So who will Cain get next? Werdum in a title eliminator?
Show it its own title and an ad for CarMax tell it that if it doesn't get its shit together, you're going to have to put it down.Fuck, my car is stalling again. Now it won't idle for more than 30 seconds or so, but as long as I'm pressing the gas it seems to be ok. I dunno if I should drive to my interview tomorrow or take a 2 hour bus ride with a 20 minute walk in mid-day sun and show up all sweaty.
Sounds like the computer is running lean on the fuel mixture. Have someone plug a diagonistic scanner in and run a test. Could be a stuck ERG valve or a bad CTS or O2 sensor.Gonna borrow my mom's car. But what is weird is I was just driving and it was fine. It's really hot outside, so maybe it is better when it is hot. The mechanic was thinking it would stall more when it was hot, so he idled it for 45 minutes before test driving it. But first thing this morning, it was stalling. Drove it 5 miles and it stalled at every long red light. It sat in sun for an hour and it didn't stall once driving it back home. I was even trying to get it to stall in my parking lot by coasting without gassing and then sitting idle for a minute. This is stressing me out.
I went on a first date to Cloverfield. Bad idea. Bad idea.All I remember about Hellboy II is puking in the theater and passing out.
That self-deprecation is worthy of Tito Ortiz. I bet she yammered over all the other contestants in the presser.
The working hypothesis is that it's something computer related, but there aren't any error codes. Midas and my mechanic both ran computer tests and showed nothing. It starts fine and seems to run fine until it stalls, so we think a sensor is telling the computer to shut the engine. Replaced the camshaft sensor on Friday and it was better. Before doing that it would stall at almost every stop. So comparatively it is doing better.Sounds like the computer is running lean on the fuel mixture. Have someone plug a diagonistic scanner in and run a test. Could be a stuck ERG valve or a bad CTS or O2 sensor.
This thread is amusing me this morning:
Why does everyone turn into such a bitch when they get the belt? JDS can easily fight Cain than Reem when he comes back, just doesn't wanna fight twice in the span of 8 months.
Why does everyone turn into such a bitch when they get the belt? JDS can easily fight Cain then Reem when he comes back, just doesn't wanna fight twice in the span of 8 months.
Don't click that link Grim!
What what?? Now im legit scared.
What what?? Now im legit scared.
Nothing to be scared bout, but weren't you also trying that 90 days without porn challenge?
Nothing to be scared bout, but weren't you also trying that 90 days without porn challenge?
Nothing to be scared bout, but weren't you also trying that 90 days without porn challenge?
Oh. I clicked it and it does nothing for me. If it was that chick you posted in the chat the other day..that would have been a crisis.
I hadn't checked those nudes before this post, and you're right. Once again GAF underwhelms.
Artsy photshoots always downplay the muff anyway. They make it look all shadowy and shit.
90 DAYS?!
90 DAYS?!
Is "Serpentine" his real nickname? Because, he's not "serpentine" or anything snakey at all. Is that the name for "Serpentor" in Brazil? Does he walk around asking people to do things and then says "THIS I COMMAND!"?I can see why Junior "Serpentine" Dos Cantos doesn't want the Cain rematch.
im not gonna do it. i WANTED to. But i did not.
No. Im reffering to Gung's post about JDS.
Oh, ok. I got a gif just in case.
OH come on. You of all people should have more faith in me.
I do friend, just covering all the bases.
Oh. I clicked it and it does nothing for me. If it was that chick you posted in the chat the other day..that would have been a crisis.
You mean Katya Sambuca? I'll let the fine people here google themselves, won't risk a ban by posting any links!
You mean Katya Sambuca? I'll let the fine people here google themselves, won't risk a ban by posting any links!
Next thing you guys will tell me that Dana White is Destro.You and your serpentine angles
I meant no harm. To make up for that here's my plan for dealing with boredom.
Not her, a brazillian lady.
You sir are in this thread way too often to not be in nerd chat.
Next thing you guys will tell me that Dana White is Destro.