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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him

A "longtime Metroid fan" would have read (or at least acknowledged) the manga and played Fusion and then realised their article was a nice serving of bullshit.


Destructoid wrote that same article like two weeks ago.

Personally, anyone that looks up to a videogame character as a personal heroine has some problems already. I mean ive been playing Metroid since NES, and never once have I thought..oh Samus is such a well thought out character. This game didn't ruin anything for me, Although the story/gameplay just didn't make sense to begin with.

I actually liked that Samus was scared of Ridley...maybe after all these years of fighting she is shell shocked?'I mean if you killed this nasty creature multiple times and it kept coming back to hunt and kill you, wouldnt you be a little afraid of it?

Anyway speaking of re-occurring bosses...what is it going to take to bring Kraid back? I mean giant Kraid was one of the coolest bosses in Super..and he's never made a reappearance.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
rhino4evr said:
I actually liked that Samus was scared of Ridley...maybe after all these years of fighting she is shell shocked?'I mean if you killed this nasty creature multiple times and it kept coming back to hunt and kill you, wouldnt you be a little afraid of it?
Someone else said it a while back, and I agree: after all the shit she's been through, Samus probably has a degree of PTSD. And she was always able to mentally brace herself for Ridley before. Not only did she not know he was there, but she thought he had been disintegrated.
rhino4evr said:
Destructoid wrote that same article like two weeks ago.

Personally, anyone that looks up to a videogame character as a personal heroine has some problems already. I mean ive been playing Metroid since NES, and never once have I thought..oh Samus is such a well thought out character. This game didn't ruin anything for me, Although the story/gameplay just didn't make sense to begin with.

I actually liked that Samus was scared of Ridley...maybe after all these years of fighting she is shell shocked?'I mean if you killed this nasty creature multiple times and it kept coming back to hunt and kill you, wouldnt you be a little afraid of it?

Anyway speaking of re-occurring bosses...what is it going to take to bring Kraid back? I mean giant Kraid was one of the coolest bosses in Super..and he's never made a reappearance.

Poor guy was planned for Prime and never made it due to time constraints.

Honestly, if a relatively obscure boss like
can get a reprise then I have little doubt we'll see the big guy sometime down the line. It's been a lengthy cocktease for a while now though.
In Other M, I heard Samus speak for the first time, and I was devastated to find that my longtime friend wasn't the woman I thought she was. Someone who was once my favorite heroine, and an inspiration, was now a woman I wish had just kept her mouth shut.

Guess it's time for him and some posters in this thread to put away the Samus body pillow.


Nothing special in that IGN article. Same old, "Samus is not the same character as she is in my fan-fic," stuff that we have seen on G4, Destructoid, and from many others repeatedly in this very thread.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Bizzyb said:
I never realized that as well, but I guess it's one of those "Any Objections, Adam?" kind of things. Remember, Samus has ALWAYS had access to her gear, she was just holding back. In a life or death situation she's not going to be worried about authorization but yeah, you got a point.

This I agree with. Despite dying 5-6 times in that same part before I figured it out, to me it was more a /forehead smack 'duuuuh' moment that I actually put the 'bad' on me vs. them. I thought it was clever. Clearly that was the answer, clearly Samus would just know to do that and wouldn't ask permission. It was a puzzle boss. And when you figured it out, I don't know, it felt right to me. It's like like Samus herself would be asking questions or thinking aloud with her life on the line.


John Harker said:
This I agree with. Despite dying 5-6 times in that same part before I figured it out, to me it was more a /forehead smack 'duuuuh' moment that I actually put the 'bad' on me vs. them. I thought it was clever. Clearly that was the answer, clearly Samus would just know to do that and wouldn't ask permission. It was a puzzle boss. And when you figured it out, I don't know, it felt right to me. It's like like Samus herself would be asking questions or thinking aloud with her life on the line.
If only she would have been smart enough to turn on that Varia Suit when her flesh was burning.


The_Technomancer said:
Someone else said it a while back, and I agree: after all the shit she's been through, Samus probably has a degree of PTSD. And she was always able to mentally brace herself for Ridley before. Not only did she not know he was there, but she thought he had been disintegrated.

The thing is that people with PTSD don't take jobs like being a bounty hunter in a universe full of giant disturbing creatures at every planet and station. Or at least they don't do it unless they have already become a little sociopathic.

