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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
While the graphics look good in many places, the textures (especially in the Arboretum and certain rock structures in the Lava area) were atrocious and painful to look at. Also, going through the art gallery and comparing those images to the actual rendered environments, so much personality was lost in translation. When I was looking at the art I thought "So THAT was what they were going for there!", in game however, only a small handful of the environments came across as moody, with impact, , or even interesting and memorable.
Yeah, the visuals really didn't impress at all. The atmosphere and mood I typically associate with Metroid is totally lacking here. The Prime series did it better than any other Metroid game, but this is perhaps worse than the rest of the series in that regard.

The game is pretty ugly at times, never runs completely smoothly, and feels a bit unpolished at times. Ninja Gaiden for XBOX was a smoother, more impressive game from Team Ninja.


No additional functions
DEO3 said:
I got it on my second try but totally on accident.
I was trying to lock onto bugs when I accidentally locked onto her, not knowing she was even in the room. I fired a shot without realizing what I was doing and all of a sudden the game was over.
That's exactly my point. For me even when I did find out, I had problems locking onto the target. The game was difficult, but not in the right ways.


Oh, How can someone say they like pinball / hunters more than this game? Really? That's too fumy. I think I'm about to beat it. I did enjoy it, except the controls. Switching from 3rd to 1st, specially in the boss fights was pretty tiring. Also, I found the game to run pretty stuttery at times. Maybe its my Wii? I don't know, but other Wii games don't do it. I manage though.

Overall I'd give it a 9.0/10. I happened to like the cutscenes in this game. I'd rather have a story with Metroid, instead of just gameplay. I hope the next Metroid game keeps that idea in mind. I can probably do without her talking though. I'm glad they did make her seem emotionless. That's how I see her anyway.
dark10x said:
Yeah, the visuals really didn't impress at all. The atmosphere and mood I typically associate with Metroid is totally lacking here. The Prime series did it better than any other Metroid game, but this is perhaps worse than the rest of the series in that regard.

The game is pretty ugly at times, never runs completely smoothly, and feels a bit unpolished at times. Ninja Gaiden for XBOX was a smoother, more impressive game from Team Ninja.

I actually enjoyed the atmosphere and mood in this game, but comparatively, it is different to other Metroids.

Ninja Gaiden for Xbox was definitely more consistently prettier than this technically and much more interesting from an art direction perspective.
But once again, looking at the art gallery for Other: M, the art direction looks solid....and then the actual environments somehow do not reflect it.
RPGCrazied said:
Oh, How can someone say they like pinball / hunters more than this game? Really? That's too fumy. I think I'm about to beat it. I did enjoy it, except the controls. Switching from 3rd to 1st, specially in the boss fights was pretty tiring. Also, I found the game to run pretty stuttery at times. Maybe its my Wii? I don't know, but other Wii games don't do it. I manage though.

Overall I'd give it a 9.0/10. I happened to like the cutscenes in this game. I'd rather have a story with Metroid, instead of just gameplay. I hope the next Metroid game keeps that idea in mind. I can probably do without her talking though. I'm glad they did make her seem emotionless. That's how I see her anyway.
Hey, Metroid Prime Pinball is fucking awesome. You shut that dirty pirate hooker mouth of yours.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Hey, Metroid Prime Pinball is fucking awesome. You shut that dirty pirate hooker mouth of yours.

Lol. Whoa there buddy. Look up the word opinion, it might help next time you post.


RPGCrazied said:
Also, I found the game to run pretty stuttery at times. Maybe its my Wii? I don't know, but other Wii games don't do it. I manage though.
Like framerate isn't always rock-solid?
That's not your Wii, it's the game.


Wizpig said:
Like framerate isn't always rock-solid?
That's not your Wii, it's the game.

Its hard to explain, its like its skipping frames in alot of the rooms. If no enemies on screen are present, it doesn't really do it. I can definitely tell when it goes from 60fps - 30fps though, that doesn't bother me, its when it stutters/skips frames.
RPGCrazied said:
Lol. Whoa there buddy. Look up the word opinion, it might help next time you post.
Hi there, I'm Segata Sanshiro, popular joke character of the NeoGAFs forums. If you have taken something I said seriously, then I apologize, but also feel I must issue you a "Whoosh", simply for tradition's sake.

You may assume I am always joking, unless the topic is SEGA, hockey, or some other third thing that I can't be bothered to look back at my old post to jog my memory on.

Metroid Prime Pinball does kick ass, though.


