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Milo Yiannopoulos's UC Berkeley speech cancelled due to protests, campus on lockdown

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I hope you didn't consider him to have any value post 2013... If you did then you were either completely ignorant to what he was doing, or you need to reevaluate some things about yourself.

Well no obviously, before then. I just remember a couple of debates about piracy and pope visits that he was apart of. I was probably oblivious to all the abhorrent shit he was taking apart in.


time to take my meds
As a black man, and i'm sure many can agree with this, the danger that I could be killed on a daily basis via the assumption that I must be up to no good for even the most benign things is very very real. All nazis have to worry about is being punched in their fucking face but I could sit on a bench listening to music and have someone call 911. Nazis don't deserve the luxury of not being afraid to walk around unafraid that their ideology won't be opposed as more and more white moderates claim that their hate speech is just either a)politics or b)a difference of opinion, both of which show an insane lack of critical thinking while simultaneously downplaying the severity of nazi ideology as well as the ideology of white supremacy that is current ruining the lives of millions of people.
Ive said before on gaf that as a black man i feel safer in other countries than i do at home.

Now im not paranoid to go outside or anything, obviously. But I understand the chances of what can happen while on a simple walk and definitely the danger when around cops.

It should not be this way.


When Obama was president, before the Trump and alt riech shitshow took off, his absurdity was amusing. But with white supremacy increasingly becoming a problem he needs to shut the fuck up for a while and stop fueling the fire.


Extremely disappointed in this protest....

I mean no one hit him. I won't be happy till confined to the dustbin of history like he deserves.
If you are so offended by him that you literally can't deal with the thought of him existing in the public sphere then just take a back seat and leave him to more level headed people. Random acts of violence are not the answer to his rope-a-dope strategy.


This is man that wants to see trans folk harassed out of the public sphere.... and you come to me about offended?

He is a threat to my community, this isn't about offense.


never left the stone age
I didn't check this follow-up but am so glad that the punch is making Richard Spencer worried.

“I’m afraid this is going to become the meme to end all memes. That I’m going to hate watching this.”

“I was planning to go out tomorrow during the Women’s March to do some journalism but I can’t do that anymore. I have reached a stage of being a public figure where I am going to be recognised and then be attacked."

“I am worried about going out to dinner on an average Tuesday because these people are roaming around.”

Boo-fucking hoo. And there's not a single part of his brain going "Hey, maybe this is what the people I persecute feel like.."

Serves the bastard right, quite frankly.


president is watching Fox News again. 30mins before his stupid ass tweet

Seems like Donald Trump was one of those old folks that saw this non-sense on Fox News last night... Who wouldn't have seen it if the protests would have remained peaceful against this alt-right ass hat...

Protesting Yiannopoulos, but NOT starting large fires and NOT fomenting violence would have been, in my opinion, the correct response to show no one wants to put up with Yiannopoulos's message, while also not making him the victim on old person media and expanding his sphere of attention...

Just saying...
Seems like Donald Trump was one of those old folks that saw this non-sense on Fox News last night... Who wouldn't have seen it if the protests would have remained peaceful against this alt-right ass hat...

Protesting Yiannopoulos, but NOT starting large fires and NOT fomenting violence would have been, in my opinion, the correct response to show no one wants to put up with Yiannopoulos's message, while also not making him the victim on old person media and expanding his sphere of attention...

Just saying...

Just keep blaming everyone but the bigots for Milo's popularity.


Man these facists are coming at us hard and fast. The last thing we need to do is lay down quietly. Even if it is what they want to escalate the situation, it's still better for us to get organized sooner than later.

I never said you should lay down, infact I'm all for the oposite. But don't let them goad you into your own destruction. He is a nasty little bully. The Nastiest kind.

Not the one that beats you up for lunch money.
Not the one that says mean things...

No.. this is the one that instigates fights and then quickly runs to the "Headmaster" to get you in trouble after that.. he'll bully you for ages about it turning people against you.

You need to be smarter than this dickweed. And you do that by fighting him on his own terms. Meaning: no violence, but dirty as fuck.

Don't care about his private information or home address! He certainly doesn't with his victims, so don't care for his either.
Don't care about lowering to his level, he will certainly not care about you.
Don't care about using his quotes out of contest or his pictures to create outrage! He certainly does this, and you limit yourself by not doing it.

Discredit him like he discredits you. But in no time give him the satisfaction of being violent. That is all he needs to really get you, like that bully in the playground.. he'll just run to the "headmaster" and make up some stories.

You aren't fighting reasonable human beings here, you are fighting playground bullies. Immature little dickweeds. Don't think any higher of them.


we need a lot of clarification on this because this is the muddy middle that is causing misinformation and misinformation serves the nazis

Are the rioters separate from the protestors? Do they support the cause? Or are they feigning support to cause violence?

