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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him

KevinCow said:
Are you fucking serious? Have you like never encountered a competently written story before? Well I guess judging by your excessive use of ellipses, it's safe to assume you play a lot of RPGs and don't read many books.

Any competent writer could have easily conveyed the same relationship between Samus and Adam that she rambles on and on about through, you know, actual interaction between the two characters. And they could've done it without making Samus look like a whiny bitch. Any competent writer could've taken a lot of the stuff in this game's story and made it far more concise and effective.

Well I'm sorry if I don't read 20 books a day and decide to type on a message board like I'm writing a term paper like you...If only I could live up to your standards.

Geez cut me a break will ya?

I agree that Samus' inter thoughts was a bit stupid but outside of that ( and the Ridley thingy) she was pretty much a badass throughout the game. I took it that she respected Adam and wanted to make it up to him for leaving him despite him being the only person to care about her. She felt guilty. Was it sloppily handled..yeah but I got it.

Also I'm just interested in what way would you or anyone else handle it? Not saying that your wrong just interested thats all.
I just beat it with 100% in 12:31. I've never gotten close to a 100% on a Metroid game before and I've played all but Metroid 2 (and only half of Echoes so far). I actually think I only had 42% of the items when I beat Zero Mission the 1st time.


Knux-Future said:
Well I'm sorry if I don't read 20 books a day and decide to type on a message board like I'm writing a term paper like you...If only I could live up to your standards.

Geez cut me a break will ya?

I agree that Samus' inter thoughts was a bit stupid but outside of that ( and the Ridley thingy) she was pretty much a badass throughout the game. I took it that she respected Adam and wanted to make it up to him for leaving him despite him being the only person to care about her. She felt guilty. Was it sloppily handled..yeah but I got it.

Also I'm just interested in what way would you or anyone else handle it? Not saying that your wrong just interested thats all.

The biggest problem is mainly that, do you know that because the characters plainly state it to you or because they acted that way?
For me it's totally part 1, then again I don't play games for their stories. Especially when the story is so uninteractive, I want to watch cutscenes after cutscenes I'm better off watching a film.
I can talk about it later and not sound like a total dork as a nice bonus :lol
etiolate said:
wish you guys would stop bringing up authorial intent

Some history, since everyone hates me for knowing what I'm talking about.

According to Prynne, this was not his intent. He was misread. But shouldn't his intent hold weigh over what people think themselves? Guess not.

"The author says so" is not going to save you from the tower of london or 25 years of Samus not being a PTSD subservient little girl.
Etiolate, if a person believes authorial intent is the final word on the character, it doesn't matter in the slightest what you think. You go with what you want, let people go with what they want, and realize in the end none of it fucking matters because Sakamoto's going to do what *he* wants, and out of all of us, he's literally the only one that gets an actual vote.

I can really see how you're pissing people off now. Stop telling people what they can or can't think. It doesn't matter how many books you have behind you when it comes to this topic, because it ultimately comes down to the interpretation of the individual. Unlike, say, PTSD which is a real thing you seem to not know the slightest thing about but keep tossing around like you do.


Instro said:
The Metroid he killed didnt have the resistance to ice. He was only able to knock Samus out by shooting her in the back, kind of dumb but not something I nitpicked over.

With regards to the George Lucas comparison, it is a bit different I think. Prior to Fusion Samus basically had no character to speak of. Its not like some radical changes were made to create the character she is in Fusion, the manga and Other M. She was basically a clean slate prior to Fusion, beyond some minor indications of her having some emotions when she saved the last Metroid in Metroid 2. Its not like this was some massive retcon to the character, this has been building for the last decade now.

No, she didn't say much before Fusion. That doesn't mean she didn't have a character. A character doing something does far more for development than the character saying something.

Look at the entire damn plot of Metroid 2. Samus is contacted to go to SR388 and destroy every last living Metroid. Alone. This basic premise tells you two major things about the character: she is strong, and she is independent. The whiny codependence we see in Other M completely contradicts this.

Or how about Super Metroid? She shows up at an abandoned space station to see everyone dead and gets her ass kicked by Ridley. So what does she do? She follows him. Yes, that's right, she's nearly killed by Ridley, but she still follows him because she has to. Other M Samus wouldn't have done that. Other M Samus would have curled up in her ship and cried.