MadOdorMachine said:
The rewards thing (what's it called "Wii Points" in the US?) is relatively new. I also don't go off of Nintendo's website for a true objective opinion. Something like can only truely be obtained by a non-partisan, third party outlet like Neo-GAF. I've participated in some surveys from Nintendo, but yeah at the end of the day it doesn't change what I said. This is the first time I can think of that anyone from Nintendo has been quoted as saying they listen to the fans - which must include NeoGAF.
he was referring to club nintendo in japan or the starpoints system in europe

in america they were kind of slow but those two things existed in the early GBA, GC days


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I like the game, but I really hate a few things:

1. The authorization bullshit and the sense of direction. So many times you're told to go somewhere that's impossible, and then secretly supposed to backtrack in order to trigger a conversation that oh okay let's go somewhere else. BULLSHIT. I mean especially since you already have the equipment.

2. The popup tips. They're like left turn traffic signs that say "yield to blah on tuesdays 4-6pm, etc". If you try to read it, you get hit.

3. Enemies don't drop energy.


Popping in with anti-spoiler glasses to ask:

Anyone know the name of the song used in the NA live action commercial? Is it even in the OST?

theluma said:
Popping in with anti-spoiler glasses to ask:

Anyone know the name of the song used in the NA live action commercial? Is it even in the OST?


This has been killing me, I really hope someone knows.


robot said:
Fell in some lava and my 4 y/o asked why I'm running around in pizza - thought that was pretty funny.
thanks for completely ruining the pyrosphere for me :lol



Well I managed to end this game's misery....
And well, the story is not half that bad at least, I mean if they 'just' removed all the internal monologues and 'confession times', I wouldn't have started the game with such a sour taste in my mind.
The twist in the story is surprisingly well done, the last 2 boss fights where fucking good
seriously Metroid Queen? FUCK YES

Now the game is infuriatingly short
4 small sectors? Wow I didn't think that was possible to make such a small game at all
most items are fucking useless
if that's the best they could do with the grapple beam I'm not holding my breath for future games...
most of the time I didn't even feel in control of the bloody character since you can barely interact with the background and there's basically auto everything in this game
Why THE FUCK did the progression of the game is tied with the save system? Why do I get a map with a dot of where to go next EVERY FUCKING TIME?

It's like they didn't understand anything of what made the prime games good and decided to incorporate elements randomly :
- 1rst person scanning - but there's no fucking clue of what you can interact with, they didn't highlight everything scannable in the primes just for fun!
- hint system, only this time it's mandatory

Seriously I barely see what's so Metroid about a linear-block-the-doors-action-game with a girl in a suit?
Post game content better blow me away!

I mean the whole
Ridley part is so fucking moronic, I mean she actually killed the thing in Metroid 1 and encountered without any problem the very same beast in Metroid 3, by that time you'd expect her to not be paralized by fear by something she blasted multiple times. It's especially moronic if you consider that if she actually reacted that way in Metroid 1 & 3 she'd be dead by now

on the plus side :
Nightmare is fucking A W E S O M E
the Metroid/M.B thing is great
Queen Metroid is the best boss I've seen in a long time
the action part was very good
It sets everything for Metroid Fusion quite nicely...
I guess metroids aren't as extincts as they seem :lol

story spoiler :
Is it me or does the larva Metroid you rescue in Metroid 2 : Return of Samus actually a fated queen Metroid?
I mean since they basically cloned the material from the larva when it exploded....
The whole M.B thing is not so surpring since the FG had contact with the Chozo and if you consider the Prime series canon they weren't far in doing something similar anyway.
the unfreezable metroids are moronic though, especially in the context of fucking space pirates doing research on them and failing at that...
In the end if you ignore everything Samus, the story is kinda nice.

Now on to 100%ing the game
and defeating Phantoon

So far I would recommend people to avoid the game if they want anything Metroid at all. Of the 3 games that streamlined everything to the point of insult I played this year, this one is the very worst
Crystal Bearers, FFXIII and this one if you wanna know
And in closing I'm kinda bummed I didn't have fun with that game at all.
i gotta say, this is the first and only game in the series that i got the impression that Samus was a total badass. the speed of the fights, the quick dodges, and jumping on enemies to shoot charge beams into their skulls pretty much beats everything ive ever seen her do before. a lot of people say that she isnt 'badass enough' in this game?... can someone name one thing in a previous Metroid title that she did that was badass? i played them all. i cant think of any.


Himuro said:
Watched the Spoony review. This guy is as eloquent as a drunk monkey. Why do people watch his reviews again?

At least one good thing came from that review: his comparison of Metroid Other M to Final Fantasy 13. Thanks for saving me 50 bucks, Spoony!
Himuro nooooooooo!

Listen, yes the story is bad. It's ok.. that doesn't make sense/that's boring.

But man, the game is pure gold. Trust me.


robor said:
One question Mael, did you loathe Metroid Fusion?

