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Miyamoto: DS wireless Internet a possibility



TOKYO--In a recent interview conducted by staff at Earthbound creator Shigesato Itoi’s Web site, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that it is technically possible for the DS to connect to the Internet using its wireless LAN…as long as a third party develops the appropriate software.

"We added the wireless LAN (IEEE802.11) to the DS mainly for the handhelds to communicate between each other," said Miyamoto. "But if someone releases appropriate software that allows it to connect to wireless LAN access points, it could also be used to connect to the Internet."

Miyamoto was quick to point out that Nintendo itself is not interested in developing the possible Internet capabilities of the DS. The company is focusing on gameplay rather than hardware capabilities and plans to make the machine enjoyable without the need for additional devices or peripherals. “The one thing we don’t want to do is to add this and that and every connection and capability [to the DS]. We want to make the DS enjoyable, by itself, as far as we can."

That last quote kinda irks me.


Miyamoto was quick to point out that Nintendo itself is not interested in developing the possible Internet capabilities of the DS.


Say it isn't so :mad:

ah well I better tell the guys at warp-pipe to make something for the DS.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
So basically Nintendo isn't interested in the one feature that could make the DS a slam dunk against the PSP? Figures.


Wait though, he's only talking about connecting to the internet, as in surfing right?

I'm sure he doesn't mean that Nintendo-made DS games won't be playable over the wireless...
Yeah, what I get from this is that he's talking about the 'Internet' as in surfing the web, ordering your groceries, downloading porn, that kind of thing.


Yeah he's talking about the internet. I dont want to surf the net on the thing, I could care less. Although, an e-mail program would be nice. :)


What does he mean by Internet? Will we still be able to play against other people halfway across the globe? Or by no Internet does he mean we'll only be able to play with people in a close proximity?

The one thing they could've used to dominate the PSP, and they're rejecting it....

Of course, if he's talking about web browsing, then I could care less. Let a third party develop that.

Edit- Ok, thanks for clearing that up :)


Queen of Denmark
Yeah, keep in mind this doesn't refer to playing games with people globally, which you'll still be able to do. That was one of the features Nintendo themselves was stressing at E3.

EDIT: Consider this an answer to your post, mattx. :)


Kobun Heat said:
Yeah, what I get from this is that he's talking about the 'Internet' as in surfing the web, ordering your groceries, downloading porn, that kind of thing.

He's talking gaming :(

We added the wireless LAN (IEEE802.11) to the DS mainly for the handhelds to communicate between each other," said Miyamoto. "But if someone releases appropriate software that allows it to connect to wireless LAN access points, it could also be used to connect to the Internet."

WAPs are required to play games over the internet too.


human5892 said:
Yeah, keep in mind this doesn't refer to playing games with people globally, which you'll still be able to do. That was one of the features Nintendo themselves was stressing at E3.

Miyamoto is even stressing it in the interview.

"We added the wireless LAN (IEEE802.11) to the DS mainly for the handhelds to communicate between each other," said Miyamoto.


A similar stance to their home console, except this time the hardware will fully have everything needed for online play. I see it being somewhat similar to Sony's online model on the PS2. They don't supply any networking tools to developers (do they?) but they do fully support it with their own software and 3rd party games. The same will happen with DS, despite the fact that Nintendo may not put out online DS games. They couldn't fall back on the crutch of saying "well if Nintendo doesn't support it, why should we" mentality. If Nintendo really only wanted it for DS to communicate, they would have just put bluetooth support. Why wo uld they put in 802.11 support for long range DS communication only? That's would be beyond retarted.


yup talking about internet and not multiplayer online.

but then I don't get this

The company is focusing on gameplay rather than hardware capabilities and plans to make the machine enjoyable without the need for additional devices or peripherals.

In order to play online (multiplayer) it would require people to buy additional hardware.

Musashi Wins!

Hello...this is exactly what their PR rep said about 2 months ago. "We'll leave it to developers". Just like with the GC. Let me be the first to say F*CK YOU, REGGIE!

How stupid.
Musashi Wins! said:
Hello...this is exactly what their PR rep said about 2 months ago. "We'll leave it to developers". Just like with the GC. Let me be the first to say F*CK YOU, REGGIE!

