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Milo Yiannopoulos's UC Berkeley speech cancelled due to protests, campus on lockdown

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As you wish, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Call me a liar if you want, but that worked and violence isn't the answer, we live in civil society governed by law, we shouldn't subscribe to violence.

Your line of thinking is exactly what will lead to more violence, if you believe you can talk your way out of fascism and oppression you live in a huge naive bubble.

There are evil people out there who want to crush a civil society, and you won't stop them with nice words.

Doctor Ninja

Sphincter Speaker
Well, I do actually think you're lying, but that wasn't the point. The point was, you asserted that Milo's fans could be talked around. I asked you to do so. So, either you don't think it's worth the effort, or you can't. Which is it?

The super easy way to prove your point is to go do it. Seriously, go convince someone online that likes Milo that they shouldn't and link it back here. Given you impressive abilities, that should be a cakewalk.

That's fine, you don't have to believe me, but if you looked at my previous you'd see that I said "the people he is trying to reach" mainly the people he is trying to convince.


Your line of thinking is exactly what will lead to more violence, if you believe you can talk your way out of fascism and oppression you live in a huge naive bubble.

There are evil people out there who want to crush a civil society, and you won't stop them with nice words.

Steve Bannon would agree with the bolded.


That's fine, you don't have to believe me, but if you looked at my previous you'd see that I said "the people he is trying to reach" mainly the people he is trying to convince.

For something you are claiming is so easy you sure do have a bag full of deflection and excuses. Why don't you stick to being bad ass on made up college professors and let the people actually out there trying to do something do them without your tut tutting.

Or get your bad ass self over to reddit or Breitbart and show us how it's done.
That's fine, you don't have to believe me, but if you looked at my previous you'd see that I said "the people he is trying to reach" mainly the people he is trying to convince.

Milo isn't there looking to convince anyone of anything other than "I get you, I'm on your side.". He found a group of bigots he could profit off of and injected himself into it. He will continue to pander to them as long as it makes him money. You cannot change this psychopath's mind with rationality. He is mirroring what the people want to hear, and you're not going to change them.
It worked for Gandhi and worked for MLK, these noble acts were the ones that gave people their rights, not violence. I hope leave sentimentality behind and be a bit more objective.

I live in Ireland, I know what needless violence does and what it can create. Hate will generate even more hate.

It worked so well for Gandhi that he got three bullets in the chest for all his love and love thy enemy. Martin Luther King Jr? He got shot. Here's a question. If Martin Luther King Jr didn't die, would there have been more help? Or is it the radicalization of Malcolm X and the black panthers that forced these changes since they were an armed citizenry that fought back against white racists.

It sounds like you're the one that has sentimentality for those peaceful protesters when the reality is that going peaceful is a route for slow change. It is the deaths of these peaceful protests that made them legends and helped fuel change along with a more violent external force. Otherwise MLK jr would be seen as "one of the good ones." Or "you speak so well for a black man."

So you want me as a minority to continue to be hated, to be cursed, to be assaulted and love my oppressor? Is this what you are stating? Much like the Christianity that these racists profess to love? Where Love Thy Neighbor gets tossed out on its ass, and give to the helpless or anything that requires any self sacrifice and true human compassion and love? The only thing THEY love about it is that it gives them a form to discriminate under the aegis of "god" and have their discrimination protected by law because it's "religious freedom" which translates to WHITE religious freedom.


That's fine, you don't have to believe me, but if you looked at my previous you'd see that I said "the people he is trying to reach" mainly the people he is trying to convince.

Are you trying to convince people on some "alt-right" forum?

I'd like to read how is that going.

The Kree

It worked so well for Gandhi that he got three bullets in the chest for all his love and love thy enemy. Martin Luther King Jr? He got shot. Here's a question. If Martin Luther King Jr didn't die, would there have been more help? Or is it the radicalization of Malcolm X and the black panthers that forced these changes since they were an armed citizenry that fought back against white racists.

It sounds like you're the one that has sentimentality for those peaceful protesters when the reality is that going peaceful is a route for slow change. It is the deaths of these peaceful protests that made them legends and helped fuel change along with a more violent external force. Otherwise MLK jr would be seen as "one of the good ones." Or "you speak so well for a black man."

So you want me as a minority to continue to be hated, to be cursed, to be assaulted and love my oppressor? Is this what you are stating? Much like the Christianity that these racists profess to love? Where Love Thy Neighbor gets tossed out on its ass, and give to the helpless or anything that requires any self sacrifice and true human compassion and love? The only thing THEY love about it is that it gives them a form to discriminate under the aegis of "god" and have their discrimination protected by law because it's "religious freedom" which translates to WHITE religious freedom.

