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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


when I first played it I was a bit disappointed but afterwards it has become one of my favorite games this generation. The exact same thing happened with Fusion back in the day

Both games are kind of hard to "get" the first time but then they just "click".

Amazing game even though it could have used a bit more polish and a more melodic music (my biggest complaint is the music, easily)
Random question, does anyone know where I can find a hi res version of this shot? I just need it at a bigger resolution, wallpaper size. I loooooooooooved the cinemas in this game and want to print this out to hang on my wall at work.



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Mr. Wonderful said:
So, I really like this game. It's not perfect, sure, but I love the way that it makes me feel like I'm playing a 2D Metroid in 3D. Not sure if I would like to see a perfected second go at this type of Metroid, however, or if I would just like to see Nintendo do another Sprite-based 2D Metroid.
I'd definitely prefer them to take another stab at this type of game. We've already had several games that were in 2D and 1st person. I would rather them make at least one or two more games in this vein before going back to one of those formats.

I'm about 5 or so hours into my initial playthrough and am enjoying the hell out of this game. I see where some people wouldn't dig it, but personally I think it's really good so far.


TSAGoodness said:
Ugh I'm an idiot, I never made the connection that that purply beast thing was the second phase of Ridley, I just thought that was some random weird creature!
So thanks!

Actually, the purple beast that jumps you in the "outside" area is the third Ridley-phase. There are two of the little furry ones. First the one you see in the jungle area, then a bigger one with large teeth that you see feasting on something somewhere else. Samus comments on how disgusting it is.


just started playing it and enjoying it lots so far.
maybe i've gone soft, but i love the simplified controls. minimizing the number of buttons needed and letting the technology take over in making you look and feel like a badass is great. just wish there was a way to use missiles in 3rd person mode...
i also love this mix of 2d/3d-ness... it's like the best way to incorporate 3d space into an action/adventure/platformer/metroid game.

so um, why is this game hated? i haven't paid attention to anything since the announcement


r - b - x said:
so um, why is this game hated? i haven't paid attention to anything since the announcement

While I could write a decent length essay on what this game did wrong, both big and small, the two major complaints people have with the game are:

- The story is at least a dozen different types of terrible, and isn't done any favors by the awful writing, poor translation, or dull voice acting.

- The game railroads you even harder than Fusion or Corruption. You can rarely go anywhere but the linear path the game has decided for you. The game even locks doors with no explanation to ensure this.

It's a good thing you're enjoying the combat, because that's about all the game has to offer. Hopefully you finish before you realize how astoundingly shallow it is, like how you can dodge easily 90% of all attacks in the game by randomly mashing the d-pad.


KevinCow said:
While I could write a decent length essay on what this game did wrong, both big and small, the two major complaints people have with the game are:

- The story is at least a dozen different types of terrible, and isn't done any favors by the awful writing, poor translation, or dull voice acting.

- The game railroads you even harder than Fusion or Corruption. You can rarely go anywhere but the linear path the game has decided for you. The game even locks doors with no explanation to ensure this.

It's a good thing you're enjoying the combat, because that's about all the game has to offer. Hopefully you finish before you realize how astoundingly shallow it is, like how you can dodge easily 90% of all attacks in the game by randomly mashing the d-pad.



so... things that don't reveal themselves within the first few hours.

and unless there's another game out there with this type of gameplay, i'd still call this game noteworthy in trying out such a control scheme. so they didn't quite nail it, but it's still an interesting concept and maybe somebody'll take it as inspiration and move forward on it.


Okay so today I just finished this with 100% in something like 10 hours. Thoughts incoming.

First of all, I found it a little difficult to get into the gameplay. I even died (!!!) a couple of times getting used to the controls. However they are pretty fluid and I like how quickly Samus actually moves. The problem is I found switching to first person mode really fucking annoying. It should have just been 3rd person all the way, in my opinion. Obviously this would have altered the game significantly, especially in the way of shooting missles in specific places, boss fights, etc. It just feels to me like "Okay so we had these first person Metroid Prime games, better chuck in some first person stuff for the fans right???" Otherwise, after you've powered up a bit the controls feel pretty slick.

Graphics were pretty nice without being mind-blowing, kind of reminded me of a good looking PS2 game. Possibly being ridiculous there but just a thought.