Samus as a character is a caricature, she doesn't make sense, she should have become some phobic person locked in her room, or an apathetic, and some times violent person, think of the soldiers that survived WWII or something like that. Her inner thoughts should be a mess, not the tidy generic monologues we got. Thats if we are going for the realism angle. Samus reacting to Ridley the way she did is Sakamoto thinking a scene like that is "emotional". The result is just something completely incomprehensible, the background for that scene is gone for people who don't know her story, the reaction makes no sense for the people who do know her story. It's a complete mess.

Samus is possible a really traumatized woman, I'm not trying to deny that, but the way it was presented in the game was horrible.


rhino4evr said:
If only she would have been smart enough to turn on that Varia Suit when her flesh was burning.
More like just sweating a bit. She was like 5-10 minutes in there, no need to activate it just yet.


Did anyone else think the boss battles In this game were not only easy, but way too short?

I think the Prime series has completely spoiled me on boss battles...I mean the average last boss in a Prime game had like 3 or so forms, each with a completely different strategy to defeat.

Most of the bosses in other M were ...jump around and shoot..there was some item strategy, but it was very minimal...I guess this brings it closer to the 2D games in the series.

That being said
was a whole lot more difficult in Fusion


That IGN article is predictably terrible. Just sounds like yet another angry fan pissed off that the Samus in this game isn't the same as the caricature that they themselves have made up in their own head.


rhino4evr said:
Did anyone else think the boss battles In this game were not only easy, but way too short?

I think the Prime series has completely spoiled me on boss battles...I mean the average last boss in a Prime game had like 3 or so forms, each with a completely different strategy to defeat.

Most of the bosses in other M were ...jump around and shoot..there was some item strategy, but it was very minimal...I guess this brings it closer to the 2D games in the series.

That being said
was a whole lot more difficult in Fusion

I loved the boss battles in this game. With the exception of the final bosses and meta ridley I never cared for the boss battles in the Prime games. I don't know why exactly but I just like most of the boss battles in Other M more (though the final boss is weak compared to the Prime games.)


John Harker said:
This I agree with. Despite dying 5-6 times in that same part before I figured it out, to me it was more a /forehead smack 'duuuuh' moment that I actually put the 'bad' on me vs. them. I thought it was clever. Clearly that was the answer, clearly Samus would just know to do that and wouldn't ask permission. It was a puzzle boss. And when you figured it out, I don't know, it felt right to me. It's like like Samus herself would be asking questions or thinking aloud with her life on the line.

What a load of crap. I got it on my first try, and I still thought it was some piss poor design. Nowhere else in the game, or hell, the entire history of the Metroid franchise have they ever given you a power-up without telling you. Yet they expect you to figure out that this happened for the first time in the franchise's history while you have like five seconds to live? No, I'm sorry, that is indefensible. I get what they were going for, but they could've done it without frustrating such a large number of people who got to that part. They could've
made the health drain slower, enabled the power bombs when the segment started so some people might have figured it out on their own, and then thrown up the inventory screen with "Power bombs enabled!" if the player still hadn't figured it out by the time he reached one energy tank or something.

The fact that so many people had the exact same issue puts the blame squarely on the developer, not the player.
Reading that IGN article, I think the writer had some maternal issues of her own, looking up to Samus. Until Other M she was a one-dimensional video game character that just happened to be female.

Maybe they should remake OoT and show Link's motivations for being the Hero of Time:
as a child without a fairy he was constantly bullied by the other Kokiri and as a result wanted to become strong and powerful. One day he was visited by the Gerudo King and was drawn to his powerful aura and brave demeanour. The King himself saw the potential in the little boy and would've taken him back to the desert with him had the Deku Tree not intervened. Deprived of someone who was fast becoming a father figure to him, Link sunk to new lows and not even his best friend Saria could cheer him up.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Boney said:
More like just sweating a bit. She was like 5-10 minutes in there, no need to activate it just yet.
You seem like a cool guy Boney, but when you're willing to be an apologist for such a mindnumbingly bad implementation it's hard to take your opinion toward this game seriously.
Rez said:
You seem like a cool guy Boney, but when you're willing to be an apologist for such a mindnumbingly bad implementation it's hard to take your opinion toward this game seriously.
And yet you've spent the better part of the last few pages talking up Echoes while ignoring its many flaws.


