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Metroid Prime 2 to do 60,000 in sales


Drinky Crow said:
I can't get serious on a forum about VIDEOGAMING. I consider it an unrectifiable personal flaw.

No shit.

I have to get serious about videogames from nine to five or I lose my job. It fucking sucks.



WarPig said:
No shit.

I have to get serious about videogames from nine to five or I lose my job. It fucking sucks.


yeah it must really suck to work with videogames [/sarcasm]


I'm just trying to say that valuing video games, art, and anything else in existance, is subjective. We're all entitled to our own personal opinions on a game. If a person likes a game soley because a certain company made it, how is that less rational than to like a game based on some other subjective criterion?


Bad Art ™
Drinky Crow said:
I can't get serious on a forum about VIDEOGAMING. I consider it an unrectifiable personal flaw.

Seeing people reactions, you would believe video game has become "LIFE and DEATH" matter.


Actually, Drinky is correct for once. MP2:E will sell 60,000 copies. All within the first hour of it going on sale.


celestial body said:
Well if the 'subjective criterion' is the quality of the game itself then that is certainly more rational.
God damn it, this is why there needs to be an eye rolling smiley.
By liking a game I meant to value its quality as high relative to other games of its genre.
If a person likes a game soley because a certain company made it, how is that less rational than to like a game based on some other subjective criterion?

Did I argue ANY such thing?

Trolling -- in case this thread didn't completely demonstrate it to you -- ONLY works when you get offended by other folks' opinions on largely trivial matters like, say, I dunno, VIDEOGAME COMPANIES.

I like a lot of bad games for terrible reasons. I liked FUCKING EPHEMERAL FANTASIA and HOSHIGAMI and UNLIMITED SAGA.

Go ahead, have a field day. Shred 'em. There's LOADS of angles to mock those games, my tastes, and my eclectic preferences -- you couldn't PICK easier targets in a game library.

But y'know what? You won't troll me. Period. I know PRECISELY why I like these games, and my reasons for liking them are borderline terrible in terms of public consumption. They have certain excruciatingly geeky elements I dig, and very few sane gamers will be able to identify with them.

I DON'T CARE, because I personally don't give a shit what your opinion is on the way I entertain myself. If you bring up a good point, or an apparent inconsistency, I might debate it with you -- I might even admit that I'm wrong -- but in the end I STILL LIKE WHAT I LIKE AND YOU DON'T GET TO SAY OTHERWISE. It's so fundamental it's almost not funny. Trolling only preys on insecurity, and when you react to a troll, it has the net effect of saying that YOU don't believe the shit you're saying; it's all of your cognitive dissonance on parade. It's a negative review and you're the author, writing madly at the behest of the troll.

MAF trolls to make a specific point: that so many of you will try to defend a game or company from EVERY angle, and cannot simply say TO YOURSELF "I like what I like, fuck off, the flaws don't matter to me." You can't let warranted criticism go without public comment. You like DoAU because it has awesome graphics, boobies, and/or is online. Why isn't that enough for you? Why does every other part of the game have to be above criticism among the less enthused? I like Hoshigami, but I can also let threads mocking it slide completely. And do you think your reactions to MAF's Tech Romancer pimpage -- a total satire of fandom that delighted in his personal immunity to stuffed shirt criticism -- had any real effect except communicating your own insecurity and desire for an orthodoxy of opinion?

How much more apparent does something this BASIC have to be?

Musashi Wins!

lol, bravo.

I think the problem is that there are no Nintendo fans as eloquent as the few that reach sublime and reasoned levels in tearing their fandom down (Drinky, drohne, etc.). And that makes the fight seem very unfair even if it's trivial.

God love your posts though, even when you mock my favorites, it's damn funny.


Musashi Wins! said:
I think the problem is that there are no Nintendo fans as eloquent as the few that reach sublime and reasoned levels in tearing their fandom down (Drinky, drohne, etc.). And that makes the fight seem very unfair even if it's trivial.
I think there are several Nintendo fans such as myself that balk at their belligerence rather than try and contest what they're saying (admittedly, before, this wasn't the case).

As for fair or unfair, you're suggesting that there's a victor in these threads, but it's more formulaic than anything:

Drinky Crow trolls -> Nintendo fans defend, question why he's allowed to troll -> Drinky Crow turns serious, appealing to several justifications

rinse, repeat
Yes videogames aren't worth getting worked up over but they sure seem important enough to conduct these ridiculous social experiements over and over and over.

It all seems so hypocritical to continue to troll. And yes you can troll without reaction. Its an act, not a reaction.


Drinky Crow said:
Did I argue ANY such thing?

