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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


Amir0x said:
I loved how the story was told in Prime, through scanning. You get as much as you put in. I wish more games were like that.
You could not do the experience justice if you tried to translate it to another medium (like film). It was a good example of how you can tell a story and deliver a unique experience through game mechanics alone without trying to emulate a film.


Eteric Rice said:
So... Whats the general consensus so far?

Because I'm starting to get worried.

consensus is that the game's not out yet and 98% of us have yet to make our own judgements of the game.


tomjenkins said:
the cons seem to center around the cutscenes, plot, first-person mode, and sexism I guess
the only time I've face palmed as much in my life was yesterday watching Always Sunny in Philladelphia in the episode Dee married his dad.


Door2Dawn said:
It's a video game.

And you're worried about it.

You're dumb!
Video games incite emotion. It's silly to call him dumb over being worried.

Boney said:
the only time I've face palmed as much in my life was yesterday watching Always Sunny in Philladelphia in the episode Dee married his dad.

Dee is a girl, dude.
Teknoman said:
I dont think they are...then again, they are just stories to connect Metroid to Metroid II, just like Other M is just to connect Super and Fusion. They didnt really have that big of a story impact, much like Other M wont have much of an impact on Metroid V's story.
Wait, when did Metroid V happen? I just hope this game doesn't ruin the chances of a V.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
wsippel said:
Maybe, but honestly, even after playing the game for several hours, I still don't think it's sexist. And, well - I've played it and you haven't, no?

Really, to me, Samus in Other M is portrayed pretty much exactly as I would have imagined her, and that's exactly what makes me consider her the strongest female character in gaming. She's not just a sexy bitch with a gun. She's sexy, sure, and there's nothing wrong with that. But she's also kind of a tragic hero - the most powerful combatant in the universe, but still highly insecure and actually someone who doesn't like to fight. It's just that fighting is the only thing she knows, and she's good at it. She's not the badass alien killing bounty hunter many people imagined. And that's perfectly fine in my book. That perceived weakness, and her intention to please the only person she considers "family", don't make the game sexist - they make the character human. Even though she blew up a whole planet and exterminated at least two alien races. I actually like that discrepancy.
Hm, sounds...interesting actually. I'll plough through bad dialogue if the core is good.


Yeah, my pre-order from WalMart has shipped.

As far as the Prime trilogy goes, I didn't care much for the stories, particularly with Prime 3. However, I do agree that the scanning mechanic aspect of the story telling was a brilliant concept.


PounchEnvy said:
Wow I thought there were more negative reviews. :lol

Yeah with the exception of a few all have been positive. It's just that everyone's been focusing on the negative so most forget the positive.


AniHawk said:
What amazing storytelling has Retro been capable of?

Metroid Prime 1: Not fucking having storytelling

Kard8p3 said:
Yeah with the exception of a few all have been positive. It's just that everyone's been focusing on the negative so most forget the positive.

Also because most reviewers wouldn't dare give it less than an 8 no matter how bad it is. This is games journalism-- shitty games attached to great names get a free pass.


evilromero said:
Wait, when did Metroid V happen? I just hope this game doesn't ruin the chances of a V.
Doesn't Fusion pretty much ruin the chances of a V? Metroids finally eradicated, X wiped out along with SR-388, Samus fully realizes the mission of the Chozo. Seems like anything after Fusion would be more of side story or the start of a completely different non-metroid-related chapter.

I suppose they could do a Metroid Ace Attorney game where you have to defend Samus at her trial for treason.


RagnarokX said:
Doesn't Fusion pretty much ruin the chances of a V? Metroids finally eradicated, X wiped out along with SR-388, Samus fully realizes the mission of the Chozo. Seems like anything after Fusion would be more of side story or the start of a completely different non-metroid-related chapter.

I suppose they could do a Metroid Ace Attorney game where you have to defend Samus at her trial for treason.

Yeah, Samus also wiped out all the Metroids at the end of Metroid 1. And Metroid 2. And Metroid 3.

Here's an idea: Guess what, there are more Metroids on [planet] and the space pirates are back because of [flimsy reason]
TruePrime said:
No it's not, it is submissive sure but the fac that it happens to one woman doesn't show sexism in the least.

