I am the sort of Metroid fan that "actual" Metroid fans hate. I don't give a damn about sequence breaking or performing crazy shinespark combos (although I'll admit how cool they are), I've never recalled playing through a Metroid game and feeling wowed about some invisible sense of isolation, and I'm thrilled to all hell at the prospect of Nintendo actually developing an actual personality for one of its major characters and giving her and others voice work to do it. Even if the way Samus is turns out to be something I'm not a huge fan of, I'll give them credit for finally taking that kind of narrative step and I hope they can use that experience in other games too. I didn't have anything to do with the creation of Samus, so as long as the way she acts in this doesn't completely contradict her actions in the other games, I can't accuse them of "ruining" her previously almost non-existent character.
The authorization thing sounds really contrived, but if it's just being presented that way to serve the gameplay purpose of not having all your abilities unlocked from the get-go, I can at least sort of forgive it. As long as the actual running, jumping, and shooting works (and general response I've read indicates that it does, once you adjust to the d-pad controls), I expect I'll enjoy this game even through some potentially head-scratching cutscenes.