Or shit, let's take a scene from Other M to point out how actions speak louder than words. The flashback where she's arguing with Adam. It's not the fact that she was disagreeing with his decision and trying to convince him that she could do better that made her look weak. It was the fact that she was having a goddamn emotional breakdown on the bridge of this ship during a crisis that made her look weak. The same scene - Adam making a hard decision, Samus disagreeing with it - could have easily been done without the emotional breakdown. It could have easily been done in a way that made her look stronger, not weaker.


Segata Sanshiro said:
And yet, they did. The simple point of Matt saying that the game would not be sexist if Adam was a woman even if everything else remained constant shows the truth of the matter. They didn't provide sufficient justification to hurl a very serious accusation the way they did. You like to drop the education card in this thread, etiolate. I suggest you educate yourself about gender studies.

What they did is no better than if I accused Abbie of being racist against Japanese for giving Metroid a low score. No better at all.

The funny thing is people are actually getting caught up in whether or not the story is sexist. Their value as reviewers is in telling us why the story hurts the game's design. You can tell the industry is in trouble when the people who are paid to critique games tend to get on its case for not being as good a movie as it could have been.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Etiolate, if a person believes authorial intent is the final word on the character, it doesn't matter in the slightest what you think. You go with what you want, let people go with what they want, and realize in the end none of it fucking matters because Sakamoto's going to do what *he* wants, and out of all of us, he's literally the only one that gets an actual vote.

I can really see how you're pissing people off now. Stop telling people what they can or can't think. It doesn't matter how many books you have behind you when it comes to this topic, because it ultimately comes down to the interpretation of the individual. Unlike, say, PTSD which is a real thing you seem to not know the slightest thing about but keep tossing around like you do.

Actually we all get to vote...with our wallets.
If we don't like what they're doing with Samus, we can chose to avoid the games altogether in the future.
When the sales will drop, they'll change course accordingly or keep getting less and less money.
Why do you think Itoi/Iwata/Miyamoto put so much emphasis on having random people testing their games during the dev? It's because the customer's experience is more important than whatever message the maker is trying to pass.
Seriously though you don't fork 50 bucks on a game for it to not entertain you :/
That's true for all media.

KevinCow said:
No, she didn't say much before Fusion. That doesn't mean she didn't have a character. A character doing something does far more for development than the character saying something.

Look at the entire damn plot of Metroid 2. Samus is contacted to go to SR388 and destroy every last living Metroid. Alone. This basic premise tells you two major things about the character: she is strong, and she is independent. The whiny codependence we see in Other M completely contradicts this.

Or how about Super Metroid? She shows up at an abandoned space station to see everyone dead and gets her ass kicked by Ridley. So what does she do? She follows him. Yes, that's right, she's nearly killed by Ridley, but she still follows him because she has to. Other M Samus wouldn't have done that. Other M Samus would have curled up in her ship and cried.

Or shit, let's take a scene from Other M to point out how actions speak louder than words. The flashback where she's arguing with Adam. It's not the fact that she was disagreeing with his decision and trying to convince him that she could do better that made her look weak. It was the fact that she was having a goddamn emotional breakdown on the bridge of this ship during a crisis that made her look weak. The same scene - Adam making a hard decision, Samus disagreeing with it - could have easily been done without the emotional breakdown. It could have easily been done in a way that made her look stronger, not weaker.

Actually if Other M was closer to what we see in Metroid 1->3 (because in Metroid 1 she get sent to kill every fucking Metroid and Mother Brain alone in a planet infested with space pirates, gee what a wimp amirite), we would see Samus actually going for the door to actually get things done instead of breaking down (cue a scene where Adam order all doors closed to prevent her from going or something)
AniHawk said:
The funny thing is people are actually getting caught up in whether or not the story is sexist. Their value as reviewers is in telling us why the story hurts the game's design. You can tell the industry is in trouble when the people who are paid to critique games tend to get on its case for not being as good a movie as it could have been.
Well, that's absolutely the main problem with the review. It was reviewed as social commentary and said very little about the game itself. The game's obviously got a ton of issues and instead of elaborating on them we got a ridiculous rant about a perceived injustice and at the end of the review are left scratching our heads as to whether that was the reason the game was given a 2/5 or not.
KevinCow said:
No, she didn't say much before Fusion. That doesn't mean she didn't have a character. A character doing something does far more for development than the character saying something.

