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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


SpacePirate Ridley said:
Ok beat the game, now for 100%
This game is not perfect but I love it. I liked the story *shrugs* I think some of the intros are pretty epic and awesome.
I liked also the theme in the credits, felt like I was at a cinema at the end of a Metroid movie :lol
Now going for the 100%

BTW, someone explain me this about the story:

you get to a part of the story after Anthony "dies" were theres only Maurice and KG left, and the real MB. Well, you can see that one of the GF attacks you with the killing vehicle trying to kill you. And then you se another scene were a GF soldier throws another into a lava pit. At that time you think the traitor can be Maurice or KG (i was always rooting for KG :lol ), so then you see an intro were you leave MB and a GF goes to her and a shoot is heard with the image in black. Later you find dead Maurice's body in another place, and you never find KG so it means that is supposedly the one that fell in the lava. So who was the traitor? was it Maurice, was it KG or was it MB dress as a GF soldier.

If you discover this after the 100% ending, I dont want it to know, if not tell me.
You're confusing Maurice with James. James is the traitor. My guess about what happened with him and MB was, he shot her, but it didn't kill her (with her being an android and all that). Then she probably killed him (or commanded a Metroid or something?).


SpacePirate Ridley said:
Ok beat the game, now for 100%
This game is not perfect but I love it. I liked the story *shrugs* I think some of the intros are pretty epic and awesome.
I liked also the theme in the credits, felt like I was at a cinema at the end of a Metroid movie :lol
Now going for the 100%

BTW, someone explain me this about the story:

you get to a part of the story after Anthony "dies" were theres only Maurice and KG left, and the real MB. Well, you can see that one of the GF attacks you with the killing vehicle trying to kill you. And then you se another scene were a GF soldier throws another into a lava pit. At that time you think the traitor can be Maurice or KG (i was always rooting for KG :lol ), so then you see an intro were you leave MB and a GF goes to her and a shoot is heard with the image in black. Later you find dead Maurice's body in another place, and you never find KG so it means that is supposedly the one that fell in the lava. So who was the traitor? was it Maurice, was it KG or was it MB dress as a GF soldier.

If you discover this after the 100% ending, I dont want it to know, if not tell me.
you got it wrong. Maurice is the one you find dead in front of the Lab where you find Mellisa first. After you get attacked by the bulldozer, (where the only options are KG and James) you see someone throwing a body to the lava. This body can't be found then, since it's gone. Then you find James body where Mellisa was. So which guy do you think was it?


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Do you have to use first person view a lot in this game? Don't really like it.
You're rarely forced to use it in combat. There are some regular enemies that you have to finish using missiles until you get the final beam upgrade, and you usually have to use missiles in boss fights. Other than that, you only really need it to use the grapple beam or blow up certain doors and walls.


Finished the game and i have to say. after all this doom and gloom about this game that was all over this board and the gaming enthuasiast press i expected much much worse.

I think the story was okay. The story telling was definatly more direct and similar to Resident Evil or Metal Gear Solid (Cutscenes and Codec interaction).I had a lot of fear going in due to all this sexism charges and the generel dismay about the story. But overall the cutscenes were well made the voice actors for Samus and Anthony were quite good (I was expecting Arc Rise Fantasia level voiceacting) and the plot was plausible even if it had some holes in it. The whole sexism charges had little grounds tbh.

The combat is probably the best about this game. It was fast and really fluid. The best thing about the combat is the dodging and the fact that you get your beams charged once you dodge. it made the game a lot more enjoyable for me as you really had good chances against large enemy swarms or bosses. The enemy design in general was very good. I had a lot of fun with the smaller ones as well as the midbosses and the real bosses. The transition between first person and third person was handled very well imo. I dont really understand why this is one of the chief complaints. It switches superfast and its not like you cant dodge enemy attacks if you are in first person. It feels a lot like RE4s turret mechanic to me. The targeting system which was criticized a lot was no problem for me. Sure autotargetting means that you will have some instances where your shots misfire. But usually you can control the shots by facing towards the enemy.