They don't want you to be peaceful. They want you to be docile. Submissive.


So people who support violence, how do you feel about this video?


People pepper sprayed, pinned up against barricades, and beaten with weapons. Some guy got tackled and beaten down by like a dozen people.

I just don't get the goal here. People already did this at Trump rallies last year and it didn't matter. Trump is already digging his own hole and there's been a lot of positive backlash with so many people with a platform speaking out against him and helping generate funds to fight him legally.

I don't think these people out there with masks really care and are just using this as an excuse to hurt people and destroy property. They're just abusing the protests to let them form flash mobs with crowd protection.


”In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness."

”Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it."

”True goal of totalitarian propaganda is not persuasion, but organization of the polity. ... What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part."

― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

These are the people Milo is speaking to. You're never going to sway them through polite debate. They've already made up their minds.

The Kree

So people who support violence, how do you feel about this video?


People pepper sprayed, pinned up against barricades, and beaten with weapons. Some guy got tackled and beaten down by like a dozen people.

I just don't get the goal here. People already did this at Trump rallies last year and it didn't matter. Trump is already digging his own hole and there's been a lot of positive backlash with so many people with a platform speaking out against him and helping generate funds to fight him legally.

It's a shame that Milo attracts this kind of behavior. Maybe he should stop public speaking so it doesn't happen anymore. It's not like any of his talking points are valid anyway.

Trump is not digging his own hole. He's digging holes for us. He's not going to be punished for anything he's doing. He's not going to be impeached by a republican congress. We know this because he's a rich white man supported by other rich white men in America and he furthers the goals of his party.


Unconfirmed Member
Great, this asshole doesn't deserve any platform in which to spread his hate. He shouldn't be comfortable speaking his shit anywhere.
even if it the protest spreads awareness of the existence of Milo's beliefs, nobody can figure that out because of this protest without also becoming aware that the students strongly oppose those beliefs

knowing that UC Berkeley students think Milo is a shithead is more informative than not knowing anything at all

it's unfortunate that half the country thinks that making Berkeley mad is a reason to like someone, but at some point you have to realize that the students can't do much beyond communicating to people who are receptive to their cries for attention

i wish that I had 30 minutes of my life back instead, but it's my own fault for paying attention

only thing they could have done better is to somehow keep the vandals away. i'm guessing most of those are non-students. a protest against a nobody like Milo doesn't need global attention. if it was a protest against someone who actually matters (eg. Donald Trump), then some escalation is fine
"Why don't they peacefully protest"
MLK invocation
"This is what pushes people to the right"
Story about Republican family member
"Try to reach out to them"

The checklist never fails. Good job by the protestors.


It's a shame that Milo attracts this kind of behavior. Maybe he should stop public speaking so it doesn't happen anymore. It's not like any of his talking points are valid anyway.

That's like looking at a video from Cologne and saying: "It's a shame that women attracts this kind of behavior. Maybe they should stop wearing skimpy clothes so it doesn't happen anymore."

Seriously. What's up with that? When did violence become okay like this?
That's like looking at a video from Cologne and saying: "It's a shame that women attracts this kind of behavior. Maybe they should stop wearing skimpy clothes so it doesn't happen anymore."

Seriously. What's up with that? When did violence become okay like this?

Yes this is exactly like saying women deserve to be raped. You're just nailing this conversation. Christ.

The Kree

That's like looking at a video from Cologne and saying: "It's a shame that women attracts this kind of behavior. Maybe they should stop wearing skimpy clothes so it doesn't happen anymore."

Seriously. What's up with that? When did violence become okay like this?

No, it's not because the women in Cologne hadn't demonstrated themselves to be irredeemable pieces of shit deserving of violence. False equivalences make your argument impotent. Holy shit, you're bad at this. Delete your account.


Unconfirmed Member
That's like looking at a video from Cologne and saying: "It's a shame that women attracts this kind of behavior. Maybe they should stop wearing skimpy clothes so it doesn't happen anymore."

Seriously. What's up with that? When did violence become okay like this?
No, it's not like that at all, what are you talking about? Milo isn't the victim here.

Yes this is exactly like saying women deserve to be raped. You're just nailing this conversation. Christ.
Yup, turns out protesting racism is the same as being pro-rape. Now I've heard it all.


So people who support violence, how do you feel about this video?


People pepper sprayed, pinned up against barricades, and beaten with weapons. Some guy got tackled and beaten down by like a dozen people.

I just don't get the goal here. People already did this at Trump rallies last year and it didn't matter. Trump is already digging his own hole and there's been a lot of positive backlash with so many people with a platform speaking out against him and helping generate funds to fight him legally.