Music was...huh? Can't even remember any tunes except for
Ridley music, of course, and some other "classic" ones

Okay. Story time.
What the fuck. Well congratulations guys, rather than thinking of Samus as a kick ass bounty hunter now I think about her as a dull over-sensitive, over-analytical, stating-the-obvious mess. If this is what Sakamoto meant when he said he wanted this to be the proper Samus character from now on...well shit. I think it says a lot that I most enjoyed the game when I was just looking around for items and shooting stuff without being interrupted by shitty cutscenes. The part with "Ridley?!!?"...I actually laughed. Where was the skip button. At least the Phantoon boss fight was a bit of fun, although after all the shit they pulled with the story they go and chuck a random boss in without explanation.

Okay, so maybe not the most glowing impression of the game, but I did enjoy the gameplay...mostly.

EDIT: Just read how many times I started with "Okay"...... terrible. :lol


Confession time: I'm trading in Metroid Other M to Amazon. Too good to pass up considering that I paid $25 for it and they are giving you $22.50 for it.


Here is a post of mine detailing the problems I have with the game.

But if you don't wanna read it, I guess it's best summarized with lack of polish in certain aspects. Investigation parts are mishandled, and story sequences, although I don't think they're as offensive as Kevin paints them, put a halt in the game for too long, ruining the pace. It's very obscure at the time of presenting mechanics, how to deal with regular combat and bosses as well. And the first person mechanic, although personally I had zero problems, and was able to adapt inmediatly, there's a huge learning curve and external elements that intervene like excesive sunlight.

But for all the problem it has, it does so many things perfectly. The camara work is quite frankly, the best I've ever seen. Combat is simple and satisfying, it's a shame there aren't more powerful enemies. The sense of agility is incredible, and although the map is indeed absolutely linear, it's very well designed.

Personally, it's my GOTY.
Well after taking care of a few things on my gaming backlog I'm finally getting around to beating the game (
I'm almost to the Metroid Queen
) I absolutely love it, even the story sequences which are just flat out old school B movie sci fi fun (although things like having her refer to the Metroid larvae simply as "the baby" still sound silly/forced way to emphasize the "mother" theme and really awkward lines like 'I suddenly found myself concerned with his opinion again," well...'nuff said).

I still hope any sequel Sakamoto and co make (if we're lucky enough to get one based on sales) takes place on an actual planet with open paths but definitely dig the new setting and direction they took this in (it probably also helps that I really enjoyed Fusion). Only major gripe, this game almost makes a "Dullest soundtrack of the year" award necessary. Get Yamamoto back next time for the love of all that's good. And just in time for the last few areas I have my Wiimote plastered with the sweet NES controller skin which came with the latest issue of NP. So now it really does feel like I'm experiencing "An NES game with the latest technology" just as Sakamoto said he intended. :D
Finally got around to finishing this. Despite hating the first 4 or so hours, the last 6 I really enjoyed. It's a shame it took so long to click, but in the end it did.

Hopefully the next game will be awesome right from the start. They just need to work on their storytelling, for the most part!
I kind of wish we would get a directors cut at some point in the future, with rewritten dialogue and cutscenes.

And a bonus playable Tourian! (Sector 4, was it?) :)


Considering that it's a Nintendo game though, that will never happen.


Neon_Icarus said:
I kind of wish we would get a directors cut at some point in the future, with rewritten dialogue and cutscenes.

And a bonus playable Tourian! (Sector 4, was it?) :)


Considering that it's a Nintendo game though, that will never happen.

What we got was the director's cut.

What we need is an editor's cut.


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Foliorum Viridum said:
Finally got around to finishing this. Despite hating the first 4 or so hours, the last 6 I really enjoyed. It's a shame it took so long to click, but in the end it did.

Hopefully the next game will be awesome right from the start. They just need to work on their storytelling, for the most part!
I really need to play this again. The game's redeeming value seemed to come in the end. The story did a lot of damage to Samus as a character imo, but being forced to use missiles in 1st person was the other big complaint I had. I think that's why the ending was so much more enjoyable. There was little to no story and you were powerful enough to rarely need to use missiles.

Neon_Icarus said:
I kind of wish we would get a directors cut at some point in the future, with rewritten dialogue and cutscenes.