Look at the entire damn plot of Metroid 2. Samus is contacted to go to SR388 and destroy every last living Metroid. Alone. This basic premise tells you two major things about the character: she is strong, and she is independent. The whiny codependence we see in Other M completely contradicts this.

Or how about Super Metroid? She shows up at an abandoned space station to see everyone dead and gets her ass kicked by Ridley. So what does she do? She follows him. Yes, that's right, she's nearly killed by Ridley, but she still follows him because she has to. Other M Samus wouldn't have done that. Other M Samus would have curled up in her ship and cried.

Or shit, let's take a scene from Other M to point out how actions speak louder than words. The flashback where she's arguing with Adam. It's not the fact that she was disagreeing with his decision and trying to convince him that she could do better that made her look weak. It was the fact that she was having a goddamn emotional breakdown on the bridge of this ship during a crisis that made her look weak. The same scene - Adam making a hard decision, Samus disagreeing with it - could have easily been done without the emotional breakdown. She could have easily disagreed with his decision in a way that made her look stronger, not weaker.

Good points. Here are some potential counterpoints.

For your Super Metroid argument...she wanted to save the baby. Thats all plus once again as it's been repeated through out this clusterfuck thread that She freaks out because Ridley should be DEAD after being killed and then havin a planet blown the fuck up and yet here he is..again. It kinda gets to ya. She at this point figures that this dude cannot die and will torment me forever. That's what i got out of it...could be wrong but that's a potential explanation.

as for the other M example...she was child at that point. She even says that she NOW after years of bounty hunting knows that Adam was right. But at the time was a kid who thinks rashly.

In fact Samus only acted weird because Adam was around. There are times in which people act differently when certain people are around. So Adam's mere presense through her off....Like I sad sloppy as fuck but yeah that's the reason.

Just some food for thought is all.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, that's absolutely the main problem with the review. It was reviewed as social commentary and said very little about the game itself. The game's obviously got a ton of issues and instead of elaborating on them we got a ridiculous rant about a perceived injustice and at the end of the review are left scratching our heads as to whether that was the reason the game was given a 2/5 or not.

Yep, and the thing is, there's a totally legit argument for why the story hurts the game as a game, but it's ignored because people had their feelings hurt by the cinematics.

Also, something something, lol games journalism something something.
Mael said:
Actually we all get to vote...with our wallets.
If we don't like what they're doing with Samus, we can chose to avoid the games altogether in the future.
When the sales will drop, they'll change course accordingly or keep getting less and less money.
Why do you think Itoi/Iwata/Miyamoto put so much emphasis on having random people testing their games during the dev? It's because the customer's experience is more important than whatever message the maker is trying to pass.
Seriously though you don't fork 50 bucks on a game for it to not entertain you :/
That's true for all media.
Well then, you guys should really not expect a return to Super Metroid's values, because the game really didn't sell all that well. Nor did Zero Mission. Nor did Prime 3. So I guess the only answer is... put the series back in the fridge for another eight years?


Narrative sequences in the history of Metroid.

Metroid I (non-existent)
Metroid II (ending sequence)
Metroid III (begging sequence, near to end sequence, end sequence. dialogue inclusion)
Metroid IV (sequences in selected areas. dialogue inclusion through certain elevator animations)
Metroid Ir (sequences introduced in sections that were deemed plausible from the original game)
Metroid III.V (sequences in selected areas. audio dialogue inclusion)


Knux-Future said:
Good points. Here are some potential counterpoints.

For your Super Metroid argument...she wanted to save the baby. Thats all plus once again as it's been repeated through out this clusterfuck thread that She freaks out because Ridley should be DEAD after being killed and then havin a planet blown the fuck up and yet here he is..again. It kinda gets to ya. She at this point figures that this dude cannot die and will torment me forever. That's what i got out of it...could be wrong but that's a potential explanation.

Yeah that would be okay if the game wasn't placed after Super Metroid, you know the game that have the fucking monster come back AFTER she blew the shit out of him in Metroid 1.
I mean unless she's a dumbass on top of being a wimp now, she's kinda aware that the guy can come back :/
AND she doesn't freak out AT ALL when she meets him Fusion, meaning that it makes even less sense for her to freak out in Other M.

