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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor |OT| One Title to rule them all


But if Talion is one of the towers which usually houses a ranged enemy between two walls, tapping 'A' would make Talion leap to the next wall and 'B' would make Talion hang by stepping backwards.

No way to get behind the ranged unit, unless I get Talion to do a leap kill or hang around the entire wall section.

Press B while pressing forward. Although I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to attack the Orc directly.
10 missions in and i feel like trading the game in :/

I normally love these games and like LOTR but i'm just not "feeling" the game

I've basically just been doing the story missions cause don't see the fun in trying to save slaves or whatever?

Am i missing much or should i get of my arse and get on with it?

You are a few missions away from getting
which makes things interesting. But if you are not liking it after 10 missions I would trade it in. That is half the story of the game.
I found the section where you have to brand the 5 warchiefs to be extremely tedious, almost like busy work. Its annoying that the bodyguards are all over the map, so you have to travel all over to brand them, then take on the warchiefs.

I also never really figured out how or why it would allow me to brand some of the warchiefs, but others I just killed them in combat. How did it determine when it would
play the mini scene where the say some stupid crap to you then you get the option to brand or kill them
? I killed a few when I intended to brand them and then had to do more busy work to get my branded captains up in the ranks.

Beat the game last night, ending was...interesting.
The stealth draining sequence was ridiculous, lol. Also how many times before devs learn that ending games with a QTE is offensive?


Gold Member
I wish Monolith released some skins for Talion.

Played through the entire game with the default skin, after finishing the story I switched to the Dark Ranger skin. It's awesome, but more diversity is always welcome.
You are a few missions away from getting
which makes things interesting. But if you are not liking it after 10 missions I would trade it in. That is half the story of the game.

I feel like i want to get my moneys worth before trading it in and giving up hope.

Might just have to keep hold of it for a rainy day.


So I'm around 7 hours in. The game is surprisingly difficult, I've died plenty of times so far. I started out doing a bunch of story missions and now the past couple of hours I've just been fucking with the nemesis system. Had a pretty scary moment yesterday when I started fighting one captain, then a second showed up, and then a third showed up with a ton of minions. I just completed the story mission where you get shadow strike. Should I just keep main lining it through the story missions or keep messing with the nemesis system on all these side quests? Also considering buying it from gamefly and the season pass, I just wonder if that dark ranger outfit will be included in the case from Gamefly. Might wait though because I am not sure if i will play through it again.


10 missions in and i feel like trading the game in :/

I normally love these games and like LOTR but i'm just not "feeling" the game

I've basically just been doing the story missions cause don't see the fun in trying to save slaves or whatever?

Am i missing much or should i get of my arse and get on with it?

You're not really taking full advantage of the nemesis system which is the best part of the game.
Yeah, I forgot to mention those mentioning the game is hard and considering trading it. The Nemesis system is the kicker here. Use it! This is how you rank up and become more powerful. Also, if you get overwhelmed just run away or use the environment to your advantage to thin the ranks ala (bees nest, caragor bait, and explosives)
I have had to take a break from this game, really enjoyable but incredibly repetitive. I really wish there was just one safe zone, with some npc's or something, anything to break up the flow of the game.


I have had to take a break from this game, really enjoyable but incredibly repetitive. I really wish there was just one safe zone, with some npc's or something, anything to break up the flow of the game.

The towers. They're orc-free and let you soak in the atmosphere.


You're not really taking full advantage of the nemesis system which is the best part of the game.

I feel it's certainly an interesting part of the game but not the best. With how fast and often they return and ranks get refilled it never feels like any progress is made. I'm at the part where I'm to brand 5 Chiefs and at this point I've given up bothering with the nemesis system. I deal with them as I run across them but felt it was way to tedious to try to take them out specifically just to have them be repopulated soon after.
Somehow my my saved game is telling me 60 hours played, where I think its somewhere between 15 and 20. I'm on X1, been turning off the console and keeping the game suspended, could this be a bug where it continues to measure time when it's suspended?
The missions are only good for unlocking the various story-gated abilities. Go nuts with orc hunting if you want to get into the meat of the game.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Really not understanding the talk about this game being difficult in any sense. Just like Batman and Assassin's Creed, it's a "badass simulator," where the combat makes you feel awesome with minimal input. This takes it to the next level by being extremely forgiving in both timing windows and button inputs. I mean, hell, you are invincible as long as you spam the dodge button.

I still enjoy it quite a bit, but having only died once in the 8 hours or so I've played of the game, I feel like I'm missing out on experiencing what the Nemesis system was supposed to be.


Unconfirmed Member
Really not understanding the talk about this game being difficult in any sense. Just like Batman and Assassin's Creed, it's a "badass simulator," where the combat makes you feel awesome with minimal input. This takes it to the next level by being extremely forgiving in both timing windows and button inputs. I mean, hell, you are invincible as long as you spam the dodge button.

