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Metroid Prime 2 Echoes 1UP review - 8.5


ravingloon said:
(Didn't read 1 positive thing the whole review)

Good god, with stupidity like that in this thread there really is no point arguing with you guys.

And a public service announcement for Junior Members: The SELL YOUR SYSTEM IT'S ALL OVER thing is a joke. You'll see it a lot. Get used to it.


Razoric said:
Anyone else think its funny that if 1up gave it a 9 or a 10 MP2 fans would be like, "yes! 1up is usually so critical of games it's good to see them give MP2 a good score. 1up rulez!!" But since it got the "very low" score of an 8.5, then they are a biased shit site that gave driver 3 the same score. :lol :lol

Seriously, all reviews should be from 9.0-10... it seems nobody will be happy unless their favorite game gets at LEAST a 9 (and sometimes not even then: see Halo 2 9.4)

and where was all the metroid bashers 2 days ago when it got 97% from a review?


they call me "Man Gravy".
Society said:
Yes people need to stop complain about the Control scheme learning level of 8.5...

Did you even read the thread or did you have that post preplanned? People are talking about the words in the review.

I have a question - how come Metroid Prime fans are the touchiest of any group of gamers this gen? Does it come from years of defending a second-rate control scheme on message boards? Does it come from being a fan of a critically acclaimed game that the average gamer didn't like and only sold because it came as a pack-in? Does it come from having to have your game constantly compared to the greatest console FPS ... twice? I don't know, maybe you can help me.
Razoric said:
Seriously, all reviews should be from 9.0-10... it seems nobody will be happy unless their favorite game gets at LEAST a 9 (and sometimes not even then: see Halo 2 9.4)

That's actually the scores MP2 got in EGM (9's and a 10) and Nintendo fans were still pissed.


SolidSnakex said:
That's actually the scores MP2 got in EGM (9's and a 10) and Nintendo fans were still pissed.

ah comon now. Did you see how many fans that was pissed over a certain 9.4?


Queen of Denmark
Nerevar said:
Does it come from being a fan of a critically acclaimed game that the average gamer didn't like and only sold because it came as a pack-in?
Whoa, nelly. MP sold just about a million in the US alone before being packed in, IIRC. Those are pretty damn good numbers.

Otherwise, please continue.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Nerevar said:
I have a question - how come Metroid Prime fans are the touchiest of any group of gamers this gen?

:lol .. did you miss the huge explosion that happened all over the net when GS gave halo2 a 9.4 ... A 9.4 ....


Razoric said:
Seriously, all reviews should be from 9.0-10... it seems nobody will be happy unless their favorite game gets at LEAST a 9 (and sometimes not even then: see Halo 2 9.4)

Personally, I think the whole "9.0-10.0" phenomenon only occurs with the "big" titles. When a game like Halo 2, GTA:SA, etc comes out, people assume that it's going to be at least a 9.0 title, then mainly focus on "how far over a nine will it be?". I always love wandering into the review threads for the high-profile games and see people throwing a hissy fit over a game getting "only" a 9.5 or something.

Of course, even with the games that aren't the super-popular ones, the scoring range really only goes from about 6-9ish anyway...

SantaCruzer said:
Why doesn't people like backtracking?

Backtracking means that you have to visit areas atleast a second time. Do you really only want to go through one area once and that's it?

"yeah that fire level was cool, but I didn't see much of it.

Well, you can't really evaluate backtracking in and of itself. It has to be taken in the context of the areas you're backtracking through. Take a game like The Wind Waker, for example, which really made tedious backtracking and travelling into an art form. I found the original Metroid Prime's backtracking to be pretty well done, myself. There were enough shortcuts through the levels to make it not overly tedious, and you were often strong enough on the return trips to completely mop the floor with any enemies that were in your way.

Backtracking ruined the first game for me. I beat the omega pirate and thought FUCK, I have to backtrack my way outta here? Fuck that and stopped playing.

Well, on the off chance that you're not trolling, I just thought you'd like to know that after beating the Omega Pirate, you can just leave through the other door in the room and go through about two rooms to leave the mines.

