Good Job Bob
I am afraid that is open to interpretation.
I agree that this person should be free to call themselves female, but I personally as a heterosexual man would not consider this person a woman .... and I believe most heterosexual men would think the same.
I would not sleep with her, I would still consider her to be a man.
Does that matter to this person in question? ..... I hope not and dare say they could not give a fuck about what I think, I fully support their freedom to choose gender reassignment and to be legally considered a woman ......... but biologically I do not consider her to be.
This I believe is the cornerstone of such issues.
Viewpoints such as yours are ultimately hurtful and significantly contribute to the marginalization and discrimination of trans-peoples.
I'm a heterosexual male and I don't just believe this woman to be biologically a woman, I know such is the case via empirical research.