Not at all, actually I really liked it.
They give a map at the start of each sectors but generally it's only to get things rolling, most of the time you end up being by yourself finding a way to another level or something. The story was very subdued compared to this one so it wasn't much of a problem.
What was a bit of a downer was the lack of new items to change the gameplay a bit (like the screw attack in M1, the space jump in M2 or the grapple beam in M3)

oh yeah, the space jump is a disgrace in Other M, you can't even gain height with that thing, coming from the people who did Fusion and ZM, I expected loads better. Level design sucks too


Mael said:
story spoiler :
Is it me or does the larva Metroid you rescue in Metroid 2 : Return of Samus actually a fated queen Metroid?

That's what I took from it.

Boney said:
Listen, yes the story is bad. It's ok.. that doesn't make sense/that's boring.

It was bad yeah but I thought it made sense.


I think they tried to combine too much elements in this game. Like the team went: "Yeah, you see that Prime game we can do all that and add some Ninja Gaiden stuff and do Super Metroid Fusion Prime Gaiden"

So the game has some really good mindblowing parts but also some horrible pacing and overall crazy design decisions. I think the problem that this game faces is that Prime's environment art was just 'too good' and a spaceship with projector rooms has its limitations. A sequence in that cool Federation city would've been awesome. There's a lot to like about this game and I think they would be able to adress most issues with a sequel. I've got to give them credit for trying all this, this is the type of game that only exists as a prototype.


MadOdorMachine said:
I think one of the problems with Nintendo is that they don't give enough freedom and creativity to western developers or the audience. That's not to say I don't love Japanese games, I do. They make the best action games, hands down, but I think they should be doing focus testing with western and eastern audiences. For games like Metroid, Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, Kid Icarus, F-Zero, Star Fox, etc. they need to listen to both sides before a game like this or Star Fox Assault is released and take the time and fix it.
This would just never work. Like I said in my last post, people are going to bitch no matter what they do, and with this series they had a lot of potential routes to take, all with potential bitching from people. There is no pleasing everyone, especially hyperbolic fans. I mean I understand some of the complaints, but people take it so seriously that stuff like a thumbs-down can seriously bother them, or a bit of cheesiness (which exists in almost every single videogame story known to man).


jjasper said:
That's what I took from it.

Then if you think about it
since they used they probably used the same data to run the BSL station, there may be other ones with data to replicate the larva -> queen metroid
it's so far from over that it actually just started


erotic butter maelstrom
Chet Rippo said:
How can anyone say that this game is worse then FFXIII? Did we actually play the same games?

How is it even compared to FFXIII? It seems even more absurd than the Metal Gear Solid comparison.


ShockingAlberto said:
This is the internet.

Games are either the best game ever or worse than shovelware.

Well in this case, it's pretty clear that FFXIII at least provdes some improvements on the formula...
and the comparison to FFxiii is because both are so fucking bloody linear

Beth Cyra

Snuggler said:
How is it even compared to FFXIII? It seems even more absurd than the Metal Gear Solid comparison.

Don't know, maybe they are both linear experinces and feature cutscenes as well as the fact that they both feature female main characters?


erotic butter maelstrom
TruePrime said:
Don't know, maybe they are both linear experinces and feature cutscenes as well as the fact that they both feature female main characters?

I guess they're both videogames too.


Mael said:
Now the game is infuriatingly short
4 small sectors? Wow I didn't think that was possible to make such a small game at all
The game is longer than any other 2d game though. Did a fantastic job with returning locales and maintaining it being straightforward.
most items are fucking useless
if that's the best they could do with the grapple beam I'm not holding my breath for future games...
It's a grapple beam... what did you expect? They even used it for a boss fight.
most of the time I didn't even feel in control of the bloody character since you can barely interact with the background and there's basically auto everything in this game
Control what? I could move anywhere I please with ease, and take down enemies easy. Maybe you mean something else?
Why THE FUCK did the progression of the game is tied with the save system? Why do I get a map with a dot of where to go next EVERY FUCKING TIME?
Because it's meant to be linear. Get that through your skulls people. Just because it's named Metroid, it doesn't have to take place in an interconnected planet. They set out on a mision of keeping the metroid elements, but making it more accesible for people. Just like Fusion.
It's like they didn't understand anything of what made the prime games good and decided to incorporate elements randomly :
- 1rst person scanning - but there's no fucking clue of what you can interact with, they didn't highlight everything scannable in the primes just for fun!
- hint system, only this time it's mandatory
Joke? Scanning is an elegant way of telling the story, but fuck it ruined the whole architecture and vision. Not to mention it ruins pacing. I also feel that the Prime maps on a macro levels are as bad as the metroidvania ones. 'Oh you wave beam now? head to the purple door that's on the other side of the map. That sucks, is not fun at all. The did a marvelous job with specific rooms though.
Seriously I barely see what's so Metroid about a linear-block-the-doors-action-game with a girl in a suit?