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Hey, I'm never called it perfect, I just spent time expanding on why I liked it overa--oh god that gif is horrifying
@the IGN article

Wouldn't Samus be closer to "the baby" after it saved her life than when she didn't even realize it had taken her as its mother.

There is no indication she knew she was the metroid's "mother" until the end of the game. The "baby" even attacks Samus when they first meet.

Fusion makes it very clear she's emotionally attached to the baby Metroid.

Now that I've played Zero Mission, Samus seems pretty emotional in that towards her childhood with the Chozo. I found it very similar to Other M with the emotional cutscene towards the end when it zooms in on the drawing of Samus with her adopted Chozo parents, seemingly done by a child Samus.

It actually seems, of the games I've played, only Super Metroid and the Prime Series are so devoid of emotion. And I partially blame the game industry as a whole not being evolved enough to really make Super more story driven. I think Retro ran with that, while Fusion, which came out on the same day as Prime, was very story driven and by the same team that did Super.


Why is that fucking guy naked :lol

Oh and I definately face palmed when it happened as I'm playing the game from the outside of the in game universe and it feels completely unappropriate and stupid.
But with the in game logic, Adam doesn't want to authorize anything until it's needed because that's their protocol, and if the volcano wouldn't have errupted, she would've been safe and sound away from heat shortly there after. You shouldn't have an issue with the heat by script, but of course this is a game, and that's where the disconnect happens. You get hit and you're gonna have trouble. And that's why the whole authorization issue sounds good on paper, but not in game.

It could've been handled much better if she would've activated it the second time she's in the lava zone in a much more urgent manner. Similar as the Gravity suit.
Speaking of the Graity Suit

Was I the only one who liked that Samus didn't put a purple suit on, and that it's merely an aura?

Since the gravity suit is so ignored in game media, I've grown to think of the power suit and varia suit as being "Samus" and I always find it kind of odd when she gets a suit last minute and that's the suit that shows up in the final cutscene.

I think going forward, the gravity suit should continue to merely be an aura that activates when it needs to.


balladofwindfishes said:
Speaking of the Graity Suit

Was I the only one who liked that Samus didn't put a purple suit on, and that it's merely an aura?

Since the gravity suit is so ignored in game media, I've grown to think of the power suit and varia suit as being "Samus" and I always find it kind of odd when she gets a suit last minute and that's the suit that shows up in the final cutscene.

I think going forward, the gravity suit should continue to merely be an aura that activates when it needs to.

I was never a huge fan of the gravity suit to begin with so I'd be more than happy if they just kept the purple aura.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Purple Samus has always been kind of cool, I reckon. Not overly fussed either way. As long as it's something a little more inventive than a sometimes Aura.
Rez said:
Purple Samus has always been kind of cool, I reckon. Not overly fussed either way. As long as it's something a little more inventive than a sometimes Aura.
What else would there possibly be they could add to the aura to make it more inventive?

The aura appears when you need gravity to work. It only turns on when standing in water, when standing in space or when in that one sector that has funny gravity. The aura is really all you need to know that it's working.


_Alkaline_ said:
It also doesn't help that
you laid bombs inside the bitch's stomach to kill her in Metroid II, yet they do nothing to her in Other M. So even though the premise would be confusing for someone who didn't play RoS, it's just as confusing for Metroid II veterans since bombs are useless against her in Other M. Plus there was no power bomb in Metroid II.

I never player Metroid II, but
using power bombs made sense to me and I killed her on the first try. It was a cool desperate moment and the only weapon I got is the bomb. When it doesn't work, I realized only a PB will save me from that desperate situation.

It's funny, since I thought that was a nod to an older Metroid game. I didn't know there was no power bomb in Metroid II.
balladofwindfishes said:
It actually seems, of the games I've played, only Super Metroid and the Prime Series are so devoid of emotion. And I partially blame the game industry as a whole not being evolved enough to really make Super more story driven. I think Retro ran with that, while Fusion, which came out on the same day as Prime, was very story driven and by the same team that did Super.

Good point: you would expect Samus to have some reaction to Tallon IV, being raised by the Chozo and all.


Lone_Prodigy said:
Good point: you would expect Samus to have some reaction to Tallon IV, being raised by the Chozo and all.