I still enjoy it quite a bit, but having only died once in the 8 hours or so I've played of the game, I feel like I'm missing out on experiencing what the Nemesis system was supposed to be.

Combat will be instantly harder, if the 'Y' counter attack is removed.


Almost got the Platinum...just have to get a lvl 25 rune, free 30 slaves in 3 minutes while riding a Caragor and of course finish the last story mission.

Any tips for these last trophies GAF?


Almost got the Platinum...just have to get a lvl 25 rune, free 30 slaves in 3 minutes while riding a Caragor and of course finish the last story mission.

Any tips for these last trophies GAF?

For the level 25 rune, find a captain that has both fear and weaknesses that are easy to exploit. Let that captain kill you, and then get him into a Warchief position. Lure him out when he's Warchief, exploit his fear, hit his weakness, and then kill him.

For freeing 30 slaves, use the western part of the 2nd map during the day time. There are some good youtube videos that will show you what path to follow.


For the level 25 rune, find a captain that has both fear and weaknesses that are easy to exploit. Let that captain kill you, and then get him into a Warchief position. Lure him out when he's Warchief, exploit his fear, hit his weakness, and then kill him.

For freeing 30 slaves, use the western part of the 2nd map during the day time. There are some good youtube videos that will show you what path to follow.

Thank you very much sir.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Combat will be instantly harder, if the 'Y' counter attack is removed.

A little bit harder, maybe. Once you get the ability to stun enemies by dodge-jumping over them and link that into flurry attacks, you can quickly get enough hits to move into your finisher. Not being able to counter would give you less options, sure, but you could still murder the hell out of everyone with just dodge -> flurry -> finisher.
A little bit harder, maybe. Once you get the ability to stun enemies by dodge-jumping over them and link that into flurry attacks, you can quickly get enough hits to move into your finisher. Not being able to counter would give you less options, sure, but you could still murder the hell out of everyone with just dodge -> flurry -> finisher.

I could have sworn you couldn't jump over berserkers...making you hit a different button..lol


Question for those who purchased the Legion Edition off PSN. Do you still get the bonus content, the dark ranger outfit, if you didn't preorder it?


Almost got the Platinum...just have to get a lvl 25 rune, free 30 slaves in 3 minutes while riding a Caragor and of course finish the last story mission.

Any tips for these last trophies GAF?
Make a backup save before hitting up the Warchief for this trophy.

There is a bit of RNG involved as in he might drop an Epic rune (they have no level).

I just upload my saved data to PS+ before attacking the Warchief/Captain. If he drops an Epic, I would just download/Apply my saved data that was stored on PS+. Took me a good 3 tries to get a lvl 25 to drop.


This is a very enjoyable game although I feel like the actual world is a bit boring and only serves as an excuse to be there for the roaming Orc groups and combat. Every part of the map looks like every other part of the map.


This is a very enjoyable game although I feel like the actual world is a bit boring and only serves as an excuse to be there for the roaming Orc groups and combat. Every part of the map looks like every other part of the map.

I agree...for the most part. I would have loved more diversity.
at least map 1 and map 2 are different from each other


This is a very enjoyable game although I feel like the actual world is a bit boring and only serves as an excuse to be there for the roaming Orc groups and combat. Every part of the map looks like every other part of the map.

Rumour going round that the game was originally a Batman game set in the Nolan universe. The LOTR theme was a second thought using an IP owned by WB.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
does anyone have the season pass and can tell me if any of it is already available and if its integrated to the story or if its seperate modes?

I got a 27% voucher from GMG for it and am deciding if I should get it. I havent started mordor yet, so thats why I want to know if its integrated into the story


Had a great session last night. Finally got the 4 war chiefs down and followed up a few more story missions after that. I'm finally feeling comfortable with the combat.

Quick question, how much longer until I get branding?


So I've already unlocked the bottom row of the skill tree and I'm only 7-8 missions in (
the point when you get the Uruk poison ability
). I feel incredibly OP now with the Wraith Flash + insta-Uruk aoe kill combo (using the double finisher skill, of course). I'm kinda surprised there weren't more AOE options early on because before this it was largely limited to 1 on 1 and things started to get tougher when brawlers entered the picture. It's so easy to get distracted when heading towards a story mission. Last time I played I think the only thing to do for me was a story mission. Combat is incredibly fun but I think it's time to move on...with the story.


Chucklefish (Starbound)
This is easily my GOTY. It's very rare that i'd still be having so much fun with a game 25+ hours in, but the second area and the later abilities keep things fresh.

It's a shame the story missions are so dull though,


finished it (critical path + i have all the warchiefs under my control, on both maps), somewhat unexpectedly.
I thought there was going to be a third section/map. :\

I had a lot of fun with it, but i have to say pretty much everything outside of the Nemesis system feels either incredibly derivate, clunky, or both (in the case of the parkour).
The game in general feels somewhat barebones, with a very light story, a handful of story missions, and a very barren world design, that looks essentially the same throughout the area (and the map is even pretty small, to boot).

