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Metroid Prime 2 Echoes 1UP review - 8.5


Grubdog said:
Metroid Prime's control scheme is great, maybe you just suck at it?

Yeah, it's so "great" that most of the reviews for it just happen to mention it as the game's weakest point, right? I so totally get you there......


snapty00 said:
What does Halo 2 have to do with this at all?

I think it's hilarious. :lol

sorry but you started it with the IGNcube boards :)

Anyway. 8.5 from 1up isn't bad. This is the same site which game ToS 7.0

Kon Tiki

ElyrionX said:
Yeah, it's so "great" that most of the reviews for it just happen to mention it as the game's weakest point, right? I so totally get you there......

DA just wont work, let it go.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Fowler said:
Thought it was a well-written review. Can't say whether I agree or disagree until I play it for myself.


Well, the review context makes sense to me...

It sounds as if they partially failed to build upon the strongest points of the original game.

I'm very disappointed at the lower number of environments to explore (which was my favorite part of Prime) and, based on the demo, I didn't really care much for the dark world either. I'm also disappointed at the return of the artifact quest, but then again, it just gives us another chance to explore the environments...

Anyway. 8.5 from 1up isn't bad. This is the same site which game ToS 7.0

Heh, that makes me trust them all the more. :p


dark10x said:
Well, the review context makes sense to me...

It sounds as if they partially failed to build upon the strongest points of the original game.

I'm disappointed at the lower number of environments to explore and, based on the demo, I didn't really care much for the dark world either. I'm also disappointed at the return of the artifact quest, but then again, it just gives us another chance to explore the environments...

Heh, that makes me trust them all the more. :p

the review complains at backtracking, so it seems that he doesn't know what a metroid game is about.

A side from that I think it was good written. And of course it complains about multiplayer.
1up.com said:
"Dual analog for teh blasterz for teh kiddiez who read 1up yeah. Ouch these puzzles hurt my brain yo'. 8.5. Why can't this be more like Halo? I'm an American. Bill Gates is American. Why not give Halo a 10 and this an 8.5. Retro is less American. They don't use Dual Analog, that's my proof, yo. I placed the Halo 2 and Echoes casings side by side and my whole crew told me I was crazy whack if I picked Prime and yo they all 12 years old and I mainly hang out with them so I know my audience as a writer for 1up.com, seriously. In closing after playing Echoes I'd say to sell your Gamecube because it's over. Fugettaboutit."

Geez, what a misguided review.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SantaCruZer said:
the review complains at backtracking, so it seems that he doesn't know what a metroid game is about.

A side from that I think it was good written. And of course it complains about multiplayer.

Well, that's true...

I really enjoyed backtracking in Prime, so it isn't going to bother me here. It's just the lack of content and the dark world that have me worried.


dark10x said:
Well, that's true...

I really enjoyed backtracking in Prime, so it isn't going to bother me here. It's just the lack of content and the dark world that have me worried.

I am just waiting for Gamespot and IGN's review for further judgement.


Other than the complaints about the controls (which I had no problem with in Metroid Prime), this review seems fine. These days every game that doesn't get stellar reviews is a game I don't have to buy on the release date, which is fine with me.

SantaCruZer said:
Anyway. 8.5 from 1up isn't bad. This is the same site which game ToS 7.0

And if only I'd been wise enough to listen to 1up's ToS review.


one question: why would you want to SELL your gamecube even if MP2 does suck (and i'm almost positive it'll disappoint)? why the fuck are you people so into selling things? why not hold onto it so you can play your other GC games?


Queen of Denmark
Blame! said:
one question: why would you want to SELL your gamecube even if MP2 does suck (and i'm almost positive it'll disappoint)? why the fuck are you people so into selling things? why not hold onto it so you can play your other GC games?
Uh...you sell things when other people don't like them.



You go back to Earth in Halo 2 (cus MC was born there, or was he...?) *BACKTRACKING LOCATED*

-2 points...