But MY reaction was her reaction. It was immersion!

Why do games have to be like movies? Why do the characters have to have depth?

I always liked that about games. It was a situational plot rather than a character driven plot. When I play Half-Life or Fallout I say 'what's happened to this world?'. When I play Metroid I say 'what is the history of this species, what happened to this planet?'. When I play Zelda I say 'Why is the moon falling? What is ****ing up the world this time?'.

Games can have stories, but I think it best not to make them character-driven. The characterization in Final Fantasy or MGS is putrid. Even a game like Uncharted is very light around the edges.

It's just better when they didn't try. It's about the gameplay experience above all else.


While under the player's control, she is exactly the Samus of old, fearlessly dusting off dozens of enemies at once, all without losing her cool. The moment a cutscene begins to roll, however, she is transformed into someone completely new and unrecognizable.

This is an important point. Even in the game where they are trying to create Samus, they forget to show this Samus outside of the cutscenes. The cinematic Samus and the gameplay Samus aren't even the same person in the same game.

The duality of her character within Other M is confusing in and of itself, and only lends to the feeling that the Samus of the cinema scenes simply doesn't belong, and just plain isn't the woman I grew up idolizing.

This statement is going to get hate because she admits her personal interest in the character. Unfortunately, this forum is too immature and boyclubby to handle other people's feelings about a character they liked turning into a stereotype. Maybe if it was Master Cheif or such.

In the opening cinematic, which recreates the final fight with Mother Brain from the end of Super Metroid, one of the first emotions we see out of Samus is her remorse at the untimely death of a baby metroid at the hands of the giant boss. We then find out that this moment has been haunting her, and that she is crestfallen at the idea that she'll never see the metroid (which she refers to as "the baby") ever again.

This I dont have a problem with in the matter of portrayal of Samus. Yes, she gave the baby metroid up, but I don't think the maternal knowledge comes from Samus. It comes from the metroid, so this maternal relationship doesn't trigger fully in Samus' mind or the game player's mind until that final segment of Super Metroid. Here, the cinematic Samus and gameplay Samus match up.

Throughout Other M, and even up until the final, climactic scene, Samus follows Malkovich's orders to the point of absurd submissiveness. This is a stark contrast to how Samus was portrayed in the past. Even in Metroid: Fusion, in which she follows the directions of a computerized commanding officer, she clearly states at the game's outset that she dislikes taking orders.

Why people can't get how this is in conflict with Samus, I don't know. A silent game character is not an empty slate. And if you bring up the manga, you are admitting you don't understand what I mean by that. The manga is treating her like an empty slate as well. There is a Samus that has existed in the games, one created by not just the player's thoughts, but how that player's thoughts are influenced by the events on screen. Actions speak louder than words, perhaps?

And Other M doesn't need to explain why she doesn't like following orders. We understand that as players because she never has, and because the game assigned her the bounty hunter job. We don't view bounty hunters as bowing to others whims. They take a job and do the work their way. If the person employing them had a certain way for it to be done that was according to rules then they wouldn't hire a bounty hunter. A bounty hunter is a character existing, most often, outside regulation.


balladofwindfishes said:
Now that I've played Zero Mission, Samus seems pretty emotional in that towards her childhood with the Chozo. I found it very similar to Other M with the emotional cutscene towards the end when it zooms in on the drawing of Samus with her adopted Chozo parents, seemingly done by a child Samus.

That was an awesome part. I really enjoyed Zero Mission' story even though I had completely different expectations. However everyone is emotional about their childhood, that's why in the case of Zero Mission it works. The Ridley scene works too, it's only a close up of her eyes, but they say everything, it was also her first encounter with him, it made sense.

Azure J

I'm terribly late with this, but man, Alkaline, I swear we're like Metroid bros or something. That post is the exact same post I've been struggling to make in this thread since I first finished the game on Friday. You even managed to get the bit about
bombs on the final boss being a huge wtf.


vareon said:
I never player Metroid II, but
using power bombs made sense to me and I killed her on the first try. It was a cool desperate moment and the only weapon I got is the bomb. When it doesn't work, I realized only a PB will save me from that desperate situation.

It's funny, since I thought that was a nod to an older Metroid game. I didn't know there was no power bomb in Metroid II.
You forgot to put
at the end of your spoiler. You did it wrong.