Trolling -- in case this thread didn't completely demonstrate it to you -- ONLY works when you get offended by other folks' opinions on largely trivial matters like, say, I dunno, VIDEOGAME COMPANIES.

I like a lot of bad games for terrible reasons. I liked FUCKING EPHEMERAL FANTASIA and HOSHIGAMI and UNLIMITED SAGA.

Go ahead, have a field day. Shred 'em. There's LOADS of angles to mock those games, my tastes, and my eclectic preferences -- you couldn't PICK easier targets in a game library.

But y'know what? You won't troll me. Period. I know PRECISELY why I like these games, and my reasons for liking them are borderline terrible in terms of public consumption. They have certain excruciatingly geeky elements I dig, and very few sane gamers will be able to identify with them.

I DON'T CARE, because I personally don't give a shit what your opinion is on the way I entertain myself. If you bring up a good point, or an apparent inconsistency, I might debate it with you -- I might even admit that I'm wrong -- but in the end I STILL LIKE WHAT I LIKE AND YOU DON'T GET TO SAY OTHERWISE. It's so fundamental it's almost not funny. Trolling only preys on insecurity, and when you react to a troll, it has the net effect of saying that YOU don't believe the shit you're saying; it's all of your cognitive dissonance on parade. It's a negative review and you're the author, writing madly at the behest of the troll.

MAF trolls to make a specific point: that so many of you will try to defend a game or company from EVERY angle, and cannot simply say TO YOURSELF "I like what I like, fuck off, the flaws don't matter to me." You can't let warranted criticism go without public comment. You like DoAU because it has awesome graphics, boobies, and/or is online. Why isn't that enough for you? Why does every other part of the game have to be above criticism among the less enthused? I like Hoshigami, but I can also let threads mocking it slide completely. And do you think your reactions to MAF's Tech Romancer pimpage -- a total satire of fandom that delighted in his personal immunity to stuffed shirt criticism -- had any real effect except communicating your own insecurity and desire for an orthodoxy of opinion?

How much more apparent does something this BASIC have to be?

Post of the year right there.

I have to say I've been guilty of this very attitude as well... when you think about it is there ANYONE who hasn't?


This is in regard to being a fan of a specific company:
Drinky Crow said:
Did I argue ANY such thing?
Drinky Crow said:
It is stupid, and they're stupid, even if they kick my ass for it. Presupposing any sort of excellence without qualitative consideration of the final product *is* a hallmark of stupidity. At the very least, I can't think of a single great mind that practiced the sort of creepy cognitive dissonance that comes with fandom.
Drinky Crow said:
Fandom is irrational, impractical, and ever so vulnerable to the cruel slings and arrows of reality. Fans are little wounded creatures, crying out for my aid, and my heart breaks to see them suffer so.
This is on Drinky Crow's purpose in trolling (the above quote applies as well):
Drinky Crow said:
Am I trying to fix your opinion, or simply offer my own? Why on earth would you assume I want you fixed -- my stock and trade comes when you continue to insist your opinions aren't broken regardless of whether or not they ACTUALLY are.
Drinky Crow said:
My trolling, on the other hand, is all about compassion and honesty. I'm trying to help you, but sometimes you have to hurt to heal. TOUGH LOVE!! I CARE ABOUT U.
So much doublespeak, Drinky Crow.

Drinky Crow said:
I DON'T CARE, because I personally don't give a shit what your opinion is. If you bring up a good point, or an apparent inconsistency, I might debate it with you -- I might even admit that I'm wrong -- but in the end I STILL LIKE WHAT I LIKE AND YOU DON'T GET TO SAY OTHERWISE. It's so fundamental it's almost not funny. Trolling only preys on insecurity, and when you react to a troll, it has the net effect of saying that YOU don't believe the shit you're saying; it's all of your cognitive dissonance on parade. It's a negative review and you're the author, writing madly at the behest of the troll.
Hey, so we agree! Whether one likes a video game is based on subjective, personal opinions. Perhaps nostalgia makes somebody enjoy a game more? Perhaps somebody can play a game with Mario in it that he or she wouldn't enjoy without mario, but, because of the nostalgia factor, that person enjoys the game immensely. So what?

To say trolling preys on insecurity is wrong. I played MP and loved it. Played it again, loved it again. The problems you see with it I either don't see them as problems or are so insegnificant that they don't bother me enough to not enjoy the game. I am not insecure in my love of MP. (watch this, i'm gonna use a Drinky Crow writing tactic) THAT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T GET ANNOYED WHEN SOMEONE INSULTS A GAME I ENJOY!!! If someone came up to you and said your mama was a whore, even if you know its not true, would it not upset you at all? I know it would upset me, even though my mother's not a whore. Insecurity and trolling are so not related it's not even funny.
At the very least, I can't think of a single great mind that practiced the sort of creepy cognitive dissonance that comes with fandom.