However branding and exploiting the Nemesis system is so entertaining, that i'm happy they went ahead with what i'd consider an experiment of sort, something, i hope, they flesh out in a more complete experience in the next iteration, looking forward to a similar jump as we got from BAtman Arkham Asylum to City.
Just about done with this game I think. I've beaten all the missions. Just have survivalist and hunter challenges to do (which I'm not terribly interested in) and a few trophies. I could probably power through and finish these little things but I think I'd rather get back to The Last of Us remastered.

Overall really great game. I liked its Assassin's Creediness better than Assassin's Creed, and its Batman combat better than Batman. The branding system could be really fun in large scale battles. The traversal was mostly great but I did get hung up on some strange geometry now and then and if I tried to scale a wall from an angle sometimes I couldn't grab on. Switching the side of the wall I was hanging on could be difficult at times too.

Biggest downfalls are a lackluster story and somewhat boring world. The game can look beautiful at times but the environments left a lot to be desired. Way too many ruined buildings. Some underground or cave-based fortresses would have been neat.

Hope to see another game in this style from Monolith.


I have had to take a break from this game, really enjoyable but incredibly repetitive. I really wish there was just one safe zone, with some npc's or something, anything to break up the flow of the game.

So I'm a dozen or more hours in, spoiler regarding maps/areas:
just hit the second map and learned Brand
. I think you make an astute observation: some of the best bits of the Souls' series come from the downtime you enjoy at the NPC-filled base camps (Nexus/Majula etc.) Mordor might have benefited from something similar, though I understand that that lone-ranger aspect of the protagonist may have overwhelmed that development idea.

Nonetheless, I have enjoyed the heck out of my time in Mordor so far, and I look forward to sharing more thoughts upon completion - and at GOTY time.
Somehow my my saved game is telling me 60 hours played, where I think its somewhere between 15 and 20. I'm on X1, been turning off the console and keeping the game suspended, could this be a bug where it continues to measure time when it's suspended?

Yeah. According to my bone I'm over 120 hours in. Actual playtime is about 30 or so.
Completed the story a few days ago, it was solid but nothing to write home about. The combat is extremely satisfying. It's deep too just not dark souls deep but that isn't a bad thing. The nemesis system was really cool too and it's something other games should copy.

The environment was kinda small and empty, some nice vistas but I wish a there was more of middle earth to explore. It's my GOTY so far and I can't wait for the sequel. I wouldn't mind being talion again but I hope they give us more weapons, more diverse environments and a better story.


Unconfirmed Member
I got my bazooka captain, he's pretty effective and has nice traits too.

I wish Monolith released some skins for Talion.

Played through the entire game with the default skin, after finishing the story I switched to the Dark Ranger skin. It's awesome, but more diversity is always welcome.

Coming via DLC (or at least the Season Pass).

Pretty shady that all they mention is...
Future content including additional Warband Missions, Runes, & Skins: Enhance your weapons with powerful Runes and customize Talion’s appearance with unique skins

Charging customers now and not even confirming how many skins.

Combat will be instantly harder, if the 'Y' counter attack is removed.

Only slightly. I think the first problem is that for all of the games that use this counter system, Mordor seems the easiest and most forgiving. You can just spam the Y button over and over until someone attacks, with no penalty. They should have made it so it carries it a longer animation and restricts your next movement slightly and require the correct direction to be pressed in terms of where the attack is coming from.

I will disagree with the branding again while here. Other than the forced branding in missions, I never used it. Never had to. It was slow and boring and not needed. I hope it's only an optional function in any sequels.

Also, for anyone finding the game difficult, you may not be aware of being able to break down/sell runes. All the worthless runes can be converted to your xp points and spent on upgrades, because once you progress into your tree, you are pretty much untouchable.
Decided to pick this game up after doing nothing but play racing games for a month.

Quite impressed so far, especially with presentation, makes Destiny look like an even larger steaming pile of excrement when it comes to actually,providing some kind of RPG element to a game.

Also, giving captains and such a personality, and making your conflicts with them personal in terms of their taunts and the fact that the bastards get promoted for killing you is an awesome touch IMO.

The combat feels great too. You can button mash away, but the more satisfying stabs and slices come from utilising the games more complex inputs.

Looking forward to playing some more today.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Quick question, can you go back and play after finishing the story or will I have to finish all the other sidequests before the last mission?

I want to complete it tonight but I cannot be bothered to finish off a few of the other achievements tonight!
Quick question, can you go back and play after finishing the story or will I have to finish all the other sidequests before the last mission?

I want to complete it tonight but I cannot be bothered to finish off a few of the other achievements tonight!

You can go right back for glorious platinum.
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