HALO 2 = 8.0



human5892 said:
Uh...you sell things when other people don't like them.


hey numb nuts, so you're going to sell your gamecube because of one disappointing game? how the hell are you going to play your other GC games then? DUH.


SantaCruZer said:
the review complains at backtracking, so it seems that he doesn't know what a metroid game is about.

Ummm, its a REVIEW!!! What do you expect?

If the reviewer doesn't like the backtracking aspect of MP, do you expect him to say "Oh, I don't like the backtracking but this is a METROID game after all, so I should not dock points away from it based on my own personal experience with the game."

I swear, the shit that fanboys come up with........


they call me "Man Gravy".
ElyrionX said:
See? No dual analog kills the game. Sorry fanboys........

-1 sales


I swear, trolling any thread with Metroid Prime is the easiest thing in the world. Some of the responses you get ElyrionX are priceless. I only wish I was here earlier to accomplish the same thing myself.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Blame! said:
hey numb nuts, so you're going to sell your gamecube because of one disappointing game? how the hell are you going to play your other GC games then? DUH.

He was joking...

Notice how he claimed that you sell things when OTHER PEOPLE don't like them? He's just messing about, it's OK. :p


The original Prime had more distinct areas and more level themes than Echoes by a fair margin...

Darn, that's what I was afraid of. I really liked the organic and natural environments in Prime 1, and Echoes seems to be based more around industrial areas.

While it might not have been a bad idea in concept, the multiplayer game in Echoes isn't anywhere near half the fun.

Somehow, I'm actually glad about this (I think it's insanity). It's just a stupid idea, and I've always thought it wouldn't work. Metroid Prime's control scheme and the general theme of the game don't seem like they would befit multiplayer. But people think that because the game is in first-person it has to have multiplayer.


Blame! said:
hey numb nuts, so you're going to sell your gamecube because of one disappointing game? how the hell are you going to play your other GC games then? DUH.

They're kidding. It's a running fanboy joke whenever a big game on ANY system gets a lower than expected score.


ElyrionX said:
Ummm, its a REVIEW!!! What do you expect?

If the reviewer doesn't like the backtracking aspect of MP, do you expect him to say "Oh, I don't like the backtracking but this is a METROID game after all, so I should not dock points away from it based on my own personal experience with the game."

I swear, the shit that fanboys come up with........

And I am tired of your riots in metroid threads.


Project Midway said:


ElyrionX said:
Ummm, its a REVIEW!!! What do you expect?

If the reviewer doesn't like the backtracking aspect of MP, do you expect him to say "Oh, I don't like the backtracking but this is a METROID game after all, so I should not dock points away from it based on my own personal experience with the game."

I swear, the shit that fanboys come up with........

No. But you'd expect them to assign the game to someone who actually enjoys the series (Didn't read 1 positive thing the whole review). It's like assigning the Halo 2 review to a PC guy. Or GTA:SA to someone who doesn't care for the story/atmosphere and fixates solely on the missions that have the cookie-cutter, repetitive, fetch-orientated gameplay that's normally reserved for Rare platormers


Well right away after watching some of the GI Metroid multiplayer videos, it seems like most people were right, Metroid doesn't work very well in multiplayer.
Haha. Just like all the R&C, Halo 2 and Jak 3 scoring threads, this is the ONLY score MP2 received. Doesn't matter what EGM gave it.

Hell, 8.5 isn't bad at all. And considering each reviewer has a different taste in games can say a lot in the final decision.
That is a review, correct. It is a review which I suspect to be flat out wrong on a number of points. It betrays a lack of understanding of what Metroid is. When I play Echoes a bit I'll have more to say on this, for sure.
It's like docking Metal Gear Solid points because there's too much sneaking around and an odd control scheme.


Sho Nuff said:
If you call David Smith a bad review, I will punch you in the DICK.

start punching

That is a review, correct. It is a review which I suspect to be flat out wrong on a number of points. It betrays a lack of understanding of what Metroid is. When I play Echoes a bit I'll have more to say on this, for sure.
It's like docking Metal Gear Solid points because there's too much sneaking around and an odd control scheme.

