it's 4th of July in my asshole
Making up the biggest batch of Chicken Vindaloo curry...... YERMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Marquardt actually had an exemption for TRT beforehand, that's why the New Jersey Athletic Commission was monitoring his levels so closely prior to his fight and the fact that you don't know this means I probably shouldn't even respond to the rest of your post but here goes. Vitor cleared his TRT with the UFC through Marc Ratner who acts as commissioner when they do international shows and they were checking his levels periodically the same way Nevada does with TRT guys. His levels were fine or else we would have heard otherwise (maybe the tests haven't come back yet from the Rockhold fight though). Keith Kizer has gone on record saying that since he got popped for using an actual steroid in Nevada when he fought for PRIDE in 06 that the Nevada commission might not provide him with a TRT exemption if he applied for one in that state. It's not "the US commission", it's Nevada. This quote actually came from Kizer after Vitor had already taken the steps to get approved for TRT by Marc Ratner's outfit which normally does whatever they think Nevada would do under most circumstances, if not going above and beyond what Nevada does. However since they already approved Vitor and have been testing him per Dana, they're not going to go back on their decision based on an off-the-cuff quote from Keith Kizer after the fact. Of course it wouldn't be good for him to even try fighting again in Nevada now that he knows Kizer isn't looking to play ball with him but even then I bet he would backpedal a bit on that statement if there was a big Anderson/Vitor rematch that could take place in his state. That's a lot of money coming from a lot of Brazilians.
maybe the tests haven't come back yet from the Rockhold fight though
Someone on undisclosed TRT could breeze through the testing as long as their T:E ratio was low enough come fight night, because a piss test can't determine levels and they generally only do a CIR analysis to determine if testosterone is natural if the ratio is off and the fighter requests it, for example if someone had a 6.4:1 ratio but was confident it was natural. Steroid metabolites on the other hand can be picked in piss just like weed, which is how Bonnar got caught. So it's not really the same thing, at least technically. That said, who knows what parochial little games are played by the commissions with these sorts of things.Yet Vitor got no punishment for the same thing. Bonnar was already finished anyways. He's no longer a draw and was only still in the UFC because of his history.. like Lidell, Griffin, BJ, Hughes, and Franklin.
Someone on undisclosed TRT could breeze through the testing as long as their T:E ratio was low enough come fight night, because a piss test can't determine levels and they generally only do a CIR analysis to determine if testosterone is natural if the ratio is off and the fighter requests it, for example if someone had a 6.4:1 ratio but was confident it was natural. Steroid metabolites on the other hand can be picked in piss just like weed, which is how Bonnar got caught. So it's not really the same thing, at least technically. That said, who knows what parochial little games are played by the commissions with these sorts of things., Marquardt was not approved in New Jersey.. Which doesn't even matter since the fight he got cut for was in Pennsylvania.
And I never said it was the "US Commission" but Nevada's commission is pretty much viewed as the premier Commission for Combat sports in the country (to some, in the world) and not many states allow things that Nevada doesn't. So a no from Nevada means not likely pretty much anywhere else.
Marc Ratner running the in-house commission for UFC doesn't mean much. Just because he's a former NSAC Executive Director doesn't mean that he runs things the way the Commission runs them now. Hell the Brazilian Commission has said they're modeled after the NSAC and yet they've given Vitor his TUE. Furthermore I'm not sure where you're getting the info that the UFC or any other Commission "checks periodically" with their TUE fighters because it flies in the face of everything Dana has said about people getting the exemption, jacking up the TRT through camp, then coming down before the pre-fight tests. The only thing they do is test the blood levels a few times to confirm a fighter has Low-T before they issue the exemption then they do pre and post fight tests.
Maybe Kizer would back down if Vitor was in a title fight but from all signs he's more likely to stick to his guns than a Brazilian Commission is to deny a Brazilian fighter their TUE.
Nate had a TUE prior to that fight which is why he was being tested so frequently. They yanked it because his numbers were too high apparently.
Cisco.We gonna nerdchat Rickson Jr. vs Aoki Senpai Chan tonight?
edit: wtf, the stream is 20 fucking dollars.
He could get put to sleep by a stray limb during a scramble. Never overestimate his "chin".You don't want to watch Brendan Shaub fight without any chance of getting KO'd?
I just picked up my E3 badge and will be at the Sony presser tomorrow.. Can't wait.Fucking E3, I had a dream about the goddamn PS4 last night. Not even the whole console, just the fucking bottom... they leaked it.
Had some orange on it.
tomorrow is National holiday, who wants to watch E3 and nerdchat with me all day?
tomorrow is National holiday, who wants to watch E3 and nerdchat with me all day?
Watching Metamoris. Cyborg is buttscooting, sitting indian style, and even laying limp on the canvas waiting for Schaub to jump in his guard. Schaub is circling and doing nothing while the crowd
Al Bundy on commentary.
omg. Is your international satellite dish picking this up?
Undisclosed TRT is what we're assuming Overeem was doing right? Because I've never heard that he even applied for an exemption. And yes, in the case of Bonnar, if it was Anabolic Steroids it's different and I was wrong about that. That being the case though it really isn't a decent comparison to show that Vitor or another Brazilian fighter would get popped for excessive TRT levels in Brazil.
Found out a few of my buddies are opening up a hobby shop together not too far from where I like. Not sure a store that sells cards is a good model for success.
One of the dudes at works buy's like 200 bucks worth of Yugioh cards every month.
One of the dudes at works buy's like 200 bucks worth of Yugioh cards every month.
And you posted anime porn on the nerd chat, not sure which is worse.
Normal Bird dropping knowledge once again.Why would Overeem apply for an exemption when he was entirely unaware that his recovery boosting anti-inflammatory injections contained any illegal substances? After all, they were provided to him by a doctor who had worked for the Texas AC and was recommended to him by Tra Telligman.
In any case, it comes down to the difference between using T or something else that boosts its production as opposed to a medically prescribed regimen of it. Even if they're using nothing but T, someone cruising and blasting at levels in the thousands of mg can't really be said to be doing TRT, and there's a good chance that some fighters with TUEs are doing just that.
Why would Overeem apply for an exemption when he was entirely unaware that his recovery boosting anti-inflammatory injections contained any illegal substances? After all, they were provided to him by a doctor who had worked for the Texas AC and was recommended to him by Tra Telligman.
Anything other than what normal bird said is speculation, and you're doing a whole lot of that. Not to mention the fact that you think Belfort and Bonnar were doing the exact same thing in Brazil and only Bonnar got caught because *tinfoil hat theory*.Satire? I ask because sometimes I really can't tell in this thread.
tomorrow is National holiday, who wants to watch E3 and nerdchat with me all day?
Anything other than what normal bird said is speculation, and you're doing a whole lot of that. Not to mention the fact that you think Belfort and Bonnar were doing the exact same thing in Brazil and only Bonnar got caught because *tinfoil hat theory*.
tomorrow is National holiday, who wants to watch E3 and nerdchat with me all day?
From the funny pic thread
Hunt would be proud.
How do we know if that's an iron chin or if those are pillow fists?From the funny pic thread
Hunt would be proud.