Deku Tree

Everyone has a right to their opinion and even this review makes some legitimate complains. Maybe Echoes is a quickie sequel, I'll know next week for sure.

But I'd like to know why 1up gave this review to a dual analog whore and a definite hater of the prime control scheme.


human5892 said:
Whoa, nelly. MP sold just about a million in the US alone before being packed in, IIRC. Those are pretty damn good numbers.

Otherwise, please continue.

nah, it was struggling around 700k-800k

Nintendo then bust out the pack in deal and numbers increased to 1.2 mill
Nerevar said:
I have a question - how come Metroid Prime fans are the touchiest of any group of gamers this gen? Does it come from years of defending a second-rate control scheme on message boards? Does it come from being a fan of a critically acclaimed game that the average gamer didn't like and only sold because it came as a pack-in? Does it come from having to have your game constantly compared to the greatest console FPS ... twice? I don't know, maybe you can help me.

What the hell is wrong with me. Goes to CP, changes password to jibberish, changes e-mail to an invalid address (So the account is locked down and I don't have the password to re-enter my valid e-mail.

So long assholes. The good people aren't worth putting up with shitholes that are the majority.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Project Midway said:

This never gets old!



Queen of Denmark
Prine said:
nah, it was struggling around 700k-800k
Even if that's true (which I'm not sure it is, because I could've sworn it was at 900k before the pack-in), I'd hardly call 700k-800k "struggling".


rollin' in the gutter
Prine said:
nah, it was struggling around 700k-800k

Nintendo then bust out the pack in deal and numbers increased to 1.2 mill

Pretty sure it crawled passed a million by itself. The pack in started a month ago.


olimario said:
There are no words...
... except

When it rains, it pours.


People sure have been able to make fun of nintendo atleast one a week now.

Oh well, New Zelda is still coming.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
SantaCruZer said:
People sure have been able to make fun of nintendo atleast one a week now.

Oh well, New Zelda is still coming.

Yeah the good news is there will be a lot of second hand gamecubes for people to buy when they want to play Zelda.


Nerevar said:
I have a question - how come Metroid Prime fans are the touchiest of any group of gamers this gen? Does it come from years of defending a second-rate control scheme on message boards? Does it come from being a fan of a critically acclaimed game that the average gamer didn't like and only sold because it came as a pack-in? Does it come from having to have your game constantly compared to the greatest console FPS ... twice? I don't know, maybe you can help me.

I just have a problem with some the reviewers points, the 8.5 score doesn't bother me in the least considering that the game seems to have less areas and doesn't seem fresher than the first MP. Plus I imagine that people would be beating up the controls.

The whole issue of backtracking and the sci-fi archeologist argument bothered me because those are essentially a part of the soul of Metroid. Take them away, and you have something else. I would like to see Retro make an original FPS or adventure game, but I don't want them to erase the core part of the Metroid design in an attepmt to be different. I think there still room to creative in the current design scheme.


SantaCruZer said:
the review complains at backtracking, so it seems that he doesn't know what a metroid game is about.

Well, I dislike backtracking, dislike collecting items, and will stay far away from MP2, but it is in the spirit of the old games.

On the other hand, I don't remember the old school Metroid games being about crappy controls which: are unnecessarily complicated for the sake of atmosphere (gimmick visors), don't let you see the edges of the platforms you are jumping thru unless you stop, don't let you see and target the enemyes above and below you unless you stop, are substandard and clunkyer for exploration (no free strafe for platform alignment, and again no free look) than most other games currently in the market.

So there seems to be some double standard at work around here.

But I'd like to know why 1up gave this review to a dual analog whore and a definite hater of the prime control scheme.

MP's backtracking and "unconventional" controls annoy many people, as this board proves.
Is a reviewer's duty to point it out, so that people don't risk getting disappointed after a purchase.

Many people here, who blind themselves and fail to see the limits of what they like, would make lousy reviewers.