Who are these anarchists? Like I dont understand how there's always a group of people beating innocent people or causing damage to innocent people just in the name of chaos.

It's incredibly damaging if protestors are lumped in with them because the general reader will condemn it all and this is equivalent to indifference and silence for whatever nazis do


I don't know if the black bloc is specifically responsible for stuff at Berkeley, but I know they were during inauguration protests.
Seems like Donald Trump was one of those old folks that saw this non-sense on Fox News last night... Who wouldn't have seen it if the protests would have remained peaceful against this alt-right ass hat...

Protesting Yiannopoulos, but NOT starting large fires and NOT fomenting violence would have been, in my opinion, the correct response to show no one wants to put up with Yiannopoulos's message, while also not making him the victim on old person media and expanding his sphere of attention...

Just saying...

And it has been said a million times a group of anarchists showed up and started shit when it was going peaceful. But since reading and critical thinking are not part of the agenda of donald dumbass dump and his supporters they wouldnt know that. So why are we out here trying to pretend like Fox News and Nazis are actually interested in fair balanced opinions?

Nothing protesters do is going to satisfy these people but their issue is protesting. Jesus, when are yall gonna stop pretending these people care about "the right way"?
What happened to the America that took pride in quashing Nazi Germany? That shit is on your doorstep right now, ringing the bell, like some jackbooted salesman. This ain't the time to debate with the guy whether or not what he's selling is worth anything — that debate happened 80 years ago and ended in over 60 million dead — now's the time to unleash the fucking hounds.

You don't debate Nazis. You clamber on stage and gank their leaders: the Milos and the Dick Spencers. That doesn't mean everyone has to stand up and fight, but don't stand in the way of those who are.

You don't know anything about the history of fascism 'ringing the bell'. 1920s and 30s Europe was a time of continuous physical political violence. The rise of Nazism could not have been achieved without the Left sabotaging its political legitimacy with the working class and contributing to moral decay by engaging in riots, streetfighting and assassinations.


I see a lot of keyboard warriors in here advocating violence without understand the repercussions of it.

You do realize that innocent people get hurt amongst this right?

I dislike Milo, but if you think this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSMKGRyWKas and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3z_jqbLCz0 and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXkF0c5nXfg and this https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange/status/827042178136424448 are acceptable then you should be ashamed of yourself, truly ashamed of yourself.

The advocating for violence in this thread is unbelievable, if you want to punch Milo in the face then go right ahead, I could care less, it's one man, do whatever makes you feel better but it won't accomplish a thing, it really won't, it will only serve to make him and the people who sympathise with him stronger and ultimately will end with the people creating this violence going to jail themselves for nothing all the while he is still out saying the things he says.

How about debating and actually you know, destroying his views with objective facts? I know some of you believe debate does not work but even if it doesn't is the alterative really this? Violence?

But rioting in the streets? Beating people with baseball bats? Smashing windows and setting things on fire?

The hypocrisy in here is outstanding to see and the fact it's being allowed to continue is a disgrace.


Finally, a normal person.

What nice and decent people.


Milo use to be someone who came off as level headed, who's statements were backed up with research, and while I disagreed with most of his views, I enjoyed watching the discourse unfold and subsequently how he challenged my views. WTF happened to him, how do you go from that to being a Nazi scum bag. I guess he was really good at hiding his real intentions and thoughts before

I think he has always held these radical beliefs. It took time for the self-loathing piece of shit to assimilate his thoughts to action because he didn't have an audience. His true self rose to the surface as soon as he found his voice. His role within Breitbart has only exacerbated his hateful rhetoric.


Gold Member
I see a lot of keyboard warriors in here advocating violence without understand the repercussions of it.

You do realize that innocent people get hurt amongst this right?

I dislike Milo, but if you think this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSMKGRyWKas and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3z_jqbLCz0 and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXkF0c5nXfg and this https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange/status/827042178136424448 are acceptable then you should be ashamed of yourself, truly ashamed of yourself.

The advocating for violence in this thread is unbelievable, if you want to punch Milo in the face then go right ahead, I could care less, it's one man, do whatever makes you feel better but it won't accomplish a thing, it really won't, it will only serve to make him and the people who sympathise with him stronger and ultimately will end with the people creating this violence going to jail themselves for nothing all the while he is still out saying the things he says.

How about debating and actually you know, destroying his views with objective facts? I know some of you believe debate does not work but even if it doesn't is the alterative really this? Violence?

But rioting in the streets? Beating people with baseball bats? Smashing windows and setting things on fire?

The hypocrisy in here is outstanding to see and the fact it's being allowed to continue is a disgrace.

My man (woman?)!


I see a lot of keyboard warriors in here advocating violence without understand the repercussions of it.

You do realize that innocent people get hurt amongst this right?