The Structure was modified a lot. The area you are investigating is not small. Id say the size is about as big as Fusion or Zeromission. But you always have a clear goal where to go next. This concept was used in Fusion first and was utilized quite a bit in Prime 3 as well. I think in this game they went a little extreme as you never have to worry about loosing the track. The item finding was minimalized into finding e-tanks and missle containers. This is also a huge modification in structure as you will usually get the new ability you need to get further when the story tells you so automatically. I feel that this killed some of metroids charm but at the same time it made the game a lot more fluid and well paced as you dont have the problem some metroid games suffered in the past (mainly the confusion where you need to go).

Controlls made sense to me. The Dpad movement is done surprisingly well. Mostly do to the fact that the game is essentially a 2D game in 70 % of the rooms. Dpad control also allows the come back of abilities like the speed boost or the shinespark (those were awesome).

Overall i think it is a very well made game. It just diverted too much from the metroid formula in a lot of ways. The basics are still in there and i think most of the fear that i had about this game was proven wrong.

Sakamoto did a great job and i hope that he will get the problems of the game right in the sequel.

Oh yeah and the waldo sequences are horrible.. wtf.
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED....................

I will try to keep them to a minimum but they might slip out.

Any way, I just beat the game and honestly I'm torn on whether I liked it or not. I'm not the biggest Metroid fan but I thought the game was interesting looking so I picked it up. So if it didn't feel like a metroid game it didnt really bother me much or I didn't notice but from the little I played of Super Metroid I can see some of the issues some might have with the linear style the game pushes you in. The game would literally lock doors in order to get your ass moving one way and also you couldn't randomly find power ups just by being adventurous which sucked but meh I get that they were trying to have a story based game and that would have messed that up. It doesn't make it right but I get it. I'll split up my feeling on each part.


This is the biggest issue for a lot of people but for me it really wasn't that bad. Mind you, I can watch a pretty shit movie and still find something redeemable about it and normally don't nitpick small shit so once again my opinion might not matter here but the only real issue with the story was Samus' unneeded inter-monologue. Or rather the poorly written one in which she would say somethign like. " I watched as Adam walked away"...and then we would see Adam walk away...like...was that needed? As for the sexist stuff, once again not a expert ( nor a woman..) but what I got out of it was that Samus felt guilt for leaving the one dude that seemingly cared about her and decided to for old times sake and in order to make it up to him follow his orders. I'll get to the stupidity of that in the gameplay part but I got it. Plus it's not like she was just going to say fuck this...or oh well adam is here I'm out. At the very least she decided to work with his posse to figure out WTF was going on.

The other issue was with the plan of the scientists was stupid....so they recreated Mother Brain within a girl and was surprised when she turned on them....umm...wat? Despite the issues, I think if they would have toned down on the Samus is saaad parts then the story would be pretty damn good. For what it is it's not horrible and it fills in some holes I guess. also: Anthony is a bad ass ....as is Ridley.


This was pretty much Ninja Gaiden set in space.....whcih sound awesome and for the most part is. The problem was that by the end of it became stale. I was begging for the ending when it came...( and it did...rather quickly..seriously I just pointed at the screen and won..). The boss fights were great and exciting and once you knew WTF you were doing ( I would say that this is an issue but in my day games didn't tell you what was needed to win we just won and we loved every moment of it...damn whippersnappers).
The big thing was the Adam tells you what you can use thing. I understood the power bombs but did he really need to tell Samus to use her suit to not die in lava??? Really? The third person tank parts were dumb and I never really got stuck on the wheres waldo parts but they totally were just there because..

In the end I liked the experience but i doubt I'd go for 100%. Perhaps because I never gave Samus' backstory much of a passing glance, is the reason why I wasn't pissed at her characterization here and that's the reason I'm fine with it. and besides outside of here own mind, Her little episode against Ridley ( which I got because dude is supposed to be fucking dead and this motherfucker keeps on coming back...like a boss) and
the Adam's epic sacrifice scene ( which made him look like a boss)
she pretty much was a killing machine that killed things and doesn't afraid of anything....except for Ridley....sometimes.

