Thank you! The ID is 19-1083-7950-4089 and there's no password. Anyone welcomed
room for 2 now
Thank you! The ID is 19-1083-7950-4089 and there's no password. Anyone welcomed
burgerdog, gotta go somewhere for a bit so I'll be back on later tonight. HR4 > HR5 tonight, y'all!
Yep yeproom for 2 now
Dang, need a bunch of Rhenoplos carapace to finish the Tetsucabra S armour set but I can only get them in a guild 4 quest. Time to start the guild quests I guess.
Nice! I think I just need rubbery hide+ and maybe some konchu shells, and I'll be there too!After grinding Nerscylla at High Rank, me and burgerdog done upgraded:
The skills are pretty nice on it, I can potentially have all these skills after gems/talisman:
Capture Guru
Trap Master
Critical Eye+1
Negate Poison
Speed Sharpner
Or I can replace Speed Sharpner with Guard Up.
Indeed! Sorry about the disconnect. Keep getting a lot of "unable to connect to server" messages which is a PITA.Sassy, you a gaffer? lol
Indeed! Sorry about the disconnect. Keep getting a lot of "unable to connect to server" messages which is a PITA.
Er, I fucked up. You just have to break the horns when he's in rage mode. Mounting, traps, whatever to get damage on them.What are Gore Magala's Feelers?
I thought they'd be the stuff on its head, but I guess thosre're just horns.
See my edited post, derpUgh, that sounds horrid.
Luckily this isn't a Guild Quest.
hug his ballsSeriously is there a secret to this Shagaru Magala fight? He will not go down, and he hits like a truck.
Seriously is there a secret to this Shagaru Magala fight? He will not go down, and he hits like a truck.
After about 20 "Error Code: 001-0502 Unable to connect to the server." messages in a row, I guess I'll be stuck doing more offline quests for awhile...It's no problem. Room as been remade, and I'm just gathering right now.
See my edited post, derp
After about 20 "Error Code: 001-0502 Unable to connect to the server." messages in a row, I guess I'll be stuck doing more offline quests for awhile...
Seriously is there a secret to this Shagaru Magala fight? He will not go down, and he hits like a truck.
And if you try baiting it into a trap, "Here's lazer beam for you" until it become bored and left the area.So. Gravios is pretty annoying.
After about 20 "Error Code: 001-0502 Unable to connect to the server." messages in a row, I guess I'll be stuck doing more offline quests for awhile...
Anyone around to help a lbg hunter out with HR 3 urgent? @_@
Fortunately, it seems to be connecting again now. I tested the 3DS browser on some sites and they came through okay, so it seemed like something on the server end. Perhaps the servers got full? Hard to say.Have you tried restarting your router? I noticed that sometimes my 3ds (and phone) just won't connect to the router for whatever reason. A reset fixes that for me.
Gravios (and everything related to it) is the worst fucking monster in the game. Fuck this piece of shit
Sweet hid is
Gravios (and everything related to it) is the worst fucking monster in the game. Fuck this piece of shit
Why does Khezu have no song?
Why does Khezu have no song?
They couldn't find music that was creepy enoughWhy does Khezu have no song?
Because he's blind. The music only starts when a monster sees you.
Because it's blind. The music only starts when a monster sees you.
I asked this awhile ago, and a MH vet told me that it's intentional because of the blind thing. There's actually a bug in MHF2(?) where it does play music.Why does Khezu have no song?
NVM, I didn't notice I had a full room I was hosting XD
Anyone want to help me go from HR3 to 4? I only have Tigrex, Seltas Queen and the urgent to do still