This game felt absolutely fantastic for the first five hours or so of play, but the remaining 20+ hours were probably some of the most monotonous I've ever experienced in my gaming life. That was totally unexpected too because I really enjoyed all of the Arkham games and the AC games, so open world grind has never been a real problem for me. I think my biggest problem is that the game takes so many great ideas from the aforementioned games, but doesn't really improve on them in any way. In fact, it is oftentimes lacking some of the great upgrades that were introduced in each series over time.
When it comes to combat, I just feel like Talion is missing far too many tools in his arsenal compared to good ole Bruce Wayne. I mean, it's not like his bland character design doesn't have more than enough pouches to hold some gadgets to add a little bit of flavor to the combat. I honestly think all of the gadget play is what brings the variety to the combat in the Arkham games. I just don't believe there was enough to play around with in SoM. I also think the battlefield can get a little too crowded at times. There are just so many Orcs/Uruks on screen at any given time that a good portion of them just seem to be completely clumped together doing nothing and facing random directions for no reason at all.
Moving around the environments also felt really odd to me. It just doesn't feel fun to travel around Mordor in my eyes. I mean, you can either jump on a caragor's back or sprint for a very limited amount of time across extremely wide open and relatively barren fields. I will give the shadow strike ability some credit here though. That is the one ability that made moving around a battlefield seem really exciting. I just wish it could have been upgraded a good bit more like the various platforming uses your bow has in the Tomb Raider reboot. The building climbing almost felt as floaty as inFamous at times. I kind of wish it was as grounded as the AC games in places. I also wish there were more distinct city environments to kind of climb around on. Of course, I can understand why that wouldn't work for lore reasons and whatnot.
One thing I really disliked was how little Talion seemed to progress throughout the entire game. He just didn't seem to change at all. I would have appreciated little touches like a degradation of his attire a la the tears in Batman's clothing as those games progress. Honestly, more outfit customization like in the AC games would have been more preferable, but I would have settled for story-based outfit changes or wounds appearing on Talion. Hell, the randomly generated nemesis orcs change over time, so why not Talion as well?
Speaking of the Nemesis system, I was actually kind of shocked at how barebones it really was once you have killed a few dozen captains. I saw way too much repeated dialogue and the same names over and over again and there wasn't a ton of variety in the faces and armor either. It would have been nice to see a few truly unique looking Orcs that didn't share components with your basic orcs. I also didn't like how nearly every encounter played out the exact same way near the end. Once the orcs were of a high enough power level, their only weaknesses were like Fear of Burning and vulnerable to combat finishers. The nemesis system is very cool on the surface, but there just isn't enough depth to it for me to consider it a truly next-generation feature. I mean, it makes for an extremely cool first experience story to tell, but when every encounter afterward plays out nearly identically, it doesn't really make me feel like sharing my tale. There is a lot more room for "scripted" encounters to fit into the algorithm. To have a random orc captain come up and shank you out of nowhere would have been cool. Instead, they're all like "HEY RANGER!"
I mean, I think a sequel could easily iron out all of these quirks and make this idea truly grand, but I don't think Monolith really nailed anything this time around.
SoM did make me long for an Arkham game set in the Mortal Kombat universe at least. Man, now that I think about it, I really hope WB Montreal ends up doing that instead of a Suicide Squad game. There is a lot of great background lore and character archetypes to work with in MK and it is all set in a world that would make perfect sense with the Arkham mechanics. Hell, you even have that "gadget" variety in battle by using the various powers each character has. I mean, we all know Shaolin Monks was excellent, but the Arkham control scheme is a bit superior in a lot of ways, so I don't see why it shouldn't be adapted to Outworld.