How about communism fans? Picasso, Sartre, Brecht...

Edit - I just thought of a better example: Yukio Mishima. Creepy cognitive dissonance indeed.
If someone came up to you and said your mama was a whore, even if you know its not true, would it not upset you at all? I know it would upset me, even though my mother's not a whore. Insecurity and trolling are so not related it's not even funny.

Of course I would; you're talkin' 'bout my mama. Suprisingly -- well, to you, perhaps -- my mama is not a videogame but in fact a person. I'm not that emotionally attached to the games I play, and it hurts me to say that, because such an obvious observation really has none of TEH FUNNY whatsoever.

For the last time: the difference between a hobbyist and a fanboy is PERSPECTIVE. As you've so aptly demonstrated with your quotes, you don't have the necessary gut check in place to parse even the most blatant trolls (come ON; the "hurt to heal" line is classic USENET) from the rational arguments.

You're simply asking WHY I troll, and I'll tell you: because the binary fanboy attitude that requires that everyone collectively either love or hate something in its entirety and unequivocally makes this forum UNENTERTAINING, and above all else, I demand entertainment from this place. I wanna see how far out into the deep end you'll go to defend something. I wanna see your head go under time and time again while you keep on walking, insisting that there's ground underneath your feet. The more ludicrous your insistance becomes, the more you prove my point. It's schadenfreude, it's immature, and it's fun as all hell. Plus I get to be right, and that kicks ass.

My last posts in this thread are trying to HELP you. Make me be wrong. I lose when you don't try to curry an orthodoxy of opinion, but instead assert YOUR OWN DAMN PREFERENCES. Y'know, self-honesty and all that. Don't try to pretend that Metroid Prime works for everyone. Don't insist that Halo 2's multiplayer will convert the unconvertible. Don't run squealing to GameRankings in self-defense every time a legitimate issue is raised, by a troll or otherwise. Just say "I like what I like, fuck you, what you insist is a problem for you isn't for me" and HAVE SOME FUCKING CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF.

Then, I lose. I'm back to asking why the hell Nich Maragos keeps giving Roguelikes shitty scores and making fun of Gamefan. :( On the other hand, the forum wins, because we don't have so many goddamn whiners.


Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
Edit - I just thought of a better example: Yukio Mishima. Creepy cognitive dissonance indeed.

Mishima was a wannabe fascist bitch, and his books are shit.



Drinky Crow said:
Of course I would; you're talkin' 'bout my mama. Suprisingly -- well, to you, perhaps -- my mama is not a videogame but in fact a person. I'm not that emotionally attached to the games I play.
You're such a mama's boy, Drinky Crow :D. G2G, dinner is calling.
edit: Dinner was awful.
Man, I'd love to see Drinky Crow go up to Kimbo and call him an n***** and then tell Kimbo that if Kimbo gets upset its just Kimbo's insecurities. Oh man, that would be great.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Wow, I think you need a bit more exciting life if you take so much joy out of trolling fanboys... :p

Oh and I've always thought Mario was a democrat... He's a plumber, probably in a union...


Drinky Crow said:
You ask for justification, I reply. I *am* a mod, after all.
To be fair, you were lying through your teeth or completely avoiding true justification. Which you've only now just acknowledged: that you do it to get your rocks off. Enough of this "to prove a point!"/greater than thou BS. You only dig deeper once people question your character and the hypocrisy of everything. Initially it's just to fuck around with fans, though recently there's been limited success, unless you guage that by page numbers. I mean, I just went over this thread, and now I retract my first post. No one has been encouraging you. I simply looked at the volume and assumed, but that was a mistake.


Why is it even a discussion anymore? We all agree that taste in gaming is subjective and I've shown that being annoyed by trolling does not mean being insecure in your opinions.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Doug I'm pretty disappointed that you told these tools in plain English what and why you were trolling them about.

I could have had more comedy goodness for the whole week... at least.


djtiesto said:
Wow, I think you need a bit more exciting life if you take so much joy out of trolling fanboys... :p

Oh and I've always thought Mario was a democrat... He's a plumber, probably in a union...

On the other hand, he spends an awful lot of time defending the monarchy. A Koopa regime seems to be a for more democratic regime seeing that in the super mario games the 'bad guys' out number 'the good guys' by far.

Take SM64 for example, now the ruling class lives in a beatifull castle and spends it's days eating cake, while the poor, toiling koopa class lives in horrible, desolate places filled with fire, icy and sand storms. No wonder they start revolting.

