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Michael Patcher: SW Outlaws tanking is a "rare incel victory"




Perhaps a far right victory for AC Shadows next?
Shark Tank Writing GIF
The force is meant to be female, and the majority of SW fans being male, were like.......nah this is all shit

And there's your reason
They've put so much emphasis on making Star Wars female driven for some reason. And now that all these Star Wars properties are failing, they're pointing the finger at men as the problem. How about don't genderize a franchise and just make good content without an agenda. Give Kathleen Kennedy the boot and try something else.


They've put so much emphasis on making Star Wars female driven for some reason. And now that all these Star Wars properties are failing, they're pointing the finger at men as the problem. How about don't genderize a franchise and just make good content without an agenda. Give Kathleen Kennedy the boot and try something else.

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Wow, there are bad takes, and there are bad takes.

Here's the reality: There was no victory; you cannot engineer INDIFFERENCE.

It failed because the SW franchise has been run into the ground over the past decade and the game simply didn't look interesting or exciting.


Ubisoft make a bland by the numbers open world game, probably their 7th such title in the last 5 years, using an IP that is currently on the rocks following years of Disney mismanagement, headlining none of the iconic music or characters and starring an ugly main character who doesn’t use a lightsaber - no one wants to pay £70 for this, because incels?
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
It'll probably sell 1000x on Steam in a month. Whether it deserves to or not as the IP is strong regardless of any ups or downs (that folks always attribute to this or that factor they personally hate with no evidence, guess what, the prequels were hated just as much in their day so it's not a new Disney DEI whatever thing that causes the IP's downfall, folks have hated it for decades now, lol). But I'm sure it's got nothing to do with vocal haters of a female protag and/or how the model turned out. As stupid things were said for Control but it's now accepted as good/folks are glad it's getting a sequel.

Btw, The Mandalorian is a thing folks (as was Solo, yikes, lol). It's getting a movie, too.

Please, even if you jack off to Darth Maul, Jar-Jar, whatever, the prequels are trash. They have about the same meh ratings as the sequels, about the same box office performance (adjusted for inflation). ALL TRASH. See above about attributing whatever to whatever by your likes with no evidence 🤷‍♂️
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Gold Member
Chud-bros we just can't stop winning.
They've put so much emphasis on making Star Wars female driven for some reason. And now that all these Star Wars properties are failing, they're pointing the finger at men as the problem. How about don't genderize a franchise and just make good content without an agenda. Give Kathleen Kennedy the boot and try something else.
If you don't want to see "woke" stuff in games (whatever your definition of it is), take the credit for their shit stuff failing when they give it.


So basically, if people don't immediately come and mindlessly consume any trash a company puts out, they're all incels. It has the star wars name and a blaster, go buy it. $70.

We 3d scanned a human actress and somehow ended up with a large jawed, dead in the eyes main character. Aren't we good at our jobs? $70.

You sneak up on a soldier wearing a helmet? One quick fist to the back of the helmet should render this person competely unconscious. $70. If not, you're an incel.


Incel? What.. why..what is the link? Fuck him
Thats how many rich mofos think of normal/avg person, we are basically subhumans incapable of independed thinking, pigs that should eat w/e shit they try to feed us.
Suddenly famous and pandered to all the time "modern audience" vanished and it all came down to that old trusty straight males to buy or not buy their terrible product, and since we knew its shit- we refused to buy it :D

When u see those entitled fucks calling us-normal ppl some names(this time it was incels, other times it was mysogonists, right wing extremists or w/e those clowns come up with ;p) it means only one thing- they lost their cool, they are in their emotions now, its low iq and low testosterone behaviour, which is not surprising at all coming from mr michael pachter-guy who is a meme for his wrong gaming predictions :)


Mikey boy reads like he’s terminally online and yet somehow he must have missed that Ubisoft released an unfinished product, their 3-month plan to get it ready for Steam was the admission that they brought it out 3 months too early. Funny enough, they probably pushed it out to give space between it and Shadows. Whoopsie.
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It'll probably sell 1000x on Steam in a month. Whether it deserves to or not as the IP is strong regardless of any ups or downs (that folks always attribute to this or that factor they personally hate with no evidence, guess what, the prequels were hated just as much in their day so it's not a new Disney DEI whatever thing that causes the IP's downfall, folks have hated it for decades now, lol). But I'm sure it's got nothing to do with vocal haters of a female protag and/or how the model turned out. Such stupid things were said for Control but that's accepted as good/folks are glad it's getting a sequel.
The prequels were hated by a few but not the majority. I thought they were great and way better than the last 3 by Disney. I am in my 40s grew up on the first films, even seen empire and Jedi in theaters when they released. No Disney pushed feminism, and wanted men gone or sidelined. They got their wish. I felt disgust and sadness seeing the force awakens. Left the Theatre sad. Then seen the people gushing about whiz bang effects like that's not all star wars is about. It's the complete picture and it's been shit since Disney.
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