Git gud and then you can wear whatever you i the only one who hates armor mix-matching and looking like a clown? ._.
i mean, what's the point of having all those awesome designed armor sets when half of them are basically worthless...
did you do the village stuff? In my experience all of the village HR stuff got way harder in MH4U compared to MH3U. those 10* quests are no joke.
I'm pretty sure G rank Gold and Silver are DLC quests.
did you do the village stuff? In my experience all of the village HR stuff got way harder in MH4U compared to MH3U. those 10* quests are no joke.
Monster broth can't be obtained until high rank correct? I really want to level up the Gore Glaive :<
am i the only one who hates armor mix-matching and looking like a clown? ._.
i mean, what's the point of having all those awesome designed armor sets when half of them are basically worthless...
am i the only one who hates armor mix-matching and looking like a clown? ._.
i mean, what's the point of having all those awesome designed armor sets when half of them are basically worthless...
Well I hit the god damn grind wall already I need a Najarala beak and i'm 0/20 so far. This kind of shit is what stops me everytime I play this series.
I'm give it one more day before I break my cart in half and call it a day.
Technical question about elemental damage.
Say I'm fighting a Seltas, whose head is "20" weak to fire. I have a Long Sword (Wyvern Blade "Blood") that has 462 attack, 300 fire elemental.
So, I attack a Seltas head with this. Not counting the Seltas defense, what kind of bonus damage will I be doing? Is it, like, 300 * 20% as bonus damage?
Yeah, that's how it works. There's also shit to take into account like sharpness and affinity but math is hard, I just hit monsters.
Break his beak, do the subquest, end via subquest. It will make the farming go quicker.
did you do the village stuff? In my experience all of the village HR stuff got way harder in MH4U compared to MH3U. those 10* quests are no joke.
Thanks! Armor is complicated, should I look to jump for a set that has maestro next or is there a great set that would be better to just use gems for? Was able to make a complete bone set but the defense is a bit low in comparison to other sets.Bone armor. When looking for HH armor always check and see if a set has maestro or enough slots to gem it in.
Ooh, the Kut Ku set looks nice.
But there are no quests for it...
How are you all going about gathering things like Honey, regardless of the Multiplying guy (Moga is at 3 stars) i feel like i'm always on the edge of running out compared to MH3U and Tri where that was a non issue.
Poor Brachydios she is such a wimp in MH4U.
The slime attacks aren't nearly as threatening and the health pool is absolutely tiny. The frenzied brach quest was so easy compared to frenzied tigrex.
Also does village high rank end at 8 star? Or does village still have no G rank?
I guess it depends on how you play, do people just pile drive through the quests? I take my time, use each quest to grind for materials to upgrade weapons, make new weapons and armor, level up cats, it usually all balances out like regular RPGs where I'm at a decent level throughout the play through because I take my time.
I'm on the 8* quests and it's been smooth sailing so far (I'm still in low rank armor). I'm glad to hear the difficulty picks up.
Village ends at 10*. There are a few G rank village quests.
Frenzied Tigrex (and regular Tigrex) is a complete joke. At least Brachy has the new combo's to catch you off guard.
you are talking about village quests right? because if you are looking for difficulty, village is not ideal at all
The hammer head hit box is hilariously broken in this game. I'm fairly certain I won't hit heads in MHFU by hammering underneath the monster.
Was it also like this in 3U? I didn't use hammer there since I wanted something different.
Got a Rathalos plate on my first Rathalos Quest :3 that's 3 Rathian plates, 1 Rathalos, and 1 Gore Magala plate. Also have an earth dragon gem but not sure if that's rare or not?
Got a Rathalos plate on my first Rathalos Quest :3 that's 3 Rathian plates, 1 Rathalos, and 1 Gore Magala plate. Also have an earth dragon gem but not sure if that's rare or not?
Woo that was on my first Dah'ren kill I accidentally joined being only HR2 at the time. Feeling lucky.Earth dragon gems are rare.
God I hate when one bullshit hitbox clip leads to a chain of about 30 hits.
Fuck you Gravios.
Why do I see people hating on SnS online? It's so versatile. :l
*eats a mushroom in protest*
Why do I see people hating on SnS online? It's so versatile. :l
*eats a mushroom in protest*
because DD > SnS in DPS and that's the only thing that matters.
More defensive options to keep yourself in the fray longer is not as important as spamming A+X in demon mode enough times for your arms to break off.
This literally happened to me about 2 mins ago lol. He's so annoying
Wait people actually block?![]()
Why do I see people hating on SnS online? It's so versatile. :l
*eats a mushroom in protest*
by online do you mean in-game? Because I've never seen that kind of thing when I played online in past games. If 'online' you mean 'gamefaqs' it's because they are shitheads and always have been.
SnS might have had some issues in Tri where there were like 4 of them and they all sucked, but it's fine in games with a decent selection of gear. You won't win speed run competitions but you'll still kill it faster than a button mashing charge blade user who gets hit constantly.
Village ends at 10*. There are a few G rank village quests
You won't win speed run competitions but you'll still kill it faster than a button mashing charge blade user who gets hit constantly.
Is it normal that when using ranged weapons i can only move the aim sight in four directions with the c stick of the new 3ds xl? Only up, down, left or right, no diagonals up/left up/right or down/left down/right...
Wait people actually block?![]()
Is it normal that when using ranged weapons i can only move the aim sight in four directions with the c stick of the new 3ds xl? Only up, down, left or right, no diagonals up/left up/right or down/left down/right...