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Milo Yiannopoulos's UC Berkeley speech cancelled due to protests, campus on lockdown

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He was white btw. The actual act is of little concern to me, I was hype when I saw the gif and I was glad when the protest beat Milo, but I am just discussing the underlying principles and the way things are moving.

What is a while though? Even 10 years, thats nothing. Sure a ton of fucking damage can be done and I am not saying sit back and take it, but on the grand scale here I think they are screwed.

Again, nah.

If they are smart, and frankly I know they are, they can seize control of the US like this-

1. Assimilate the white hispanics into the fold(like they did the Irish and Italians). Cap our minority coalition at the knees.

2. Pass enough voter suppression to leave most minorities powerless. North Carolina is already ahead of the game on this.

3. Consolidate power in the rural areas so that the EC always goes there way. This is where Fox News and their ilk come in.

4. Stop immigration to make sure the minority coalition never recovers from the loss of the hispanics. This will probably be the hardest thing to do but I'm certain the Repubs will find away.

If I knew how to fight this I would be optimistic but. . .


Well "hate speech" is what people here seem to want banned by force or......other?

i don't see anyone calling for the government to round up anyone esposuing nazi, racist or overall bigoted ideals. if you get decked in the face or a protest makes you scurry back to whatever hole you crawled out of that's not your speech being banned, that's people not putting up with your shit.


So what i got from this is anyone that you don't agree with is automatically a nazi. got it.

a flamboyant and vocal gay man hates gays. craziness.

No its not. How many Republicans have been caught doing the nasty in men's bathrooms? Self-hate is a thing. Where do you think we get the colloquial term Uncle Tom from?


i don't see anyone calling for the government to round up anyone esposuing nazi, racist or overall bigoted ideals. if you get decked in the face or a protest makes you scurry back to whatever hole you crawled out of that's not your speech being banned, that's people not putting up with your shit.

And when the other side decides they're sick of getting punched in the face and pepper sprayed? When did assault become the right thing to do?


Post from a friend:

"Working two jobs so I can afford to go to UC Berkeley, but I can't even go to the library on a Wednesday night because it's unsafe. Cool."


Protesting? Those were riots; people were pepper sprayed and beaten. Snide comment noted. It's a theme in this thread. Awaiting next snarky response, best to check out of this thread. The word "Nazi" is thrown around reckelessly these days.

More or less recklessly than when Milo called a Buzzfeed reporter a "thick-as-pig shit media Jew"?


And when the other side decides they're sick of getting punched in the face and pepper sprayed? When did assault become the right thing to do?

i'm not passing a moral judgement. i'm saying that's not someone's shitty ideals being banned.


Protesting? Those were riots; people were pepper sprayed and beaten. Snide comment noted. It's a theme in this thread. Awaiting next snarky response, best to check out of this thread. The word "Nazi" is thrown around reckelessly these days.

There was nothing snide about my comment. At all. That was truth.

You're bailing cause people see you...not because of the snark.
Post from a friend:

"Working two jobs so I can afford to go to UC Berkeley, but I can't even go to the library on a Wednesday night because it's unsafe. Cool."

libraries are usually connected to adjacent buildings via basement. there are usually ways to get in if someone is scared of going outside


That's just disgusting.
it's like each camp switched sides isn't it?

No its not. How many Republicans have been caught doing the nasty in men's bathrooms? Self-hate is a thing. Where do you think we get the colloquial term Uncle Tom from?
i don't think that's what he was doing but ok.

Do you do this play dumb act every thread?

if he's such a damn nazi show me some examples and stop attacking me. it shouldn't take long, this should be easy.

The Kree

And when the other side decides they're sick of getting punched in the face and pepper sprayed? When did assault become the right thing to do?

Right around the same time they started espousing a genocidal ideology. Reminder: We used to hang these guys.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
Milo is a serial harasser who uses these types of events to attack people.

Anyone defending him either is willfully ignorant of his actions or condones them.


Deep down they sympatize with those ideas. And are too pussy to write about them.

There are going to be many people with different views on violence and free speech even if we only look at liberals. I'd hope that Gaf is an open minded enough place to understand that and not have accusations like this pop up every time there is a hot topic.
"Once again, Welcome to last week."

Not shocked with the number of attacks that have occurred. One example on your end, and nice snide comment. Again, not shocked. And if that shooting was self defense there will be plenty of blood shed to come. Unfortunate to say the least.

It's actually rather normal. In many of these large gatherings, you will have folks that end up getting to emotional, leading to property damage or violence. This is especially true surrounding Milo and to a much larger degree, Trump.

The trick is that Milo pretty much does what he can to incite protest.

Here’s how it works: Yiannopoulos goes to a college. He says dumb and offensive trolly things. Students react with outrage and sadness, either during the talk itself or in gatherings afterward. Inevitably, some of them either freak out or burst into tears, because college students are college students. Breitbart and other right-wing outlets then trawl for student-paper coverage, footage of angry students, or both, and then cover these reactions as “proof” that everything Yiannopoulos says about colleges and modern society — something something free-speech SJWs feminazis lesbians — is true.