It was a fun game that if you go into it expecting a Ninja Gaiden game set in the metroid universe then you'll get a lot out of it.

If I was a reviewer I'd give it a 8.



Knux-Future said:
It was a fun game that if you go into it expecting a Ninja Gaiden game set in the metroid universe then you'll get a lot out of it..

also anthony was badass

hope he will get some more screentime in the next metroid game


Spoiler tags man, use them.

I'm 2.5 hours in and I'm enjoying the game a lot. I really dislike Samus' her voice (she sounds like a robot at times and the dialogue is... well yeah.) Gameplay however is awesome. I was expecting some issues getting used to the controls, but there were no issues for me. What I like best about the game is that it throws several types of mini-boss/boss fights. Very cool.


jufonuk said:
ok what the hell are waldo sequences are they the 1st person find x before proceeding? parts?
yeah.. have you ever played where's waldo?

the things require you to be pixel perfect for a good ammount of time. They're badly implemented.

Beth Cyra

Boney said:
yeah.. have you ever played where's waldo?

the things require you to be pixel perfect for a good ammount of time. They're badly implemented.
Sadly, I spent almost 20 minutes on one. Still say that thing was bullshit.


Boney said:
yeah.. have you ever played where's waldo?

the things require you to be pixel perfect for a good ammount of time. They're badly implemented.

Yep the worst part of the game. There were only two that gave me trouble but it was still poorly done.

The only one I don't understand people having a problem with it
the one with MB at the end. The first thing I did in that one was shoot the dudes out of the way so I could aim at her.
Holy mother of god, holy mother of god.
Did I just

Holy shit, that was of epic proportions.

Desiato said:
You're confusing Maurice with James. James is the traitor. My guess about what happened with him and MB was, he shot her, but it didn't kill her (with her being an android and all that). Then she probably killed him (or commanded a Metroid or something?).

Boney said:
you got it wrong. Maurice is the one you find dead in front of the Lab where you find Mellisa first. After you get attacked by the bulldozer, (where the only options are KG and James) you see someone throwing a body to the lava. This body can't be found then, since it's gone. Then you find James body where Mellisa was. So which guy do you think was it?

Ahhh uhhh, thought you find it in somewhere else :lol And yes, I diodnt remember his name :lol


SpacePirate Ridley said:
Holy mother of god, holy mother of god.
Did I just

Holy shit, that was of epic proportions.

Yep one of my favorite parts.
I loved the look of Phantoon in this game. He looked like something out of dead space while still looking recognizable.


Making my way through hard mode before I got to return it. Just made my way to Sector 3. It should start to get ugly about now.


Super Metroid is a longer game than Other M. There is more places to go, more to do in Metroid 3 than this game. There's like 3/4 sectors in Other M, with little exploration and no branching paths to add time.


etiolate said:
Super Metroid is a longer game than Other M. There is more places to go, more to do in Metroid 3 than this game. There's like 3/4 sectors in Other M, with little exploration and no branching paths to add time.

No not really.


Well, I beat it. Overall, I thought it was a really good entry for the series. Sure everything they tried didn't work out, but I'm glad that they took another approach because I felt the Prime formula was getting stale by MP3. I wasn't too keen on this game as I first starting playing, and my opinions kind of went up and down like a rollercoaster as I played along.
I think it hit rock bottom when Samus freaked out at the sight of Ridley and also when Adam was able to disable Samus with a single shot to the back
. The combat definitely took some getting used to, but once I got acclimated to the controls it generally played fine - and it got particularly good once Samus gets two or three beams under her belt. I'm really glad that it filled a lot of the holes between Super and Fusion, even if it does wreck a bit of havoc with existing continuity.