Certainly not when the other 1 character that seems to exist doesn't in anyway come across that way.

He was her commanding officer, something happened to cause this. There is a big difference between this and being sexist.

... Submissive passivity being one of the primary elements of how women are "supposed" to act, you admit that you are wrong right in your statement there.

TruePrime said:
He was her superior was he not?

My god he is not some dude that was on the side of the road.

Yes, men are the ones who are higher ranks in society, of course, so the lower, less important women are expected to obey their orders...

Really, come on. Think about what you're saying. The sexism is shown extremely strongly even in your own statements.

PounchEnvy said:
See that's where your opinion seems to conflict with others. In my opinion it has much more to do with her fragile and fucked up past and less to do with her gender. There's no argument that this game has bad characterization but I really see no sexism.

So if a guy was submissive to his former leader would that be sexist? Just because Samus is a woman doesn't mean anything.

As has been said, similar male characters wouldn't be treated that way.

MattKeil said:
It's an attack against Samus specifically, which is the problem. Many female characters could go through this arc and it wouldn't be out of place. Hell, Samus herself could have if the game were set before all the others and not in the prime of her career. But the shift from how she has been depicted in the past to this is completely ridiculous and unjustified.

The broader issue of her being female enters into it because this would simply not be an issue if she were a male character. No established iconic male character would
be reduced to tears when confronted with his repeatedly-vanquished nemesis for the fifth time.
The method of portrayal hinges on Samus being female, and appears designed to tear down any kind of Ellen Ripley-style "tough girl" aspect of her character.

wsippel said:
I do, and yet I disagree. We should probably leave it at that.

Wha... how in the world could someone actually think that sexism has something to do with sexuality? That makes absolutely no sense... it's about gender and power. That's all.

Lyphen said:
scitek said:
Why are the Prime games completely ignored in the...I'll call it the "Japanese" storyline? Does this take place in a completely alternate reality or something?

Americans and their desire for an "Ellen Ripley" like Samus don't belong in a canon-Metroid universe!

Hah, yeah, evidently.

dr_octagon said:
Amir0x said:
I loved how the story was told in Prime, through scanning. You get as much as you put in. I wish more games were like that.

You could not do the experience justice if you tried to translate it to another medium (like film). It was a good example of how you can tell a story and deliver a unique experience through game mechanics alone without trying to emulate a film.

Yeah, agreed on both counts. It was a great example of a game showing how the medium is different, and doing something impossible anywhere else. I loved all of the backstory information, it added a lot to the game... but it was all optional, only there for people who cared to look. Great way of telling a game story. Sure, it wasn't the most amazing plot ever, but it was well told, and more than good enough -- and the backstory information was quite good and often pretty interesting. Amusing sometimes as well. :)
othersteve said:
Hey all,

I believe I've covered just about everything in this gargantuan review of mine. Please do let me know what you think!

DigitalChumps Metroid: Other M review

Don't let the score disappoint you. It's true that this is a weaker Metroid title overall, but it's still a great game... and if you're a true fan, you owe it to yourself to experience it.



Just read the review, nice work. It was lengthy (as the preface said though it basically needed to be for such a unique title) but well worth the read and helped temper me with both a sense of realism about the game's shortcomings and excitement for the many things I am sure I will like. That bit about the anticlimactic non-existant "dangling carrot mission" really has me worried though, but at least I'm ready for it. :/


wsippel said:
Maybe, but honestly, even after playing the game for several hours, I still don't think it's sexist. And, well - I've played it and you haven't, no?
Maybe what? If you can't agree that sexism is a particular concept, how are you supposed to evaluate its presence in the game?

And I've only said that the story/dialogue sounds like it is sexist going by certain examples that I've heard, though I'm not willing to go any further obviously.

I also don't think this is such a huge issue. So Team Ninja's handling of a female heroine is sexist? That's not exactly a huge surprise and I'm not interested in the story anyhow. I just wanted to address your misunderstanding of the word itself.