I dislike Milo, but if you think this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSMKGRyWKas and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3z_jqbLCz0 and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXkF0c5nXfg and this https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange/status/827042178136424448 are acceptable then you should be ashamed of yourself, truly ashamed of yourself.

The advocating for violence in this thread is unbelievable, if you want to punch Milo in the face then go right ahead, I could care less, it's one man, do whatever makes you feel better but it won't accomplish a thing, it really won't, it will only serve to make him and the people who sympathise with him stronger and ultimately will end with the people creating this violence going to jail themselves for nothing all the while he is still out saying the things he says.

How about debating and actually you know, destroying his views with objective facts? I know some of you believe debate does not work but even if it doesn't is the alterative really this? Violence?

But rioting in the streets? Beating people with baseball bats? Smashing windows and setting things on fire?

The hypocrisy in here is outstanding to see and the fact it's being allowed to continue is a disgrace.

What's the answer then, oh wise one? "talking about it" and having an arrogant above the fray attitude has led to the election of President Trump and an attitude that normalizes fascism.

We are playing by new rules. I wish it wasn't this way either.
No platforming is utterly childish. I detest the likes of Milo as much as any of you but you're really not doing the left any favours by shutting him down instead of debating him and taking him apart.

This is man that wants to see trans folk harassed out of the public sphere.... and you come to me about offended?

He is a threat to my community, this isn't about offense.

You may be offended but you have to understand that being offended can make you a liability to the struggle more than an asset. He wants you to be offended. It works for him almost every time.


As much as you may hate what he is saying he has a right to say it. Throwing riots because of it is just wrong.

He has a right to say it without fear of government persecution. People telling him to fuck off doesn't violate his free speech.

You may be offended but you have to understand that being offended can make you a liability to the struggle more than an asset. He wants you to be offended. It works for him almost every time.

"Allies" like you are much worse for the struggle.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
How about debating and actually you know, destroying his views with objective facts? I know some of you believe debate does not work but even if it doesn't is the alterative really this? Violence?

I advocate the punching of smug Nazis in the face, not rioting.

Having said that, I don't advocate debating hateful fuckheads like Milo and giving them the satisfaction of an equal or formal footing for his 'views'.

As much as you may hate what he is saying he has a right to say it.

Thank you Evelyn Beatrice Hall.


"Ignore it and the problem will go away and solve itself"

Real talk, how many times across human history has that been a successful strategy?

Exactly. Appeasement is one of the central pillars of the rise of Hitler and the start of World War II.

Treating Nazis as nonpeople doesn't solve the problem in any way. I understand that it is what Gandhi and MLK preached, but they did this while protesting. MLK's supporters didn't simply ignore racism, they held sit-ins where they treated those who attacked them as nonpeople. There's a big difference there.

Also, violence doesn't solve problems, but if there was anyone actually deserving of a punch in the face, it's a Nazi.
Well no obviously, before then. I just remember a couple of debates about piracy and pope visits that he was apart of. I was probably oblivious to all the abhorrent shit he was taking apart in.

That is presumably before he learned he could profit off fulfilling a niche as a hatemonger. If I recall correctly Milo even at one time wrote about the issues of harassment over the Internet. That didn't propel the sociopath to fame like pandering to his current hate filled audience.
So we are doing that thing we always do where the hundreds of peaceful pretestors dont matter because some people just wanna fuck shit up. Yall are hilarious, if this is your attitude then the key to shut down any protestor is just to send in oppositie view points who are destructive. Then the whole thing is apparently invalidated.


I didn't check this follow-up but am so glad that the punch is making Richard Spencer worried.

”I'm afraid this is going to become the meme to end all memes. That I'm going to hate watching this."

”I was planning to go out tomorrow during the Women's March to do some journalism but I can't do that anymore. I have reached a stage of being a public figure where I am going to be recognised and then be attacked."

”I am worried about going out to dinner on an average Tuesday because these people are roaming around."


This is amazing, he gets the smallest taste of what it's like to be a minority in the position he wants minorities to be in and he runs with his tail between his legs.

This is definitive proof that violence does work against these fucking craven monsters.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I have a huge misunderstanding of free speech. I detest the likes of Milo as much as any of you but you're really not doing the left any favours by shutting him down instead of debating about your human rights and giving white supremacy a platform while I sit here and do nothing about it but say that it should be allowed, mainly because I can't 100% empathize with the devastating effects on the U.S. this bastardasation of free speech already has had on the lives on minorities including the times when we give Milo a platform.


You may be offended but you have to understand that being offended can make you a liability to the struggle more than an asset. He wants you to be offended. It works for him almost every time.