On the whole I felt the characterization of Samus was fine, except for a few infamous particular moments, but damn did Sakamoto give her Daddy Issues™.

Edit: Also, for the record Super Metroid is my #1 favorite game of all time.
I've played the game for about 5 hours now, and I'm not sure what to think about it. At times it's great, but often I keep thinking that this is a decent third party game copying Metroid, rather than an actual Metroid game.

The outdoor environments look really shitty, the music is pretty meh (where is the item fanfare?), and the way they give you weapons/suit upgrades isn't well thought out. If I have the damn item, just let me use it. It's really silly that I'm risking my life running through an area I really can just walk through with breeze. It makes sense to block the power bombs and super missiles, but that's about it.

I don't care much for most of the new enemy designs either. Fighting some Doshin the Giant look-alike in the lava sector is just... I don't know, I'm not quite feeling this game.

I like the game, and I'm definitely not bored with it, but I feel that something went wrong here. Oh well, it's still a new Metroid game, even if it, as of now, is my least favorite in the series; and I'm hoping that the last hours of the game will be better.
jufonuk said:
ok what the hell are waldo sequences are they the 1st person find x before proceeding? parts?

:lol :lol i hated those parts,
at the Ridley fight i spent a while just looking for what to look at, i was an idiot, also didnt know to missile that door


AndyMoogle said:
I've played the game for about 5 hours now, and I'm not sure what to think about it. At times it's great, but often I keep thinking that this is a decent third party game copying Metroid, rather than an actual Metroid game.

The outdoor environments look really shitty, the music is pretty meh (where is the item fanfare?), and the way they give you weapons/suit upgrades isn't well thought out. If I have the damn item, just let me use it. It's really silly that I'm risking my life running through an area I really can just walk through with breeze. It makes sense to block the power bombs and super missiles, but that's about it.

I don't care much for most of the new enemy designs either. Fighting some Doshin the Giant look-alike in the lava sector is just... I don't know, I'm not quite feeling this game.

I like the game, and I'm definitely not bored with it, but I feel that something went wrong here. Oh well, it's still a new Metroid game, even if it, as of now, is my least favorite in the series; and I'm hoping that the last hours of the game will be better.

I think they were trying TOO hard with the cinematic experience. They totally dropped all of the classic Metroid tunes and music in favor of a more atmospheric soundtrack. it's nice at times but in the end it's way too forgettable and just isn't "Metroid-y" at all.

It definitely has it's moments but it's missing that "Magic" that is found in most Nintendo published games. The Prime series had it in spades, imo.

I wonder how that Prime hating Katagari feels about Other M
OK I just finished the game. There's one item I need to complete it 100% , but I don't understand how I am supposed to get it. It's in hangar at the beginning of the game and seems to be only accessible from a door that I can't open yet (with an orange glow). How am I supposed to get this?


GrimReaper said:
OK I just finished the game. There's one item I need to complete it 100% , but I don't understand how I am supposed to get it. It's in hangar at the beginning of the game and seems to be only accessible from a door that I can't open yet (with an orange glow). How am I supposed to get this?
There's a missile vent in the room where the first bathroom appears.

I don't I'm gonna beat it, my head started hurting now. Gonna get to Ridley for sure though.


Tyrant_Onion said:
Did you roll in her mouth and try to bomb her from inside?
If I had a quarter for every time someone asked me this...
etiolate said:
Super Metroid is a longer game than Other M. There is more places to go, more to do in Metroid 3 than this game. There's like 3/4 sectors in Other M, with little exploration and no branching paths to add time.
Super Metroid is a six hour game if you really try to drag it out and take your time. And even that's probably pushing it.
I'm having trouble with missile expansions in the Main Sector also.

In the epilogue, I read you can't get some of the missile upgrades until after the secret boss is killed? I'm missing the one in the huge hangar at the beginning, one that eludes me in a really tall elevator shaft (around the center of it somewhere), and I can't figure out how to get to where the yellow marker is-- the elevator that leads to it is colored red.


brandonh83 said:
I'm having trouble with missile expansions in the Main Sector also.

