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MLB 09: The Show - Official Thread


I sold my PS3 in June last year,then got major regrets because I missed playing the show. Almost bought a new one over the holidays,once the new year came around I knew I wasn't going to sit with playing another possible 2K bug infested game again. I've had an 80 Giger for the last 2 months,knowing The Show was coming,heh. So worth it.


not an idiot
Windu said:
I went out and bought a PS3 just for this game. I think it was worth it...... Just fucking expensive. I kinda wish this was on Xbox so I would be $400 richer. Still the only game I have for the system.
I bought a PS3 for The Show 08, haven't regretted it ONE BIT. Been a fantastic console so far and The Show alone makes the entire system worth it. And I honestly mean that. The rest is just icing on the cake, the cool thing is there's a shitton of icing! I own 3 times as many games on my PS3 as 360, and that's not a knock on 360 at all, I love it too, but DAYAMN, get a ps3 if you don't have one, you will love it.

Now if I can't just find a use for my wife's Wii... tempted to get the NASCAR Kart game but it's pretty bare for a sports gamer other than that (I do not like the swing mechanics in Tiger). The game that gets the most play is the pack in, Wii Sports. The tennis is awesome fun with 3 other people over.


I'm not trying to be funny, but I just downloaded the MLB 2K9 demo and after playing the MLB09 the show demo the 2K9 title is a joke. MLB09 is sooo damn good it makes 2K9 seem like it's a generation behind. The only good thing I found in the 2K9 demo was the game commentary. It's still shocking how much better MLB09 looks than any other sports title on the market, amazing work.


NameIess said:
I'm not trying to be funny, but I just downloaded the MLB 2K9 demo and after playing the MLB09 the show demo the 2K9 title is a joke. MLB09 is sooo damn good it makes 2K9 seem like it's a generation behind. The only good thing I found in the 2K9 demo was the game commentary. It's still shocking how much better MLB09 looks than any other sports title on the market, amazing work.
Sony San Diego Am Gods.


CHRP718 said:
Sony San Diego Am Gods.


Not so fast!


Damn this game looks better and better every time. That vid comparing The Show and 2k9 was like a bad joke. Between this and Street Fighter I'm not going to need to purchase another game for a very, very long time.


shpankey said:
I bought a PS3 for The Show 08, haven't regretted it ONE BIT. Been a fantastic console so far and The Show alone makes the entire system worth it. And I honestly mean that. The rest is just icing on the cake, the cool thing is there's a shitton of icing! I own 3 times as many games on my PS3 as 360, and that's not a knock on 360 at all, I love it too, but DAYAMN, get a ps3 if you don't have one, you will love it.

Now if I can't just find a use for my wife's Wii... tempted to get the NASCAR Kart game but it's pretty bare for a sports gamer other than that (I do not like the swing mechanics in Tiger). The game that gets the most play is the pack in, Wii Sports. The tennis is awesome fun with 3 other people over.

I started watching Baseball because of The Show 08. Its THAT good.


Will the player be given the ablilty to create a player while in franchise mode?

I hated the fact that you had to create a bunch of Joe Randoms before starting a new franchise.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Anyone lucky enough to find the game yet? It doesn't look like I will be able to get it early. :(
cybropm said:
How do you take screenshots?
In the XMB under Pictures, there is a screenshot option.


never heard about the cat, apparently


never heard about the cat, apparently
MLB 09: Five things you need to know.


ESPN's Jon Robinson said:
MLB 09: The Show is the best baseball game I've ever played, period. And I've played them all. As a kid, I used to stack tokens on the RBI Baseball machine to steal bases non-stop as Vince Coleman. I actually went in and edited all the teams and players in Baseball Stars so I could play with the most current lineups. And I used to drive my friends crazy with Sports Talk Baseball because I'd abuse them with the Ruthian Mike Stanton, that's right, Mike Stanton, because the Braves pitcher batted 3-6 back in 1991, so the game made him an unstoppable .500 hitter.

So when I say MLB 09: The Show is the best of the best, it really means something (or at least it does to me).
(Click link for full article.)

edit: Apparently, the guy that wrote the above article is the same guy that wrote this article about MLB 2004.


pretty funny. He says in the article that SCEA should give up making baseball games. The MLB series has come a long way.

Oh and here is something one of the Devs had to say about it on the OS forums:
Russell_SCEA said:
Allow me to brag a little bit on this supremely talented development team. Also this is from the same person that stated SCEA should give up making baseball games in 2004.

Let me clear my throat............................................ .......................



Junior Member
Returners said:
I started watching Baseball because of The Show 08. Its THAT good.

Yup. I mean I used to watch the World Series but I never would have though about getting a baseball game. Turned out to be my GOTY and ended up watching a lot more games and looking up all sorts of baseball stuff from ERAs to slug pct.

Now if only they could make a cricket game.


I absolutely love the small touches being added like having 16 different umpire personalities in this game, all with their own names and calling tendancies. Being able to figure them out over time and work the plate accordingly adds another layer of depth to the title which is already fantastic.


Watching Cubs vs Cardinals one inning gameplay on youtube right now, so stoked for this game.


Crowd reaction seems to have been worked on this year as well. My memory might be getting bad, but I don't remember the crowd being this active before with the play by play occurances in the game. This is the first time I've seen a sports game where it sounded like the crowd was actually a part of the stadium enviroment, instead of empty bodies just standing there making the stadium look full. This goes for all sports games.


