Luigiv said:
I don't know if I agree with your complaints.
- I'd rather an all new roster then just more recycled content. I've already defeated most of the monsters from Freedom Unite. Tri is the first entry that really feels like a sequel, not just an expansion pack (We've already had 5 of them FFS). As a sequel it doesn't need to invalidate it's predecessors, you can always go back and play freedom unite. Also remember that every recurring monster had to be rebuilt from scratch, doing to many would have stretched resources thin.
- I miss bows too but I can understand why they were put on hiatus. All the recurring weapon classes had a serious rebalanced; reworked move sets, tweaked damage values, more balanced raws. Much like the recurring monsters, including all of them would have stretched resources thin, hence why Tri did the first half and Freedom 3 completes the rosters.
- The new bowgun system is a great idea, though I agree the execution is a little weak. Achieving the ideal setup looks like a headache and the different parts don't quite offer the level of variety I was expecting. Still the old system wasn't a winner either. Getting the right balance between power, relevant ammo and reload speed was a pain when you were giving 0 choice in the matter.
- I don't see how selecting "change mode" from the menu is any more disjointed then entering and exiting the gathering hall. And even then that's irrelevant since the city and village are both self contained. There's no reason to run back and forth.
- I agree getting into a city is not as smooth as it needs to be (I mean, why the hell do I have to select my character, select the city then select my character again?) but it still beats all the loops I have to run through to get ad-hoc party running.
As for your question marks. I agree underwater combat is a mostly neutral addition but the new kitchen and farm are a no brainer. They are huge, huge improvements. My only complaint is the limits on which bugs you can breed.
Now, of course I don't think Tri is perfect. For all it's improvements, so far, I feel the new roster falls a tiny bit flat when compared to the first gen. But then again I still haven't unlocked the 5* quests yet so that may change when I finally get into the real meat.
1.) To be fair, I went from MH(G) to MHFU and skipped two, but the scale between those two titles is ENORMOUS compared to Tri. The reboot has it's pluses, but I think it just feels like a bit of a truncated experience in the end, and certainly very repetitive going into high rank and repeating so early
The amount of content and systems and game there in general is just so sweeping, going from 1g to 2g. They should have at least taken some of the 2/2G stuff and went regional on them with unique traits and colors/features as opposed to taking first gen stuff again.
MH3 is just a bit anemic as it stands, I can't imagine how murderously fast I would've kicked through this game if I wasn't farming equipment I didnt need to ridicuous rate this time. :lol
We'll see how Tri shapes up when it has an expansion, or if that expansion goes to PSP or whatever, Capcom is being very quiet.
It may be a bit petty to bitch about content! I got 130 hours I think so far out of Tri. Still as much as that seems it's less than half of what I put into Freedom unite and I'm not done with that game still.

Monster Hunter is one of the few franchises I really stick to , so it's nice to get a lot out of it. I try to play more of less games, in recent years.
2.) I'll agree to an extent here, the weapons have a closer balance than ever before, but at least bring over the damned bow. Gunner armor NEEDS that second weapon.
3.) I was fine with the old system, the variety was there with the monster roster to make it worth it, and it's a lot easier to weave in various types of guns so they act more like the melee system where you might use this gun for this, or this gun for that.
Even if there was a giant roster like in MHFU, I dont think the new system would work still. I would agree they could do more, but make it through tweaks to a fully purchased/created gun, not buying random parts that, even I as a spreadsheet/inventory geek cant get into
4.) It takes a staggering amount of time to get online and into the rooms on the Wii. Meanwhile, on PSP, it takes less than 5 seconds to go between your online hall and your town. With the addition of real online on PSP though, I can see Capcom overdesigning the online again and getting the same thing
Adhoc Party works like a dream for me and it's more functional than the average console online title. :lol Best program any console maker has ever put out. I get such incredible use out of that thing.
5.) I dunno, I really liked the Felyne kitchen. It's a lot of micro and a lot of work, but you could get some great results from it and it was humorous and full of life. Just sitting down to an arcadey table is kind of bland to me.
The new farm is kind of dull. It's less varried, but more productive. So half the time I hate it and half the time I love it. It's missing several types of nodes and all of the interaction is gone, and a lot of that had some great personality.
Like Bombing the mines, hitting the bug tree with the hammer, firing the nets for fishing, the funny stuff with Trenya and his voyages, etc.
The new farm is OK too it just needs to be expanded and maybe have some more variety at the cost of production. I do almost think its a bit broken how easily it is to get honey and flashbugs from it.