Knux-Future said:
as for the other M example...she was child at that point. She even says that she NOW after years of bounty hunting knows that Adam was right. But at the time was a kid who thinks rashly.

In fact Samus only acted weird because Adam was around. There are times in which people act differently when certain people are around.

Just some food for thought is all.

Doesn't change that the exact same scene is played out with her having another breakdown for the same fucking reason....

Segata Sanshiro said:
Well then, you guys should really not expect a return to Super Metroid's values, because the game really didn't sell all that well. Nor did Zero Mission. Nor did Prime 3. So I guess the only answer is... put the series back in the fridge for another eight years?

Or they could go back to Metroid 1 or 2?
Prime 3 is more a consequence of too many sequels in too short time than anything and it didn't sell that much worse than its predecessor (unlike ZM).
Heck they could even experiment! You know what they actually did for the very first Metroid? or Metroid 2?
(And no they experimented jackshit in Metroid 3 since it's Metroid 1 remade)
At this point a competent sequel to Prime Hunter is more likely to get results than anything following Other M.
Still the month is young, we'll see how it goes. If the market actually buy the game in drove and prove me wrong. More power to everyone, even if I stop playing them, the rest of us can actually rest assured they'll continue doing it with other games you'll love.
If it doesn't....
Actually I'd very much prefer to be wrong here.
Mael said:
Yeah that would be okay if the game wasn't placed after Super Metroid, you know the game that have the fucking monster come back AFTER she blew the shit out of him in Metroid 1.
I mean unless she's a dumbass on top of being a wimp now, she's kinda aware that the guy can come back :/
AND she doesn't freak out AT ALL when she meets him Fusion, meaning that it makes even less sense for her to freak out in Other M.

Doesn't change that the exact same scene is played out with her having another breakdown for the same fucking reason....
I've said it before and I'll say it again, you guys need to actually read up on PTSD. It doesn't manifest every single the time the stimulus is presented, nor is it extinguished in a beautiful-movie-esque moment of triumphing over the fear once or twice.

The story predictably was told like dogshit, but if Samus has PTSD, her reactions to Ridley are not weird for that disorder. You guys find it weird because all you know is the Hollywood version of the disorder.
Mael said:
Yeah that would be okay if the game wasn't placed after Super Metroid, you know the game that have the fucking monster come back AFTER she blew the shit out of him in Metroid 1.
I mean unless she's a dumbass on top of being a wimp now, she's kinda aware that the guy can come back :/
AND she doesn't freak out AT ALL when she meets him Fusion, meaning that it makes even less sense for her to freak out in Other M.

Doesn't change that the exact same scene is played out with her having another breakdown for the same fucking reason....

Fusion comes after this so she's probably used to him just being there after all she did gain her resolve to fight him after Anthony got pwned. Also yeah she blew him up but in Super Mteroid he came back and stole the baby...so shit was personal and then she blew the very planet dude was on so if he did somehow survive the ass whoopin this time he should be dead.

As for her second breakdown, I'm assuming you mean Adam's decision right? I thought that scene was cheesy too but c'mon man..you expected her to just be okay with him just making that choice?

It's like you want her to be a cyborg or something. She has some feelings. Dude was her dad basically so yeah it's natural for her to feel some type of way.


Segata Sanshiro said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, you guys need to actually read up on PTSD. It doesn't manifest every single the time the stimulus is presented, nor is it extinguished in a beautiful-movie-esque moment of triumphing over the fear once or twice.

The story predictably was told like dogshit, but if Samus has PTSD, her reactions to Ridley are not weird for that disorder. You guys find it weird because all you know is the Hollywood version of the disorder.

Still what are the odds that in the odds it's not the 1rst time she actually encounter the thing that she get weak in the knees but the 4th/5th time?
I mean at this point Ridley is pretty old news.

As for her second breakdown, I'm assuming you mean Adam's decision right? I thought that scene was cheesy too but c'mon man..you expected her to just be okay with him just making that choice?

It's like you want her to be a cyborg or something. She has some feelings. Dude was her dad basically so yeah it's natural for her to feel some type of way.