Haha yeah why won't those fucking fags just stop getting offended by shit. Fucking idiots!!!
/s, mods. U know me
So we are doing that thing we always do where the hundreds of peaceful pretestors dont matter because some people just wanna fuck shit up. Yall are hilarious, if this is your attitude then the key to shut down any protestor is just to send in oppositie view points who are destructive. Then the whole thing is apparently invalidated.

Story old as time.
Disapprove of violence of course, but nothing I saw from this protest is worse than the fascism that Milo and his ilk support. If they are scared of these protests, fucking good.

Moderates preaching about "fighting with facts" clearly have no skin in the game.
We are talking about people who follow a liar President, read liar Breitbart, watch liar Fox News. None of the sources they get their information from care about objective facts. Objective facts don't work with these people.

As soon as you cross into "maybe Hitler had some okay ideas" territory, calm debate is no longer a good enough tactic.


For someone who was busy playing video games, you seem to find a lot of time to blame everyone but the bigots for Milo's popularity.

Bigots are gonna bigot.
Are you planning on killing them?
Because short of that, I don't see how they go away.

I used to be under the false impression that racism was basically eradicated by the Civil Rights movement in the 60s. After the last few years with race relations deteriorating and the rise of these alt-right assholes, I've come to the conclusion that they never went away, and they simply took their hate and bigotry underground.

They got quiet about it in person and instead whispered their message to their next generation... We're looking at it now.

So, I'm not blaming the fire starters and violence makers for the bigots.
Absolutely not.

I'm blaming the fire starters for getting the situation large media coverage which makes the alt-right look like the victim.
They should never look like the victim.

They should look like the wrong thinking, outdated, pieces of shit that they are: remnants of abhorrent ideas from a long time ago that have no official place in this day or age.

The alt-right should look like the unhinged fomentors of violence, not the people protesting them.


Honestly, it's unlikely that he's a nazi. Since he's half jewish, it's doubtful that he would get in very deep with them. TBH it seems like he might be doing performance art at times - the words that always come to mind when I see him doing his thing are "absurd", "douchey" and "ridiculous", not so much evil or hateful. But now is not the time for his brand of humor.

But the way to fight him isn't with violence. Make fun of him. Humiliate him. Outwit him. Do what Colbert might do and disabuse him of his bullshit.


I didn't check this follow-up but am so glad that the punch is making Richard Spencer worried.

“I’m afraid this is going to become the meme to end all memes. That I’m going to hate watching this.”

“I was planning to go out tomorrow during the Women’s March to do some journalism but I can’t do that anymore. I have reached a stage of being a public figure where I am going to be recognised and then be attacked."

“I am worried about going out to dinner on an average Tuesday because these people are roaming around.”

Oh man I hadn't followed up on this either, but I love this. I loooooove this. This dude should be afraid. He should be fucking terrified. And he should get hit again.
The rioters = protesters mentality really makes the debate unreadable and plays right into the "violent protesters" narrative.

People who were protesting Milo were right to do so. The "sir down with him" mentality is somewhere between ignorant and dishonest. This is a guy who showed PowerPoint slides making fun of a trans student, identifying and misgendering her last year at the University of Wisconsin. You're not going to debate him on the merits of saying "him" and calling her a tranny.

The real debacle here is why would you tolerate someone who has a recent and documented history of harassing and bullying students at college appearances.

Honestly, it's unlikely that he's a nazi. Since he's half jewish, it's doubtful that he would get in very deep with them. TBH it seems like he might be doing performance art at times - the words that always come to mind when I see him doing his thing are "absurd", "douchey" and "ridiculous", not so much evil or hateful. But now is not the time for his brand of humor.

But the way to fight him isn't with violence. Make fun of him. Humiliate him. Outwit him. Do what Colbert might do and disabuse him of his bullshit.

This is some spectacular performance art I guess:

In critiquing leftist criticism of the phrase “man up,” Yiannopoulos said around the 49:52 mark, “I’ll tell you one UW-Milwaukee student that does not need to man up.” He then showed the student’s photo. “Have any of you come into contact with this person?” he asked. “This quote unquote nonbinary trans woman forced his way into the women’s locker rooms this year.” He went on:

“I see you don’t even read your own student media. He got into the women’s room the way liberals always operate, using the government and the courts to weasel their way where they don’t belong. In this case he made a Title IX complaint. Title IX is a set of rules to protect women on campus effectively. It’s couched in the language of equality, but it’s really about women, which under normal circumstances would be fine, except for how it’s implemented. Now it is used to put men in to women’s bathrooms. I have known some passing trannies in my life. Trannies — you’re not allowed to say that. I’ve known some passing trannies, which is to say transgender people who pass as the gender they would like to be considered.”
He then referred to the photo, which was still onscreen, and said, “Well, no. The way that you know he’s failing is I’d almost still bang him.” The audience laughed.

So what's next? Burning crosses as a thought provoking post-modern deconstruction of religious symbols?
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