IG with extender bug is <3
PS-Yes, it's been a while! Can finally play the game (again) in English. XD
Yeah, skipped 4G in favor of English text.
IG with extender bug is <3
PS-Yes, it's been a while! Can finally play the game (again) in English. XD
I did after dealing with these people, but it shouldn't be necessary to begin with.
I only do it at least once or twice, and after that I just let the others try or we all just continue wailing. Mounting is fine for the others because you can heal up in the mean time or sharpen to continue the attacks. Or place a trap in it's way after it gets up from a successful mount.
Even with his new moves, it was a lot of fun tangling with my old pal Rathalos again.I remember fighting Rathalos in MH3 and not thinkg he was so hard, during the opening in this, I was like "Why are they treating him like such a badass?" Had more trouble than I thought i would... Problably would have been easier if I remembered that he had poision. Ah well, at least he didn't cart me.
What's up with that arena gimmick where we slide off the end of the stage? Is it an automatic cart if I fall off?
Fought najarala or whatever his name is this morning, really liked him. Has a cool aesthetic design and his attacks were fun to avoid. Really liking the new monsters overall so far
Fought najarala or whatever his name is this morning, really liked him. Has a cool aesthetic design and his attacks were fun to avoid. Really liking the new monsters overall so far
Throw a paintball at it. It'll light up on your minimap for something like 20 minutes after you hit it with a paintball.
I've been stuck at 3/4 seltas horn for this thing I want to make. I've done the seltas mission several times trying to get another horn and am unsure how. any ideas?
I hate Khezu. It's not hard, but it's just... there. It's boring to fight, and I always get caught in its stationary lightning attack. ALWAYS since MH1.
I've wanting Earplugs, but I love my Seregios armor right now and I can't find a charm with it.
Also, why do people always call monsters 'he' when they're not said to be male? Even here, too. Must be a fanbase thing. Kinda dumb.
GS: "Schattenstolz" -> "shadow pride"
LS: "Stahlfakt" -> "steel fact"
SnS: "Sucher-Ankh" -> "seeker ankh"
DB: "Fledderklauen" -> "ravager fangs/claws"
H: "Wuchtblick" -> "force stare"
HH: "Kummerklang" -> "sound of suffering"
L: "Eiferschild" -> "mettle shield"
GL: "Tyrannenarm" -> "tyrant's arm"
SA: "Eisenleib" -> "iron body"
CB: "Elendskraft" -> "strength of misery"
IG: "Leumundslist" -> "record's ploy"
LBG: "Fäulnisschleuder" -> "decay hurler" (love this one in German)
HBG: ???
Bow: "Entbehrung" -> "deprivation
Grr. No Seregios Dissenter any time soon. (It's the rare item for Seregios, the plate/gem equivalent.)
Also, why do people always call monsters 'he' when they're not said to be male? Even here, too. Must be a fanbase thing. Kinda dumb.
58 hours on the clock...
Had 40 by Tuesday morning. I need help guys.
I suppose she would count as an intruder monster, wouldn't it? They usually have better odds of rare stuff.Oh wow. I did the Wyvern eggs quest and of course Rathian appeared. I decided to kill it and then I found a plate in my reward box.![]()
There are some that are definitively male/female. Rathalos is male, Rathian is female. Diablos can be either, but black diablos are female diablos in heat. I think that there's also a small male bug / large female bug thing going on in this game as well, but I'm not sure.
Cheeky. One of the later low rank quests sneaks in a high rank Gore Magala. I was wondering why I was getting trashed.
58 hours on the clock...
Had 40 by Tuesday morning. I need help guys.
There are some that are definitively male/female. Rathalos is male, Rathian is female. Diablos can be either, but black diablos are female diablos in heat. I think that there's also a small male bug / large female bug thing going on in this game as well, but I'm not sure.
I suppose she would count as an intruder monster, wouldn't it? They usually have better odds of rare stuff.
I'm going to try that later myself since I need one more spike from her anyway.
58 hours on the clock...
Had 40 by Tuesday morning. I need help guys.
Anyone got any tips on how to handle gore with a GS? I've fought him about 3 times with my friends, once with a GS and I just couldn't get a sense of when to charge and when not to. Defeated him with the IG cause I found it was easier for getting rid of the virus and I felt more mobile.
When do I get to do village HR quests? I'm currently doing 6* quests and have an urgent to killsome crab monster for the ACE Cadet.
When do I get to do village HR quests? I'm currently doing 6* quests and have an urgent to killsome crab monster for the ACE Cadet.