In the epilogue, I read you can't get some of the missile upgrades until after the secret boss is killed? I'm missing the one in the huge hangar at the beginning, one that eludes me in a really tall elevator shaft (around the center of it somewhere), and I can't figure out how to get to where the yellow marker is-- the elevator that leads to it is colored red.
Go to the sixth room from the hangar for your first question. The elevator shaft one is the one you won't be able to get until the secret boss. Look around for Super Bomb spots in hallways next to the main elevator room to find your way to your objective.
PounchEnvy said:
Go to the sixth room from the hangar for your first question. The elevator shaft one is the one you won't be able to get until the secret boss. Look around for Super Bomb spots in hallways next to the main elevator room to find your way to your objective.

Right on. Thanks.


Crunched said:
If I had a quarter for every time someone asked me this...

Super Metroid is a six hour game if you really try to drag it out and take your time. And even that's probably pushing it.

I think people are confusing their current day playthroughs of a game they know forwards and backwards with how Super Metroid was at first. Not knowing everything, there was lots of testing and exploring. Other M is pretty straight forward, and once you get to the point where you know all the Where's Waldos and patterns, it's a pretty small game.


etiolate said:
I think people are confusing their current day playthroughs of a game they know forwards and backwards with how Super Metroid was at first. Not knowing everything, there was lots of testing and exploring. Other M is pretty straight forward, and once you get to the point where you know all the Where's Waldos and patterns, it's a pretty small game.
Anecdote and everything, but I beat Super Metroid the first time in less thatn 3:30..


etiolate said:
I think people are confusing their current day playthroughs of a game they know forwards and backwards with how Super Metroid was at first. Not knowing everything, there was lots of testing and exploring. Other M is pretty straight forward, and once you get to the point where you know all the Where's Waldos and patterns, it's a pretty small game.
My first time through Super Metroid took about four hours.

It took a few more to get 100%, but that doesn't make it the longer game.


I think I spent a good eight hours on SM on my first go. That was finish time, which doesn't include multiple Draygon tries since I never knew about the grapple beam trick back then.


You take away the time of cinematics, you take away the time wasted on Where's Waldo and patterns, hell you take away the forced slow of lurch mode and you may have a three hour game.


i think people compare too much with the prime trilogy instead of the 2D games. Other M is overall much closer to the 2D games since most of them are sub 10 hours for first playthoughs.
the prime series takes like 20 hours each game the first time so it is a very different beast than the 2D games.


etiolate said:
You take away the time of cinematics, you take away the time wasted on Where's Waldo and patterns, hell you take away the forced slow of lurch mode and you may have a three hour game.
Took me 11 hours to get 100% in Other M. Take away cutscenes, you're down to about 10. I never got hung up on the first person segments, the longest one for me lasted five minutes or so. Every other one, maybe 30 seconds. And the parts where Samus does her Leon Kennedy impression only last for fifteen or twenty minutes, all together. Even if you take out all those things and have the quickest path through the game memorized, bringing it down to a swift three hours, you still have a longer game than Super Metroid.

I'm not saying Other M can be completed in three hours. It might be possible, but I'm guessing it's closer to five. But even if it did only take three hours, it would still be longer than the quickest path through Super Metroid.


etiolate said:
You take away the time of cinematics, you take away the time wasted on Where's Waldo and patterns, hell you take away the forced slow of lurch mode and you may have a three hour game.

Take all that stuff out and the game is maybe an hour shorter.


etiolate said:
You take away the time of cinematics, you take away the time wasted on Where's Waldo and patterns, hell you take away the forced slow of lurch mode and you may have a three hour game.

Cinematics were counted into the final time? Well then I guess that would put my actual final time around 9 hours then. Still my first time through super I beat it in 3 hours.