Agree. If you're willing to dock points for the amount of backtracking in Metroid, you're just not thinking clearly, because that's one of the things Metroid is about
Sho Nuff said:
If you call David Smith a bad review, I will punch you in the DICK.

MY INTERESTS: Cartoon pornography

Favorite TV shows: Favorite TV Shows: Ace o Nerae!, GAEA G-PANIC

Yeah, this fucker is real mainstream. This dude needs to be assigned to Square RPGs exclusively.
ravingloon said:
MY INTERESTS: Cartoon pornography

Favorite TV shows: Favorite TV Shows: Ace o Nerae!, GAEA G-PANIC

Yeah, this fucker is real mainstream. This dude needs to be assigned to Square RPGs exclusively.

How would that work if he doesn't like backtracking?


Queen of Denmark
Blame! said:
hey numb nuts, so you're going to sell your gamecube because of one disappointing game? how the hell are you going to play your other GC games then? DUH.
:lol :lol :lol



It's not the score that gets to me, it's their complaints. I know I won't "go to war" with the control scheme, because i'm not fucking retarded - MP's control scheme is great, and is easy to get used to (especially since it's the second damn game to use it). At the very most, I can see being a little confused after playing a game like Halo 2 and going back and playing MP2, but still only a minute or so of adjustment is really needed..

He complains about backtracking. The first MP did it so well, with new stuff avaliabel in each area just about every time you went back, and Samus herself becoming gradually more powerful. I would much prefer the backtracking method than a straight-pathed adventure.


Backtracking ruined the first game for me. I beat the omega pirate and thought FUCK, I have to backtrack my way outta here? Fuck that and stopped playing.

So in the end it was the right decision to not pick up Prime2, if they elimnated backtracking and calmed down on the collecting then yeah, i would have given it a shot. Oh well, i look foward to RE4
SolidSnakex said:
How would that work if he doesn't like backtracking?

The real question is this, how the hell are you not on my ignore list?

As for the relevence. it's in reply to Sho Nuff saying David Smith is not to be questioned. And in my book, anyone with such freakish taste is not someone who I'm gonna worship as the be all, end all, word on games.

If I want advice on which anime chick has the best ass, however, it seems he's a pretty good place to look.


Why doesn't people like backtracking?

Backtracking means that you have to visit areas atleast a second time. Do you really only want to go through one area once and that's it?

"yeah that fire level was cool, but I didn't see much of it.


Junior Ace
Didn't some 1up reviewer give Battlefront an 8.0? I mean come ON. What was that guy thinking?

king zell

ravingloon said:
The real question is this, how the hell are you not on my ignore list?

As for the relevence. it's in reply to Sho Nuff saying David Smith is not to be questioned. And in my book, anyone with such freakish taste is not someone who I'm gonna worship as the be all, end all, word on games.

If I want advice on which anime chick has the best ass, however, it seems he's a pretty good place to look.



Anyone else think its funny that if 1up gave it a 9 or a 10 MP2 fans would be like, "yes! 1up is usually so critical of games it's good to see them give MP2 a good score. 1up rulez!!" But since it got the "very low" score of an 8.5, then they are a biased shit site that gave driver 3 the same score. :lol :lol

Seriously, all reviews should be from 9.0-10... it seems nobody will be happy unless their favorite game gets at LEAST a 9 (and sometimes not even then: see Halo 2 9.4)

Kon Tiki

Razoric said:
Anyone else think its funny that if 1up gave it a 9 or a 10 MP2 fans would be like, "yes! 1up is usually so critical of games it's good to see them give MP2 a good score. 1up rulez!!" But since it got the "very low" score of an 8.5, then they are a biased shit site that gave driver 3 the same score. :lol :lol

Seriously, all reviews should be from 9.0-10... it seems nobody will be happy unless their favorite game gets at LEAST a 9 (and sometimes not even then: see Halo 2 9.4)

Yes people need to stop complain about the Control scheme learning level of 8.5...

Did you even read the thread or did you have that post preplanned? People are talking about the words in the review.
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