Kon Tiki

DarienA said:
Doug I'm pretty disappointed that you told these tools in plain English what and why you were trolling them about.

I could have had more comedy goodness for the whole week... at least.

Uhh, iirc you have an affection to a certain video game company yourself. ;)
I've shown that being annoyed by trolling does not mean being insecure in your opinions.

No, no you haven't. You compared having your taste in gaming insulted to calling one's mother a whore and a large black man a racial epithet, both of which demonstrate a total lack of perspective. All you've done is show me you're a fanboy.
DarienA said:
Doug I'm pretty disappointed that you told these tools in plain English what and why you were trolling them about.

I could have had more comedy goodness for the whole week... at least.

Childish games....from the beginning to the end.


Drinky Crow said:
No, no you haven't. You compared having your taste in gaming insulted to calling one's mother a whore and a large black man a racial epithet, both of which demonstrate a total lack of perspective. All you've done is show me you're a fanboy.
Or perhaps it shows you don't understand arguments from analogy.
Society, Sony?

If Sony died tomorrow, I wouldn't care; in fact, I'd rejoice, because we'd be that closer to the ONE CONSOLE WORLD. However, since Sony is the best bet to bring about said ONE CONSOLE WORLD, I currently enjoy encouraging folks to support them. It's also a safe suggestion, since the PS2 has the biggest and most diverse library by something approximating an order of magnitude, and most game development targets it.

My industry agenda is simple: get all the fucking boxes out from under my damn TV and replace it with ONE FORMAT PER GENERATION. Money saved, and the various developers can all compete on the same damn hardware. No more multi-platform snafus that hobble game design by anticipating the lowest common denominator; no more development decisions based on console hardware unit sales; every gamer gets the opportunity to try a wide variety of content and every developer gets to reach the total audience. UTOPIA. Sure, the folks the control the format may have less incentive to narrow the upgrade cycle, but is that really a BAD thing, especially given where graphics are gonna be next generation? The developers will certainly have the fiercest competition, pushing them to excel, since they now have to duke it out in the same arena.

Oh, I understand analogy: I have a 1600 SAT score, remember?

Again, I'm not seeing how insulting your taste in videogaming directly compares to insulting your family or your racial heritage. The fact that you think there *is* an association worries me.

If that large fellow in your picture liked DDR, and I told him DDR is for fruits, chances are he'd laugh at me because he could crush my giant head between his thumb and forefinger like a water chestnut. He has SECURITY.


NLB2, your point may be true, but the analogy DOES fail in that you can't really compare human-human to human-material. So, use music. I think that a particular band/song is great. Someone creates a thread slamming that band/song. I react. Now, why would that necessarily make me insecure? Maybe I just feel that they're wrong. Always trying to regress to objectivity and respect everyone's opinions can be stupid.

Drinky's point still stands. Just not unanimously. Some people do get all huffy for lack of security in their opinions, but often it's just a matter of disagreement.

DarienA said:
Doug I'm pretty disappointed that you told these tools in plain English what and why you were trolling them about.

I could have had more comedy goodness for the whole week... at least.
Not to burst your bubble, Darien, but a lot of what he's said can be applied to you. Those in glass houses, etc.

Drinky, re: Sony... you sure that was for me? (edit - nm, you changed it)


Drinky Crow said:
Oh, I understand analogy: I have a 1600 SAT score, remember?

Again, I'm not seeing how insulting your taste in videogaming compared to insulting your family or your racial heritage. The fact that you think there *is* an association worries me.
For the love of God it's not that hard to understand why people react the way they do in face of your constant trolling.

When you insult something that somebody likes, what in the fuck do you think the reaction is going to be?

Whether you do it for laughs or not the fact that you don't understand why people are attacking you says enough about your common sense.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Society said:
Uhh, iirc you have an affection to a certain video game company yourself. ;)

If you or anyone on this forum REALLY thinks I give a shit whether EA is #1, #2, or #10000.....

a) You're a newbie
b) You've been here for a long time and you just haven't been paying attention
c) You're dense, and you probably also think I don't like/own and/or play the Xbox.

Take your pick.

Wait that was a damn smiley face... shit you trolled me!!! Damn! Damn! Damn!

Socreges said:
Not to burst your bubble, Darien, but a lot of what he's said can be applied to you. Those in glass houses, etc.

You're apparently choice B... and C. Pay more attention to what/when/where I post... or pay less. Once choice gives you better incite to what I really think about the gaming industry in general... the other doesn't. When I CHOOSE to defend something here it's because I believe a statement has been made that is factually incorrect... not because I care either way whether the statement supports what/who I personally believe/support.
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