Beth Cyra

Snuggler said:
I guess they're both videogames too.

Hey I find the whole thing weird, unlike alot of people I really loved both FF XIII and Other M, in fact they are my top two games so far this year.


Boney said:
It's a grapple beam... what did you expect? They even used it for a boss fight.

While Prime 3 didn't do much right it really put the grapple beam to good use. I think using the grapple during combat (esp the finishing moves) could have added some variety to it. Hard to go back to only using it for jumps and half of a boss fight after Prime 3.


jjasper said:
While Prime 3 didn't do much right it really put the grapple beam to good use. I think using the grapple during combat (esp the finishing moves) could have added some variety to it. Hard to go back to only using it for jumps and half of a boss fight after Prime 3.
That's true, but Prime 3 only had Beams, Missiles and Grapple for combat, nothing else.


Boney said:
The game is longer than any other 2d game though. Did a fantastic job with returning locales and maintaining it being straightforward.

Yay for locales that are fucking cliche'd mess, and the game is certainly on the short side, who cares if it's longer than a game from 1986? It's half as short as the shortest prime game for god's sake for something that cost the same price as the Metroid Trilogy I can expect a bit more than a game that doesn't even feel like they finished making it

Boney said:
It's a grapple beam... what did you expect? They even used it for a boss fight.

Considering how they used it in even Super Metroid, it's a real downer to go back to use-it-only-when-the-devs-tell-you-to.
And that's about it as far as items goes, and you gotta laugh at the inconsistencies they bring everywhere
gravity suit anyone?
, after they went to all tht trouble to convince us that this would be a return to form or something :lol

Boney said:
Control what? I could move anywhere I please with ease, and take down enemies easy. Maybe you mean something else?

Yeah, like I don't know how in the previous games (even the Prime games) you could interact more with the background than simply using 1 bomb there because the devs said so. It's like the whole world of the game is in some kind of titanium allow you're not allowed to break... And there's also the fact that there's fucking invisible walls everywhere...

Boney said:
Because it's meant to be linear. Get that through your skulls people. Just because it's named Metroid, it doesn't have to take place in an interconnected planet. They set out on a mision of keeping the metroid elements, but making it more accesible for people. Just like Fusion.

NOT LIKE FUSION. Fusion provided the maps but they were always incomplete and never put a big sticker with the way to go (only 1, always)

Boney said:
Joke? Scanning is an elegant way of telling the story, but fuck it ruined the whole architecture and vision. Not to mention it ruins pacing.

Yep which is why they kept only the ruining pacing of the scanning and decided to get rid of everything else that made scanning cool. And the architecture? In that game? Seriously Metroid 2 has more interesting locales and that's a green/yellow game!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Mael said:
Yay for locales that are fucking cliche'd mess, and the game is certainly on the short side, who cares if it's longer than a game from 1986? It's half as short as the shortest prime game for god's sake for something that cost the same price as the Metroid Trilogy I can expect a bit more than a game that doesn't even feel like they finished making it

That is not a fair comparison at all. Not only is Prime considerably slower paced than Other M, but you're comparing a specific package where two games were re-released from the last generation. Of course it's cheaper. On top of that, the point still stands that Other M is considerably longer than every non-Prime game.

You might have an issue with the pacing of the game and the actual content, and felt it didn't actually go anywhere or explore interesting locations, which would give the impression that the adventure as a whole was over too quickly, but in terms of content length its above par for Metroid.


EatChildren said:
That is not a fair comparison at all. Not only is Prime considerably slower paced than Other M, but you're comparing a specific package where two games were re-released from the last generation. Of course it's cheaper. On top of that, the point still stands that Other M is considerably longer than every non-Prime game.

You might have an issue with the pacing of the game and the actual content, and felt it didn't actually go anywhere or explore interesting locations, which would give the impression that the adventure as a whole was over too quickly, but in terms of content length its above par for Metroid.

That might not be the impression I get if there was more than 4 places in the whole game.
And there's only so much time you can do Brinstar and Norfair before wanting something actually new.
In that regard, Fusion did it right.
This one feels like a poor retread of Fusion, in almost everything....which is really, really worse than what you would expect from something like that.

I mean, imagine if they actually released NSMBW with only a fraction of the worlds that were directly ripped off NSMB! you'd feel ripped off too.

And believe me, it's not a case of the game ending too soon, it's a case of the game world being composed of old material.
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