1rst, I actually bought it so so I actually expect some enjoyment out of it AND 2nd, I actually didn't expect such a trainwreck.
I'm quite forgiving, heck I hate dual analog setup and I actually bought and played Killzone 2.
I even have some nice things to say about that game, heck I even bought, played and had fun with (some parts of) Sonic Heroes. That should tell you how fucking forgiving I can be.
But this is actually the 1rst time I'm confronted with something as offensive as this.
I'm usually not very kind to people taking others for freaking morons and wasting times, that's exactly how it felt here.
It feels like the makers were trying to make the sequel to something good and actually phoned it in and then actually try to justify the turd they've made.
Seriously I've not been offended on that level since some politicians tried to pass of that law about illegal downloading (that was so badly made that was maddening).