Host Samurai
I'm always late to the fun threads
I was gonna ask what a roid-gut looks like but then I remembered I could just google image search Vitor Belfort.
EDIT: Look whats outside my house ...
Does my good friend dream and my adversarial neighbor cumbr appreciate Serena's athleticism?
EDIT: Look whats outside my house ...
Yes, on a professional level.
Man that's just kinda sad, double cism.
McKayla being my favorite athlete has nothing to do with cism, playboy.
Will there be a nerdchat for Legacy tonight?
Will there be a nerdchat for Legacy tonight?
It's gonna be good.Will there be a nerdchat for Legacy tonight?
Tempted to get that Infestation: Survivor Series game, anyone played it?
Tempted to get that Infestation: Survivor Series game, anyone played it?
Kill it with fire, avoid like the plague, don't even touch with a 50-foot pole, etc.Tempted to get that Infestation: Survivor Series game, anyone played it?
Well with GSP I say good on Chuck. As for JBJ? He finishes motherfuckers.Chuck goin HAM on GSP/JBJ playing it safe on Inside MMA. Lol.
It's War Z. Scam city.
Kill it with fire, avoid like the plague, don't even touch with a 50-foot pole, etc.
Damn, I got so wasted I don't even remember walking home last night.
And why is god fist bumping Bones Jones?
Yup Sunflower hit the nail on the head when he said it was better than Mario Kart. At least on PC anyways.Sonic Racing Transformed is pretty great. A steal at the sale price
Sonic Racing Transformed is pretty great. A steal at the sale price
On PC this is a 60FPS racer. Therefore, playable. But I do agree with that sentiment.But gaming side told me 30 fps racers are unplayable.
Joe "Methuselah" Riggs said:"I'd come from cutting weight, and I take my shorts off --my underwear off-- and they're all stained with sh*t, probably, and whatever, and I threw them in Tim Walsh's face. It was a perfect shot to the lips. And he peels them off his face, and he wheels them at me, and it hits the camera guy right in the lips. And he went down, talking about throwing up, because they were like saturated with sweat, piss and sh*t. I was cutting weight, so I was sitting there like pissing myself."