And a bonus playable Tourian! (Sector 4, was it?) :)


Considering that it's a Nintendo game though, that will never happen.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed we'll see another collaboration w/Team Ninja. Hopefully next time they'll fix the story and include more control options, like nun-chuck and classic controller support.
MadOdorMachine said:
I really need to play this again. The game's redeeming value seemed to come in the end. The story did a lot of damage to Samus as a character imo, but being forced to use missiles in 1st person was the other big complaint I had. I think that's why the ending was so much more enjoyable. There was little to no story and you were powerful enough to rarely need to use missiles.
Yeah, this is pretty much my feelings exactly. Somewhere in the second half of the game you become a machine and everything gets turned up to 11. I loved it. I even enjoyed the cutscenes in that half of the game - not because it told a good story, because it didn't, but they were damn nice to look at.


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Foliorum Viridum said:
Yeah, this is pretty much my feelings exactly. Somewhere in the second half of the game you become a machine and everything gets turned up to 11. I loved it. I even enjoyed the cutscenes in that half of the game - not because it told a good story, because it didn't, but they were damn nice to look at.
Yeah, the quality of the CGI was top notch especially in the opening sequence. I do think they went a bit overboard with it though. They filled that disc up with it. I would rather them have made the game a bit longer and cut out some of the cinematics.
I've had plenty of time to reflect on this game since finishing it months ago. I played the new Castlevania (great great great- how a classic title should be made) and it helped put Other M in perspective a bit. I really REALLY hope Nintendo decides to hand this series over to another developer. I don't really care if they're Japanese or Western, but someone who is capable of really pulling together a great game. In this case Other M is mediocre at best. It's story, characters and dialog are all just atrocious. Yes, atrocious. I feel the people who were on board with the game before it even came out are still onboard out of some vein attempt to protect their pride. Truth of the matter is- look at the reviews. Hell, it's ranking BELOW Metroid Hunters and Pinball. That's just shit for a main entry in the series from the original creator.


evilromero said:
I've had plenty of time to reflect on this game since finishing it months ago. I played the new Castlevania (great great great- how a classic title should be made) and it helped put Other M in perspective a bit. I really REALLY hope Nintendo decides to hand this series over to another developer. I don't really care if they're Japanese or Western, but someone who is capable of really pulling together a great game. In this case Other M is mediocre at best. It's story, characters and dialog are all just atrocious. Yes, atrocious. I feel the people who were on board with the game before it even came out are still onboard out of some vein attempt to protect their pride. Truth of the matter is- look at the reviews. Hell, it's ranking BELOW Metroid Hunters and Pinball. That's just shit for a main entry in the series from the original creator.

Well that's why it sucks, they gave it to team ninja, the most overrated dev team on the planet.


koam said:
Well that's why it sucks, they gave it to team ninja, the most overrated dev team on the planet.

Yeah but they're used to work with outside contractors, I mean if this was the 1rst time Metroid was handled to someone else....
And also that doesn't even cover the problems the game have.
I mean Team Ninja actually DID a good job, there's NO technical problem with the game, they followed the specs they were handed mightily. The problem is that the specs sucked major balls.

I mean if you actually followed the interview you'd see that Sakamoto handprint is everywhere on this corpse.
Sakamoto actually prefered to cancel the game instead of having the game controlled differently to what he had in mind.
If there's something to salvage from this wreck, it's probably more Team Ninja's work than anything.
And this is coming from someone who heavily dislike most of Team Ninja's works.


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evilromero said:
I've had plenty of time to reflect on this game since finishing it months ago. I played the new Castlevania (great great great- how a classic title should be made) and it helped put Other M in perspective a bit. I really REALLY hope Nintendo decides to hand this series over to another developer. I don't really care if they're Japanese or Western, but someone who is capable of really pulling together a great game. In this case Other M is mediocre at best. It's story, characters and dialog are all just atrocious. Yes, atrocious. I feel the people who were on board with the game before it even came out are still onboard out of some vein attempt to protect their pride. Truth of the matter is- look at the reviews. Hell, it's ranking BELOW Metroid Hunters and Pinball. That's just shit for a main entry in the series from the original creator.
After playing Lords of Shadow, I couldn't disagree more. There weren't really any new ideas in it and even the controls were bad. That's coming from someone who loved the NG games though. The story, while told well also didn't feel like a Castlevania game. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, but I'd like to see Mercury Steam and Team Ninja take another shot at both series. The problem with Other M looks to be the fault of Sakamoto and not Team Ninja though. Apparently he was uncompromising on several areas including controls and story/dialog.