Maybe the reviewer of 1up got his feeling too much on the way (didn't read carefully), but at least he did his job of mentioning the issues that will turn off a significant number if people.
Much better than many fans here, who completely dismiss those potential issues, and would write an useless article failing to help people realize if they will like the game or not.


Backtracking, if done wrong, is a valid complaint. Sure every Metroid has it but most of the time it's implemented in such a way that you don't really "feel" it or it's not annoying. Maybe in MP2 it's just not as fun or something wasn't implemented right. I wouldn't call the reviewer out until, you know, I actually played it for myself.

Kon Tiki

Razoric said:
Backtracking, if done wrong, is a valid complaint. Sure every Metroid has it but most of the time it's implemented in such a way that you don't really "feel" it or it's not annoying. Maybe in MP2 it's just not as fun or something wasn't implemented right. I wouldn't call the reviewer out until, you know, I actually played it for myself.

They (1up is egm right?) mentioned that the backtracking between light and dark worlds were tedious. The dark areas are nothing more than a variation of the light world. You end up seeing the 'same' area a lot more.


Culex said:
Pack-ins do not count toward the NPD.

Nintendo packs in do. They're scanned in over the desk, but not charged,

The pack in began when? January of 2003?

I think i have Dec 2002 NPD. Off the top of my head, MP sold 400k+ in its first month (Nov) i remember people taking the piss out of SplinterCell 200k, then in dec it done 300k. Matt posted the software and hardware sales at IGN.

Not sure though, i'll check the old NPDs on my other computer. Cant believe i kept old NPDs :lol


Ar_ said:
Well, I dislike backtracking, dislike collecting items, and will stay far away from MP2, but it is in the spirit of the old games.

On the other hand, I don't remember the old school Metroid games being about crappy controls...
Razoric said:
Backtracking, if done wrong, is a valid complaint. Sure every Metroid has it but most of the time it's implemented in such a way that you don't really "feel" it or it's not annoying.
Two very good points. Backtracking can be executed in a less than satisfactory way, Metroid game or not. I always felt that the the 2D traditional Metroid games made backtracking more fun and less painful because of powerups such as the screw attack, space jump, and speed boots/shinespark. Also, in general it just takes less time to get around in a 2D game.

Backtracking in the Metroid Prime game(s) is not equal in all respects to that of the older Metroid titles, and if it's inferior in execution the reviewer should say so.

Deku Tree

Razoric said:
Backtracking, if done wrong, is a valid complaint. Sure every Metroid has it but most of the time it's implemented in such a way that you don't really "feel" it or it's not annoying. Maybe in MP2 it's just not as fun or something wasn't implemented right. I wouldn't call the reviewer out until, you know, I actually played it for myself.

The reviewer said the backtracking stunk worse in the first Prime, but it's still almost as bad in Echoes. And the reviewer was of the opinion that backtracking = the terrible 1986 idea instead of "the backtracking in this game was poorly implemented".

Kon Tiki

Prine said:
Nintendo packs in do. They're scanned in over the desk, but not charged,

The pack in began when? January of 2003?

I think i have Dec 2002 NPD. Off the top of my head, MP sold 400k+ in its first month (Nov) i remember people taking the piss out of SplinterCell 200k, then in dec it done 300k. Matt posted the software and hardware sales at IGN.

Not sure though, i'll check the old NPDs on my other computer. Cant believe i kept old NPDs :lol

Learn How to Fight Like a Girl – a Butt-Kicking, Bounty-Hunting Girl

REDMOND, Wash., Aug. 4, 2004 – One of the toughest characters in the video game universe is about to become part of a powerful new package deal. Starting Aug. 15, Nintendo's Metroid® Prime Bonus Bundle gives consumers a Nintendo GameCube™ system and not one but two free discs. The first disc contains a complete version of the award-winning Metroid Prime game, while the bonus disc contains a playable demo version of the highly anticipated sequel, Metroid Prime 2 Echoes.

Unless you are talking about another region.


Teddman said:
Backtracking in the Metroid Prime game(s) is not equal in all respects to that of the older Metroid titles, and if it's inferior in execution the reviewer should say so.

