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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


effingvic said:
Ugly girl trying to get attention by stirring up shit about a new title from a popular video game franchise. Nothing surprising.

Well, to be fair the way they explain the locking of her powers in this game is definitely one of the dumbest things I've ever heard in my life. It would have been more fitting to have her trip on a rock.


MechaX said:
I find that pretty strange, especially since no one even mentions anything about blowing up SR-388 in the process, it's not like the planet had a time-bomb like Zebes did, and I don't really get how a space-station can destroy a planet at all unless it was the size of the Death Star (which even then wouldn't destroy a planet outright). Sure, Metroid doesn't have to make perfect sense, but still.
At the end of Fusion, Samus decides to set the self destruct to destroy the station so that the Federation can't come aboard. Adam tells her that would be a worthless sacrifice because SR388 still has X, and suggests that she should set the ship on a collision course with SR388 first, as then the explosion would take out the planet as well. Plus the game shows the planet explode.

Adam tells Samus to blow up SR388: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awn-gIIQpCU#t=4m13s

Boom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qcbH0gj030#t=4m10s


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'm surprised at the amount of people who still read launch day reviews. GAF impressions and month-later blog-like retrospectives have made them useless to me nowadays.

I'm not trying to demean their critiques on this game like most is this thread, it's just my general feeling. I can't remember the last time I read a formal review that wasn't in my monthly EDGE.

After so many years keeping an eye on this scene, having the same bullshit speculative arguments trying to validate my own preexisting opinion with random paid reviewers just doesn't do it for me. So boring.
effingvic said:
Ugly girl trying to get attention by stirring up shit about a new title from a popular video game franchise. Nothing surprising.
What is wrong with this thread.

Seriously, read what you wrote.
Wallach said:
Well, to be fair the way they explain the locking of her powers in this game is definitely one of the dumbest things I've ever heard in my life. It would have been more fitting to have her trip on a rock.

How so?
She may not be a soldier anymore, but she still respects authority.


Junior Member
effingvic said:
Ugly girl trying to get attention by stirring up shit about a new title from a popular video game franchise. Nothing surprising.
Well the certian scenarios she stated
ridley appeareance and samus starts crying like a weak lil bitch and need a man to save her
or having a man tell Samus motherfucking Aran the destoyer of all things metriod and space pirate what she can and can't do is alittle disturbing. And the Voice acting sound like a weak person too. It is a little disturbing for such a videogame hero


Solune said:
The bolded cannot be expressed enough, it's a video game why do people read so much into these things. This is gonna turn into another RE5 like debate about being racist, only this time it's sexism. Game developers have enough on their hands with making a decent game worrying about presentation both graphically and story-wise. The last thing they need to deal with is being politically correct all the fucking time. It's no wonder half the shit from Japan doesn't make it over here when people are worrying over things like this.
Look if you DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T BUY IT. I don't see what's so hard about this. Whether it's the next installment in a huge franchise or an indie game that's all you need to decide.

Where's the outrage over the "chinks," etc. references polluting Mafia 2? Sure, it's historically accurate, but it's still racist. There's no law saying Samus has to be the beacon of "girl power" in the video game world. The series creator apparently felt otherwise. I'll bet Samus having an uncharacteristically plump ass for a white girl is more sexist than anything found in the story, but we'll just choose our battles where we see fit. Fucking hypocrits.


AceBandage said:
How so?
She may not be a soldier anymore, but she still respects authority.

Because if you walked into Norfair, and you had the ability to turn on your suit and prevent heat related damage, that's what you'd fuckin' do. That's why your suit fuckin' prevents heat damage. More importantly, anything he "allows" he apparently does so for the rest of the game - why would he decide your super mega beam to be too dangerous in one area, but if you got to a certain point and he decided it was necessary to overcome some obstacle, would he continue to allow you to use it unless that judgment call was made in every future instance? Shit is mind boggling. What the fuck good does it do to limit a soldier's options in war to begin with?


AceBandage said:
How so?
She may not be a soldier anymore, but she still respects authority.
and wants to prove it.


Wallach said:
Because if you walked into Norfair, and you had the ability to turn on your suit and prevent heat related damage, that's what you'd fuckin' do. That's why your suit fuckin' prevents heat damage. More importantly, anything he "allows" he apparently does so for the rest of the game - why would he decide your super mega beam to be too dangerous in one area, but if you got to a certain point and he decided it was necessary to overcome some obstacle, would he continue to allow you to use it unless that judgment call was made in every future instance? Shit is mind boggling. What the fuck good does it do to limit a soldier's options in war to begin with?
I agree it's pretty dumb, but just take it as a power struggle.


Unconfirmed Member
scitek said:
Her review was totally emotionally driven, not rationally. I don't even know what to say about that other than "games journalism lol."
If the game stirs up an intense emotional reaction for her, it would be bad journalism to discount that in her review.


Wallach said:
Shit is mind boggling. What the fuck good does it do to limit a soldier's options in war to begin with?