I don't think these people out there with masks really care and are just using this as an excuse to hurt people and destroy property. They're just abusing the protests to let them form flash mobs with crowd protection.

I don't condone violence and i never will, bunch of scum

Madame M

It's a shame that Milo attracts this kind of behavior. Maybe he should stop public speaking so it doesn't happen anymore. It's not like any of his talking points are valid anyway.

It is predictable that Milo would attract this kind of behavior with his rhetoric and word choices.


Yes this is exactly like saying women deserve to be raped. You're just nailing this conversation. Christ.

So victim-blaming is okay, as long as it's the "other side". Got ya.

No, it's not because the women in Cologne hadn't demonstrated themselves to be irredeemable pieces of shit deserving of violence. False equivalences make your argument impotent. Holy shit, you're bad at this. Delete your account.

So that woman peppersprayed, along with the ones assaulted in the video, were "demonstrated to be irredeemable pieces of shit deserving of violence"? I'm really amazed at this. And frankly, a bit scared, that apparrantly it's all good and it's totally their own fault they got beat up.
That's like looking at a video from Cologne and saying: "It's a shame that women attracts this kind of behavior. Maybe they should stop wearing skimpy clothes so it doesn't happen anymore."

Seriously. What's up with that? When did violence become okay like this?

I'm going to put this in a way that hopefully stops you from making these sort of equivalences and potentially makes you look at the problem in a different way:

This violence is self defense. These people are under attack and retaliating.


That's like looking at a video from Cologne and saying: "It's a shame that women attracts this kind of behavior. Maybe they should stop wearing skimpy clothes so it doesn't happen anymore."

Seriously. What's up with that? When did violence become okay like this?

Yep, you nailed it, man.

The Kree

So victim-blaming is okay, as long as it's the "other side". Got ya.

So that woman peppersprayed, along with the ones assaulted in the video, were "demonstrated to be irredeemable pieces of shit deserving of violence"? I'm really amazed at this. And frankly, a bit scared, that apparrantly it's all good and it's totally their own fault they got beat up.

No, I said it was a shame that Milo attracted that kind of behavior to his speaking engagements.

Reading is hard.


It seems violence and destruction follows Milo wherever he goes, Colleges nationwide would be prudent to ban him from the premises. Hateful nazis like Milo shouldn't be allowed to use institutions of higher education to advance hate speech agendas. I hope no protestors were injured in these demonstrations.


Rodent Whores
Guess who actually burned books. Fascists. And they will get more power if Milo has his way.

Says the man with a symbol of fascism as an avatar. Ironic.

A hammer and sickle isn't a fascist symbol...?

They still banned books.




Works of print such as the press, advertisements, product labels, and books were censored by Glavlit, an agency established on June—6, 1922, to safeguard top secret information from foreign entities. From 1932 until 1952, the promulgation of socialist realism was the target of Glavlit in bowdlerizing works of print, while Anti-Westernization and nationalism were common tropes for that goal. To limit peasant revolts over the Holodomor, themes involving shortages of food were expunged. In the 1932 book “Russia Washed in Blood,” a Bolshevik’s harrowing account of Moscow’s devastation from the October Revolution contained the description, “frozen rotten potatoes, dogs eaten by people, children dying out, hunger,” but was promptly deleted.[3] Also, excisions in the 1941 novel “Cement” were made by eliminating Gleb’s spirited exclamation to English sailors: “Although we’re poverty-stricken and are eating people on account of hunger, all the same we have Lenin.”[3]

As peasant uprisings defined pre-World War II Soviet censorship, nationalism defined the period during the war. Defeats of the Red Army in literature were forbidden, as were depictions of trepidation in Soviet military characters. Pressure from the Pravda prompted authors like Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeyev to redact a section in The Young Guard where a child reads in the eyes of a dying Russian sailor the words “We are crushed.”[4] Since Stalin regularly read Pravda, which was itself censored by Glavlit, it was wise for an author to obey Pravda’s advice. Also, Joseph Stalin handpicked who received the Stalin Prize, further incentivizing an author’s pandering to Stalin’s tastes, besides the obvious risks involved with disregarding them.


Samizdat (Russian: самизда́т; IPA: [səmɨzˈdat]) was a key form of dissident activity across the Soviet bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground publications by hand and passed the documents from reader to reader. This grassroots practice to evade official Soviet censorship was fraught with danger, as harsh punishments were meted out to people caught possessing or copying censored materials.

