that's what I just did lolmessaged you ingame
Going to do Advanced: Purge and Binge: Hunt a Tetsucabra and a Zamtrios to rank up meat in the kitchen and various other 3* key quests after.
No passcode and ID is: 28-0547-9636-1700
Thanks a bunch for the clarification, that helped me out a lot.
Still unclear on one thing though: is the charm system different in this game? Is it actually possible to have a "dummy" charm that only has 3 slots with no embedded skills? (referring to the OOO charm with seemingly no skills)
I was also debating between Tigrex or blos, but liked the monoblos look betterI was debating on making this but went with Tigrex instead. The extra defense of a proper HR armor has made the rest of HR much more enjoyable.
Will probably rock this set into G.
... Bah! I've needed a Seregios Dissenter for about 5 days now, and haven't got another one after 13 Seregios. :c
I have just hit 5* village quests, so I can't answer that, but it was fairly easy to find OOO (no skills) charms in MH3U, so it's probably the same in MH4U.
Anyone down to play?
HR6 brachydios, and then urgent time!
Got two for both of my Seregios fights. Now that I know they're rare drops I'll never get another one.... Bah! I've needed a Seregios Dissenter for about 5 days now, and haven't got another one after 13 Seregios. :c
Made my final HR armor. Monoblos armor with attack up XL, critical eye +1 and adrenaline +1. If I have a slot more on my next weapon I can boost it to critical eye +2.
g-rank seregios? we are farming him right now and got a spot open
Got two for both of my Seregios fights. Now that I know they're rare drops I'll never get another one.
What's the point in selecting items to take after a quest? Why wouldn't you always take everything?
Anyone down to play?
HR6 brachydios, and then urgent time!
Cool thanks guys one sec
I have this really weird need to make the DeathPrize weapon because I used it a lot in PS2 MH.
i miss using claw controls
thumb on stick, finger on dpad for constant camera controls.
Yep! Back then I always felt like I was helpful whenever I would paralyze a monster. Good times back then.That's the para SnS made from Genprey and Gendrome parts, right? That thing was my go to Plesioth killer back in first gen.
Here it is
Here it is
dammit already fullHere it is
Okay, so I could use some advice. I've just beaten Shagaru Magala in the offline campaign and I have no idea what to aim for next. No fight has been particularly difficult so far, but maybe that's because I haven't ventured online yet.
Now I can go to the Dunes, but that's a 7* quest and I think the time is right to upgrade... but to what? I understand it's good to have options, but my head's spinning. I am completely overwhelmed by the crafting aspect. I'm still wearing full Ludroth gear, and using a relic hammer.
Thanks in advance.
Sword and Shield or Charge Blade. Just do the noob quests that make you fight a Great Jaggi in the arena in single player. You should get a feel for what suits you.
I actually played with a taco player online not sure if it was you?
Fuuuu. For XL?![]()
Capcom made this weird contraption just for you.
Oh wait, you are right. I just checked and all my OOO charms in MH3U have at least one skill. My bad.Wow, I honestly had no idea that was even possible in MH3U. I thought all charms had to have at least 1 embedded skill. Never came across a slot-only charm.
There's a list in the OP that you can add your name and friend code to.What's the best way to start getting people on my friend's list? I'm currently HR2 and play mostly on the weekends.
You know what's better than one Frenzied Tigrex? Two of them. I think I'll hate that quest... Here we go. Hopefully, HR is close...
Why is the cat's Scylla Armor so cute![]()
Anyone know how much each area can be leveled up to at the Wycoon? I currently have them all at 2 stars.
Tips on getting Gravios Wings? I'm having trouble breaking them and I need 4.
Poison or Paralysis?
Assuming you have two weapons with the same Raw and Status damage, both with the same sharpness and both of the same type(Sword and Shield, Insect Glaive), which one would be overall better?