RagnarokX said:
Doesn't Fusion pretty much ruin the chances of a V? Metroids finally eradicated, X wiped out along with SR-388, Samus fully realizes the mission of the Chozo. Seems like anything after Fusion would be more of side story or the start of a completely different non-metroid-related chapter.

I suppose they could do a Metroid Ace Attorney game where you have to defend Samus at her trial for treason.

Well just like Metal Gear, Zelda, or any large game series, theres always an open area to explore in the story. Sure the Metroids were finally eradicated after Fusion, but we also thought the same thing at the end of Super.

However, i'd like to see Samus explore new territory as well in her classic color scheme fusion style suit.

EDIT: No worries about the score Othersteve:

Overall rating:


Its a pretty fair review.


RagnarokX said:
Doesn't Fusion pretty much ruin the chances of a V? Metroids finally eradicated, X wiped out along with SR-388, Samus fully realizes the mission of the Chozo. Seems like anything after Fusion would be more of side story or the start of a completely different non-metroid-related chapter.

I suppose they could do a Metroid Ace Attorney game where you have to defend Samus at her trial for treason.

When considering that the X-Parasite still existed on SR-388 as it is (albeit in extremely limited numbers), they're not quite done; rather, any surviving X-Parasites are quite marooned on SR-388 but it won't stop any one from screwing around with them if they wanted to. With that said, I still think that the Federation wouldn't be very happy about Samus crashing their multi-billion-dollar credit station aganist their orders and foiling the biggest landmark in biological and technological research with the station's destruction. Plus, the Space Pirates could always attempt to make a comeback.

... Although, normally I would say that Samus wouldn't be the type to just give up to the Federation without a fight if push come to shove, but apparently Other M shows that we really don't know shit about Samus does (the people who've played it nonwithstanding).

JasonMCG said:
Jesus, that G4 review is scathing. Surprised Morgan didn't slap a 1/5 on it. :lol

Morgan didn't write it (hell, neither Sessler nor Webb typically write their own reviews as opposed to random G4 Editors/Interns). In fact, Abbie, the person who actually wrote the review, goes on a 20-minute discussion defending her reasoning for the score. She does admit that "if the game's story was good but even if the gameplay didn't follow suit, it probably would have gotten a higher score." This definitely gets into more detail in why she didn't like the game (for reasons you can agree or disagree with) than the normal G4 did.


Exactly. I'm sure there are other scary parasites in the universe, Ridley is probably going to return at some point, or maybe even Kraid returning instead of Ridley. And the Space Pirates are still a pretty widespread organization...so theres really nothing to worry about.
I completely recognize where this game will fall short but as a Metroid fan I expect to find plenty of entertainment. I do hope the zealous Other M defenders will loosen up a bit. This isn't the holy grail. This is probably the weakest entry of the mainline Metroid series by all accounts but still a good game nonetheless.

My hope is Nintendo will recognize the critical feedback and return to the series to Retro. ;)


bhlaab said:
Metroid Prime 1: Not fucking having storytelling

Also because most reviewers wouldn't dare give it less than an 8 no matter how bad it is. This is games journalism-- shitty games attached to great names get a free pass.

Its not shitty in the least bit though.


MechaX said:
... Although, normally I would say that Samus wouldn't be the type to just give up to the Federation without a fight if push come to shove, but apparently Other M shows that we really don't know shit about Samus does (the people who've played it nonwithstanding).
I'm not really sure, but from what I've heard from Other M and saw in Fusion, she'd fight back, not directly mind you, unless really put on a corner.

The whole character arc doesn't have to happen in Other M for it to be credible. Granted, it'd be much more effective.

GrotesqueBeauty said:
What, a woman can't write a review now? Sexist!
I can't believe I missed a chance to make fun of FFXIII's story.

I feel hollow.

So yeah, I just saw the Giant Bomb QL of Other M.

I stopped halfway through but most of what they were discussing was how the controls felt "weird". :(
evilromero said:
My hope is Nintendo will recognize the critical feedback and return to the series to Retro. ;)
If Retro approached Metroid more like they're approaching DKC I'd be happy to see them take on the franchise again. Corruption was a step in the wrong direction though. Despite my skepticism about Other M I am glad they're getting away from the first person stuff.
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