Nope, I just expect her to do something other act like a wimp and do nothing but cry over the decision.
For someone who survived a base and a planet blowing up, she sure seems weak this time around...
The get-rid-of-troublesome-place was better handled in Fusion.
Then again everything stems from the ridiculous cutscene bullet...
Mael said:
Still what are the odds that in the odds it's not the 1rst time she actually encounter the thing that she get weak in the knees but the 4th/5th time?
I mean at this point Ridley is pretty old news.
Okay, I'm not even joking now. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder does not work the way it works on TV and in the movies. For real. It could hit on the 20th time after the last 17 times were fine. Then not hit for 9 more times, then hit again. Seriously. It's actually very common for the first exposure to the problem stimulus to create very little reaction in the patient.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Okay, I'm not even joking now. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder does not work the way it works on TV and in the movies. For real. It could hit on the 20th time after the last 17 times were fine. Then not hit for 9 more times, then hit again. Seriously. It's actually very common for the first exposure to the problem stimulus to create very little reaction in the patient.

Exactly. Go read up on the current U.S. soldiers and what psychological parameters they have to pass in order to reach the battlefield. They're trained to shut off all emotional transduction, all in favor for the call of duty.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Okay, I'm not even joking now. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder does not work the way it works on TV and in the movies. For real. It could hit on the 20th time after the last 17 times were fine. Then not hit for 9 more times, then hit again. Seriously. It's actually very common for the first exposure to the problem stimulus to create very little reaction in the patient.

I guess it's a consequence of the tropes of : reality is boring against fiction :lol
Doesn't mean that this sequence was good or necessary though.
Mael said:
I guess it's a consequence of the tropes of : reality is boring against fiction :lol
Doesn't mean that this sequence was good or necessary though.
Don't get me wrong, I very much doubt Sakamoto is all that well-versed in PTSD, but this is one of those cases where reality happens to back him.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Segata Sanshiro said:
Okay, I'm not even joking now. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder does not work the way it works on TV and in the movies. For real. It could hit on the 20th time after the last 17 times were fine. Then not hit for 9 more times, then hit again. Seriously. It's actually very common for the first exposure to the problem stimulus to create very little reaction in the patient.

No no no Segata -- that's not it. They totally trashed Samus's character! Really...


I can't believe this thread is going the way it is. Can I pull educational rank on anyone by saying the story didn't destroy her character, nor was it inconsistent with her past portrayals? I mean, yes, it was a bit awkwardly wordy at times, but the main problem I had with the game is that it was too short...

Heck, if you HAVE to get into this silly story debate, one could point out that this is the first Metroid (non-Prime) in which we Samus surprised by Ridley.

What makes even less sense to me are the complaints about "sexism" -- complaining about the logic of unlocking powers makes perfect sense to me, but at what point in the game are we supposed to see Samus being subservient because of her sex? At the most, you have her being "subservient" so as to be allowed to join in a Federation mission... she's never openly opposed the Federation before, and why would she do it NOW - especially when her former commander (and father figure) is in charge?



Segata Sanshiro said:
Don't get me wrong, I very much doubt Sakamoto is all that well-versed in PTSD, but this is one of those cases where reality happens to back him.

Bah you'd find the craziest things, maybe he is :lol
Kinda weird case of interest but hey.
the sequence of the montster flying in the shadow was really, REALLY well made though.
Actually more subtle than the in-your-face way they chosed to present him in the Prime games. the actual model though....

A.CHAP said:
I am finding that this game is quite awsome and that this thread is full of maniacs.

That's okay we all think you're a psychopath.
A.CHAP said:
I am finding that this game is quite awsome and that this thread is full of maniacs.
Yeah people sure like to whine. The game could have been a little bigger for me, but that's just because I want more I guess. Already got 100% and finished Hard mode, which was a lot of fun.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Wuh oh, now there are *two* shrinks in the thread. Etiolate might end up in a white jacket after all!


robor said:

For what it's worth, some of you might find this article quite interesting. I can't read it just yet as I haven't played the game.

Read it, no one is deying that there's interesting stuffs in the story.
The problem is the form more than anything and what actually happens in the game more than during the flashbacks.
And dear god they should have used someone who's actually not George Lucas for the script!