Anyone got any tips on how to handle gore with a GS? I've fought him about 3 times with my friends, once with a GS and I just couldn't get a sense of when to charge and when not to. Defeated him with the IG cause I found it was easier for getting rid of the virus and I felt more mobile.
That urgent is what unlocks high rank for the caravan.
You get to HR village after doing that Hermitaur quest.![]()
Charge to its head when enraged after a mount for feelers and to have it go back to non-rage mode plus a shiny drop. When it does its explosive attack or trio virus ball attack (sorry don't know what to call them lol), get behind him and charge attack its tail to cut it off for an extra carve.
When he's just charging around, going hit-and-run is probably youir best bet. Gore's got quite a few big wind-up attacks though that give you plenty of time to at least get a level 3 off. For example, when his feelers are up he does that massive slam that breaks the ground. If you can see it coming and get behind him, you'll be sitting pretty.
His virus-ball attack, especially when he does three in a row, is another good opportunity.
There's always the classic Gotcha-Bitch to the face when he's flying/charging at you. Very hard to pull off though, takes a lot of practice.
Did a Rathian/Rathalos/Tigres quest with Pinko Marx and Shengar. Stygian Zinogre/Azure Rath/Seltas Queen next!
.I'm trying to get a sense for whether I would like this game/series and despite playing the demo I still can't get a sense if the game is gonna hook me or not. Couple of quick questions.
1: If i've been addicted to diablo my whole life will farming for monster parts to craft upgrades scratch that same itch?
If you like loot then yes, but the loot here is used to make the weapons rather than just dropping them. though Expedition missions can drop weapons and armor but you have to "unrust" it first.
2: It's my understanding that the quests can be rather long and some monster fights can take close to an hour? Can you save in the middle of these long battles? It's pretty rare for me to get huge chunks of uninterrupted game time these days so I place a pretty high value on being able to save and exit a game at the drop of a hat.
Fights don't really take that long at all. I would say 10-15min, 30min max though. Also just shut your 3DS and it will put the game in standby
3: As a total newbie to the series can i expect a slow progression of gear upgrades even when i'm not very skilled or will I be banging my head against the difficulty pretty much from the word go? I guess what I mean is will I always feel like i'm making some small progress even when I suck? I'm alright with a learning curve but I like to feel like I can make some progress while I'm learning even if it's slow progress.
You always feel like you are getting better at the game, because there is no hand holding so you just beat a monster and maybe hardly survive and you want his gear, so you fight him again but you're doing better because you now know his patterns and when to strike and ect.
So you are always getting better with or without the loot helping, its a very rewarding experience![]()
I'm trying to get a sense for whether I would like this game/series and despite playing the demo I still can't get a sense if the game is gonna hook me or not. Couple of quick questions.
1: If i've been addicted to diablo my whole life will farming for monster parts to craft upgrades scratch that same itch?
2: It's my understanding that the quests can be rather long and some monster fights can take close to an hour? Can you save in the middle of these long battles? It's pretty rare for me to get huge chunks of uninterrupted game time these days so I place a pretty high value on being able to save and exit a game at the drop of a hat.
3: As a total newbie to the series can i expect a slow progression of gear upgrades even when i'm not very skilled or will I be banging my head against the difficulty pretty much from the word go? I guess what I mean is will I always feel like i'm making some small progress even when I suck? I'm alright with a learning curve but I like to feel like I can make some progress while I'm learning even if it's slow progress.
I'm trying to get a sense for whether I would like this game/series and despite playing the demo I still can't get a sense if the game is gonna hook me or not. Couple of quick questions.
1: If i've been addicted to diablo my whole life will farming for monster parts to craft upgrades scratch that same itch?
2: It's my understanding that the quests can be rather long and some monster fights can take close to an hour? Can you save in the middle of these long battles? It's pretty rare for me to get huge chunks of uninterrupted game time these days so I place a pretty high value on being able to save and exit a game at the drop of a hat.
3: As a total newbie to the series can i expect a slow progression of gear upgrades even when i'm not very skilled or will I be banging my head against the difficulty pretty much from the word go? I guess what I mean is will I always feel like i'm making some small progress even when I suck? I'm alright with a learning curve but I like to feel like I can make some progress while I'm learning even if it's slow progress.
58 hours on the clock...
Had 40 by Tuesday morning. I need help guys.
Almost the exact same amount of hours. I need to take a bit of a break though. dem hand cramps.
Is there more DLC beyond the mario & luigi outfits yet?
I "only" played for four hours yesterday. My right hand still hurts a bit. Blasted R button is so uncomfortable to press for such large amounts of time.
Meanwhile, my brother has played for 65 hours, is still playing as I type, and hasn't had any cramps. HANDS OF STEEL.