Yikes - Oct 12 episode of TUF hits series low with 624k viewers or a .49 share.
Yikes - Oct 12 episode of TUF hits series low with 624k viewers or a .49 share.
And his sunglasses are bedazzled!
Just taking a break from writing an essay... HAHAHAHAHA at those numbers. The Browns/Bagels game probably did more than that.
Stop procrastinating.
Just taking a break from writing an essay... HAHAHAHAHA at those numbers. The Browns/Bagels game probably did more than that.
Dude it's due in two weeks and only 8 pages.
Then finish it already!
Yikes - Oct 12 episode of TUF hits series low with 624k viewers or a .49 share.
Banned for THAT? eevy pls
Banned for THAT? eevy pls
You must have the reading comprehension of a chimp to think i said they own every single aspect of Korean consumers' lives.
Ninja I hate to do this to you, but it's "Skrap Pack".That's not even an insult. They are doing some pretty remarkable things with literacy in chimps. Now if he had said "You have the reading comprehension of member of the Scrap Pack" then I'd understand the banning.
Yikes - Oct 12 episode of TUF hits series low with 624k viewers or a .49 share.
Are the screens still made by the same fucking people?The funny thing about the "Korean consumers lives lol" being that you should see the Korean fanboy wars regarding Samsung vs. LG. One of my co-workers was fiercely and absolutely pro-LG over Samsung in a way that would make even GAF's most ardent console/smartphone warrior take a step back and re-evaluate their life.
I need to know what Shields did to get the NC. Ill LMFAO if it were roids. Does not seem like the guy that uses it.
Friends check out what may end up being the next big thread. This shit is destined for greatness.
Are the screens still made by the same fucking people?
The issue I have with Samsung getting a premium is the same issue I have with Hyundai starting to ask for a premium. Yes, they've come a long way in two decades. Yes, the big Japanese manufacturers have stumbled (Samsung : Hyundai :: Sony : Toyota), but the big Korean manufacturers haven't come all the way to where the Japanese were when it was all crappy American stuff or over-priced European stuff. There are too many average competitors to just hand them a victory just because they presumed it was their turn, especially when you can see all the corners they cut by just looking at the thing for more than 5 minutes.It's actually quite surprising how Samsung have elevated themselves from a bootleg Sony to a "luxury" electronics consortium (and a bootleg Apple LAWL!!11!one!) in the last ten years. Their shit demands a rather hefty premium compared to LG and other tech companies, which reminds me of Sony when they were in their prime.
Yo Grim
Aqualad got toasted.
Yea. Gee i wonder what will happen next. MM is such a fucking cunt.
Miss Martian. AKA The Team "Shared Girlfriend".
Miss Martian. AKA The Team "Shared Girlfriend".
The problem with TUF is its day and time slot. I don't get around to it till a day or two later. Should be Wednesday nights or something.
I still have no idea what you guys are talking about.
Edit: Cartoons?
Young Justice the animated series