Vladimir Bukovsky summarized it as follows: "Samizdat: I write it myself, edit it myself, censor it myself, publish it myself, distribute it myself, and spend jail time for it myself."[1]


Doctor Zhivago
by Boris Pasternak
Pasternak’s depiction of Russian life after the Bolshevik Revolution was banned in the former Soviet Union until 1988. Such was the native hostility towards his book’s apparent criticisms of the Bolshevik party that Pasternak turned down the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958 after being threatened with ejection from the USSR.

by George Orwell
George Orwell’s 1949 vision of a dystopian future, where all human activity is monitored and independent thought is entirely suppressed, was banned by the American Libraries Association for being a “bleak warning of totalitarian government and censorship”. Ironically, despite the book being labelled pro-Communist, it was also banned in the USSR for implicitly criticising the Soviet regime.


No, I said it was a shame that Milo attracted that kind of behavior to his speaking engagements.

Reading is hard.

And how is that not victim-blaiming? You're blaming him for the violence that occured. Even if we say, that he isn't the victim here, the people outside clearly were. Do you blame Milo for the things that happened to them? Do you consider the people outside to be irredeemable pieces of shit, deserving of violence?


And how is that not victim-blaiming? You're blaming him for the violence that occured. Even if we say, that he isn't the victim here, the people outside clearly were. Do you blame Milo for the things that happened to them? Do you consider the people outside to be irredeemable pieces of shit, deserving of violence?
"How is it not victim-blaming, even if I'm willing to concede the guy you were talking about actually wasn't victimized in any way?"

Sheer brilliance on display.


I'm gonna get at wild guess and say most if not all of the "give peace a chance" people are white?

You guys have no idea what is at stake in america right now, they should fight tooth and nail for their liberty, being civil got them a literal nazi in the white house.

Par Score

Once again violence works as a successful tool for suppressing Nazis.

Well done to the protesters for getting this shit shut down, hopefully this sort of action will follow Milo wherever he slinks off to next.

The Kree

And how is that not victim-blaiming? You're blaming him for the violence that occured. Even if we say, that he isn't the victim here, the people outside clearly were. Do you blame Milo for the things that happened to them? Do you consider the people outside to be irredeemable pieces of shit, deserving of violence?

Yes, I'm blaming Milo. And he's not a victim, so I'm in the clear on victim blaming. Phew.

Madame M

And how is that not victim-blaiming? You're blaming him for the violence that occured. Even if we say, that he isn't the victim here, the people outside clearly were. Do you blame Milo for the things that happened to them? Do you consider the people outside to be irredeemable pieces of shit, deserving of violence?

Violence has happened before at his speeches before the planned speech in Berkeley last night, the outcome was predictable. I think Milo deserves some blame.


Yes, I'm blaming Milo. And he's not a victim, so I'm in the clear on victim blaming. Phew.

I find it crazy that you're blaming him for people being assaulted and sprayed by masked people, looking fairly organized. But clearly, you're far more radical than me, and that's your choice, which I respect, although I find it crazy.

Violence has happened before at his speeches before the planned speech in Berkeley last night, the outcome was predictable. I think Milo deserves some blame.

I don't agree with you. The only ones deserving of blame are those who assault innocent people.

The Kree

I find it crazy that you're blaming him for people being assaulted and sprayed by masked people, looking fairly organized. But clearly, you're far more radical than me, and that's your choice, which I respect, although I find it crazy.

I don't agree with you. The only ones deserving of blame are those who assault innocent people.

Why is it crazy to blame him? He's not exactly preaching peace and love at these events, is he? You think he should be drawing positive attention? Are you aware of what is going on in the country right now? Do you think it's ever a good time to promote the ideas he promotes?


Yes, I'm blaming Milo. And he's not a victim, so I'm in the clear on victim blaming. Phew.

Interesting. So, for example regarding the Charlie Hebdo shooting, you wouldn't blame the journalists who actually died (because they were victims), but it would be fair to blame the surviving journalists who where complicit in provoking the attack on the magazine?


Interesting. So, for example regarding the Charlie Hebdo shooting, you wouldn't blame the journalists who actually died (because they were victims), but it would be fair to blame the surviving journalists who where complicit in provoking the attack on the paper?
Why don't those journalists qualify as victims?

Disregarding the fact you're equating satire with hate-speech about racial superiority, of course.


They killed or almost killed a guy with a shovel, apparently. Disgusting behavior, even though I agree with the message behind the protests.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
And how is that not victim-blaiming? You're blaming him for the violence that occured. Even if we say, that he isn't the victim here, the people outside clearly were. Do you blame Milo for the things that happened to them? Do you consider the people outside to be irredeemable pieces of shit, deserving of violence?

Milo incites violence. He's not wandering down an alley alone. His purpose is to spread violent rhetoric.
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