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MMA-GAF |OT4| BangBros

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A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Satire? I ask because sometimes I really can't tell in this thread.

You can choose to disbelieve the sworn testimony of the repentant Doctor and his forgiving client if you wish. The distinction between T and TRT that Astro reiterated still stands. It's also worth noting that detectable steroid metabolites have differing half-lifes, whereas the T:E ratio fluctuates greatly depending on individual levels as well as the frequency, duration, amount and recentness of exogenous testosterone supplementation, as well as what form the testosterone is administered in (oral, dermal, suspension, ester etc...). The rumour was that at the same test that Alistair failed another fighter was crossing their fingers that their ratio fell within the allowed limits - it was later revealed that Frank Mir had started TRT.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that if Overeem was undertaking a prescribed regimen of testosterone therapy he would have applied for a TUE; as he wasn't licensed at the time of the random test (and thus obviously wouldn't have had an existing exemption) and had never failed a test previously it wouldn't have been unreasonable. As it happened though, he sought the truth from the man whose hands he had trustingly placed his health and livelihood into the care of, and when he found that dark truth he revealed it publicly, to provide a warning for any future athletes or regulatory bodies who may have let faith rule in suspicion's stead. As I recall, the NSAC recognised and rewarded this self-sacrifice with a reduced suspension. Funnily enough, it was Dr. Molina's failure to reduce the level of test in his suspension that caused Alistair to fail the test that led to his reduced suspension.


I really wonder how they're going to handle the next season.

The 3rd television season covered approximately 2/3 of A Storm of Swords. I suspect the 4th season will finish that book and start using material from A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. I can't imagine they will use AFFC and ADWD independently. Since the timelines of both books overlap, I imagine they will combine material as they see fit.


Passing metallic gas
The 3rd television season covered approximately 2/3 of A Storm of Swords. I suspect the 4th season will finish that book and start using material from A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. I can't imagine they will use AFFC and ADWD independently. Since the timelines of both books overlap, I imagine they will combine material as they see fit.

Yea thats going to be some budget considering the crazyness that starts happening.
Again, you show how little you know of all this by throwing terms around without knowing what they mean. TRT=Testosterone Replacement Therapy. You can't test positive for a therapy regimen. No one gets popped for TRT. He tested positive for an abnormal Testosterone to Epitestosterone ratio. Overeem claimed that this was caused by his anti-inflammatory drug he was taking which for some reason had testosterone in it unbeknownst to him. Not once did he claim to be on a constant TRT treatment, and not once did the commission ever accuse him of being on such a treatment without filing for an exemption.

You're ridiculing people who actually know all of the publicly disclosed facts pertaining to these situations as posting satire when you obviously don't have a firm grasp on the facts yourself which you've displayed quite a few times now.

My stance is fine, I'm just using TRT as a shorthand. But if you want to criticize my terminology and act like it invalidates the overall point, then by all means.

And I wasn't ridiculing Bird at all. I know Bird knows his shit regarding the medical side of this stuff as I've asked him about it before in this very thread. I was asking if he legitimately believed Overeems story because people are very sarcastic in this thread. Reems story doesn't add up to me because there's no need to travel out of his way to see one specific doctor for NSAIDs. There should be plenty of Docs between Vegas, Miami, and Holland that can take care of that who didn't have a past with illegal scripts. That and I don't see what the Doc had to gain by putting T in the shots anyways. If he's being recommended by former fighters he should be well aware that that isn't an option for them.

People have been joking (and some not joking) about Reem and "horsemeat" for years and now something has happened that is at the very least suspicious. I don't think it's far fetched at all to think that he knew what was up but came up with a story to try to save face and reduce or reverse his suspension.

@A More Normal Bird
I'm more inclined to think that Overeem wouldn't have tried to apply for TUE because it's hard to believe that he would be naturally deficient given his age, physique, and performance. My understanding is that people suffering from conditions that result in Low T would have trouble maintaining a physique and performance level like his and while having a significant drop at his age isn't unheard of, it's more rare. Is that wrong?