Oh god, this thread could potentially spiral out of control with political discussion because of you. :(

As far as the commanding officer thing goes, I can understand it from the perspective that Adam may be privy to information about the areas surrounding Samus that she is unaware of. i.e. the hull could be weak and a power bomb could send her packing for good or something. He's stationed at a computer watching her every move through a monitor connected to her visor. He's telling her when she can and cannot use certain items based on that information.

And since when does she always have her Varia and Gravity suits on her at the beginning of the games? Even in Prime 2 and 3, she just had the charge beam, space jump, etc. at the beginning, her suit was always normal.

Krev said:
If the game stirs up an intense emotional reaction for her, it would be bad journalism to discount that in her review.

It's bad journalism to pretend she was giving the gameplay a fair shake. The Talkabout video shows she was in a pseudo state of rage the entire time.


scitek said:
Where's the outrage over the "chinks," etc. references polluting Mafia 2? Sure, it's historically accurate, but it's still racist. There's no law saying Samus has to be the beacon of "girl power" in the video game world. The series creator apparently felt otherwise. I'll bet Samus having an uncharacteristically plump ass for a white girl is more sexist than anything found in the story, but we'll just choose our battles where we see fit. Fucking hypocrits.
This post is pretty damn silly, dude.
Rez said:
That's fair, Alk. My post wasn't even in direct relation to Metroid. It wasn't so much METROID SHOULD BE THIS so much as it was 'this aspect of game design is, in today's industry, best told in this way'.

Whether or not that's what you want from Metroid or whether it's all Metroid can be is totally up for debate.

In terms of story presentation, I thought both Prime and in particular Super did a fantastic job with minimalist story-telling. The former was told through muted cutscenes, environmental detail and chozo/pirate entries, the latter through set pieces in which gameplay was never broken up. Both slightly different in execution but almost identical in result.

When introducing Other M, I think this is no doubt where the greatest division occurs between the Metroid fanbase. Super had the initial monologue, but Fusion was the first game to really break up gameplay with extended cutscenes and dialogue. Honestly, though, is Fusion a poorer game because of its cutscenes? I would actually suggest the opposite. This is not to suggest Fusion is a better game, but my issues with it were being restricted to certain sections and an overall design that didn't flow or connect as well as Super. What Fusion did do was show that the series could handle - perhaps even benefit - from a more cinematic approach, one that's not neccersarily better than the minimalist approach but still one that breaks new ground and tries something different. Successfully.

Other M is very much in the Fusion mould, except being on a home console allows a much deeper and more intricate cinematic presentation. I have little doubt that Fusion would have received a similar amount of cutscenes had it been on a home console. This is a clear ambition of Sakamoto and if Fusion is any indication, the series can absolutely handle this kind of approach. I suppose that's what brings up the question - if Fusion proved that the series does not always require minimalist story-telling, then how is the approach of Return of Samus/Super/Prime more 'Metroid' than that of Fusion and Other M? Is it because the series was founded upon minimalist values? That is definitely a credible viewpoint, but it's important to remember that a series shouldn't remain stagnant. Evolution is good, but it must be correct evolution.

I think we have to appreciate that Fusion took a risk - a big risk - and showed that it can work. It was clever, it was interesting and it was delivered well. Other M is amplifying this approach, in a sense being a more ambitious Fusion. Fusion showed that this approach to storytelling can work, but as always, it comes down to execution. If Other M's story is poor, it's not because it's not representative of Metroid. Fusion proved that Metroid can benefit from a cinematic approach, just in the same way that Metroid can benefit from a minimalist approach. It will only be because the execution is poor. And if it is, I still think the series should continue with the foundations of Fusion and Other M. I think Metroid can be home to both approaches.


i wish this game were called something else and starred an ugly bald white dude so people could stop talkin' about useless metroid narrative shit.


Junior Member
I just don't understand why they made samus such an emotionally weak person. God I hope they try characterization agian with LoZ:Skyward Soward and get it right


PusherT said:
I just don't understand why they made samus such an emotionally weak person. God I hope they try characterization agian with LoZ:Skyward Soward and get it right
that kind of missions take a toll on a person's psyche.
effingvic said:
Ugly girl trying to get attention by stirring up shit about a new title from a popular video game franchise. Nothing surprising.
Did that make you feel like a true man calling her ugly?

scitek said:
Where's the outrage over the "chinks," etc. references polluting Mafia 2? Sure, it's historically accurate, but it's still racist. There's no law saying Samus has to be the beacon of "girl power" in the video game world. The series creator apparently felt otherwise. I'll bet Samus having an uncharacteristically plump ass for a white girl is more sexist than anything found in the story, but we'll just choose our battles where we see fit. Fucking hypocrits.

I can't bring anymore insight to the debate whether the narrative is sexist toward women because I haven't played it. It feels more like a red herring. Abbie may certainly feel it does, in fact, the other guy(a man) in the video doesn't argue against her opinion and agrees with her on many of her criticisms. I call it a red herring for now because it distracts much of the debate whether Samus, as a character, is portrayed faithfully or expected based on previous games. Other websites have mentioned her characterization as poor and mismanaged. To me, that's a shame since Other M could have established Samus as a character with depth and weave a strong narrative to the franchise.