Segata Sanshiro said:
Etiolate, if a person believes authorial intent is the final word on the character, it doesn't matter in the slightest what you think. You go with what you want, let people go with what they want, and realize in the end none of it fucking matters because Sakamoto's going to do what *he* wants, and out of all of us, he's literally the only one that gets an actual vote.

I can really see how you're pissing people off now. Stop telling people what they can or can't think. It doesn't matter how many books you have behind you when it comes to this topic, because it ultimately comes down to the interpretation of the individual. Unlike, say, PTSD which is a real thing you seem to not know the slightest thing about but keep tossing around like you do.

You misunderstand me saying that "Sakamoto says so" is not the final word with "you cant think that." Nintendo does what they want with it? Well of course. The problem is people telling others their idea of Samus is wrong because some dude thought up an idea for Samus years after her creation. Generally speaking, the history of who she is in the game is the final world in these things.

As for PTSD, I did not bring that up. Someone brought that up as an explanation for the behavior. And if you want to use that explanation, and you want to qualify it by saying that it may not register those other times, it does not explain why someone with it would actively seek out dangerous areas that would trigger it. Rape victims have trouble going on a date. Samus is pretty much going to an orgy of potential PTSD every game out. It still is lame.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Well no, I certainly wouldn't expect it to do so hot. Prime 3 did quite poorly and it was the final installment in the most popular Metroid series of all-time and came out when hardcore shit was actually viable on the Wii.

ah you didn't reply to the best part of the post!

Also it's more of a reply to theses saying they want to see more of it,
there's got to be bean counters at Nintendo and I wouldn't expect them to let their devs run their IP into the ground
or maybe not


It's not like this encounter with Ridley was the same as previous ones.

By that point in the story, Samus knew the facility was developing bio-weapons. She probably knew what Ridley being there meant; even though she'd blown up the creature twice (and more if you count the Prime saga), the GF, of all things, was bringing him back. You can also add to that the fact that she witnessed Ridley's entire development and even indirectly aided his growth.

Honestly, the only thing wrong with that scene was Anthony. They turned him into a walking stereotype.
Segata Sanshiro said:
What was your hypothesis? That we could get Gravijah into a skirt just by invoking Phoenix Wright?

That was pretty awesome.

Something, something hiding behind facts and forced opinions. :lol

Dude wait, what? Is that like activating the Queen or something?


Rez said:
Other M is, by any 2010 measurement, poorly designed. That might not bother you. You might have had the time of your life. I'm not going to hold it against you. But don't act shocked when others call the sky blue.

This is just crap. Utter crap.


Rez said:
Other M is, by any 2010 measurement, poorly designed. That might not bother you. You might have had the time of your life. I'm not going to hold it against you. But don't act shocked when others call the sky blue.

Mediocre? Yeah. Poor? Only in select instances involving the story (more specifically: how the story affects certain design decisions). The level design starts to go places near the end, places it could've gone closer to the start of the game, but it's not poor. It's a good game with obvious flaws, but it's not like it's No More Heroes.


Koodo said:
Only have one upgrade left and I'm stuck like a motherfucker. HELP.

The last upgrade is in the room with Samus' ship. There's a door leading to the place where the thing is, but that door is locked. :c

Edit: oh, there it was.

Help me please, I am stuck at the exact same spot..
Done and done. My new nickname for this game is Metroid for Morons. The story is moronic, the controls are dumbed-down to an absurd degree, the characters are awful, Samus herself acts like an idiot, and most importantly, the design is uninspired at best. I enjoyed some of the boss fights and that's about it.

If Sakamoto really is the person most responsible for the incredible Metroid games of the past, then he's pulled a George Lucas on us and completely lost his talent.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
A.CHAP said:
This is just crap. Utter crap.
AniHawk said:
Mediocre? Yeah. Poor? Only in select instances involving the story (more specifically: how the story affects certain design decisions). The level design starts to go places near the end, places it could've gone closer to the start of the game, but it's not poor. It's a good game with obvious flaws, but it's not like it's No More Heroes.
to be fair, guys, I did expand on this a fair bit more in the preceding and following posts.
Ok I'm stuck.

