have been a 9 becoming more like a 6.


man was I pumped for the second Ridley fight :( no bullshit mecha dragon, just a regenerated and pissed space dragon trying to kill me


brandonh83 said:
I'm hoping that stuff wins me over. It already sort of is, I was just glad that it wasn't the absolute end of the game because it would have been a catastrophic flaw despite the rest of the game kicking ass. Like what would have been a 9 becoming more like a 6.
It probably won't blow you away or anything, but it's definitely better than what we get before the credits start rolling.


brandonh83 said:
I'm hoping that stuff wins me over. It already sort of is, I was just glad that it wasn't the absolute end of the game because it would have been a catastrophic flaw despite the rest of the game kicking ass. Like what would have been a 9 becoming more like a 6.
It does it definitely does. I was horribly disappointed with the ending but I stopped caring all about that
after the post-game stuff.

Boney said:
man was I pumped for the second Ridley fight :( no bullshit mecha dragon, just a regenerated and pissed space dragon trying to kill me
It would have been cool to see Ridley healing his wounds or some sort of fight between Ridley and the Queen Metroid.
The most interesting part of that posted interview to me is that Metroid would not have been what it was without them tossing the original plan to meet a deadline. I hope one day someone gets it out of him what the original design was.

farnham said:
please not. i want a new suit.



That is hot, what is that from?


Boney said:
man was I pumped for the second Ridley fight :( no bullshit mecha dragon, just a regenerated and pissed space dragon trying to kill me

yeah I was really looking forward to it. It didn't help that I had come across the self destruct sequence theme on youtube. When I first found it they labeled it Ridley boss fight 2 so I thought you'd be fighting him off while escaping the ship. Instead the queen took my kill. Still they had to set it up for Fusion so I was mostly fine with it.


LiveFromKyoto said:
The most interesting part of that posted interview to me is that Metroid would not have been what it was without them tossing the original plan to meet a deadline. I hope one day someone gets it out of him what the original design was.

That is hot, what is that from?

Prime 2.
heringer said:
It probably won't blow you away or anything, but it's definitely better than what we get before the credits start rolling.

well I still have to get 100% and there's a lot of stuff I missed, so hopefully all that exploring/puzzle solving and a better boss fight will help-- speaking of which, in the main sector there's a large room with an elevator, and several floors that surround the shaft, and on the left side of the room on about the middle level, there's a morph ball tunnel but I have absolutely no idea how to get into it


LiveFromKyoto said:
That is hot, what is that from?
It's from Echoes. The second Prime game.

brandonh83 said:
well I still have to get 100% and there's a lot of stuff I missed, so hopefully all that exploring/puzzle solving and a better boss fight will help-- speaking of which, in the main sector there's a large room with an elevator, and several floors that surround the shaft, and on the left side of the room on about the middle level, there's a morph ball tunnel but I have absolutely no idea how to get into it
I think I know what you're talking about. Go to the nearby terminal and activate some platforms.


brandonh83 said:
well I still have to get 100% and there's a lot of stuff I missed, so hopefully all that exploring/puzzle solving and a better boss fight will help-- speaking of which, in the main sector there's a large room with an elevator, and several floors that surround the shaft, and on the left side of the room on about the middle level, there's a morph ball tunnel but I have absolutely no idea how to get into it
You can fight Phantoon and get 100% later, if you want.

And you have to activate the panel on the last floor. The platforms will raise and you will be able to enter the hole.


Kard8p3 said:
yeah I was really looking forward to it. It didn't help that I had come across the self destruct sequence theme on youtube. When I first found it they labeled it Ridley boss fight 2 so I thought you'd be fighting him off while escaping the ship. Instead the queen took my kill. Still they had to set it up for Fusion so I was mostly fine with it.
I felt kinda bad for Ridley. I mean, he looked so defenseless. Poor guy never stood a chance. :lol

And oh boy, does he look awesome in Other M.


It would have made sense in a game that emphasizes its "story" to have
the final boss have anything to do with the story. Instead it's a nostalgia kick and the real villains of the sotry, be it MB or the federation or federation spy are either dead or taken away from you. It's like if Return of the Jedi ended with you fighting Jabba the Hutt.


etiolate said:
It would have made sense in a game that emphasizes its "story" to have
the final boss have anything to do with the story. Instead it's a nostalgia kick and the real villains of the sotry, be it MB or the federation or federation spy are either dead or taken away from you. It's like if Return of the Jedi ended with you fighting Jabba the Hutt.
It makes some sense.
GF are generating Metroids and thus a Metroid comes up.


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PounchEnvy said:
Go to the sixth room from the landing site. The area with the broken glass on the second floor. There should be a vent close by.
Thanks for the help. I've now got 100% and Hard Mode unlocked.

It's a shame the first half of the game has so many flaws because the end section was really good. They completely made up for it and I think it (the end section) will be generally praised.


Boney said:
Metroid fucking Queen, the mother of them metroids
Which was a great choice.
Just to emphasize how dangerous the GF's scheme was they bring out the Queen Metroid that they had no control over.


PounchEnvy said:
Which was a great choice.
Just to emphasize how dangerous the GF's scheme was they bring out the Queen Metroid that they had no control over.

Well I think they did have control until Melissa snapped


PounchEnvy said:
It makes some sense.
GF are generating Metroids and thus a Metroid comes up.

But not in a "this is the evil you've been working against" way. It's like "uh we left this up here and
that damned girl opened his cage door.


etiolate said:
But not in a "this is the evil you've been working against" way. It's like "uh we left this up here and
that damned girl opened his cage door.
except is like this motherfucker made Ridley crawl in a corner in fear. It means business.

I mean, I don't see how it can get any better than fighting a Queen Metroid in a Metroid game. Maybe 2. Wierd space beasts is what it's all about!


kiryogi said:
Well I think they did have control until Melissa snapped
Well didn't Samus mention that
they were never planning on creating a Queen Metroid?

etiolate said:
But not in a "this is the evil you've been working against" way. It's like "uh we left this up here and
that damned girl opened his cage door.
There's no way Samus
would fight the Galactic Federation this time. She's still on good terms with them in Fusion. Fusion and Other M are building up the corruption of the GF. If you're talking about the lack of a fight with MB I was really disappointed with that.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Oh my god, Metroid Prime 2

I'm glad I'm back at my folks place for Father's Day. Perfect excuse to throw a few hours into that (Cube and Wii live there with my brother).

As far as Other M goes, I've decided not to pick it up right away. I mean, I'm not trying to passively troll it, it just doesn't look like something that interests me, and between my new found obsession with Mad Men taking up all my entertainment time and my love of Vanquish and Lara Croft I don't think I'm going to have time to sleep AND play this AND work AND study. Life.


MiamiWesker said:
There is a discrepancy in how the Space Pirates are portrayed in Metroid Prime and Other M. Of course this is probably due to Sakamoto not caring about Prime.

In Other M Samus says that the Zebeans without a Mother Brain are basically normal feral creatures. It's Mother Brain that organizes them and turns them into a military like operation and gives them intelligence. In Prime the Space Pirates work fine without Mother Brain, in fact they are the ones that start to rebuild it and resurrect Ridley. They also find out about Talon IV and begin to mine there cause of the weapon potential. Clearly the space pirates are smart beings that can exist without a Mother Brain. I guess you can explain the difference by saying that the space pirates left after MB dies are already trained and intelligent and these new ones in Other M are starting from scratch. Still interesting to see the difference between the two.

I don't really see how
because Mother Brain is alive during the Prime series so she is still ordering them around.
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