This dynamic was on full display Monday night at UMass Amherst, where Yiannopoulos shared the stage with Christina Hoff Sommers and Steven Crowder during a talk that was frequently interrupted by jeering protesters. For Yiannopoulos’s speaking segment, he got up, made a joke about being fabulous and — in response to an accusation that he is racist that was shouted from the crowd — having sex with black guys, and then entered into his prepared remarks: “Feminism is cancer.” Then he sat back down.

This enraged some in the already volatile crowd, and Sommers, who spoke next, tried to calm things down. “What Milo meant to say,” she started, launched into an attempt at a more nuanced treatment of the subject, and then turning to Milo: “Right, Milo?” “No, I meant that it was cancer,” he responded, egging on the protesters further. (“I am here to provide some adult supervision,” Sommers said at one point of the 30-something man sitting to her left.)

Others may try to actually reach a normal discussion. That is not Milo's trade.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
So what i got from this is anyone that you don't agree with is automatically a nazi. got it.

a flamboyant and vocal gay man hates gays. craziness.

Actually no,

Go to Milo's website, read his articles, read his articles defending Spencer.
Bannon is the editor for Breitbart...google their headlines
Stephen Miller is close to Spencer.

It quacks like a ducks and walks like a duck, however that saying goes
And when the other side decides they're sick of getting punched in the face and pepper sprayed? When did assault become the right thing to do?

Still waiting for you to tell me about the government persecution regarding Milo's free speech rights. Do you have anything to say about that? You seem to keep coming in here to talk about things that aren't actually happening.


it's like each camp switched sides isn't it?

i don't think that's what he was doing but ok.

i'm still waiting on some decent examples of his nazism.

1. Targeting a Transgirl for no damn reason. Posting her information and everything to a group of people he whipped up to fight Transpeople.

2. Encouraging people to go after 'SJW' in severe online harassment campaigns.

Tell me how exactly forming witch hunts like these aren't nazish?


I honestly can't help but kinda of respect in a weird way someone that has the balls to be a troll in real life instead of just online.

Edit: lol
he's a giant douche but there are millions of people that do it online and then hide who they really are in the real world
So, Milo is a gay nazi? Really? That's a bit funky isn't it.

Can you show me something that he has said that is equivalent to being a nazi? He's an asshole troll for sure but these claims of nazi this and nazi that thrown around constantly.....

Will be waiting for examples.

He said that Native American genocide was justified because of the superiority of the white race.

Bash the Fash.


I honestly can't help but kinda of respect in a weird way someone that has the balls to be a troll in real life instead of just online.

With no moral compass or ethics it's pretty easy.

And when the other side decides they're sick of getting punched in the face and pepper sprayed? When did assault become the right thing to do?

When they decided modeling their movement off Adolf Hitler was a good idea.

If they want to arm up, they can try. We aren't backing down from fighting literal Nazi's no matter what it takes.
Post from a friend:

"Working two jobs so I can afford to go to UC Berkeley, but I can't even go to the library on a Wednesday night because it's unsafe. Cool."
Sorry your buddy cant go to the library for one night but thats the price you pay to keep a nazi away from your school.


And when the other side decides they're sick of getting punched in the face and pepper sprayed?

Then they can get introduced to these hands too. Racists and Nazis have lost before and we will be happy to reintroduce them.

In the meantime enjoy the beats.

Milo is a serial harasser who uses these types of events to attack people.

Anyone defending him either is willfully ignorant of his actions or condones them.

Almost certainly the bolded. They are shook as more of them get protested and Debo'd for spreading hate. So they grab their keyboards and defend this shitbird online where its safe because they are upset they cant wear their Pepe swag outdoors these days without randomly catching an overhand right


Should I hand out Nazi defense force or lecture concern police badges? You guys are working hard tonight. Might even throw in a free speech sticker or protest peacefully T-shirt.


Still waiting for you to tell me about the government persecution regarding Milo's free speech rights. Do you have anything to say about that? You seem to keep coming in here to talk about things that aren't actually happening.

a free speech violation is when people react negatively to whut I'm sayin' or don't let me say mah shit in the first place. I should be able to say anything at any time always and people should just patiently listen until I am done and then react peacefully as I ignore them.
Should I hand out Nazi defense force or lecture concern police badges? You guys are working hard tonight. Might even throw in a free speech sticker or protest peacefully T-shirt.

Don't forget the "But MLK..." armband! It's BHM, so it's important for them to remind us.


Post from a friend:

"Working two jobs so I can afford to go to UC Berkeley, but I can't even go to the library on a Wednesday night because it's unsafe. Cool."

There's this thing called the internet and god knows how many online e-textbook resources. Maybe your friend should look into that instead of being a terrible person.
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