The problem is, I got the feeling that the reviewer just hated backtracking period. There's no detail explanation of how it fails. Again, this is why I disagree with parts of the review--he writes about disliking components of Metroids design, not about how well or poorly they are implemented.

Deku Tree

I thought I read a preview that said Echoes was going to have more variety in environments than Prime. This review says it has much less. :(


Society said:
Unless you are talking about another region.

US, I think you had a choice out of Windwaker, Metriod Prime and Mario Sunshine?

Edit: Windwaker came out in march 2003. But there were a selection of games.


Queen of Denmark
Society: maybe he's referring to the pack-in deal where if you bought a GameCube, you could choose one of four games for free to go along with it, with Metroid Prime being one of them.

Kon Tiki

The backtracking is not linear. I bet of the 3 major reviews (EGM, IGN, Gamespot), they all did it a different way. Metroid games are very deep. Most people will not even use advanced move let alone find there own path through the game. Of course you can never mention depth, sequence breaking, or speed tricks in a Metroid game, as casuals will always scream 'that is not the way it was meant to be played'.

Prine said:
US, I think you had a choice out of Windwaker, Metriod Prime and Mario Sunshine?

Ah yes, forgot about that one.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
I don’t understand why metroid fans always argue “back tracking is apart of metroid” if a reviewer doesn’t enjoy back tracking I believe he has the right to mark the game down because of it.

- Much like Razoric said how the back tracking is done is very important (mp did this well despite the fact I personally didn’t love the back tracking)

To be honest I only bought MP about two months ago and finished it soon after, while it was a great game I would put it in the same basket as Pikmin, SMS, WW and SSB:M, so I expected this kind of score from the squeal.

Anyway I can’t wait for the insane boss battles which are what makes the game so great, at the moment I am on the fence. Should buy the game now or when the price drops?

Maybe I will wait for some impression on GAF!


I thought he justified his criticism of backtracking well enough:
The real fun in Echoes is exploring completely new places. It may sometimes be satifying to snag a little something in a hidden cranny of an old area, but the effort required usually exceeds the reward.
He ties it into the earlier criticism that MP2 seems to have less new areas than the first MP:
The scenery's so nice that it's a shame there isn't more of it. The original Prime had more distinct areas and more level themes than Echoes by a fair margin, although Echoes recovers some of that margin by featuring dark mirror versions of each main region.
I'd say that if going back for powerups is often more trouble than it's worth--and if the ratio of backtracking to exploring new areas isn't well balanced--that's a valid criticism.


Teddman said:
I thought he justified his criticism of backtracking well enough:He ties it into the earlier criticism that MP2 seems to have less new areas than the first MP: I'd say that if going back for powerups is often more trouble than it's worth--and if the ratio of backtracking to exploring new areas isn't well balanced--that's a valid criticism.

I don't think the first part is really saying anything about backtracking. The second part I can understand, but it's still unclear about the effort issue--do the areas get boring or is it because the actual backtracking is very time consuming?


Deku Tree said:
1up gave Driv3r an 8.5 too.

Therefore I'm going to take this review score with a big fat grain of salt.

So you're saying that like Driv3r, MP2 is a pile of crap deserving of far less than an 8.5 :p
What the fuck is wrong with all this people complaining about MP/MP2 controls? I'm one of the shittiest gamers on the planet and in five minutes I had Samus jumping and exploring all over the place in both the original and the MP2 demo. It's so fucking easy to control, I just can't fathom what kind of retards have problems with it. Maybe if these persons stopped thinking about it as a PC FPS, the whining would stop.

Kon Tiki

BatiGOOOOOOL said:
What the fuck is wrong with all this people complaining about MP/MP2 controls? I'm one of the shittiest gamers on the planet and in five minutes I had Samus jumping and exploring all over the place in both the original and the MP2 demo. It's so fucking easy to control, I just can't fathom what kind of retards have problems with it. Maybe if these persons stopped thinking about it as a PC FPS, the whining would stop.

They can not admit Nintendo did something right. Take teddman for example, he will not rest till everyone thinks the game is a stinker.
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