MadOdorMachine said:
After playing Lords of Shadow, I couldn't disagree more. There weren't really any new ideas in it and even the controls were bad. That's coming from someone who loved the NG games though. The story, while told well also didn't feel like a Castlevania game. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, but I'd like to see Mercury Steam and Team Ninja take another shot at both series. The problem with Other M looks to be the fault of Sakamoto and not Team Ninja though. Apparently he was uncompromising on several areas including controls and story/dialog.

And don't you forget Other M's horribly linear progression, who thought it was a good idea to put the exploration parts when you have seen every fucking rooms?


TheLastCandle said:

I'm about 5 or so hours into my initial playthrough and am enjoying the hell out of this game. I see where some people wouldn't dig it, but personally I think it's really good so far.

I'm in the same boat as you, favorite Metroid game by far.


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Mael said:
And don't you forget Other M's horribly linear progression, who thought it was a good idea to put the exploration parts when you have seen every fucking rooms?
There were some complaints about that, but I found the hidden items to be challenging enough to find. The problem is that most of them didn't really do much good. Upgrades in general were pretty underwhelming in the game due to the way they were unlocked imo.


MadOdorMachine said:
There were some complaints about that, but I found the hidden items to be challenging enough to find. The problem is that most of them didn't really do much good. Upgrades in general were pretty underwhelming in the game due to the way they were unlocked imo.

Actually I could forgive how fucking easy most of them were to find IF, and that's not even a big if, the game provided a surprise in what could be the reward.
the best part of the progression of the game is the lame MANDATORY powerup that is not present in all the other Metroid games since Metroid 2 and that do not unlock.
that's basically the high point of the game.
And the reward for 100% is so fucking stupidly bad I wonder why I even bothered.


MadOdorMachine said:
After playing Lords of Shadow, I couldn't disagree more. There weren't really any new ideas in it and even the controls were bad. That's coming from someone who loved the NG games though. The story, while told well also didn't feel like a Castlevania game. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, but I'd like to see Mercury Steam and Team Ninja take another shot at both series. The problem with Other M looks to be the fault of Sakamoto and not Team Ninja though. Apparently he was uncompromising on several areas including controls and story/dialog.

I have only seen videos of Lord of Shadow, and it looked to me like a Devil May Cry game with a Castlevania skin. It didn't pick my interest at all.

Other M on the other hand really felt like Metroid in the gameplay department, I don't have a single complain about that, the level design however was nowhere near what previous Metroid games have offered, you simply can't get lost in the bottleship, it's so painfully linear and the rooms so boring, it's the less metroid-y part of the game and is a shame, because that's what I liked most about Metroid games. If the level design was on par of previous entries of the series, I could almost ignore the horrible story and dialog and it would easily become one of my favorite games.


On the topic of who should handle the next metroid.

After playing Arkham Asylum there is no doubt in my mind it should be anyone other than rocksteady.

We need to find a way to make this happen, petition, letter writing campaign, kidnappings,

At any cost


not tag worthy
topramen said:
On the topic of who should handle the next metroid.

After playing Arkham Asylum there is no doubt in my mind it should be anyone other than rocksteady.

We need to find a way to make this happen, petition, letter writing campaign, kidnappings,

At any cost
i conqur this


Completed it yesterday
but still need to go through the "true" ending.

I must say that I didn't find the story or Samus exposition as bothering as some of you have described in here.

My major complains are:
- The low profile music is stupid in a series known for its fantastic score ( also no jingle after you find an item is a missing I would never expect from a legacy Nintendo game ).
- Sometime the design is confusing or omit details ( especially the first person investigations need to be redone ).

Overall I really enjoyed the game, a worthy Metroid game in my book.
When playing it I was thinking how this is what a 3D Turrican ( Thornado ) would have been ( minus cut scenes and maybe a bit more freedom in the initial exploration ).
Despite some design-flaws and linearity, I thought the game contained some clever design and I liked the approach taken to transitioning the formula of a 2D game to 3D and the cinematic camera view.

Good work Sakamoto.

Forgot to say, that equipment permission is a bullshit concept.
It's infinitely better if you lose at the start of the adventure your powers ( even for a lame cause ) for then regain them than not use skills you already have when you need them or else you hurt because someone told you not to.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So, was this game bomba or what?


Do people realize that they can put whoever they want on working on the next Metroid if it's still the same moron piloting the project it'll end the same way?
At this point they can put Naughty Dog, Bungie or whoever else that still won't change anything.