I'm in Sector 2. I just got the Speed Booster/Shinespark and the first Concentration booster. If I go where the arrow is telling me, there's that door that can only be opened with a Super Missile, which I don't have. The only other way is to go where that one-eyed tentacle thing is above the pool, but I don't think the game will let me run around him.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
there's a morph ball section to the left of the entrance into the hallway
Mael said:
ah you didn't reply to the best part of the post!

Also it's more of a reply to theses saying they want to see more of it,
there's got to be bean counters at Nintendo and I wouldn't expect them to let their devs run their IP into the ground
or maybe not
There are certainly bean counters at Nintendo, but the thing is that in spite of Metroid's cache with the hardcores, Metroid has never been a very big IP worldwide outside of the Prime series. I'm sure Nintendo's bean counters would have been ecstatic to continue the Prime series if it hadn't dropped like a rock and/or Retro wanted to do something different, but it is what it is. I think they were making a very deliberate attempt to try to increase the popularity of the series inside of Japan with Other M, but as usual when Nintendo tries something outside of their usual business, they have no idea what the fuck they're doing.

You don't just hire Team Ninja, dumb down the controls, throw in a "dramatic" story, and watch the cash roll in. In the end I think they've made a product that is less appealing to the rest of the world without being terribly much more appealing in Japan.

Don't get me wrong because I think in the long run Metroid will be aight, but in the present, with the house that Nintendo's built for themselves, I don't think there's any room for Metroid, no matter what they do.


Segata Sanshiro said:
There are certainly bean counters at Nintendo, but the thing is that in spite of Metroid's cache with the hardcores, Metroid has never been a very big IP worldwide outside of the Prime series. I'm sure Nintendo's bean counters would have been ecstatic to continue the Prime series if it hadn't dropped like a rock and/or Retro wanted to do something different, but it is what it is. I think they were making a very deliberate attempt to try to increase the popularity of the series inside of Japan with Other M, but as usual when Nintendo tries something outside of their usual business, they have no idea what the fuck they're doing.

You don't just hire Team Ninja, dumb down the controls, throw in a "dramatic" story, and watch the cash roll in. In the end I think they've made a product that is less appealing to the rest of the world without being terribly much more appealing in Japan.

Don't get me wrong because I think in the long run Metroid will be aight, but in the present, with the house that Nintendo's built for themselves, I don't think there's any room for Metroid, no matter what they do.

The thing is the last time they went out of their way to make a gamble with that IP, they paired it with a 'safe' project as to mitigate the risks (they even gave incentives to make people who would buy the 'safe' project bonus so that they would have more reasons to buy it).
In restrospect, that was very smart of them, Prime took off while the 'safe' project was overshadowed, in the end whichever thrived they could continue however they saw fit.

Other M is another gamble, except they mitigated nothing. So if it fails, well we're left with something that's not usable by any mean until people forget what the hell that was that turned them off.
In the end, they probably could have made a 'safe' product to accompagny it some kinda Metriod Prime Hunters 2 that you could connect to Other M to get bonus (basically Fusion + Prime all over again).
Problem is that plan is only possible if they saw Other M as a risk, I fear that they recognised the game as a risk way too late for any contingency plan to mitigate the risk.
As it is if Other M doesn't take off, they either make something closer to the Primes as a 'return' to form or we're left with another hiatus until someone manage to find something that will not bomb in their hands.
Frankly, I'm quite happy to accept that Metroid may disappear for another few years if Other M tanks. Nintendo took a chance on something fresh - instead of trying to force Retro to pump out yet another Metroid title, or scaling back for a more traditional 2D handheld game - and while I think they have done more new, interesting things with Other M than they have made missteps, obviously others disagree and the market may reject it entirely.

As Segata notes - albeit rather more harshly than I would have done! - Nintendo were operating outside their comfort zone here, but I think it was a worthwhile effort and I'd rather more developers were prepared - or were in a position to - go the Other M route and try something new with their franchises.

If this experiment means the series gets shifted to the back of the cupboard while Nintendo and Sakamoto try to work out what to do next, fair enough.



I think other m is going to do Prime 3 numbers which wouldnt be that bad. I really hope a sequel will get made. They have the engine and they have a pretty good base to start on. they really need to take out some stuff (waldo scenes) and add some stuff (optional nunchuck play) and it would be a really really superb game.
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