Damn. I just tried to order this from Amazon.com but I get this error message; We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination. What's that all about? I live in the UK, a normal terraced house, not a prison :)D) so I don't understand it. I was banking on Amazon coming up trumps but I guess not.

Is there any other options for someone in the UK to order the game? I'd really appreciate any help on this!

[sad face] It's just not fair! [/sad face]


never heard about the cat, apparently
Mrbob said:
Watching Cubs vs Cardinals one inning gameplay on youtube right now, so stoked for this game.


Crowd reaction seems to have been worked on this year as well. My memory might be getting bad, but I don't remember the crowd being this active before with the play by play occurances in the game. This is the first time I've seen a sports game where it sounded like the crowd was actually a part of the stadium enviroment, instead of empty bodies just standing there making the stadium look full. This goes for all sports games.
Yeah the crowd is more active this year. They move up and down the rows among other stuff.

btw there is a HD version of that video in the OP.


Mrbob said:
Watching Cubs vs Cardinals one inning gameplay on youtube right now, so stoked for this game.


Crowd reaction seems to have been worked on this year as well. My memory might be getting bad, but I don't remember the crowd being this active before with the play by play occurances in the game. This is the first time I've seen a sports game where it sounded like the crowd was actually a part of the stadium enviroment, instead of empty bodies just standing there making the stadium look full. This goes for all sports games.

that's pretty sweet. hopefully they ratchet it up in the 9th/close games (or evolve towards moments like that). 2 strikes, 2 outs, bottom of the ninth at home should be deafening!


never heard about the cat, apparently
Core407 said:
I need to find this game NOW.
good luck, everywhere I have been people have laughed at me and told me to come back on the 3rd. Bastards.


Yeah having audio response based off of the position of the game or position in the season would be great.

I've gone to a ton of baseball games and there is cheering after big plays or home runs, but I went to that final game at Miller Park last year and when Braun hit that two run homer I thought my damn ears were going to explode. Even though I'm a Cubs fan and was a bit pissed when that homer went out, I still remember that play because it was so deafening after it occurred.


Windu said:
good luck, everywhere I have been people have laughed at me and told me to come back on the 3rd. Bastards.

I'm hoping some worker confuses MLB 09 for 08 and puts it out. :lol I'm still playing the hell out of the demo. I've played with Hamels so much I think I've mastered his pitching style. I'm amazed at how differently each pitcher is. You can't pitch the same way with both guys. I can't wait until the league starts! I can see good pitching being one of the keys to success in the league. Too bad I can't get ATL since Denog picked 'em but I went with the Marlins instead. I think they're going to be a break out team this year with their pitching staff.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Core407 said:
I'm hoping some worker confuses MLB 09 for 08 and puts it out. :lol I'm still playing the hell out of the demo. I've played with Hamels so much I think I've mastered his pitching style. I'm amazed at how differently each pitcher is. You can't pitch the same way with both guys. I can't wait until the league starts! I can see good pitching being one of the keys to success in the league. Too bad I can't get ATL since Denog picked 'em but I went with the Marlins instead. I think they're going to be a break out team this year with their pitching staff.
Yeah if their pitching finally comes together they could be a threat in the East. But they did trade away some good players this offseason so I'm still not sure about them. It is about that time again though for them to do their Wild Card - World Series trick.
skip said:
that's pretty sweet. hopefully they ratchet it up in the 9th/close games (or evolve towards moments like that). 2 strikes, 2 outs, bottom of the ninth at home should be deafening!

Actually they were already doing this in '08 (2 strike, 2 out with the closer in the game the crowd definitely went up a notch, and a big ovation when the out was made). It was a little buggy though as the sample would occasionally be delayed or fail to kick in. I imagine it'll be smoother this year.


Anybody find a copy in the Dallas area yet? Read reports of it being available in some places already. Would love to pick this game up (along with a PS3).


hukasmokincaterpillar said:
Actually they were already doing this in '08 (2 strike, 2 out with the closer in the game the crowd definitely went up a notch, and a big ovation when the out was made). It was a little buggy though as the sample would occasionally be delayed or fail to kick in. I imagine it'll be smoother this year.

word up.


Windu you rock. With that Braves-Mets PSP video I finally got to see Citi Field modeled in a baseball game and it looked pretty good,though the Citi Field sign in center looks damn creepy.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Angelus said:
Windu you rock. With that Braves-Mets PSP video I finally got to see Citi Field modeled in a baseball game and it looked pretty good,though the Citi Field sign in center looks damn creepy.
There is a PS3 Citi Field video in the OP.


Windu said:
There is a PS3 Citi Field video in the OP.

I saw that on a Mets forum about a month ago. But you linked me to a real time game being played at Citi Field though,there is a huge difference. Thanks.

Right now I have only the show reserved at GameStop. I got a call from them this morning and I got all numb just thinking about what they might be calling about. Turns out it was for a fucking survey.:(
Windu said:

  • This is one of the few problems I have left with Show's pitching simulation. There isn't enough variation on specific breaking balls. Like, the break on that Kershaw curve is properly nasty, but its always nasty. You don't see nearly enough hangers or loopers in between, which even the best pitchers are prone to every now and then. Even if you mess up the release point and the curve drops in belt high, its a dangerous pitch but the break remains pretty devastating. It should be flatter and have a giant friggin' bullseye on it.

    I suppose the fact that I'm down to nitpicking variations in pitching trajectory shows how polished the damn thing is, but its always nagged at me. :D
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