How stupid.

you people have no idea what your talking about. At least get your fact straight first.


What would be the point of the chat function in that Animal Crossing video if it's not going to be on the Internet?


impirius said:
What would be the point of the chat function in that Animal Crossing video if it's not going to be on the Internet?

Because you can communicate with anyone in a 100ft radius! AWESOME!


I don't understand how some of you are misunderstanding this.

"We added the wireless LAN (IEEE802.11) to the DS mainly for the handhelds to communicate between each other," said Miyamoto. "But if someone releases appropriate software that allows it to connect to wireless LAN access points, it could also be used to connect to the Internet."


Hero said:
I don't understand how some of you are misunderstanding this.

If you play online with Xbox Live, PS2 online, or any other online gaming you are playing on the internet.

In order for the DS to get on the internet, whether it be for gaming, chatting, or browsing websites you have to use a wireless access point. Nintendo is not making software to access such wireless access points, therefore there will be no online gaming... at least from Nintendo.


802.11 running in infrastructure mode DOES require a WAP... Ad-hoc does not... which is what the PSP is using.

You can't run in ad-hoc mode to connect to the internet... with the DS or the PSP. I don't think we know for sure what mode they are running in right now.

Adhoc is eqivalent to peer-to-peer networking
Infrastructure is equivalent to connection to a cable/dsl router to connect the outside world.

This is based on my, admittedly, limited knowledge of wireless networking. I've used it a little bit at work, but not very often. Perhaps someone a little more knowledgable with wireless networks can step in and clarify.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Isn't connecting to a wireless access point how people are supposed to play people from other time zones? It seems like the same thing to me. It sounds like all you would need to take the DS online is a browser.


JediMike is right on here, there's no language in eany of those quotes that leads more towards any sort of optimism.


but I was hoping Animal Crossing was going to be online.

but guys never fear, there will be gaming tunnels for the DS.
I'm surprised that people thought Nintendo would actually be running servers to support an online version of Animal Crossing DS.
Is that really what you guys were thinking?
Nintendo doesn't even do this for their console games.

The best you could hope for as far as *free* online handheld gaming is some sort of peer to peer tunelling which is bound to happen.


Nintendo's words always get twisted. Remember when Iwata (I think) said Revolution wouldn't be a successor to GC, when in actuality he meant that it wasn't gonna be a GC2, something completely different? I think this is one of those.

Plus, I don't think Miyamoto really knows what he's talking about. I thought one of the system capablities was WiFi gaming. Why would there need to be a third party program to run it?
from what i understood at e3, the wifi was just for local (100ft range) multiplayer and the developers had the ~ability~ to do more... this just confirms that

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The Faceless Master said:
from what i understood at e3, the wifi was just for local (100ft range) multiplayer and the developers had the ~ability~ to do more... this just confirms that

You have it wrong. I distinctily remember Reggie stating that WiFi was what was going to be used to play with people from other time zones.


He's talking about the world wide web as in internet dumbasses. Not for the fucking game. Some of you people are so blind to things you can't understand a simple quote.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
"We added the wireless LAN (IEEE802.11) to the DS mainly for the handhelds to communicate between each other," said Miyamoto. "But if someone releases appropriate software that allows it to connect to wireless LAN access points, it could also be used to connect to the Internet."

there are two outcomes from this quote:

1.) Miyamoto got miunderstood/confused.

2.) The DS ships with WiFi set in Ad Hoc mode and you need third-party software to enable it to connect to Wireless Access Points.

There is no 3rd option in interpreting this statement.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
He's talking about the world wide web as in internet dumbasses. Not for the fucking game. Some of you people are so blind to things you can't understand a simple quote.

If the DS cannot connect to a Wireless Router/Access Point then the only multiplayer games you will play with the "stock" software (unless Miyamoto is confused or misunderstood ) is using the DS in WiFi Ad Hoc mode and you will be limited to 100 ft Wireless LANs.



Have any of you Tokyopi-ites been to a JoySpot yet? I'm interested to hear how the info distribution network functions and whatnot. It's got access point written all over it.


It says connect to the Internet - not other DS's - and Nintendo made a big deal out of connecting DS's at E3. He's just speaking of the INTERNET.
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