Or to clarify, if he legitimately needed Therapy, would it be possible for him to have his Pre-Lesnar physique and performance without it? And I specify Pre-Lesnar because he was reported to have dangerously low levels (for an athlete) for the Silva fight. Also would it be possible for him to have such low T levels as the result of the treatment he was getting from Molina?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
@A More Normal Bird
I'm more inclined to think that Overeem wouldn't have tried to apply for TUE because it's hard to believe that he would be naturally deficient given his age, physique, and performance. My understanding is that people suffering from conditions that result in Low T would have trouble maintaining a physique and performance level like his and while having a significant drop at his age isn't unheard of, it's more rare. Is that wrong?

Or to clarify, if he legitimately needed Therapy, would it be possible for him to have his Pre-Lesnar physique and performance without it? And I specify Pre-Lesnar because he was reported to have dangerously low levels (for an athlete) for the Silva fight. Also would it be possible for him to have such low T levels as the result of the treatment he was getting from Molina?

The points you raise are definitely red-flags about the legitimacy of a hypothetical prescription of TRT for Alistair, but they apply just as much to Mir, Sonnen, Griffin, Marquadt etc... so if prescribed TRT was the cause of the failed test I don't see why it wouldn't at least be worth a shot. But this is all kind of moot anyway because there's nothing to suggest (AFAIK) that Overeem was ever on a medically prescribed TRT regimen. As for your other questions, I'm no expert, but weighing over 260lbs lean seems pretty unlikely for someone with long term chronically low T. Exogenous supplementation does shut down the body's hormone production, but it rebounds and can be kickstarted. Without knowing exactly what was in Dr. Molina's Proprietary Recovery Formula for Athletes it's hard to say if it could be claimed as a probable cause for Alistair's recent test results.


Yeah, it's ridiculous. Can someone explain these "E3 was a draw, Xbone won on games, PS4 won on services" loons? 90% of the stuff shown at E3 was cutscene bullshit and the only games that looked special were Titan Fall, FFXV and Destiny. The last two are likely better played on PS4, the other one on PC.
Yeah, it's ridiculous. Can someone explain these "E3 was a draw, Xbone won on games, PS4 won on services" loons? 90% of the stuff shown at E3 was cutscene bullshit and the only games that looked special were Titan Fall, FFXV and Destiny. The last two are likely better played on PS4, the other one on PC.

That's what I said. Metal Gear was another great looking game. Hopefully we get more Sony games at TGS.

Guys, never have kids. You end up waking up at 4:30 to cook them food. Because kids wake up hungry sometimes.


Passing metallic gas
I have been sleeping like ass thanks to the wonderfully pendulous weather in NY. I dont think I've gotten more than straight 5 hours in two weeks.


you know that looks like the swamps from witcher 1 rendered in witcher 2..
I'd love a witcher one update to use the latest tech..brilliant series

With lots of fire thrown in for good measure :p

I still can't believe that a company is so incompetent that the competition can use "used games" as marketing.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member

Want so much. I ripped some models and textures and played around with them last weekend; the asset quality in Witcher 2 makes most of the shit in Skyrim look like the work of unpaid interns. Even if it's just an open world TW2 with a better renderer it'll be in a league of its own. Plus there's the issue of, you know, having characters, quests, mechanics and a plot that are all actually engaging.


Want so much. I ripped some models and textures and played around with them last weekend; the asset quality in Witcher 2 makes most of the shit in Skyrim look like the work of unpaid interns. Even if it's just an open world TW2 with a better renderer it'll be in a league of its own. Plus there's the issue of, you know, having characters, quests, mechanics and a plot that are all actually engaging.

The funny thing is that Skyrim probably had a budget 10x bigger than TW2's.


Aliens ate my babysitter
This is an interesting take, you should have a talk with jerry and pauly from team sony.

Gameswise both consoles were pretty much even, from what I've seen. But DRM, used games, always online, price, console power, etc, MSFT just gave the ball to sony. That said, they will both sell of course.


Gameswise both consoles were pretty much even, from what I've seen. But DRM, used games, always online, price, console power, etc, MSFT just gave the ball to sony. That said, they will both sell of course.

oh i completely misread your post. i thought you said MS dropped Sony's pants and fucked em in the ass. carry on.
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