Mael said:
Do people realize that they can put whoever they want on working on the next Metroid if it's still the same moron piloting the project it'll end the same way?
At this point they can put Naughty Dog, Bungie or whoever else that still won't change anything.

First of all the majority liked this game. Some loved it actually. Just because you think he took it in a wrong direction doesn't make it a fact. Even if this game was universally considered bad would it really be right to dismiss all his achievements with this series due to one failure? You act like he completely ruined the series which is far from the truth.


Kard8p3 said:
First of all the majority liked this game.

You better have some hard proof on that, like how it's actually better received than even Metroid Pinball or how it actually sold more.
Vague declaration won't cut it.

Kard8p3 said:
Some loved it actually.

And I freaking loved Crystal Bearers, that doesn't mean I don't recognise that most hated it.

Kard8p3 said:
Just because you think he took it in a wrong direction doesn't make it a fact.

The fact that it was so badly received in all territory means that it's a bad direction.
there's only 1 direction that DO count for a series, it's the direction of maximum profitability.
Who cares if the direction it takes means it's actually more original if there's only 2 people in the whole world who actually care about it.

Kard8p3 said:
Even if this game was universally considered bad would it really be right to dismiss all his achievements with this series due to one failure?

It's quite clear it was his pet project he wanted to do for so long, he said as such in pretty much all the interviews. Who cares what anyone did before, if you're a liability at what you do, you should be removed before you work is compromised.
Heck remember that dual interview with the team ninja guy and the lead nintendo guy?
How the team Ninja guy actually had to be forced to do things he thoughts were bad moves?
If there's another project with some other team, it'll be the same way.

Kard8p3 said:
You act like he completely ruined the series which is far from the truth.

I'll consider it completly ruined if when the next project is announced I can't to care 1 bit, starfox style. For now the jury is out, but he's actually successfully makes me totally disinterested in a whole platform and all 2 Metroids, that's a brillant achievement if you ask me :lol


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Mael said:
Do people realize that they can put whoever they want on working on the next Metroid if it's still the same moron piloting the project it'll end the same way?
At this point they can put Naughty Dog, Bungie or whoever else that still won't change anything.

In an interview for the UK launch Sakamoto said he was closely monitoring the internet feedback and that he would respond to it in future games, so he's not averse to changing it. He wants to make a game people enjoy.

This guy has produced Super Metroid, Fusion and Zero Mission. 3 classic games. His latest might not have the same lustre, but I think it's a very good game with a few problems, it's pretty ridiculous to call the guy a moron. You think Miyamoto or Mikami don't force their staff into doing things they don't like or don't understand? Gameplay wise I think they achieved their aim of a NES game with the latest technology, if they can just streamline the Samus dialogue and give you a bit more freedom to explore I think they could easily come up with a game as good as Super, using the same team that made Other M.


Ushojax said:
In an interview for the UK launch Sakamoto said he was closely monitoring the internet feedback and that he would respond to it in future games, so he's not averse to changing it. He wants to make a game people enjoy.

Seeing how the feedbacks from the various conference prior to the release actually echoed the problems people would have....
I'd like to see that.
And clearly with the amount of cutscenes this game have, making a game was not his top priority.

Ushojax said:
This guy has produced Super Metroid, Fusion and Zero Mission. 3 classic games.

And let's not forget the fucking manga nobody should have to give a shit about.
You'll note that each project was less popular than the last...

Ushojax said:
His latest might not have the same lustre, but I think it's a very good game with a few problems, it's pretty ridiculous to call the guy a moron. You think Miyamoto or Mikami don't force their staff into doing things they don't like or don't understand?

And sometimes the stafff explains its POV and the head see how the POV is not craptacular either.

Ushojax said:
Gameplay wise I think they achieved their aim of a NES game with the latest technology,

In gameplay, there's the play part. They updated the controls to have something akin to a NES game with latest tech as they say. But the structure of the game makes it falls apart.

Ushojax said:
if they can just streamline the Samus dialogue and give you a bit more freedom to explore I think they could easily come up with a game as good as Super, using the same team that made Other M.

It would be a vastly superior game that's for sure but until they manage to provide a powerup that's not be in 4 different games I'll remain sceptical it could be as good as SM or any other Metroid.
And the invisible walls need to go.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Mael said:
And clearly with the amount of cutscenes this game have, making a game was not his top priority.