Oh and I think this needs to be posted again.


Quick, someone email this to that pretentious asshole IGN "editor". Speaking of IGN editors, Anyone hear how Matt Casassimina (Sp??) felt about Other M. I recall him being somewhat of a Metroid Nut.
balladofwindfishes said:
Speaking of the Graity Suit

Was I the only one who liked that Samus didn't put a purple suit on, and that it's merely an aura?

Since the gravity suit is so ignored in game media, I've grown to think of the power suit and varia suit as being "Samus" and I always find it kind of odd when she gets a suit last minute and that's the suit that shows up in the final cutscene.

I think going forward, the gravity suit should continue to merely be an aura that activates when it needs to.
I disagree. Metroid is all about development of abilities. Seeing Samus physically change as the game goes on really helps demonstrate Samus's progress. Being stuck with the same look that you got a fourth of the way through the game hurts that impression. Endgame Samus should look more powerful than she starts out.

A yellow or orange and yellow Samus suggests to me a beginning level or midgame Samus. And, thanks to Super, Fusion, and Zero Mission, a purple Samus suggests an endgame Samus. She looks powerful, because she's progressed from her earlier looks. This is something that I think the Prime games really nailed.

At least, that's how I feel.

Plus, this?:



(and I don't think it's a spoiler to post that, as it's in the manual)


No additional functions
Bizzyb said:
You forgot to put [/spoiler] at the end of your spoiler. You did it wrong.

Oh and I think this needs to be posted again.


Quick, someone email this to that pretentious asshole IGN "editor". Speaking of IGN editors, Anyone hear how Matt Casassimina (Sp??) felt about Other M. I recall him being somewhat of a Metroid Nut.
The guy debunked himself within 3 minutes. Team Ninja has said repeatedly they were surprised how similar their design philosophy was to Nintendos. Whoever was doing the commentary in the video was obviously very one sided and subjective, rather than objective.

As far as Matt Casamassima goes, I haven't heard any comments from him since he quit IGN. On that subject, IGN completely sucks now. I know some people didn't like them before, but he was a huge reason for their success. I wish he were still covering the Nintendo channel, but I guess there comes a time when you have to move on.


No additional functions
effingvic said:
Is there even a good website that covers Nintendo stuff?
NeoGAF is pretty much it unfortunately. It's funny, IGN now has a hit piece demonizing Other M. This is the same site that sang it praises in it's review. Unbelievable.
Well I know all of the bigger blogs and website networks do stupid shit on purpose to rile people up for traffic. However, I was a big fan of Matt Cassassmamamssasamsasassssa and enjoyed his input on things. The only time IGN is anyway relevant to me now are for the guides. I can't believe I used to pay to be an Insider years ago too :lol

It's sad too. It seems that all the big Nintendo related sites are either plagued by blind fanboyism (coughGOtothatNINTENDOsite) or just don't really stand out. Planet Gamecube/NWR is decent I suppose.


No additional functions
effingvic said:
Well I know all of the bigger blogs and website networks do stupid shit on purpose to rile people up for traffic. However, I was a big fan of Matt Cassassmamamssasamsasassssa and enjoyed his input on things. The only time IGN is anyway relevant to me now are for the guides. I can't believe I used to pay to be an Insider years ago too :lol

It's sad too. It seems that all the big Nintendo related sites are either plagued by blind fanboyism (coughGOtothatNINTENDOsite) or just don't really stand out. Planet Gamecube/NWR is decent I suppose.
Matt's departure is sorely missed. Despite what some people say around here, he was a great VG journalist. He had a connection with people and you knew you could trust him. Even during the "Megaton" rumors he kept his cool. It's funny, he turned a lot of people onto this site when it was just the "Gaming-Age Forums" and I fell these boards are partially responsible for him leaving IGN. People around here can be over critical. IGN and EGM were the places to go back then though. I miss the 1-Up show too.


not tag worthy
This is the thread that refuses to die!!

damn night shifts at work I would have been able to conplete this game by now :(
effingvic said:
Is there even a good website that covers Nintendo stuff?

It sucks when Tuesday rolls around and I can't find Wii game reviews anywhere. IGN is actually pretty good at getting timely reviews out, but then they post stuff like that Metroid article.
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