Is Sakamoto really retconning 3/4 of Metroid when he makes Samus say that this mission on the BottleShip is the first one with the galactic federation after she left?

What about Prime 3?
What about Metroid 2 where the order came from the federation?

Why does he insist on having a plot and then... this happens?

Not to mention that Metroid Fusion has a better plot in every aspect.
Fusion is linear, too, but you actually feel alone in that game.
Also, the X & Metroid thing was pretty cool, and ground-breaking for the series.


How did you spend 11 hours on this game?

I spent 7-8 hours on it. Wasted time on the illogical stuff and the lurch, etc. Since the game is just a straight line with some bends, it really cannot be that long without the forced stops.

Beth Cyra

etiolate said:
You take away the time of cinematics, you take away the time wasted on Where's Waldo and patterns, hell you take away the forced slow of lurch mode and you may have a three hour game.

I was over nine hours and there is no way that the cutscenes where more then an hour and half, maybe 1 45 at most and outside of certain Waldo thing I was done with all of them in less the 2 minutes.

So take all that way and we are still over 7 hours of action packed game play, 3 hours is nonsense. 7 Hours or there about is plenty of time for a first time through, certainly in a gen where some of the highest rated games are even shorter.


etiolate said:
How did you spend 11 hours on this game?

I spent 7-8 hours on it. Wasted time on the illogical stuff and the lurch, etc. Since the game is just a straight line with some bends, it really cannot be that long without the forced stops.
Went back and opened up new areas whenever I got new power ups. Contrary to popular belief, the game isn't entirely linear. It sort of closes in on you 3/4 of the way through because it wants the story to funnel you along, but up until then you're pretty free to open up a few new hidden rooms with each power up you attain/activate.

11 hours was for 100%. I'm sure that's possible in 8, but I took my time exploring.
Wizpig said:
Is Sakamoto really retconning 3/4 of Metroid when he makes Samus say that this mission on the BottleShip is the first one with the galactic federation after she left?

What about Prime 3?
What about Metroid 2 where the order came from the federation?
What she meant to say is that was her other first mission.


etiolate said:
How did you spend 11 hours on this game?

I spent 7-8 hours on it. Wasted time on the illogical stuff and the lurch, etc. Since the game is just a straight line with some bends, it really cannot be that long without the forced stops.

It took me 11 hours to get 100%. Seems pretty close to what everyone else has gotten. Still there have been others with worse times. I was surprised to find someone at the metroid database took 19 hours to 100% the game.

Beth Cyra

Wizpig said:
Is Sakamoto really retconning 3/4 of Metroid when he makes Samus say that this mission on the BottleShip is the first one with the galactic federation after she left?

What about Prime 3?
What about Metroid 2 where the order came from the federation?

Why does he insist on having a plot and then... this happens?

Not to mention that Metroid Fusion has a better plot in every aspect.
Fusion is linear, too, but you actually feel alone in that game.
Also, the X & Metroid thing was pretty cool, and ground-breaking for the series.

Prime's do not count and are not canon when it comes to this game. Metroid 2 is still very much canon, the Baby is to heavily linked into the series to possibly try and retcon it out, and given how heavily he focuses on her feelings because or for the Baby it is clear M2 is still canon.
Wizpig said:
Is Sakamoto really retconning 3/4 of Metroid when he makes Samus say that this mission on the BottleShip is the first one with the galactic federation after she left?

What about Prime 3?
What about Metroid 2 where the order came from the federation?

The Prime series is considered separate from the main Metroid storyline by Sakamoto.
Samus was referring to having an officer on site giving specific orders throughout the mission. In Metroid 2, apart from the basic order to exterminate all metroids, Samus is free to use whatever method she chooses.


etiolate said:
How did you spend 11 hours on this game?

I spent 7-8 hours on it. Wasted time on the illogical stuff and the lurch, etc. Since the game is just a straight line with some bends, it really cannot be that long without the forced stops.

100% in 7-8 hours? Its not that linear man, no more so than Fusion anyway.
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