Well Samus characterization should be pretty japanese on mannerisms and authority and stuff. I'm not surprised it's being recieved like this here. I'll probably feel the same, albeit on a smaller scale I think.
PusherT said:
I just don't understand why they made samus such an emotionally weak person. God I hope they try characterization agian with LoZ:Skyward Soward and get it right
The thing is

No one is emotionally strong all the time. No one.

What you want to ask is, why did they make Samus emotionally weak in a fictional story, as it does not seem to fit the narrative?

What it seems like Sakamoto wanted to do was explore that side of Samus, the side she does not say out loud. He seemingly did it poorly. More than that, he did it at all, as most people don't want to see that side of Samus.

To put it another way: Why shouldn't Samus be emotionally weak in a self-narrated story? And the answer to that question is, because no one has done it right yet.


Socreges said:
This post is pretty damn silly, dude.

You mean kind of like getting bent out of shape because a game made by Team Ninja is sexist?

EDIT: I was making a point. Everything's silly in this thread. It would be stupid to be outraged over the racism in Mafia 2. It's stupid to be outraged about sexism in Metroid Other M. The thing that should be the issue is the story not making any sense, not the fact that it's politically incorrect. The fact that Abbie would let someone's acceptance of a fucking video game's portrayal of a woman decide whether or not she would be their friend is beyond words to me. I've never met anyone so idiotic.


I peeked back into this thread because ..well ... Tuesday is too far.
So the latest thing is that the portrayal of Samus is sexist eh?

I've haven't played the game but it seems strange to pick that fight with Metroid.
There are much more low hanging fruit like Lara Croft or the DOA ladies.
Sexist and objectified portrayals of women is a videogame norm.
However, from all appearances, Samus is certainly not shown in that way.
She's not baring much skin *but* she didn't always feel like "one of the guys".

So I guess it's OK for fighting women to be nonsensically bikini clad and over-boobed as long as they ACT just like a macho man?
And this tacit acceptance of the absurd norm is coming from a woman who claims to be fighting the fine fight?

Really, I want to play the game more than ever now.
Cause I need to find out for sure if these people are totally daft.
This quote from IGN makes me laugh:

The "auto aiming" feature removes a lot of the action that was a standard part of the Metroid experience. Simply pointing in a direction and hammering down on the fire button isn't really capturing what made Metroid such a challenging action game in the first place.

Er, which Metroid games did you play Craig? Cause they're certainly not the ones I've been playing for 20 years.


Man, Abbie must really hate finding out that her cohorts at Gamespot, IGN, GameTrailers, Giant Bomb, etc. all just fucking hate women.
While I can see where Abbie is coming from ( The whole Lava Suit thing is just plain stupid) plus Samus breaking down at point sounds a bit out of character. But the way to look at it that She is just trying to gain (regain) the respect of someone she really cares about. Adam is a father figure to her and in her mind if she follows orders and what not she might be able to regain this respect. She could just say "yo Adam fuck off...I'm Samus Motherfuckin' Aran...BITCH!!" and blast shit up but that too would be out of character (yet awesome). So I get it. Plus it's Sakimoto's character, he can do whatever he wants to do.

Also it's not like Samus doesn't kick ass in this game. Adam doesn't sweep in a constantly save her by punching shit while screaming about how manly he is ( also would be awesome). So just relax.


_Alkaline_ said:
This quote from IGN makes me laugh:

Er, which Metroid games did you play Craig? Cause they're certainly not the ones I've been playing for 20 years.

lol true.
Pointing in a direction and hammering the fire button is EXACTLY how Metroid is played for the last decades.
Heck, even in FPS Prime you lock on and hammer the fire button.


Knux-Future said:
While I can see where Abbie is coming from ( The whole Lava Suit thing is just plain stupid) plus Samus breaking down at point sounds a bit out of character. But the way to look at it that She is just trying to gain (regain) the respect of someone she really cares about. Adam is a father figure to her and in her mind if she follows orders and what not she might be able to regain this respect. She could just say "yo Adam fuck off...I'm Samus Motherfuckin' Aran...BITCH!!" and blast shit up but that too would be out of character (yet awesome). So I get it. Plus it's Sakimoto's character, he can do whatever he wants to do.

Also it's not like Samus doesn't kick ass in this game. Adam doesn't sweep in a constantly save her by punching shit while screaming about how manly he is ( also would be awesome). So just relax.
How do you know what kind of character samus is? Not a single metroid game has been released that reveals what kind of person she is. Until now.


Door2Dawn said:
How do you know what kinda of character samus is? Not a single metroid game has been released that reveals what kind of person she is. Until now.

It doesn't seem like the cause of that distress is kind of idiotic given where this game falls in the timeline?
Door2Dawn said:
How do you know what kind of character samus is? Not a single metroid game has been released that reveals what kind of person she is. Until now.

The manga also shows that she had an emotional side to her as well. It's clearly what Sakamoto wants to convey, so it is Samus.


Door2Dawn said:
How do you know what kind of character samus is? Not a single metroid game has been released that reveals what kind of person she is. Until now.
I think the six games in which she single handedly explodes planets sort of establish at least a bit of her character.

Other M is more along the lines of manga Samus than game Samus (thus far, anyway).
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