You spend about 10x more time playing the game than watching cutscenes. It was hardly in MGS4 territory. The simplified game design was a clear progression from Fusion combined with a desire to hark back to the NES era. If you are saying that his focus wasn't on making a game like Super, you are absolutely right. It wasn't. But to say he wasn't focused on making a game at all is absurd. With the amount of cutscenes Uncharted 2 had, I suppose Naughty Dog weren't focused on making a game while developing it? Come on.


heringer said:
Most people liked Other M though.

Me earlier said:
You better have some hard proof on that, like how it's actually better received than even Metroid Pinball or how it actually sold more.
Vague declaration won't cut it.

As I said, even if you're only sampling the people of this board you'd be hard pressed to make that claim.
Then you have to consider that this game is actually so liked that a vast majority of people who went and rushed to get a game with Metroid on the cover in 2007 simply vanished 3 years later (let's be real, it didn't chart long in Japan and in the EU, it's dead out there and won't come back for the holydays, especially with the other releases till Xmas, that leaves with NA which has shown to be vastly more receptive to the previous Prime games than Sakamoto entries, SM included.).

Ushojax said:
You spend about 10x more time playing the game than watching cutscenes. It was hardly in MGS4 territory. The simplified game design was a clear progression from Fusion combined with a desire to hark back to the NES era. If you are saying that his focus wasn't on making a game like Super, you are absolutely right. It wasn't. But to say he wasn't focused on making a game at all is absurd. With the amount of cutscenes Uncharted 2 had, I suppose Naughty Dog weren't focused on making a game while developing it? Come on.

The 'game' spend most of its time REMOVING controls out of the player hands.
The simplefied design was a clear step BACK from Fusion, you were barked orders but at least you had to find your way alone.
I'm saying the focus was not on making a game because it simply wasn't.
If you count out the battle part of the gameplay (which is not as badly done, mind you) you're left with a string of rooms with only 2 ways : where you came from and where you go.
There is basically no game to be had since the platforming is so poor and the progression so linear.
What is left is dispatching foes which is not hard or even that fun.
Someone said a game is providing interesting choices, in this game there's actually less choice than in the demo of Heavy Rain.
And I wish I was exagerating.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Mael said:
Then you have to consider that this game is actually so liked that a vast majority of people who went and rushed to get a game with Metroid on the cover in 2007 simply vanished 3 years later (let's be real, it didn't chart long in Japan and in the EU, it's dead out there and won't come back for the holydays, especially with the other releases till Xmas, that leaves with NA which has shown to be vastly more receptive to the previous Prime games than Sakamoto entries, SM included.).

Let's be honest, most of the people who bought core Wii software have vanished in those 3 years. The game was never going to sell well. It's spurious to say that because few bought it few people liked it. How can you not like a game you have never played? It might come as a surprise, but most game consumers do not visit IGN, do not visit GAF, do not do anything other than walk into GameStop and buy something. Do people hate Sin and Punishment 2? Nobody bought it...

I get what you're saying about it being a simple game, but it is still a game. They wanted something accessible. Personally I found the previous 2D Metroid games became quite annoying if you got stuck, while I do think Other M was too easy, I don't want something that's as obtuse as Super could be at times.


Ushojax said:
Let's be honest, most of the people who bought core Wii software have vanished in those 3 years. The game was never going to sell well. It's spurious to say that because few bought it few people liked it. How can you not like a game you have never played? It might come as a surprise, but most game consumers do not visit IGN, do not visit GAF, do not do anything other than walk into GameStop and buy something. Do people hate Sin and Punishment 2? Nobody bought it...

And yet people actually went out of their way to buy nsmbw....
And the fact that the game doesn't have ANY leg at all, means that the games were either sold after having been finished or the people that played it didn't like it enough to push other people to buy it.

We're not talking Sins & Punishments either, S&P was a niche of a niche, a game only people with n64 interested in Japanese releases would want.
We're talking about one of the big franchise by Nintendo here.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Mael said:
And yet people actually went out of their way to buy nsmbw....

People went out of their way to buy Mario Kart Double Dash too. Mario is not Metroid.

We're talking about one of the big franchise by Nintendo here.

Big on GAF, sure. Big outside of it? Hell no. It has always sold like canned shit in Europe, and given the state of the software market in the more Metroidy territories, a few hundred thousand copies sold sounds about right.
Been playing this game for the past week, and I am really digging it. I think it's a really good realization of Metroid in 3D. The game's not perfect, but it's damn fun. Graphics are also really good, it's just too bad there are so many jaggies!
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